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  1. Nothing with this conflicts with Near Future, near future actually pairs nice since you can use it to get your bases on other planets.
  2. I uninstalled VABO for this reason, if this fixes it, that would be great. @towermom9: You could post your fix as its own mod if you wanted. Edit 2: VABO Patch doesn't seem to work on my end. Here is my log: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/8289qw7mt5xz8lv3rg07w/Player.log?rlkey=o3euxadf1q4hkl7dnpg8732nx&st=ob4eipe5&dl=0
  3. This is in the updates log on github, noticed I was missing MTBF slider too so I decided to check github to see if it was mentioned. Edit: @Angelo Kerman I know we can change it in the config, but why was 1 hour chosen for the default MTBF for engines? It's drastically lower than any of the other parts.
  4. The Jupiter-C nose cone is supposed to have a built in decoupler, but doesn't in game. I've noticed that the config has the decoupler module commented out. Am I missing something or do I need to put a decoupler between the Jupiter-C nosecone and the Sargent upper stage now? Edit: Found an older post by @Jso that says to add a decoupler between the nose cone and the Sergeant upper stage to facilitate the dock rotate feature, which I guess is why the decoupler built into the part was disabled, although the part description still lists it having a decoupler.
  5. In VAH/SPH there is a Scrapyard Category which shows you all the parts in your inventory. On top of that if you click the crane lifting a rocket on the bottom and click on a part it'll show you how many of a given part and how many times it has been used.
  6. What's the unit of measure for retirement? Years? Current minimum is 1 and Maximum is 5, but all my new Kerbal's have 2 years before they retire. Was looking at increasing, especially later in my career as some real life astronauts have had 10-20 year careers. Edit: Also, @R-T-B, it would be nice if there was a way to edit the config file from within the game.
  7. I believe @allista hasn’t been on the forums since like 2022, so if it’s a problem with TCA it’s dead in the water. Unless a certain someone were to take over the mod
  8. Until the craft files are updated, you could always use the wiki to build the crafts. Edit: I think I might have a copy of the IVA patch, I’ll check when I get home from work.
  9. My apologies It doesn’t make sense that it’s just those 3 engines causing the problems.
  10. ~~Reinstalling KSP again and just TCA and A+ with dependencies.~~ New KSP install with just TCA and A+ plus a cache refresh of CKAN and its the same thing. This time it was pretty much the craft you made in your tests but with the Thumper engine. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/w3n8ycybs7b9bjok96951/Logs2.7z?rlkey=stokutqyxe1bp3dwkwscg1m80&st=75jl0tzp&dl=0 Edit: Just realized you don't have TCA Enabled in your last screenshots. That is the moment it crashes for me, when I click the Enabled button. I can summon TCA no problem
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