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Everything posted by theonegalen

  1. @linuxgurugamer, I looked into the viability of updating SXT IVAs with ASET versions this week, and unfortunately, it seems really unlikely. There appear to be problems with the model files for the cockpit interiors such that they load strangely in Unity, which makes placing props problematic. They load off to the side and rotated in ways which make the props themselves float outside the cockpit in Unity, though not in game.
  2. Fantastic! Is there some kind of tutorial or instruction on how to make new wing parts work properly with FAR? Airplane Plus adds new wing shapes, elevons, and even special-built flaps and slats and I'm not sure how to make it all work together.
  3. @Murican_Jeb I don't use Tweakscale myself, so I wouldn't know the first thing about it. Sorry.
  4. Mostly so it was visually distinct in the editor. Also, I originally had the idea for this back in 1.0.5, when I was using Yemo's setiCTT mod, which included the old cockpit as an early-tech cockpit. His UnmannedBeforeManned mod, which effectively replaced setiCTT, doesn't include it, but I always liked the idea. Once I get the Warbird Inline IVA ported over to the Airplane Plus Mk1 Caged Inline cockpit, the Warbird Mk1 Inline using the old model will probably be deprecated.
  5. Aw, man. I understand having to put priority on real life. I just want to say I loved your contract mods. They made such an improvement to the stock game where it really needed it. Thank you.
  6. Sweet! So glad to see development going forward on this. @MOARdV EDIT: Currently, the pack ships with a cfg that causes an issue. MOARdv/MAS_ASET/Primitives/Primitive_TRIANGLE_Beveled_DarkGray.cfg says: PROP { name = MAS_Primitive_TRIANGLE_Beveled_DarkGray MODEL { model = ASET/ASET_Props/Misc/Primitives/Primitive_TRIANGLE_90_Beveled texture = Primitive_Black,ASET/ASET_Props/Misc/Primitives/Primitive_DarkGrey } } The mismatch between the texture name and the texture name in the texture path causes the game to hang on loading.
  7. How would you feel about moving the initial camera point / kerbal seat to where the camera collider is now? The camera collider position is just about perfect.
  8. Did you download the mod from spacedock? Did you download the requirements as outlined in the OP? I'll double check the zip file if I can before I have to leave for church this morning. EDIT: Checked it. It's correct.
  9. Hey, @blackheart612, #1, the new parts are fabulous! #2, I was working on porting my Warbird Cockpit to your P-40 style cockpit and it's looking pretty great. Problem is, the collider (in the internal model) to change the camera is in between the original camera position and the whole front of the cockpit, so there's no way to actually put clickable props in the cockpit. Any way you could resize/replace that collider so that it's not in the way? Also @kiwinanday, the magnificent @Citizen247 made new thrust curves for the engines in March that I've been using this week and they are pretty great. You have to copy the code from here and put it in a .cfg file in your GameData folder for it to work. I've been working on and off on new atm curves to help the engines match historical performance at various altitudes, but I haven't been devoting a whole lot of time to it. I'm trying to make them fit with my WIP Warbird Cockpits mod, and so I plan on releasing them as an optional file as that continues to come out.
  10. I assume one could use the new CommNet functionality to put up the "No Connection" page for the NAV page?
  11. I considered doing this for myself as well, but it means I'm going to have to maintain two separate mods, and a lot of extra work if I'm going to keep the same functionality and look. I'll look into it, but I'm not going to make any immediate promises. In the meantime, the Airspeed Indicator's striped hand shows the indicated airspeed in m/s. EDIT: Turns out it's only about 5-6 props I need to change for the Kerbonov, so maybe I can get that done in a few minutes, and see how that goes. EDIT 2: It certainly looks feasible, I hope to update in the next 24 hours.
  12. So I've looked up what a constant speed propeller is and prop RPM and the Manifold Pressure gauges should work, and I realize I've got them backwards. Currently, the Tachometer shows your set throttle setting while the Manifold Pressure shows your effective throttle (or thrust as a percentage of your nominal maximum). The next release will reverse this. Of course, we don't have constant speed propellers modeled in KSP, so the RPM gauge will be somewhat arbitrary, but c'est la vie. EDIT: I found some more bugs so I've gone ahead and uploaded a fixed version. This also has the changes to the Tachometer and Manifold Pressure gauges. EDIT 2: Dang it, I messed up the autopilot again. Fix is here: DROPBOX DOWNLOAD. Drop that into your GameData/Galen/WarbirdCockpits/Spaces/Kerbonov folder.
  13. Found a bug, updated the download. Please make sure to delete the old folder completely before installing the new one. Also, here's some pictures of the Warbird Mk1 Inline Cockpit, already included in the mod. For some reason, when using a female Kerbal, it sets the eye position too low to see over the dash.
  14. That is correct for the Kerbonov. The Warbird Mk1 Inline cockpit is included. I've updated the OP to make that a little clearer.
  15. I've updated the OP with a WIP release! This includes the Vintage KN-2 and Warbird Mk1 Inline cockpits, as well as a few cfgbashed parts.
  16. I am actually still working on those. The Mk1 Viewer's Cockpit is almost ready, and I just started on the Mk1 Business Cockpit today too.
  17. 0.3PRE released 12/13/2018! A year ago, when @Sam Hall updated his fantastic Kerbonov mod for 1.2.x, I knew I had to make a 1940s-style RPM IVA. I always loved the KN-2, and I based my cockpit layout heavily on pictures of DC-3 and C-47 cockpits, both from the 1940s and some modernized ones. I decided to kitbash autopilot props, as the DC-3 did historically have a gyroscopic autopilot. Thus began my IVA craze. More Pictures: Airplane Plus MK1 Supersonic cockpit (X-1): Airplane Plus Mk1 Viewer's Cockpit (Bell 204 / Huey): SXT Clyde (insp by Twin Otter / Aero Commander 500): SXT Bonny (insp by Piper Cub) Kerbonov KN-2 Vintage Cockpit (insp by DC-3, An-2): Mk1 Inline Warbird Cockpit (insp by P-51): All the autopilot props are modified versions of ASET props, and require the Pilot Assistant mod to work. The "Vintage" version of the KN-2 does not replace the standard KN-2, but adds a new cockpit using the same model earlier in the tech tree. I plan to make an "Updated" version. For the bomber controls, you need Firespitter's props folder found here, as well as the most recent firespitter.dll, and for the fire extinguisher (nonfunctional), you need Airplane Plus. All other instruments are included or require the ASET Props and Avionics Packs. Obviously you will need the Kerbonov itself, and Raster Prop Monitor as well. IMPORTANT NOTE: I play way too much FSX, so these cockpits are meant to be slightly more realistic than most KSP cockpits. The instruments WILL NOT WORK if you do not connect your battery and have electric charge on your vehicle, and various instruments have a chance to give screwy results if you don't turn on the pitot heat. Changelog: SPACEDOCK DOWNLOAD If you prefer SI units for your instruments, rename warbirdSI.txt in GameData/Galen/WarbirdCockpits to WarbirdSI.cfg THIS is a patch to apply the Mk1Pod Retro IVA I made to the Mk1Pod_v2 introduced with KSP 1.6. Requirements: modulemanager by Sarbian Raster Prop Monitor by Mihara and MOARdV ASET Props and Avionics by alexustas Recommended: Kerbonov by Sam Hall. Required for Vintage KN-2. Firespitter (dll and Props folder) by Snjo and RoverDude. Required for Vintage controls in KN-2 cockpit. Airplane Plus by blackheart612 Near Future Props by Nertea. Adds additional decorative props to Mk2 Inline cockpit and crew cabins. Tiktaalik Dreaming Props by TiktaalikDreaming. Adds additional decorative props to Mk2 Inline cockpit and crew cabins. KAX by keptin and SpannerMonkey SXT Continued by Lack and linuxgurugamer. Speed Unit Changer by Ittito. The readouts on the gauges are in Imperial units (feet and mph rather than meters and m/s), and Speed Unit Changer can make the UI readouts in the same units as well. Contains assets from, and derived from, @alexustas's excellent ASET Avionics and ASET Props assets (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0), as well as a couple from @Mallikas's Aviation Cockpits mods (CC BY 4.0). License for my modified assets and configuration files is https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/deed.en
  18. I've discovered that with KK installed (plus a bunch of other mods), my KSC fully upgraded at the beginning of a career save. I'm currently trying to figure out which mods together make that happen. I'll give you the info when I figure it out. Turns out it's KK by itself. It doesn't happen every time, but it happens enough to be frustrating. Repro steps: 1. Install fresh KSP 1.2.2 2. Install Kerbal Konstructs and modulemanager 3. Start a new career save. If your KSC buildings aren't fully upgraded, exit to main menu and start a second career save. Using the same name on the second save, it happened nearly 100% of the time.
  19. Hello @Keniamin, I thought I would direct your attention toward the updated version of Kerbin-Side, now under @Ger_space.
  20. @Ger_space, thank you so much for taking over this mod and Kerbal Konstructs. Any chance of updating the old contracts package, KerbinSide-Jobs? https://spacedock.info/mod/503/Kerbin-SideJobs (Contracts Pack) There have been some updates to Contract Configurator since it was last updated, and so the contracts throw some errors.
  21. Good day, @Sam Hall. Not sure if we'll see you again soon or not, but I made something, and I hope you'll like it.
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