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Everything posted by Gargamel

  1. Considering it's a whole new game, with the code base completely done from scratch, mods will not be compatible between games.
  2. For the record, before anybody gets too upset about it, @kerbiloid is not stating women couldn't be test pilots, just that the vast majority of USSR test pilots were men.
  3. We’ll, they sent me the code, it and it credited to my account.
  4. Have you not heard that song?! That’s the temperature you feel when your spouse decides to flush the toilet while you’re in the shower “OH MOMMA MIA, Let me go!”
  5. I want a Freddy Mercury Thermometer. The temperature determines the tempo and pitch.
  6. It also might just be your computer. My old laptop used to take 20-30 minutes to load up. Enough time to boot up KSP, cook dinner, and sit down with a plate of food to a fully loaded game. My new rig only takes a couple minutes (if that) with a heavily modded game. So you’ll need to confirm it’s actually stick and just not loading really slowly.
  7. Or, you can save a lot of time, add half your mods back in, and the half again. And so on. Reduces the number of loads by a significant amount.
  8. So I ordered a set of small (down to 1.5mm head size) stripped screw extractors. I have a standard set, but they’re just a touch to big for the M5 and T7 type stuff I have to deal with. $18. Ok not bad. 10 drills, 10 extractors. Open the box, there’s a card in there promising a $25 gift card for a 5 star review. Well Heck. So I leave the 5 star rating, with a title like “They paid me $25 for this review”. Contacted the email addy on the card. Numerous back and forths. Finally after about 40 emails of me badgering them over about 3 hours, they sent me the gift card code. \o/ I then promptly changed the review to 3 stars, because my initial impressions on the quality of the item are not good, but I really won’t know till I have a chance to use it. I don’t like misleading people when they are making a purchase.
  9. Let me try..... ahem...... FiiiiiiiffffHooorseman. How’d I do?
  10. Which part are you referring to exactly? I see a bunch of mods in there (but I assume you're referring to the part failure mod).
  11. Well, the easiest answer is to try it and find out. If it doesn't, follow the instructions in this thread to find a version that does: There is a chance that the mod you want does not exist that works for the version you are playing.
  12. Most tutorials usually don't receive many replies. They are intended to be "How To" posts, where a member can read, or watch, the instructions, and follow them easily. Usually clear and concise instructions and formatting aid in this. If a tutorial is written well, it shouldn't need many replies. Some of the best ones out there might go months or even years before somebody asks a question. So be patient, work on the tutorial to perfect it, and you won't have to needlessly bump your post to bring it back to the top.
  13. @Dr. Kerbal, I've merged your new thread into the existing one. It's a good idea, but let's keep similar topics in the same thread.
  14. Reading this thread is why I think KSP2 is in the right hands. Keep it up guys!
  15. I was just assuming it was one of the rare cloth skinned spitfires.
  16. Might not mean much to most of you, but anybody in the Cleveland area listened to this guy one time or another. He will be missed. https://www.cleveland.com/entertainment/2021/03/michael-stanley-cleveland-rock-legend-and-noted-local-radio-and-tv-personality-dead-at-72.html
  17. Dunkirk That's right. Dunkirk. Spitfires do not glide like that. Nothing glides like that. Maybe gliders do.... but not spitfires. There's enough action sequence failures in this movie make me upset to start with... but that scene.... ARG! Maybe it happened in real life, but gah.... not like that.
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