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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. I've been winging it, and reverting to the VAB a lot. But after using KER for years I've found I have a pretty good instinct about dV.
  2. Fuel flow seems to work flawlessly, it just DISPLAYS weird sometimes. The one thing you need to know is, when you get the green wavy lines like in the above pictures, that all the tanks that are so connected will drain in order, highest to lowest numbers, and all tank with the same number will drain at the same time and rate. I seem, this morning, to be typing most every reply in long - sometimes with confusing in-line asides - run-on sentences that read back very confusingly, and for that I do, verily, apologize.
  3. I'd like to 3rd the "go stock until you see something you want to change" idea. It's really easy to go overboard on mods. When you're new, you are going to have a lot of experiences where you don't know if the game's buggy, you're just not understanding something, or you understand it but can't do it well enough. The last thing you need is a mod coming in and adding "is this mod causing the problem? Do I understand the game but not the mod?" and other type questions to the mix. But when you get stuff down by all means turn to mods to fill gaps you find in your personal experience. Just make sure first that they ARE gaps
  4. If they totally closed up shop today, said 1.2 was it and they were working on KSP2 and they'll see us in 2 years, would you be content with that? I actually think I would, oddly. 1.2 is pretty good. Sure it needs more but I can play this for a while until KSP2 comes out with its own engine and whatever else would be great but they can't really do now because they're locked in to certain paradigms.
  5. Everything looking weird on the screen AND you can't take screenshots? I suspect your video card.
  6. Note: Right now it doesn't even check for the reset skill, but for the person being a Scientist. I've got the code working but haven't bothered updating. Anyway, as to the question... It does not. It probably should, but the whole functionality is already in the bounds of cheating and it's not like I'm going to check to see if you're flying in atmosphere, really close to the ground, or experiencing high gee forces as well. Gotta draw the line somewhere, you know? Eventually you have to accept that this is actually side-stepping the whole "get out of the capsule and reset the experiments manually" mechanism. Which IMO is dumb anyway. It's not like the people in the ISS have to hop out on EVA every time they do an experiment.
  7. No. It allows you to more easily join ships together that you built at KSC and launched separately. Like, launch a miner. Launch fuel storage. Launch a landing pad. Then merge them into a single base on Minmus. Note: It doesn't make it EASY. It just makes it POSSIBLE. Some assembly required.
  8. I'm no Steam Expert but I bet this is it. In the past, what I've done is copy, not move, then "delete local content" in Steam. I think by deleting the stuff yourself you confused Steam. That's why verifying integrity worked.
  9. How did you remove it? How did you redownload it? How are you running it? It looks like you're missing at least the GameData\Squad folder, or maybe it's there and you can't read it (permission issues?). I'm basing that off "Program Text" in the picture, which I've never seen before.
  10. To answer the below, yes it does. I take back that this of my complaint. To address the above, I don't know how to get rid of it in my phone. Ok back to the computer...
  11. If you're playing Science Sandbox then your only concern is aesthetics and ease. SRB's "look right" because "real rockets" use them. They are also far easier than setting up asparagus staging. That doesn't make them better. Or worse. Just different.
  12. I got no problem with the cat, but the music? Them's fightin' words. Actually I do have one problem with the cat. The source code is RIGHT THERE in the open. Now ANYBODY can add ANYTHING to the loading screen. Star Wars Kid. All Your Base. That frickin' "peanut butter jelly" banana. Think of the children! No, I'm not appealing you think of the children. Someone could put "think of the children" on the loading screen! (I am of course joking in all ways above. Except the first 7 words it's all a joke. I'd actually get a kick out of the PB&J banana dancing during startup)
  13. But if you enable raw input I can show you my new ship. The name's kinda complex but for now we can just call it "The drop table" (reference if you don't get it) As much as I hate posting from my phone, I will agree that just simple quoting is fine. If you want to multi-quote, split a quote, or quote selective text... Yeah that just ain't gonna happen.
  14. I'm bookmarking this for when I'm feeling down. Thank you. That made my day.
  15. Also considering the recent talk about the tech tree, that would make manually creating a new one about 99% easier than I thought it was 5 minutes ago (I had the same misconception you did, and suffered through the same cycle many times)
  16. Yes. The entire tree is defined in GameData\Squad\Resources\TechTree.cfg You can edit it with ModuleManager the same way you'd edit a part file or any other config. In theory you could make an entire new tech tree. Note: This does not define where the parts are, those are each in their own part config. EDIT: Almost ninja'd but we gave different information
  17. This thread caused me to do something I never thought I'd do. Follow a KSP in-game tutorial It's... okay. It's a difficult concept and they're trying to introduce multiple things at once. I'd personally break it up into 3 steps and have each be their own tutorial. Rendezvous, getting a close approach within - say - 10km. Then Approach, getting next to the target and stationary with respect to it. And finally Docking. Did I say I would do that? I mean I did. Almost 2 years ago. Rendezvous: Approach: Docking:
  18. Copy/pasting crew between saves is a bad idea, as there are many other places in the save where those crew are referenced. One thing you CAN do (I've done it in the past) is just copy the name, gender, and profession (all that's really important) out of one save for each Kerbal, and paste it in over the information in the new save on BRAND NEW KERBALS. And don't do it to someone you rescued, you must hire them. You can do it to Jeb, Bill, and Bob even so long as you do it before they do anything. You'll lose XP and history, so hopefully that's not the important part for you. If so, I'm not sure what you could do.
  19. Sadly, no. I've actually not bothered posting on occasion because what I was doing would require more than simply typing.
  20. One thought, is commnet active in your save? Hit ESC, click settings, then click "difficulty: Custom" or whatever the button says for you, and see if Commnet is checked. It's unchecked by default if you carried your save over from a previous version.
  21. Not my rocket, but I do that all the time on low-mass SRB launches. If you angle it correctly the ship does its own gravity turn. By the time you decouple the SRB you're on a nice arc into (or at least well on the way to) space.
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