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Everything posted by Gargamel

  1. From a launch, it is MUCH easier to orbit the Sun. Build a rocket, fairly big, but doesn't have to be huge. Point straight up. Turn on SAS. Fire engines. Keep going till you enter Solar orbit. Orbiting Kerbin, on the other hand, takes a lot more finesse. Gravity turns, orital manuevering, controlled burns, etc. The word "easiest" is quite ambiguous in this situation, you'll have to clarify what you mean. Easier could mean less work (Solar), or cheaper rockets (Kerbal).
  2. How is using hyperedit cheating and this wouldn't be? It's the same thing. Identical. You can justify it all you want, but it'd be the same. Just dock the ships and transfer the resources. If you're within loaded range, you're 80% there. Or if you can't dock, learn. If you don't want to do that, use Hyperedit. I can't speak for the mod authors, but I'm pretty sure this would go against the spirit of the mod, and I would assume they have no intent on implementing this.
  3. dozen chapters eh? *snicker* Just read the first two, I'm looking forward to the rest. Given what I've read of your EULA concerns (how I found the thread), have you considered posting this up on a blog site to preserve it just in case? I am also a member of a submarine sim forum (subsim), and there was a story written along another member's gameplay. It was so good I think he published it somewhere online as a complete work.
  4. Every year, I say I'm going to WW... and I never go.... Very cool MD.
  5. That's what I figured, but it's still very annoying. You get used to the controls doing A in one building, and they switch to B in the other. At the very least, an option to toggle this would be nice.
  6. Just going to give out some love for this mod, one of my standard mods for every install. Feature Request: Remember craft settings. I'll setup tanks flows/balances for various resources, namely Snacks and Soil, so the snack generators will not fill up. So every time I load up a vessel, even if it hasn't had a docking, all the tanks are back to off. It'd be nice to remember the tank settings between loadings. I think resetting after a docking is a good thing, as it could cause annoying things to happen, but if it hasn't docked.... Use hyperedit to change the fuel levels in each craft. What your asking goes beyond the intended scope of this mod I believe.
  7. Fair nuff. I hate having the "there's a mod for this" answer in these discussions, as we are talking about perfecting the stock game, but in the meantime, check out TAC fuel balancer. It lists all your tanks by type (it even puts LFOx tanks under one tab, so you can transfer both LF and Ox in the right proportions at the same time), and allows you to move it around. It also has indicates which tanks are separated by docking ports, so you can group select your tanker and transfer out to the rest of the craft. Handles all resources, including life support. https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/139223-ksp-v131-tac-fuel-balancer-v214/
  8. I have no idea, I just know it's one of those things that has been discussed before, kinda like what do kerbals eat, what are they made of, etc. You'll have to do some digging.
  9. Normalize the mousewheel in the VAB/SPH. In the VAB, mw scrolls up and down the ship, while in the SPH, it zooms in and out. Shift-MW zooms in the VAB, and moves up and down in the SPH. It'd be nice if the same commands did the same function in both buildings. Everytime I switch to the SPH, I get all wonky trying to adjust the camera.
  10. This is part of the game's canon. I believe it goes something like it's a descriptor of the Kerbal, not truly a surname. I know this idea/topic pops up every year or so, there's lot of good info on why it is the way it is.
  11. A very detailed post, but I have no idea what you are talking about? I think it's build orientation in the VAB/SPH?
  12. But you can buy a knob from any manufacturer. In this realm, you have to buy it from one publisher. Hence, why they would have to lock out mods. This is like comparing apples to Orangutans.
  13. Because if stupid little items like those you listed become the subject of microtransactions, then that is all the devs will focus on. They will ignore gameplay mechanics for the sake of colored helmets. The game will suffer, bugs will go unfixed for even longer than they already are, and we'll get content for a price that does not actually do anything to improve gameplay. Doing so would require them to lock out mods, and that will kill the game. One of the things that makes this game beautiful is the way @SQUAD has welcomed mods with open arms. Without mods, this game would become boring very quickly for the vast majority of players.
  14. This is amazing. Of Course, I realized I still have the maturity of a 13 year old. My first thought was this is just like the videos we used to watch in Health Class. With that in my mind, I actually laughed when the second word on the screen was penetration. Good vid, should be required viewing for KSP players.
  15. Well, considering this last one made me appreciate I, II, & III all that much more, I'm not holding high hopes. So at least I can be pleasantly surprised then.
  16. Poor Man's Fairings: Nose Cone -- Sepatrons | Decoupler, Flipped over | Payload You can either stage the Seps/decouper, or use an action group to decouple and fire the Engines. I usually prefer this method for payloads that are pretty aerodynamic on their own, but have a blunt end. Your probe should be pretty aerodynamic when it's folded up, just might have flat end, just add a pointy bit that can fly off.
  17. Two things: 1) A very Kerbal picture there. 2) You decide to call it a plane,and not a boat. I thought planes had wings?
  18. Since you are using MJ, there is a setting for showing your COM as a red dot on the vehicle. It's under Attitude adjustment. You can also display your COt and COL with this. I have never used the CoT element before, but I would assume it only shows up under thrust. You might have to quicksave and then play with it, get it tuned, write down the settings, and revert, then reset your engines. The bigger issue though, is that If your ship is off balance with full tanks, the COM will only shift on you as you burn fuel. You will have to adjust on the fly as you burn, or do some serious fuel transfer dancing as you burn.
  19. Not familiar with open track, but there is an Arduino mod for KSP. It sends data over the serial port I believe, so it can control various aspects of the game from custom control boards. [Hardware, Plugin] Arduino based physical display + serial port io+ tutorial (06-Jun) But since IR tracking in this case is just mouse movement emulation, I don't see why you couldn't bodge together some working system. Of course, I find KSP jittery enough on it's own, aside from IVA's, I don't really see a use for it.
  20. Not that I am aware of. I believe it is not possible in KSP, as the ships are built via a tree. A root part makes up the core of the ship, and all parts connected to that one are it's branches, and those branches can have branches of their own. But each branch can have one and only one parent part. So when you are designing your craft, try to add as many parts as you can to the root parts, or at least as close to the root part as you can. Standard best practice for building wings is to add one wing section, and then add more wing sections to that one, so you can easily slide the whole wing up and down the craft as needed. You'll have to do the opposite, attach all your wing parts and what not to the body of the craft.
  21. The mod makers usually try to balance their parts so they fall into appropriate nodes on the tech tree. Most do, some don't, but for the most part the parts are balanced as to the mod makers intent. If the part is very over powered, then it really doesn't matter where it falls, it's still going to be overpowered. But for the most part, most mod parts are usually balanced for the type of part they are trying to make, and placed somewhat correctly in the tech tree. There are mods that alter the tech tree, or completely make a new one, but you have to be pretty intent on using one of these, I'd imagine it's difficult to install one accidentally (but still possible). I'm not aware if it's still possible for modded parts to still fall outside the tech tree, either never being available in career, or immediately available. I know back in the alpha/beta days, this was common, but I haven't seen much occurrence of this in a while.
  22. That's why if you click on the resource tab, they stay up, you can then drag each window to certain location. EDIT2: But I see now that I originally misread your post. I don't know how I feel about this, but I think it's more into mod territory, than a stock feature. There are some tanks out there that carry a multitude of fuels, some service modules carry LfOx and Mono, there would have to be options to toggle between them. Another option that I use a lot is the TAC fuel balancer. Allows for easy fuel transfers, but also shows each tanks (and other resources) fuel level.
  23. If you mouse over the individual resource in the resource display in the top right, it displays the amount of that resource in all the modules containing that resource. It can be a little cluttered at times, but it will do exactly as you ask. And if you click the littel checkbox next to the resource, the windows will stay open, and you can arrange them as you wish.
  24. 99% of crashes like this are from staging issues, but.... Where is the strut connector located in the first collision report? If you are using struts to hold the tips of the boosters in place, and the struts are attached to a fairing, they may not be actually doing anything. The booster may be striking the tank and causing a RUD this way.
  25. Sooooo....... After overclocking the warp on a direct return from minmus, I burn up in the atmo. But the stupid little MJ pod immediately slows to terminal velocity, and will now take 'forever' to crash to the surface. So I whip out the object tosser, and I'm back to the KSC main screen in no time. Now I'm curious about if the thrower works in this screen too. I fire one off, and yup, it works. And I need to rebuild the VAB. Did this comic move? Or is it dead? The link I have for it no longer works.
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