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Posts posted by Eskandare

  1. On 3/12/2020 at 9:01 AM, derbleifuss said:

    I am having som Trouble with the Baikerbanur Space Center. See this Picture:


    I originally intended to remove all the Custom Assets to revert to the "stock" Launch Site that you get from the Kerbal Konstructs Mod by deleting the KSC2 Folder from the Kerbin Side Remastered Directory; this is what happened:



    Any Help how I can launch from the original Baikerbanur Launch Pad? I started this Thread about it too:



    I really don't know what happened there. It may be a problem with either deleting the group or leaving the group.

  2. 1 hour ago, Jesusthebird said:

    Just an FYI, I am running 1.8.1. That being said I noticed the KR-71 has a strange offset for CoM. is this something that can be tweaked somehow? the CoM looks like where the rear attachment node is. Is anyone else having this issue? Is it intended?


    Id also like the point out that although not perfect..at all... the kr-71 doesnt currently have an IVA. I went ahead and copied over the 'raven' internal module from Mk2X mod and I can now go EVA and view the cockpit from the inside. I chose this internal because from a model perspective its almost identical in shape..amount of windows and placement of said windows. I think the kr-71 deserves its own IVA however..I dont know how to make em..so this was my workaround.....its not that bad of a quick-fix i say lol. At least I can go EVA now without doing a crew transfer or having an extra kerbal compartment. The IVA itself seems incomplete but I dont really care much. Regardless that would be an MK2X issue. 

    The CoM at the back of the cockpit is intended that way. I've thought of changing it forward a little bit since I've been abstractly setting the CoM of the part where the average mass of the seats, electronics, etc. are located. I think I had some logic for the CoM being at the attach node, or I forgot to move it forward. Eh... i'll be probably be changing it next update.

  3. 12 hours ago, vardicd said:

    @Eskandare So i have a question, scansat shows a landmass very similar in appearance to the Kerman atoll here:

      Reveal hidden contents


    38 Lat 109.79 Lon



    Yet on arrival at the coordinates, there is nothing but water.


    Is this a bug with Kerbinside, or a bug of some sort with SCANsat? should there be something there, or not?

    There should only be the kerman atoll. I didn't create any new major land masses. There is however a crevasse in the shape of a smiley face underwater, but that is stock. Now I look at the picture, I have absolutely no idea. Hmmm...

  4. 8 hours ago, WallHaxx said:

    CKAN is still wizardry to me. I guess I just have to wait for them to index it or something?

    I'll talk to @linuxgurugamer about indexing it for me. I still haven't gotten the hang of CKAN.


    Also, I'm working on some new anomalies! Some sci-fi nerd culture stuff, some weird stuff, some silly stuff, and some stuff to honor people. If you haven't explored Cape Kerman base in KSR,  you should. If you don't know where it is, it is close to the Coordinates of the real Kennedy Space Center  There is an anomaly there that is worth seeing and reading the plaque. Please pay your respects some time.


  5. 2 hours ago, Stone Blue said:

    Yup... specifically the tug, here:

    EDIT: OH!... wait... from the last few posts in the KSO thread, it looks like @Eskandare has permission to "continue" the mod... :thinking:
    Wow... You have a plate *full* of stuff, Eskandare... ;)

    Yes I do, along with real life. I am hoping I'll get back to this since 1.9 is now up. There have been so many changes that I don't want to get a new version made and have to redo everything just because Squad changed something. There is a tremendous amount of work that need to be applied to the models, masks, wheel fixes, CoM / CoL fixes, etc. 

    2 hours ago, zer0Kerbal said:

    wonder if @Eskandare has it on a github repo...

    I do but KSOS isn't on there yet.

  6. 8 hours ago, vardicd said:

    also just out of curiosity, does anyone happen to know if the bases and airports added will show up as anomalies or locations on a SCANsat scan? 

    As far as I know all anomalies should appear on scansat. I'm working on some new stock scanning aircraft parts for Eskandare Aerospace so that fly bois can use aircraft to s an for the anomalies. 

  7. On 2/17/2020 at 4:13 AM, FahmiRBLXian said:

    Also, what about adding airport(s) onto the West of the continent that has Dessert? 

    There sould be some on that continent and a few on the islands. There should be a bunch. I've tried to spread airfield out so it isn't over saturated. 

  8. On 2/14/2020 at 10:41 AM, Beetlecat said:

    Hey @Eskandare (or any pro KK users), any notion of what it would take to get KSR's KSC Upgrades components to work on JNSQ's Kerbin?

    The other bases load fine, but are just in "odd" places/depths relative to the terrain. I'm thinking of taking an afternoon visiting them all and seeing if I could come up with some possible new locations or orientations. The KSC upgrades themselves are thwarting me so far. They either just don't load at all, or are hidden under the terrain (or something).

    I'm thinking I could drop a new static next to KSC, then compare it to the KSCUpgrades configs to see how they compare. Is this the right tree to bark up?

    I miss those runway lights and taxiways to go along with KSC Extended (which is workin' fine...)

    At some point I plan to make a JNSQ version but I haven't be able to get around to it. I've bee investigating how to make the O'Neill cylinder a reality for KSP, and some continued work on Eskandare Aerospace.  Also I still need to update KSR to the new shader so that the roads blend.

  9. On 1/23/2020 at 9:48 AM, Stone Blue said:

    Hmmm... mebbe this could be worked in as a dependency? vOv

    Hmmm... AlphaMensae has done some amazing work on an elevator for moving kerbals, in his LaunchTower mod... vOv

    @Eskandare any chance you'ld be willing to throw what you've done so far, up on the web somewhere's, for others to poke at?

    Hi @Stone Blue I've been off and on tinkering with a larger one so the rotation can be slower to maintain 1g. The original design did have a neutral orbital 'dock' but since it was originally designed as a static, it would have to have a KAS thing, or claw to attach a docking port and maybe mini station to the non rotating 'port.' Since she is so huge, a lot of work would have been needed for details and to make it pretty. Also cities and stuff on the rotating section. Maybe @Ger_space could make a simple rotator so that I don't have to use a bloated animation for the rotation. to make it a craft/part would be monstrous but rotation might be easier to achieve. I'd have to use some very simple colliders to prevent RAM and process bloat. I think, other then the BG DLC I think there is another mod that has rotations set up. The mass calculation would be massive, I'd have to be sure I didn't tempt the Kraken.  I'll be pondering this whilst I study in my astronomy program. I do want to have this available in the future to add an element of futurism, and a port for those who have achieved a level of career advancement where such a thing would be reasonable to construct. If I made it as a part (ideally) then it would have to be made via a construction mod due to the size and mass. This would create a sense of realism as the player would have to get enough resources into space to construct it.

    Things it needs and hurdles to overcome:

    • Enough mass that it cannot be easily knocked off course or out of orbit.
    • A model with colliders that it doesn't kill the processor or ram bloat.
    • Big enough that the rotation can be managed by the physics model/engine and provide a simulated 1g for a kerbal to stand, thus tricking the engine to think it was on the ground (this can only be done as a static due to the physics engine limitations). 
    • Ideally a part/craft so that interactions with the station can be intuitive fluid and allow for additional part building, such as  docking ports, etc. Please note this would limit the size to approximately 2km in diameter for the physics engine to handle or else the Kraken will eat Kerbal kind.


    This is basically my goal with the O'Neill Cylinder or any station similar

  10. On 12/7/2019 at 4:08 PM, Audiobotguy03 said:

    I have to say, great mod! I really enjoy the variety of cockpits included with the mod, I've built a couple of real life aircraft to try them out.

    Also I'm interested to see the new cockpits you're planning to add, plus with the nuclear engines and the KRX rotors coming back.



    And, little question, Do you plan on adding in more engines aside from the nuclear ones and the rotors? (such as other new jet engines?)


    Thank you! I'm mostly trying going for stock-alike esque styled cockpits of the actual cockpits, with that, borrowing [citation and credit to the creators] a few IVA bits to achieve this.

    The nuclear aircraft propulsion engines will have a bit of a face lift, well, mainly new models and configs. KRX rotors are slowly returning with the more detailed models similar to the SH-3 rotor. I was debating on making ones that work like the new stock ones. the complexity looks like a fun challenge, but it'll come later. 

    I'll Be adding more engines, a variation of @blackheart612's C-130 engine, mainly just a reskin for the blades. An engine based off the Convair B-36 Peacemaker engine, and maybe a few others. There are a ton of fixes I still need to make for the mod and still all the cockpits. So I have a lot ahead of me.

    On 12/8/2019 at 2:52 PM, Clasher236 said:

    Add F-100 super saber cockpit and maybe F-86 cockpit pls.

    May be a possibility in the future.

    On 12/9/2019 at 4:54 PM, Jafizal said:


    I'm so happy  that i found this mod! love making replicas (as i work in an air museum in the UK) but i'm always limited by cockpits. Don't mean to be rude but do you think that an airliner cockpit would be possible in the future? like the A350? or maybe the 777. Those would be absolutely amazing

    I have a couple of civil cockpits and I may release them. I'll look into them after the MK-V is completed. 

  11. On 11/15/2019 at 7:51 AM, V8jester said:

    Hey @Eskandare While I was mucking about last night rebuilding some of my aircraft for 1.7.3. I noticed that a couple of the 3m hull segments were duplicated. I believe those were supposed to be the 3.5m segments. Otherwise, really loving the new Osprey Nacelles. And the adjustments you made to the scale of some of the command pods.

    I now have a much better sense of scale between my V-22, KC-10 and KC-130 when they’re flying next to one another.

    If I could make a selfish request for down the road? I built a C-5 last night. Using the Antanov system in SXT. And it works... But it would be really nice to have a better tail ramp with the side opening flaps. And a better profile when taking off and not dragging tail on such a large plane. I scaled everything up to 5m and it’s scale looked about right to my other planes. A flatter nose / fuselage with that cleaner integrated ramp in the front would also be fantastic! For wider loads, and overall lower profile when landed. But hey this is also KSP, there is always another way to build something ;)

    Great work man! Really digging the mod!

    I have partial work made on the Mk V fuselage, basically a Kerbal C-5. I hope to have that done in the near future.


    On 11/21/2019 at 1:28 PM, CardboardGuy said:

    does anyone know if this works on 1.8.x?

    It should work in 1.8.x because it is just parts.  Just update the plugin with @Angel-125s new version of his Kerbal Actuators plugin.

  12. 16 hours ago, V8jester said:

    Just stumbled across this and wanted say. Thank you!

    I thought this mod bit the big one, and just realized the name changed. Super excited to rebuild and update a couple old crafts

    @V8jester I wondered where you'd been. Good to see you back. Thank you, I look forward to seeing what you come up with.

    On 10/19/2019 at 8:03 AM, Minyon69 said:

    If somebody want to use TweakScale with all parts in this pack, just put this file(https://mega.nz/#!b0I1hYwQ!oW6PfavXi9DFo_n0BxBZkP3qXgTFsaYSA75iqdhOu0w) in \\Game Data\TweakScale\patches\ folder and here you go scale freely EVERYTHING! Have fun! :cool:

    And if you have some problem with anything -because its just a quick addon- please reply and I fix it. Thanks! :) 

    Cool! But be warned I'll be fixing a few things and adding a few IVAs soon. Work has been busy so I haven't had too much time, but soon I'll have more content. 

  13. On 4/2/2019 at 7:22 PM, Raptor22 said:

    When this does get updated, one thing that you'll need to look at are the RCS transforms.  It appears that 2 years between versions has caused some slight problems with rendering the of the RCS effects, as they're both backwards, firing from the wrong thrusters (pretty much every single thruster fires just for a roll), and way too large:


    Now, the RCS still works to move the shuttle - it just doesn't function properly. I've tried to make my own fix with little luck (I can only really do the most basic of config edits).

    Realplume still appears to work, which is nice.

    I'll most likely have to recompile everything in Unity as the set up has changed a bit since last release.

  14. On 9/2/2019 at 9:56 PM, H3xx said:

    If you're making some animated parts,  It would be pretty awesome to have some swing wings. Like the RAF Tornado, you could make it so that the swing into a delta position at high speeds to increase control. You can kind of make this using the hinges, but it's messy and difficult to get right. and it's not very portable. And to my knowledge, there's not anything similar in other mods.

    Tornado cockpit and F-101 Voodoo, and F-104 are being planned. I don't know if I'll do wings as they really don't do much as just an animation, the servos moving wings changes the COL and COM a bit and some of the drag cube angle a tiny bit.

    6 hours ago, Jesusthebird said:

    im so glad to see freddys kr71 cockpit continued!! This mod will be a must have alongside airplane plus as you suggested, well done!!

    Freddy's KR-71 is finally going to have an IVA too.

  15. On 9/1/2019 at 4:05 AM, Cruss said:

    Heya! I've tried these parts but noticed they are not FAR compatible.

    I checked to see how the m2x expansion pack did it and it seemed fairly easy, requiring only 2 MM manager patches, although these do not touch the rotors. Mainly because I wouldn't know what would happen. 




    @minimum_drag = 0

    @maximum_drag = 0

    @angular_drag = 0




    ^ copy and paste twice and change EHI to EA for the sr 71 cockpit. In a mm patch wherever you like. I chose to create a patches folder in the eskandare folder and put it there.


    I've tested it and it should work, except for the rotor parts. 

    Edit: lift indicator for rotors does not show a lift arrow now but I was under the impression they where named differently. 

    Thank you for creating a FAR patch, the rotors are just engines generating thrust. I haven't decided if I wanted to make rotors based off of stock BG rotors. The main issue would be how the mast would move to fold the blades, and lack of sounds?

  16. On 8/30/2019 at 8:00 AM, Violet_Wyvern said:

    Just build this baby and soaring the sky...

    It's fully loaded and armed , And it's beautiful...


    Pretty decent looking build.

    7 hours ago, Sebastiaz said:

    This V-22 cockpit was well worth the wait my man. Excellent mod, can't wait to see what comes out of it in the future! :D  

    On a second note, is it possible to update the standalone osprey rotors so they're able to fold? ^^



    That's a really good looking build. I don't plan on doing any changes or updates on the old KRX rotors.

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