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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. Please do not speak for the community. Vanamonde is one of the few things that makes this place still worth visiting.
  2. One word: Dres. More words: I absolutely love the equatorial mountain range around Dres. Finally a world where you can't just show up, land on the equator somewhere relatively flat, then go home again. And it looks AWESOME.
  3. And if you want to break forum rules you can pay $7 a month for a blue check mark.
  4. I will continue to buy games I want when I think they're worth - to me - what's being charged for them. Companies change hands and names so frequently it's a fool's errand to keep track of who you should avoid. Let's say Take Two buys Rare from Microsoft next year. Now you gotta stop buying Rare game. After a few years Sony buys Rare from Take Two, along with several people who used to work for Take Two but moved to Rare in the mean time. Now is it okay to buy Rare games? Or is it not okay to buy Sony games? Better to just take each thing on its own merits and accept your purchases aren't going to make or break any company's bottom line. That said, I wholeheartedly support your not buying from the company based on your personal preferences, as I do anybody else. There are companies I will never buy from as well (one supposedly makes great chicken sandwiches) but not because I'm punishing them. It'd be like a mosquito punishing an aircraft carrier by stinging it. It's more because I can't stomach interacting with them.
  5. I don't think deeply refurbishing the code of KSP1 could be considered in any way a small deed. And it was what they were trying to do before management came in and said "Release this now I don't care how much it sucks" I've said this before, if making KSP-like games is so easy then why is no one making KSP-like games? It seems such an easy thing to knock out a quick one and bam everybody will be happy. My opinions on if Noah actually built an ark are likely not allowed on this forum
  6. I can't speak for the game in general but I knew it would NEVER entice me as much as KSP did. The only way to achieve that is to wipe my memory of playing KSP1 so I could relearn all the steps over again. It'd probably be good to also de-age me a decade or more because I'm not 100% sure I've got the patience these days for learning all this. I think the fatal flaw of KSP2 is the same fatal flaw of KSP1: Once you know how to do everything, no matter what you do it'll always be a bit of that same-old, same-old. I was hoping KSP2 would get something KSP1 didn't have before it was canceled. I was hoping that the colonies would give me a reason to do things I've done a thousand times before. But I seriously doubted it would. And I had those doubts long before KSP2 was even announced - but about new features of KSP1.
  7. Nope. My 2 year old PC runs it fine. Granted I waited until FS came out and the game had been optimized a bit, and I've never been one to make thousand-part craft, so MMMV from yours.
  8. I just started Portal: Revolution, which is a very good mod for Portal 2 that is reportedly (and so far I agree though I only played for half an hour or so) worthy of the title "Portal 3" Right before stopping for the day I got stuck on a puzzle, decided it was impossible, walked away from the computer, and then ran back 5 minutes later realizing what I could do to win.
  9. The OP is pretty much the exact opposite of "patient." Count all you want. Tag people all you want. Whether or not anything happens will have nothing to do with it.
  10. Twitter was fading when he overpaid for it. He just pushed the horse off a cliff before it could die on its own. My main beef with him is he's a huge jerk if he doesn't get his way, and is also a huge jerk when he gets his way. Like those kids trapped in that cave. He offered to save them with robotic submarine things and the people were like "no we got this no need to test your hardware on our human lives but thanks" and then instead of just accepting he's not Tony Stark he questioned the morals of the people doing the saving. Those kinds of people are the ones I cut from my life when I can. So I cut as much of him from my life as I can.
  11. I don't mind being tagged though I don't have much to contribute. Communities fade, it's just a sad fact of life. In all the communities I've ever been in I was always one of the more... prolific posters. These include: Doom Usenet groups Stars! Usenet groups Magic the Gathering Usenet groups and forum National Novel Writing Month forum Various podcasting forums** Minecraft forum FTL forum** KSP forum* Factorio forum Dyson Sphere Program Discord Some of them faded away. Some of them my interest faded away. Some more (**) changed to Discord and I'm still on them in a very diminished way. One single community (this one) has both stayed in its original form and has kept my interest for over a decade. Both of those are in doubt now, which is sad but... I guess everything goes away eventually. I'd go to a new forum of it popped up after this one went away (but not before probably). Same with a Discord server though I'd be far less active on one. I won't commit to helping set one up enough. I feel that phase of my life is petty much spent.
  12. Yeah that amount would probably buy a lot of the figurines for sure.
  13. This is all a thought experiment anyway because it'll never ever happen, but to be frank I don't care about answering any of the "important" questions like who's in charge or where will the repository be kept. If among the 127 forks of the newly open sourced KSP2 (including the inevitable Kaifu fork) there's one that's relatively bug free and has some fun stuff in it I can play, then I'm cool with that.
  14. I'm by no means for the idea but making it open source would work for me.
  15. Pay off my house, then put a down payment on a new one. #OldAndBoring
  16. Even the stalwart play button isn't immune from that. I can't guess the times I've wondered, "does the play icon mean it's playing, or that I should press it to play?"
  17. I don't understand any of it, but there is a LOT. https://www.kerbalspaceprogram.com/ksp/api/index.html
  18. I think it's a twofold thing: There are too many people who know the current UI to change it, but the need to add new things causes them to get crammed in wherever they fit. As systems get older, programmers leave and are replaced and the new programmers either don't get the original paradigm or don't like it enough to put their new stuff in a different place. Together these things cause confusing setups where you have to go through 8 menus to do something you do every day, but options you never need to change are on the main menu taking up space. I work with this kind of software daily and it drives me nuts.
  19. I never said anything about the movies being important to see. Just that a significant portion of people, if you mention you haven't seen it, will say you should. Schindler's List was the movie that started this whole thing in my head. Jenny was Princess Buttercup. Er I mean Robin Wright. Most everybody else in the movie was background so of course nobody remembers them. Except the "real" people but I don't think you'll give me credit for remembering that both Kennedy and Nixon were in it I thought that was the point. It was a fun movie with lots of pop culture references. Ferngully in space. I could add the water one after it because there's no way I'll waste a 2nd set of 3 hours in that IP.
  20. I have 2 work laptops. One is older, on Windows 10, and among other nice things has 2 video ports (HDMI and VGA) so I can easily use 2 monitors without any fuss. The other is Windows 11, and spends 99.9% of the time turned off and the other 0.01% of the time booted up once a month to log onto the network so the big corporation I work for can check a checkbox somewhere that says I didn't lose it. Seems a lot of my coworkers are in a similar boat, so they told us we should return one of the laptops and just keep the better one to do our work. Now, their definition of "better" is different than mine, so I had to go through several loops to be allowed to keep my Windows 10 laptop, and return instead the Windows 11 laptop that I don't want. Then 3 days later, they go "okay your laptop is really old, we're going to send you a new one. When you get it, return that old dinosaur to us." Seeing the thread we're in, you can guess what the new laptop is like.
  21. One good thing about the Heat Death of the forum, tagging me has a chance of guessing correctly @Jacke I don't know who actually plays this so.... @Nuke?
  22. I'm going to bookmark this post so I'll never have to say this again. I'm not defending anybody. I'm stating a fact.
  23. So it's brighter than it was! HYPE (yes I know why this is different)
  24. I hate to hope too much about anything (not about KSP2... just in general) but I'm kinda hoping they dump every buggy system (maybe with a toggle to enable/disable them) and whatever half-baked modding API they happen to have, and call it done. Then maybe modders can make it playable and fun in various ways.
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