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Everything posted by Gargamel

  1. We only deal with little green men here, not little blue ones... that's why they 'hired' me... to keep the blues ones out.
  2. Gargamel


    There's the "PRISON TRAIN OF DEATH" Right in the middle of it!! 2381. I was going to go with a Pic.... but under section 2381 of the US code of law: It's artwork, a print: https://rodgerbinyone.bigcartel.com/product/earth-2377-map-print
  3. As this is a mod..... moved to Add-on discussions.
  4. Ok guys, I sat down and watched this out of curiosity last night. I actually enjoyed it some. It is NOT a Sci-fi film. This is an art-house piece, I kept being reminded of Waiting For Godot throughout the movie. Yes it's set in a post apocalyptic world, but that is just it's setting. I don't have the vocabulary/jargon to put what the setting really is used as, but it's almost it's own character. Yes the actual science in the movie is sketchy, but these are just plot points, and if they had sat down with some specialists in the respective areas, they could have easily worked out most of the stuff people are having issues with. In particular, the fact that you can see Jupiter better with the 10" scope than Hubble can? If you listen to the dialogue, it is easily conceivable that the view they are actually seeing is very believable, just some CGI twit put up the wrong picture. The dialogue and interactions of the two characters are what drives this piece. The story could have been written a little better, and I'm still mixed on the actress's performance, but over all I found it moving. The twist at the very end was interesting too. If you just accept the bad science as plot points to drive the story, then you'll do fine. They don't harp on details here. Just certain things are the way they are, and you just gotta deal with it. None of the bad science is critical to the story, but it could have been dealt with better and more plausibly in some cases. over all..... 6.5/10. Could use some polish in the script and the acting, that would have bumped it to maybe a 7 or 8. The bad science is such a non factor in this movie, that it doesn't harm the story much at all.
  5. Ehhhhh..... I dunno. I have found that MJ usually has about a +/- 100m accuracy when it comes to precision landing. Probably going to have to use MJ to get it close, and then finish it off manually.
  6. At first glance, you're running to pods of 4 engines each, but only serviced by one air intake each. Those engines might be air starved. Unless those ram scoops are making up the difference.
  7. I have manually launched into Minmus's plane before, but it's hard. I usually just let MJ do the work for me. But that said, there should be a tool to do exactly what you are asking. But I think it should be a mod, a simple one. I think If there was a stock tool to let you launch directly into the plane, the a lot of newer players would miss out on a lot of the lessons learned from planning and executing mid course corrections.
  8. @Manimal Sorry for the delay, but this might help you find mods for an older version:
  9. This has been raised a few times over the years. I believe there is a bug tracker for it too. Simple answer is turn down the volume on your speakers. I know that sounds contrite, but that's the simple answer. I do not know of any patch that can fix this, but some of the modders out there may know.
  10. Works for me in Safari on IOS, not logged in. Works logged in too.
  11. Similar Threads have been Merged. Successfully I think......
  12. Well heck.... I usually play to derail this game.... but with that call out...... @4x4cheesecake
  13. Moved to Addon Discussion, as it more about Mods than Tech Support.
  14. I almost ahem'd in the IO thread to point out this thread, but that one has devolved into it's own little rant, so I didn't :P.
  15. I don't know if it's still the goto mod, but I have always used Interstellar Fuel Switch.
  16. Gargamel


    2341 Gap noted @Green Baron
  17. it's a complete blizzard right here, couple feet coming down, but oddly, i can frequently see the moon... I'll have to go check through out the night
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