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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. No worries. I'm personally of a mind similar to @Pthigrivi's and don't care about the "facts" or "details" but to each their own, do what you gotta do. I'm not measuring length of thread as a source of pride or anything
  2. Now that ModuleManager has been release for 1.2pre, I'm able to update AllYAll. Find the download for the 1.2pre here: 1.2pre Recompile (0.7) This is the exact same AllYAll as before, just recompiled for 1.2.
  3. You mean find it necessary. (Just for clarity, this is not bugging TriggerAu to release a 1.2 version. It's lauding the mod's utility and that is all. Take all the time you need, I suspect you're rather busy right now )
  4. Auto-saves are not backups. They're a save of the current game state to the file named persistent.sfs. This is your game file. An auto-save is exactly the same thing as what happens when you exit the game. The game does this so if you have a crash, or alt-f4, or whatever, the work you did from the last scene change is at least partially saved. Quick-saves are single backups of a specific point in time. You hit F5 right before a burn, or right before you time warp in case you over shoot, or right after doing something difficult so you won't have to do it again if you screw up in the future. They save to the file named quicksave.sfs and overwrite each other, just as the persistent saves do. Named quicksaves are made with alt-f5. You can name a save anything you want. F9 loads "quicksave.sfs". Loading the game up from scratch loads the persistent.sfs. Alt-F9 allows you to pick any *.sfs file to load. That's all
  5. I mean it's done growing. It's now able to just be a thing. Ask yourself, if you could just play any version of KSP for the next 10 years, what version would that be? For me, it's 1.2. Hands down. Now it looks like that's a possibility. All right. Sounds good to me. What we're experiencing is more akin to Empty Nest Syndrome than Survivor's Grief.
  6. Probably right about here: Though TBH I didn't really expect it to go much different. People are mad and confused, along varying ranges of reasonableness. If anything I'm surprised the whole thing has been so civil.
  7. You are mistaking auto-save (which happens automatically every few minutes) with quick-save (which you do with f5). Quick-load restores the latter.
  8. Weird I swear I've seen this exact thread before but the forum says you posted it an hour ago.
  9. Never heard of it before, but it sounds like history-based science fiction. As in fiction. Looks like Gravity meets Apollo 13. I'd watch it.
  10. When I think of Squad's "corporate agenda" I am more thinking of Val's face when you reach orbit, than I am Montgomery Burns plotting the destruction of Springfield.
  11. I will freely admit I've only watched this on YouTube, and I've only watched Scott Manley play it, but it seems that this game has fallen way short of its promise. It seems an interesting set of orbital mechanic and space warfare themed puzzles, but by no means does it just give the player a universe to discover what space battles will be like in the future.
  12. That still blows my mind. I can't even imagine what my company would do if someone asked for $24,000,000 a year because my country was 100x poorer than theirs.
  13. Yes, in settings you can choose between "Navball always visible when you enter map mode" or "I hate myself". I mean, I think that option is "Navball always hidden" or something. Anyway, the default is to hate yourself or always have it hidden or whatever, but you can toggle that to visible and be good from then on out.
  14. I just realized - rather sardonically - that after over 3 years on the forum this is my single most active thread ever.
  15. 2 things: The announcement happened at right about closing time, and it's now getting close to opening time. Also, it's been less than a day. Most companies don't run on Internet Time where every 12 hours is like a month. Squad very smartly does not comment on why these kinds of things happen. They haven't in the past and I don't expect them to in the future. Also: 3. It's none of our business, really.
  16. I feel inclined to point out that RoverDude isn't in the list of developers who left.
  17. I would guess that the mod that added that contract did so in a buggy way. Stock contracts are not worded like that.
  18. Never used those parts before, I suggest asking on that thread. They'll likely want your output_log.txt and/or craft file(s) and/or persistent.sfs
  19. Without a picture we may not be able to help you, but you mention the ship is "huge." Does this mean you used Sr. docking ports? Those are frequently put on upside down.
  20. Empty Mk0 LF tank: 1m long, 0.025t Structural Fuselage: 1.9m long, 0.1t So yeah, 2 empty Mk0 tanks are both slightly longer and much lighter than a structural fuselage.
  21. You can't land a Mk3 spaceplane on a pair of LY-01s in a vertical drop from space. #BROKEN
  22. I'm more worried that this is the last chance of MM being integrated into stock. If any mod should be stock, it's MM.
  23. If it ends with 1.2 and we get decades of mods? I'm cool with that.
  24. If that happens a massive unofficial forum will spring up in its place, complete with Wiki and mod portal. We already have the mod portal part.
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