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Everything posted by panarchist

  1. Just thought I'd add this for anyone who wanted to see how to build a custom calendar using Kronometer. This is for the stock system scaled up 2.66X Custom month names for 28/29 day months and an odd month called "Festival" to handle the remaining days in the year. At 2.66x, a year on Kerbin is 349 days. Offset time is set so that "noon" (6am, as there are 12 hour days) is when the sun is directly overhead at KSC. The calendar starts during the spring equinox, so the months start with the local equivalent of April. (I am using a modified version of HarderStockSystem, which simulates an axial tilt and creates true seasons on Kerbin) The year is offset 1,955 years so that the displayed date says "1955" at game start. Final result looks like this: @Kronometer:FOR[KScale266] { %useHomeDay = true %useHomeYear = true %useLeapYears = true %resetMonthNumAfterMonths = 12 %resetMonthsAfterYears = 1 !DisplayDate,* {} !Months,* {} DisplayDate { PrintDate { offsetTime = 21600 offsetDay = 1 offsetYear = 1955 displayDate = <Y> <Mo1> <Dm> displayTime = < - <H:00>:<M:00> displaySeconds = :<S:00> } PrintDateNew { offsetTime = 21600 offsetDay = 1 offsetYear = 1955 displayDate = <Y> <Mo1> <Dm> displayTime = < - <H:00>:<M:00> displaySeconds = :<S:00> } PrintDateCompact { offsetTime = 21600 offsetDay = 1 offsetYear = 1955 displayDate = <Y> <Mo1> <Dm> displayTime = < - <H:00>:<M:00> displaySeconds = :<S:00> } } Months { Month { name = Planting symbol = Pln days = 28 } Month { name = Greensprout symbol = Grn days = 29 } Month { name = Foreharvest symbol = For days = 28 } Month { name = Firstfruit symbol = Fir days = 29 } Month { name = Goldenfield symbol = Gol days = 28 } Month { name = Greatharvest symbol = Grt days = 29 } Month { name = Firewood symbol = Fir days = 28 } Month { name = Deadfall symbol = Ded days = 29 } Month { name = Koldhearth symbol = Kol days = 28 } Month { name = Festival symbol = Fes days = 5 } Month { name = Bitterwind symbol = Bit days = 29 } Month { name = Whitefield symbol = Wht days = 28 } Month { name = Frostmorn symbol = Frs days = 29 } } }
  2. Unless you're on Mac, in which case, carefully copy them in a directory at a time. Then again, those on Mac probably are already aware of this.
  3. Not sure it's been more frequent. I definitely noticed this outage, but with the news, I'm also more aware of it. Fortunately, it looks like this isn't hosted on a Microsoft server, or TTI isn't using Crowdstrike, because it made it through this morning unscathed.
  4. One caveat - drill down into the folders first. (in general) There are a few mods out there which put the GameData folder one or two folders down. For example: My Mod v1.1 | My Mod | GameData | My Mod In this case, you would go into the folders until you got to GameData, THEN copy the folder inside and paste/extract into your GameData directory in your KSP install. Most mods will be as ColdJ said - either the zip will contain a GameData folder with the mod inside, or the zip will have a named folder with a bunch of subfolders and files inside like "parts", "spaces", "textures", "models", "config", etc - in which case you just drag the named folder into GameData. In rare cases, the zip file will just have the subfolders with no named "top" folder. (the Zip file represents the top "named" folder) In this case, while you *could* drag them into GameData, it's better to create a folder in GameData to copy/extract them to.
  5. It would need to block all neutrons from leaving the reactor, and it would need to be able to convert all the heat into more useful forms of energy while remaining 100% insulated from its supports and everything else around it. (For 99% efficient) For 70% efficient, keep all the above but allow the reactor to bleed heat through its surroundings (but not too much heat). It's converting the heat into useful energy that's the real trick, since you're then trying to decrease entropy. Close - Argonne National Laboratory, which is part of the Idaho National Laboratory complex. The Naval Reactors Facility is part of the same complex but a separate entity. There have been / are 23 breeder reactors. 6 were US but none currently operate. The only 2 active commercial breeders are in Russia. India is developing one.
  6. Barely over 2 weeks. You've been awesome about pushing out builds to address issues folks are having. Thanks for taking the time to push out another update.
  7. You don't have to know anything about the specific product to make those decisions if you know the industry really well or know people really well. Successful companies do this all the time, because the people there doing the hiring either know software development, project management, and/or people management really well - they have mastered one or more of those three disciplines and that gives them the ability to hire the right people. The key to a successful business isn't knowing everything - it's knowing how to find, acquire and hire other people who, combined, do know everything. (or at least enough to succeed) The problem with TTI/PD/IG and KSP2 is they didn't hire the right people to make the project a success. Also that they didn't change out those people when things weren't working far enough in advance to put the project back on track. (or didn't identify the problem early enough to be able to)
  8. Nope - it works while in flight. I don't recommend using it that way, however - when clicking buttons that refocus on certain KK objects, the work area can re-center on the active craft. When flying at 300m/s in an aircraft at 7800m altitude, that can cause some... interesting results. This happened to me last week when I decided to build a ranch for Jeb at the spot just before my plane ran out of fuel so I had somewhere to land and refuel next time.
  9. Make sure you don't have "Focus Last Launch Site" enabled in the KK settings.
  10. It says don't charge for it, share-alike, and attribution: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ (on the first page of this forum thread)
  11. Try removing GameData/MOARdV/Patches/JsiToMasUpgrade.cfg - save it somewhere outside KSP in case you need it again. Basically the old CRTs have to have the JSI props, and the JsiToMasUpgrade forcibly removes and replaces them with the MAS equivalents. Removing the upgrade file from MAS leaves those JSI items in place, and as long as RPM is also installed, those props should again work as expected.
  12. The editor works fine with the latest version of KK and the latest version of KSP (1.12.5) Make sure you're using version v1.8.6.1 of KK.
  13. Does CKAN pull from Spacedock? Spacedock's SSL certificate was expired yesterday. It's corrected today, though, so you might try again.
  14. Same here. I have a metric for entertainment that's based on the cost of a movie (a cheap movie) - $5 an hour. I need to be able to get at least $5 an hour worth for my money. I buy a LOT of games, and many are EA, so for me it's important to know if I should be upset that I "wasted my money". I paid $50 for KSP, I've played 13 hours. That's about $4 an hour. So for me, I didn't waste my money. Am I disappointed? Sure, but I'm not really upset. Is it a bargain? Of course not. I paid $15 for KSP1, and then another $20 for the Steam version, and then paid for both DLCs since I could only get them free on my original copy and I wanted to support Squad. Then I bought it on XBox and also on PS. Altogether I probably spent $100 for all that. I've played KSP for 750 hours on Steam and roughly 3,000 hours total on all platforms / versions. By far I got more for my money on KSP1 than any other game I've ever played. I knew going in that KSP2 was unlikely to hook me as hard - but still, I was expecting things to get a bit further by now than they did. None of this is a surprise to me, though.
  15. "Kerbal Constructs" is actually Kerbal Konstructs. KK and Kerbinside Remastered aren't actually parts mods, as they add no parts. They do have an impact on system resources, but they're closer to a utility than a parts mod.
  16. That's fair, but Bloomberg didn't characterize it as "most likely", they were more definitive with their language than that. You can make your own decision on how reliable Bloomberg is as a source, but that's not an "assumption" - it's an unproven statement. In any case, it's pretty clear from the information we do have that TTI is either closing the IG office and laying off the employees, or they have ~70 remote employees who live in Seattle who are about to lose their jobs - or some combination of the two. I suspect Bloomberg isn't making things up.
  17. It's not an assumption - Bloomberg confirmed it on 5/1, and it's been reported via other news outlets.
  18. It's very unlikely we'll hear anything right up until confirmation of shutdown for the project or the selection of a new developer. Certainly TTI isn't going to say anything that isn't 100% definitive, and all the current/prior devs are under NDA and I'm sure want to keep any severance. I agree that OP's comment about "destroying lives" seems a bit hyperbolic, but it's certainly impactful for the 70 people who are impacted by the closure, and for some I'm sure it's a real hardship. I hope they all bounce back quickly and are able to move on to something else that pays well and is personally rewarding to them. Regardless of how KSP2 was managed, I really appreciate the effort the team put in, and I wish it had worked out better for them, the studio, and the fans. @Siska - you don't have to be a bad developer, you just have to have bad luck. Not to mention there are good devs out there who have trouble finding work due to being "too old", having a disability, or "not fitting in to our culture here". I wouldn't say that's the usual case, but it definitely happens, and for people in those shoes, having to find another job is much more disruptive.
  19. I'll second this and add that I have Nova Kiribani and OPM and still haven't made it past Duna.
  20. Technically, all my mods have PSA in the name, they just all happen to be old. :-D Public Service Announcement.
  21. December '68 - when Apollo 8 orbited the moon - the first time mankind made it past LEO and changed SOIs. Honestly you should get extra kudos for predating the Space Age.
  22. They removed that functionality a year or two back. You have to use an external link like Imgur or Pastebin now.
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