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Everything posted by Gargamel

  1. Get a curved 90 inch, Build a mock up cockpit, and sit inside that. Immersion FTW.
  2. I recently discovered, the hard way, that going to repair my telescope at 5500km takes as much (or more) fuel as going to the Mun. Once you leave LKO, the fuel costs go up significantly.
  3. No link, but it's currently near the top of the KSP discussion first page. EULA or TOS discussion thread.
  4. IIRC, the main menu screen is randomly chosen. There is at least one "Easter Egg" screen, so keep an eye peeled for that.
  5. It's not speedy either, and it's not always fool proof, but it's faster than restarting, in the alt-F12 menu, you can reload the database, which is very similar to re starting the game. Might help you out. But, is there an "enable staging" button in the VAB for the chutes? I don't recall one for stock, but with a bunch of mods, it may be one of those, and the default is counter intuitive. I have these also, so maybe you can ignore those initially as you try to whittle down the culprit.
  6. See, now that's what i'm talking about.
  7. I think this is similar to the many parachutes or lotsa engines LOUD NOISES! bug. One engine makes a decent a mount of noise, but when you add a bunch of engines, it makes it really loud, cause they're all firing at once. Same with splashing down, you have multiple parts of the vessel making the splash down noise at the same time.
  8. The fact that my sig is a quote from a post of his should answer your question. Go dig through his posts of a couple years ago. My CPU melted just reading them (and his did literally IIRC). @putnamto, are you feeling better yet?
  9. No No! Was joke! Been there, Myros-08, Myros-09, Myros-0A, whoa wait what? I don't think it needs to be overly complicated. Maybe instead of automating anything, it will just detect a change from a previous design, and have a pop up that offers three choices: 1) Reset numbering to 1 2) Continue on with launch number X 3) Add a block number to this design. That way the workload isn't on your shoulders, the player isn't trying to work under some constraint before tripping an arbitrary limit, and they get to choose how they want to proceed. I'm ok with a mod like this being slightly intrusive if it needs clarification on how to function as I want it to.
  10. Also, if you have issues getting off the runway, sometimes the forward control surface can lift the nose.
  11. They've been emailing you for some time now, trying to figure out what you did, but for some reason, their emails clients won't connect to the server..... hmmm....
  12. I think you meant to quote Instead: Which, yes is technically a canard.
  13. As long as they don't use a mantis shrimp. that little sucker will punch back.
  14. We have all these nice shots, from the ground, of rockets taking off. We also have cool shots from the vessel itself, from cameras attached to the rocket. With the high quality and low cost of modern 'action' cameras, I'd like to see some small cameras deployed from the space craft during launch, to get nice wide panoramic views of the vessel in flight. This would probably be best done during a time of low atmospheric drag and low engine thrust, so the cameras would have a chance to take the shot before being pulled behind the craft. I would hope they would also do so in a fashion that wouldn't risk the main vehicle for a glamour shot. These little cameras would then most likely be recovered wherever they'd come down, or if that's not possible, transmit the images. Just a pipe dream I know, but still it'd be nice. Perhaps one of the people who work for an aerospace company who play KSP might see this, and get that little bird in their ear....
  15. On the "Review Stored Data" window, it would be nice to have a close button. I have stations with dozens of stored experiments waiting to be processed by the lab. When I go to refill the lab, the first few fill it up, and then I have to click "Keep Experiment" another 50 times or so to get the window to close. There's probably a way to do this already, but if not, it would make a nice feature.
  16. You're exactly right. File systems should be done under a best practice methodology, which includes a fixed length numbering system. I might have taken the wrong approach to the request. In the 6 years I have been playing, I cannot recall an instance where I needed to go back and find an earlier quicksave that was automatically created. If I thought I would have to jump back that far, I would create a unique, identifiable, alt-quicksave. While I agree the programmers need to use a best practices method, the users should try to do the same.
  17. One way to look at duty shifts in KSP (and other games that have similar work schedules) is that the work being produced is an aggregate of work and off time. So if a kerbal works 3 hours, sleeps 3 hours, and is producing 10 Science per day, he is actually producing 20 Science per day, for the 3 hours he worked, then sleeps. I just assume the sleep patterns are worked into the schedule.
  18. Is there an option for Hex numbering system? *I'll get my coat* I'd yell at you for taking on another mod, but since you had this one already in your stable, I'll let it slide this time. Thanks for everything.
  19. https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/173371-how-to-get-old-versions-of-mods/
  20. When you are complaining about how you can't remember which quicksave is which, then a numbering system is not the answer. Alt-f5'ing and typing MunlandingY1D235 is far less ambiguous than Quicksave032. EDIT: Or to keep them in order type out YxxxDxxx[Situation]. That way they will be chronological order, with a description of the scenario. I'm all for organized file systems, but that is not the root cause of this issue as presented, laziness is. EDIT2: Apologies if my comments seem harsh.
  21. PrimoDev, meet the Kraken. Kraken, PrimoDev. Now that you have been introduced, enjoy your stay. Sorry, Krakens happen sometimes.
  22. I'm confused, but I'll throw this out there, AFAIK, the DLC requires KSP 1.4.x
  23. To get to the Mun, you don't need any complicated tutorials, or mods, or DV readouts, especially when you consider it a piloting error. Mun is easy: 1) Build a ship you think should get to the Mun. 2) Get into a ~80km circular orbit. Little higher or lower, OK. 3) Point Prograde. With low level kerbals, you'll have to do this manually with SAS assist on. 5) Wait till the Mun is half risen above the horizon. (Appropriate Image I thought, given the user name) 6) Burn 7) Watch the map till you get an intercept. 8) Profit. Now, if you have Maneuver nodes enabled, you can just create one so it gets you to the moons altitude, then click and drag it around till it gets a good encounter.
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