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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. Because if they're not met everybody will cry that they were lied to. We've seen that more than once and I for one welcome never seeing it again.
  2. Okay I swear this is the last time I'll post a new calendar for at least the next couple hours. This calendar takes the "New Year's Leek" idea and uses it to make the 8 Minths alternate 7/8/7/8/7/8/7/8 Leeks, making them very easy to remember. Quaker is the only Minth name that's an actual English word
  3. And because nobody asked for it and I have far better things to do with my time, here's a 12-Minth Calendar that I quite like, except for the sad part that "minths" are no longer related to Minmus' orbital period at all.
  4. There are 8 Minths. 3 of them have 7 Leeks and 5 have 8 Leeks. There is no way to set them up as you describe. (I like Leeks over Meeks simply because Minths already starts with an M) We could have a more traditional 12 Minths, all of them with 5 Leeks except either 1 has 6, or the final Leek of the Year is "New Year's Meek"
  5. My reasoning for making the calendar minths and years all start at day 1 on Mohday is entirely 100% because I don't want the calendar to be complicated. It's nice that the 158th day of *EVERY* year is the 46th Day of the 4th Minth and is always a Dunday. I don't mind spreading entire Leeks (or Meeks or whatever) around to even out the Minths, but I really like how there are a semi-exact number of Leeks in a Minth AND in the Year, so am leery to break Minths up into non-exact-Leek lengths. Regarding Joolsday and Eeloosday vs Joolday and Eelooday, I just liked the way it sounded and set the weekends off from the weekdays very slightly. I like the months being named after the numbers, but we could harken to the Mexican roots of the game and use Spanish. Unoker Dosker Tresker Quaker (I like the spelling of Quaker over Cuaker) Cinker Seiker Sietker Ochker (Because "o-choke-her" just sounds bad) So here's attempt #... 4 I think it is, though only 2 for me, at the Kalendar.
  6. Oh I thought it was the new Tesla Cybertruck.
  7. Starbucks has their own measurement system, based on mangling Italian numbers. So really there are 3 competing systems: Imperial, Metric, and Basic B.... oh wait the filter won't allow that. Just "Basic" then.
  8. I'll admit I've stopped reporting bugs because they take time to write and twice now my search showed the bug was not reported, so I put the time in, reported it, and then my report was tacked on the end of the existing bug.
  9. Because of some Jebfoolery over on the Empire Strikes Back thread I got it in my head that Kerbalkind needs a Calendar - or a Kalendar if you will. I spent about an hour on this which is likely about 55 minutes more than I should have, and figured if I had to waste my time on it so should you all have to waste your time reading it. I started with the Kerbal year, which is about 426 days* long, the Mun orbit, which is about 6.5 days, and Minmus' orbit, which is about 56.5 days. 56 is conveniently divisible by 7, and we have 7 days a week here on Earth, so I immediately gravitated toward a 7-day "week" and an 8-week "month." Weeks are based on Mun and Months on Minmus. I originally called them "Munths" and "Minths" but "Munths" sounds too close to (read: exactly like) "months" so decided to change it to "leeks", for loonar-weeks. Not super happy with that name but finding another would take even more time. So the leekdays - of which there are 7 - can conveniently match with the 7 planets, giving us Mohday, Eveday, Kerbday, Dunday, Dresday, Joolsday, and Eeloosday. In my mind, Joolsdays and Eeloosday are the leekend, while Kerbals get a "case of the Mohdays" and "Thank the Kraken It's Dresday" There are 8 Minths, and I did not name them because if it's not obvious by now I'm out of creativity to give this project. However, in my brain Kerbals are smarter than us and instead of breaking days, leeks, minths, and years up in weird ways they decided to keep it simple. A Leek is 7 days. A Minth is 8 Leeks or 56 days. A Year is 8 Minths and the 8th Minth is only 5 Leeks (34 or 35 days) long. Sometimes the last Leek of the year is 6 days long, sometimes it's 7. No big whoop. The first day of every year is a Mohday. Click here for the Kalendar, if you dare. *All days are Kerbin, 6-hour days.
  10. No reason to, really. With no tilt and no eccentricity, they shouldn't have seasons like we do. The only real reason is ease of conversation and thought. March 4th is easier than Day 93, at least for me. I'd like to think they have Munths and maybe even Minmunths.
  11. Welcome back! Smart of you not to post this on the 1st Family comes first and I'm glad for you that your employers feel that way too, and gave you the time you needed.
  12. Just to be clear: I'm not defending anything. I'm stating facts. That those facts are contrary to what people want is not really my problem. To also be clear: Of course I want a perfect game delivered 12 months ago with no bugs and a $10 price tag. However I live in the real world and understand that in the vast majority of cases I will never ever get what I want. So, I determine if what is offered is worth what I'm willing to pay and if it is, great. If not, oh well maybe I'll leave a bad review and then I'll move on. Complaining about obvious things over and over is such a useless exercise it frustrates me that so many enjoy it. Talk about twisting your brain into a torus, that's the idea that after the first 300 times, the 301st complaint will make some sort of difference.
  13. I personally think that no one REALLY cares that much that IG is not COMMUNICATING with us, no matter how much anybody say that they care. People care that there's nothing to communicate. I cannot believe that ANYBODY would be satisfied with a daily 5-paragraph essay stating that there is still nothing to report, no matter how well-written and customized to the particular thing that's still not seen enough progress to report on. I also don't believe that ANYBODY would complain if KSP2 1.0 dropped tomorrow fully written, with no communication about it at all except a bare-minimum "hey it's out go download it"
  14. We will have to disagree that that is anyone's fault but OP's - assuming that's the case. Backing up the wrong folder is as bad as not backing up at all.
  15. While true, it doesn't change either fact that you can and should back them up if you care about them. OP: Take this as a lesson that could have been much harder learned. It's better to lose a save from an Early Access game than your college thesis or the rough draft of your novel.
  16. Does that include the launch pad? Like, I can put a ship on the launch pad with a lander can attached to the bottom of the rocket, and on launch disconnect it and then fly to Kapy Rock, and it still counts?
  17. How Rood of them to do this. I'll be a Hog's Head if I'll accept this change!
  18. I didn't ask for KSP2 to be anything. In fact I was shocked that it got a sequel at all. However, I'll happily raise my hand as someone who thinks pretty much every change they've made or are planning are positive ones, when the whole is taken into account. And KSP2 1.0 as currently described sounds perfect to me. It's basically KSP1 with some unneeded stuff gone and a whole bunch of stuff that wasn't in KSP1.
  19. You are talking in the past tense as if KSP2 is complete. How exactly do you want the physics to be more encompassed and deeper? Do you want n-body simulations or relativity taken into account or do we need to mix our own fuels or what?
  20. What if the Gs you're pulling are sideways? What if they're 45 degrees between sideways and down? 30 degrees? 60? Gs are actually the value of a vector, and "negative Gs" aren't really a thing except as a convenient way to describe the affect on a pilot when doing a dive.
  21. I'm not down with my terminology but this seems to tease a ground base. https://kerbal-space-program-2.fandom.com/wiki/Colonies?file=Ksp_2_yes_you_can_make_colonies.jpg
  22. The devs basically said that the reason you build colonies is to get the resources and infrastructure to build and supply ships from anywhere but Kerbin. If you don't want to do that, then colonies may be a bit hollow for your gameplay experience. Why play ANY game? Why do ANYTHING except the bare minimum to keep ourselves alive?
  23. I just saw this now, and I think I figured it out a while ago. Docking ports seem to be totally fine and work perfectly, so long as you don't (when building) connect them to anything other than another docking port. When you "undock" from a nose cone, decoupler, engine, or whatever the docking port gets put in a state where it can't dock anymore. The workaround solution is (sorry for stating the obvious) "don't do that" Instead of docking to a nosecone, dock the port to a docking port that's attached to the nosecone. Instead of attaching your docking port to an engine, attach it to a docking port that is on a decoupler attached to the engine. I've yet to have a problem with docking ports since I started doing this.
  24. Not now, but maybe some day. I personally don't really want it
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