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Everything posted by theonegalen

  1. I updated my PartTools, updated Unity, and like an idiot, I didn't back everything up. Now nothing works. I've been troubleshooting it for days. I've rolled back to old PartTools, rolled back to old Unity, and nothing works. I've updated Unity. I've uninstalled and reinstalled seven times. Occasionally, it seems to work for a bit, but then I save and reload, and all I get is NRE spam in Unity. I don't know what to do and I can't think of anything else to do. I haven't lost any data, just either I can't write to cfg, can't get PartTools to open, or have NRE spam from PartTools, or "Cannot load *whatever* - model does not exist" when it very much does exist. EDIT: I finally got it working! Enjoy this preview.
  2. @JPLRepo, I uninstalled Unity completely and reinstalled 5.4.0p4, and when I import the unity package now, not only are KSPAssetCompiler and KSPAssets not loading (although they are present in the plugins folder), I am getting NRE spam in my console whenever I open the project. And now, when I install the old PartTools to a completely new Project in this perfectly fresh install of Unity, I still get the same NRE spam, and the PartTools doesn't load. Is there something really obvious that I'm missing? NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object UrlDir+<get_AllConfigs>d__53.MoveNext () UrlDir+<GetConfigs>d__55.MoveNext () System.Collections.Generic.List`1[UrlDir+UrlConfig].AddEnumerable (IEnumerable`1 enumerable) (at /Users/builduser/buildslave/mono/build/mcs/class/corlib/System.Collections.Generic/List.cs:128) System.Collections.Generic.List`1[UrlDir+UrlConfig]..ctor (IEnumerable`1 collection) (at /Users/builduser/buildslave/mono/build/mcs/class/corlib/System.Collections.Generic/List.cs:65) KSPPartTools.GameDatabase.GetConfigs (System.String typeName) KSPPartTools.PartToolsWindow.DrawSpaces () KSPPartTools.PartToolsWindow.OnGUI () System.Reflection.MonoMethod.Invoke (System.Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) (at /Users/builduser/buildslave/mono/build/mcs/class/corlib/System.Reflection/MonoMethod.cs:222) I hate to turn this thread into a PartTools support thread. Is there a better place we can do this?
  3. @TriggerAu, I just wanted to thank you for all your work on this mod over the years; KAC has been a staple of my install and is essential for running a space program with multiple simultaneous missions. Even if it never gets updated again, my programs owe you more than I could say.
  4. @Citizen247, you may be the hero we need. (I'm sorry, I keep flattering you. You just seem to have the skills and knowledge to do the things I wish I could do re: modeling and AJE-configing)
  5. @killbotvii, according to the above post, the updated version is literally the same as the previous, so it's unlikely to be the cause of your problems.
  6. Awesome! Waypoint Manager is a mod I use even in my "stock" game install.
  7. So is there anyone out there who speaks fluent aviation Russian who can help me translate the KN-2 and other instruments into Russian for KSP 1.3+?
  8. Thank you for the update! I can't play KSP without my OPM and Revamped Stock System anymore!
  9. Ah, ok, still cool, not as amazing to a code-blind like me, probably not as costly in framerate.
  10. Wow, I knew you were maintaining a lot of mods, but not that many! Expect a few bucks on patreon if I haven't already patroned you.
  11. @ferram4, any idea how to make the Airplane Plus leading edge Krueger flaps and two-slot flaps work with FAR?
  12. Possible. As I said, "appears." Scatterer kills my framerate, so I didn't do much aside from flying around for 15 minutes.
  13. I updated Unity, and reinstalled PartTools, and now the tools show up in the editor, but the bundle isn't showing up in AssetBundles. I'm going to try to start from scratch again. EDIT: Now my prefabs aren't even showing up in the KSPedia tool. Starting to get very very frustrated.
  14. @JPLRepo, I installed the new PartTools into a new Unity Project but there's no AssetCompiler or KSPedia tools anymore. How can I make KSPedia entries?
  15. @alexustas, have you considered making your Jebbesen Aerocharts into a KSPedia page so it is easily pulled up ingame? That would go a long way toward immersion for me, as KSP wouldn't be minimizing itself or hiccuping every time I went to check a frequency.
  16. Your theory is incorrect. Horzontal vs vertical vectors doesn't matter. As long as something is traveling through atmosphere, it will be affected by that atmosphere. The strength of the effect is going to change with the surface area of the object, especially how much of that surface is directed into the relative wind (angle of attack). You seem to understand that basic principle, according to your first paragraph. Where you've lost me is in the second paragraph. There are no winds or random aero forces in KSP - any aero forces you contend with come from your own velocity and angle of attack. If you want to fly a rocket in FAR, you have to shape it like a real-world rocket, and fly it like a real-world rocket. Good luck.
  17. Yeah, the Bonny seems to work, but the others do not. And changing the model files in blender didn't work, but I wonder if I can use the model info in blender to do a workaround in Unity... It works. I just have to reposition the model after unparenting the instruments, and then I should be able to place props. Hopefully the reverse also works. Also, @linuxgurugamer, there is no model file for the Clyde's cockpit. EDIT: No, I found it in the zip file in the SXT/Spaces/Clyde folder. It just isn't in the folder itself.
  18. @Drew Kerman Yeah, I used the tutorial to get the wings and normal control surfaces to work. Thank you for that.
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