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Everything posted by Gargamel

  1. Does prtScr or Screen Snippet not work in the loading screens? Both are native to Windows.
  2. Thats why you would have filters. Also, time stamps would be user defined, so you could forego them altogether. But events other than dates would have their own time stamps too, so maybe having time stamps for the sake of it might be useless/redundant.
  3. Welding will only take you so far, and I'm a proponent of that mod. Another mod is Konstruction. That mod has special docking ports (not compatible with stock ports, intentionally), that will weld themselves together and disappear on demand, reducing your part count. Use these for the sections that will never need to be undocked, and the Konstruction ports will disappear, reducing your part count by 2 for every docking you do. Learn to be more efficient in your station design. 824 parts is a lot of parts for a station. You're going to have to start over, probably. But that's no biggy, I've built a bunch of stations, over and over. Build yourself a "space tug". Make the tug itself a probe with good RCS and a piddly-decent engine. You don't need much, just some LKO manuevering. Cap it with a docking port, I usually use a senior as most of the bigger station parts are also capped with a senior. But end parts (like a cupola) can be attached to a port, and it will act like a decoupler instead. Use this Tug to build your station. The tug and it's lifter can be saved separately, or as a sub assembly. I find it easiest to save and then build onto the tug as I want a new module. Now instead of each module requiring RCS, engines, fuel, core, etc, you can limit it to the bare minimum of what you need. So if you are sending up a Science module, you can load up your Tug, and on the docking port, cap it with a cupola, a couple science labs, and a Konstruction port. You might need a couple few tiny rcs thrusters on the forward end of the module, if your Tug is having issues controlling bigger modules. Enclose the module with a fairing, and you're ready to go. Dock the module with the station, and decouple the Tug. If you are in a career game, you can then recover the Tug, sandbox you can just deorbit it and be done with it. Now each module will only have 5-10 parts each, allowing you to build much bigger stations, with far fewer parts.
  4. This, and possibly exportable as a xls file. This is probably more mod territory than stock, but I can see this being awesome. Allow it to track every event in the game, contract/career related, and have it log an event every x days, so you can track over time. Then allow for copious filtering to see the data you want. Have it's format open, so other mods, like stage recovery mods, can export their data to it, so you can track specific influences on your funds. Also things like Ore mined, fuel refined, etc. With the right filters, you could track if an ISRU station is actually worth the effort, for example.
  5. I believe the claw will allow for EC transfer.
  6. Get a tutor who focuses on the GED subjects you are weak on. That would be the best way to to cram for this thing. Good luck.
  7. Odette Annable, but I guess that's not what you were asking.....
  8. I've really only used ABS, but I keep mine in a rubber maid bin, with reusable dehumidifier packs in it. If you want, you can mount an axle in one of these boxes, and drill a small hole in it. Line the hole snugly with foam, and run your filament out through there and into the printer. That way only a meter or less of the filament is exposed to humidity. And most of that will get used up in the test print and brim if you use on.
  9. 20,000 leagues Under the Sea, Jules Verne is probably my all time favorite. And since it's public domain now, you can get it free on a Kindle if you choose. It's probably been 20 years since I read it, I think it's time to find another copy. The Rama series by Clarke is amazing. The Expanse series (the show in SyFy right now) is a great read. Foundation by Asimov is good. The Martian, the Matt Damon movie, is another favorite. If you're engineering inclined, it's a great read. On the Beach isn't really SciFi, but it kinda is, but a good read. The Andromeda Strain, while dated, is a fun book. A couple Stephen King epics aren't quite scifi, but still appeal to fans of the genre, The Stand, and the Dark Tower Series (ignore the abomination that the movie turned out to be).
  10. Having been 3d printing for a few years now, I can almost guarantee you 3d printing used for production will fail. I have a product line that I print, but they are one off custom deals for racing boats. If I had to make a business out of it, I would find another form of manufacturing for production. The time involved with mass production of 3d objects is extremely high. It may take me 6-8 hours to print off a boat part, but if I went to a glass reinforced injected plastic, I could make a few hundred a day with a machine in my garage, and a proper injection shop might be able to do a 1000 a day (but they usually have minimum orders of like 10,000 units before they'll even consider a product). I maybe sell a few a month, and easily cover my costs for materials and time, with a significant profit margin on each, but If tried to turn it into a full time business, no way would printing keep up. Not to mention there isn't a market for that many. I'm assuming given the required specs for your machine, you have a specific product or model in mind you want to print. But if it is a bespoke 3d printing based business, I'd suggest you do little research. There are many companies that already do on demand printing, Shapeways for example. They take a model from the customer, print it, and ship it back to you. Depending on the model, that can take a week or so, and are quite expensive. I don't know exactly, but to keep up with their demand, they probably have 100's of printers running full time. There are also printing services, like 3d Hubs, that allow private owners of printers make them available to the public. The customer would send the file to the printer, and they would print it out for them, and then deliver it to the customer. Turnaround is down to a couple days now. But business is sporadic at best for most members of the service. If you'd like, we can PM to discuss this further if you would like more input without publicly revealing your ideas. EDIT: But the best way to get a 12"^3 printer is to make your own. Get yourself a smaller (6"-8") printer, and learn how it works. 3d printing is a rabbit hole of different ideas and approaches. Learn what you like best, and then design and build your own exactly to your specs. There are multitudes of open source based designs available. Then use the printer you do have to print the parts you need for the bigger one. This way, if you realize your idea won't work, or you just don't want to pursue it, you'll have spent half the money, and still have a printer to play with. If you think it will work, you can then have exactly the printer you need for your product. But it can go bad due to moisture or humidity. But with careful storage and/or dehumidifying, you can restore filament to it's proper content.
  11. He's asking about basic math equations, and you point him towards DA? That's like asking for help making a paper airplane and somebody hands you the 'keys' to a 747. But you're right, rote memorization is not the way to go with math. Correct application of the concepts involved is. And that just takes time. 1) Why is this a short term surprise? I know nothing of your situation or background, but the GED is not something you have surprised upon you. If you are home schooled, then it should be planned for in advance. If you are trying to pass it a bit later in life, for whatever reason, then you should have made a long term plan for it. 2) I know there are a lot of people probably asking this same question, given the nature of the forums and who frequents them, but why aren't you already ready for the test? Maybe you know you're weak in some areas, but given you are a KSP player, and a writer from what I can see, you ain't no dummy. You should have enough background already to be able to sit for the test and have a decent shot at passing. If not, you now know what you are weak in. 3) Assuming you still live at home (and there is nothing wrong with that, it's a good way to bank cash until you can set out on your own), you should sit down with the parent's and instead of the ultimatum I believe this really is, have them help you set up a plan to pass the test by the end of the year. Take a practice test, attend classes, get a tutor. Local vocational schools usually run GED prep classes year round-ish. 4) Once you have identified weaknesses, and you obviously think math is one of them, get a tutor. Local colleges and HS guidance counselors will usually be able to hook you up with a good one. It doesn't have to be somebody you know. A good tutor can do so much more in a subject than a good teacher in a full classroom. The one on one environment will allow them to help you learn the subjects you are weak in a lot faster than a classroom. 5) Get a tutor. 6) Set out some short and mid-term goals. I'm getting the feeling, and I may be way off, so apologies if I am, that you are/were hoping to get by writing for a career? That's a very admirable goal, we need more creative people in the world. But until you land that big publishing deal, you'll need to find a way to support yourself. It's very difficult in today's world to get any decent job without a diploma or GED. Unskilled production labor pays well enough to raise a family on, and usually leaves plenty of time for family or other pursuits, but they won't even look at you if you don't have your GED. Non GED worker's are usually stuck in minimum wage roles, and you can rarely make ends meet at these wages. So by setting one of your short term goals (6mo - 1 yr) to be getting your GED, you have allowed your self a better chance of having gainful employment in the future. Set some other long term goals to help steer your future too. Perhaps taking a few classes at a local community college that focuses on your writing would be a great mid- term goal (1yr-3yr). Then write down a couple long term goals (3yr+), and create a set of short and mid term goals you'll need to accomplish to reach that long term goal. By breaking down the big goals into smaller things, they are much easier to accomplish. 7) Get a tutor and study your ass off. If 2 months is all you have, then take a practice test by the end of the week. I'm guessing there has to be quite a few available online. See where you are lacking and study those subjects as hard as you can. There are many free courses available online to help you in your deficiencies. Even if you fail the first time and don't earn it within the 2 month window, hopefully your parents will understand you applied yourself to passing it, and are very close to doing so in the future and will extend their deadline. Good Luck, and get a tutor.
  12. Dangit I said don't! Some things were meant to be left buried, lost to eternity.
  13. I don't know if there is a stand alone mod for it, but MechJeb has settings that will allow you to show both the CoL/D and the CoM on the ship while in flight. You could use MJ for testing purposes, and then remove the MJ part for your normal flight if you are disinclined to use MJ.
  14. Don't.... Just don't. stuff of nightmares. The first SLS launch should bring a decent crowd, and allow enough time for proper planning and execution of the Kon. Take a look at what happened to the most recent Americas Cup. The previous one was held inshore along the San Fran harbor. The latest one was held in Bermuda, for some stupid reason. Very few people got to attend because of the costs involved, compared to the tens of thousands that got to watch it IRL in SF.
  15. That's actually my picture in my avatar.
  16. As far as I know, most of them are reusable. At least all of mine were, not counting the ones lost in trees or lakes or that I just plain never saw again.
  17. You might be surprised what happens if she does. It will only show more of your interest in her, and most women would find that cute. You didn't say anything too weird, so I think your safe. Good luck!
  18. I think it's a good thing they track. I'd really like them to be pointing in the direction I need them to be when the sun comes 'up'. So if I do run out of power, they're already ready to go, or at least close enough to be efficient enough to be useful. Yeah, it's a small power loss (IRL, In game, I don't believe it's modeled), but you would still have to expend that same amount of power to align them to the sun at the right time. If that tiny power loss is a make or break scenario for you, add another small battery.
  19. There's BlizzCon and ComiCon, and a bunch of others, why not a Kerbalkon? It'd either be insanely boring, or totally awesome. Not only would Squad hold center stage with product updates, and whatver else they can think of, I can imagine NASA and Boeing and other Aerospace industries bringing their STEM resources to it, as we all know they play KSP. Having multi player live events, contests, etc. Of course, the Kosplaying (see what I did there? Oh right, yeah, that's a joke that's as old as the game itself....) might get a bit.... homogeneous. There's thousands and thousands of different kerbals, but they're all identical (well in stock.... there was that one Scott Manley skin mod.... *twitch* It still shows up in nightmares every now and then). Just out of idle curiosity, I'd like to hear what events you guys think we could do. *And of course, I know this isn't a real idea, it won't happen, it'd be awesome, maybe, if it did, but we can just accept the fact it won't and skip over the nay saying comments, thanks*
  20. Only in KSP is this, a way overpowered craft, spinning wildly out of control, considered to be good news and a success.
  21. QA Testers are only so demented. They can only push the game so far, there will always be something that slips through. It's the rest of us demented users that find the bugs. And all the devs can do is say "But.... But.... But, that's not how you're supposed to do that...... fine, we'll fix it. Gimme a minute or two. *sigh*".
  22. Now that you guys mention it, I think I have seen this before. Thanks guys. And why am I not surprised that it's (yet another) LGG mod. A cool shout out to all the modders out there who not only provide the additional content that make this game even more awesome, but also to those who keep alive the mods that have found a home in some of our wretched hearts.
  23. Any suggestions or links? I can't say I remember seeing one of these before. I love having the final frontier mod, and forced rest periods would just increase that game play experience. This kind of reminds me of a thread a long while back, I think the game was still in the aught 20's (0.2x), but a few guys either used a Multi player mod, or cloned the screens. One guy was on the mission, and had to control the craft, while the other guys were in another room and acted as mission control. The pilot was basically new to the game and they had to talk him through everything, including a Mun landing and return. I think they even induced a time lag in the voice chat app they were using for comms.
  24. Docking will mess with your head in regards to the staging display. Items already staged can appear in a stage group above the bottom stage. Most (if not all) of them have some indication they have been activated, ie Fuel beside an engine, chutes are colored. But if active items were to appear in a new group below the suggested line, it would help, I think. Undocking usually resets the staging to normal.
  25. Not just younger pilots..... I've been playing this longer than you (based on forum join date, and my got reset by the '13 foracoplypse), and I still look longingly at the wide open fields beside the KSP as I try to land on the runway. Ground effect would screw me up even more. The last thing I want as I'm trying to ease down is more lift, probably means I need to slow down more..... But again, as a mod, I'd love this. I know there are air to air refueling mods that have a deployable probe similar to a RAT's general shape. It would just have to calculate air density vs air speed to figure out how much power it can generate, up to a limit. I'm not a modder, so I don't know if that is possible, or easier than just making the RAT a very small RTG that can be deployed on demand, adds drag when deployed, none (or very little) when not, and only generates power when deployed, and no heat.
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