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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. Please keep the discussion on-topic people. And while you are free to disagree with each other, please do not insult each other in the process. There's no need for an us-against-him attitude toward the OP.
  2. This question about how to play the game has been moved to Gameplay Questions.
  3. Hello Beechnutk. Jr. What would you consider "medium" difficulty? What have you done so far?
  4. Some of us moderators played this for a while. It was kind of fun.
  5. A personal argument has been removed from this thread. Please do not attack each other over your choices in operating systems.
  6. I just tried this, and "redo" seemed to restore what I had written.
  7. When a new version comes out, there's always a frenzy of new threads. Frank's opinion on feature X, Betty's opinion on feature X, Ralph's fix for bug Y, Veronica's request for a fix for bug Y, etc., etc. For the first few days, we try to reduce duplication and confusion by collecting everything in one master thread. We stop once things settle down a bit.
  8. Your suggestion has been moved to Kerbal Network, since it's about the forum rather than the game.
  9. Welcome to the forum, Kronos1174. Your question has been moved to its own thread in the area for welcoming newbies. And while I'm here, maybe try the moon guide I made?
  10. Maybe try my written guide and example rocket?
  11. The thing looks GIGANTIC with the cars in the frame!
  12. The price went up to $40 some time ago. Either you saw a sale price, or old information. There are sales from time to time on the KSP store, Steam, and GOG.com, though.
  13. Folks, modders work on their own schedules, when they have time, and to be blunt, when they feel like it. As volunteers, this is entirely up to their discretion. You are free to be unhappy about it, but angry complaints like this will not make the modders work any faster. In fact, it might discourage them from working at all. So having said your peace, yes, please, now do drop the subject before this crosses over into harassment, which is a violation of our forum rules (2.2.d).
  14. Looks like this is defunct. We can open it if OP messages us.
  15. Modding question moved to the modding subforum.
  16. Sadly, @fortraan, I would not expect a reply to your request. This member has not posted in almost three years.
  17. When a gun is fired, it can miss, wound, or kill. When a knife is thrown, it always hits and is invariably fatal. Ah, snipers. 1. If you do not see the enemy sniper's face, "he" will always turn out to be a "she." 2.; The only way to kill a sniper is to make sure your bullet passes through his telescopic sight and through his eye. If you can't line up that shot, don't bother firing because you'll miss.
  18. It's dead, Jim. We can unlock the thread if the OP messages us.
  19. Questions about this mod have been merged into the thread for this mod.
  20. This thread has been moved to the off-topic sub, since it's about computer/operating system performance rather than KSP itself.
  21. This thread has been moved to the off-topic sub, since it's about computers rather than the game itself.
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