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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. Actually I think "KSP Discussion" has become the 1.1 poll hub.
  2. There are at least 3, depending on what you want. 2 are in active developement and the 3rd I suspect still works. Kerbinside puts space centers, airports, and even little non-space-program buildings all over Kerbin, and you can launch from the ones that are so set. It integrates with career mode in that you must purchase the right to use them. Extraplanetary Launchpads lets you build your own space ports on other planets, build ships there, and launch them. One of Regex's Useful Mods is called KSC Switcher and it's the one I think may not work. It allows you to select from a predefined list where to put the KSC on Kerbin. Note: There are no mods that allow you to move the KSC (or place a new one) on any planet other than Kerbin. I believe that is a bit hard coded into the game.
  3. Just make sure you have something challenging to do. After banging your head on it for an hour, you'll WANT to stop.
  4. I have used them in the past, but much like the MPL they are a weird combination of OP and PITA. OP enough that I feel like I'm cheating, and PITA enough that I don't want to bother.
  5. I personally hate that unwritten rule, and it's there because so many people have in the past forked incorrectly. I've never seen ONCE a modder complain when the following 3 (very common sense) criteria were met: The mod has a permissive license. Intent is to take over maintenance and not to circumvent something that will likely cause more maintenance woes for the original modder. It is clear in the fork that if the original modder returns to active duty, the forker will step down and allow the code to be integrated into the project. Note that #3 isn't actually necessary (but it is nice), as any fork of this mod will have to have a permissive license, and so the code will be free for anybody to take and do whatever they want with (except to remove that license of course).
  6. I would totally use this instead of KIS/KAS. I think there are mods that allow all of these things, but none that wrap them up into one package.
  7. It might be clunky and kludgey (and may not even work depending on how a ship must "exist" in the game) but maybe allow the user to specify a .craft file, or a subassembly, that represents the ship as it'll be when in atmo? You could build your entire "Eve lander" ship ready to launch from Kerbin, strip off everything that isn't going to land on Eve, open the heat shield, save the ship as "Eve Lander - Trajectories" and then do some UI tomfoolery to tell Trajectories to use THAT ship, not the current ship, when drawing the prediction line.
  8. You already have permission to adopt this mod. Just don't post the updates here. Instead, start a new thread and call it "ScienceAlert Redux" or something like that.
  9. Because this one we'll hit while trying to fly through his legs.
  10. All of this for me as well, except I don't really feel hampered by wheel bugs because I don't use planes. I've yet to have landing gear explode for any reason other than my poor play Also, I of course don't have exactly the same old installs of the game. Though I do have somewhere between half a dozen and a dozen that I could just load at any time, and 3 that I'm likely to ever load (Main, mod-free, and a 1.0.5 install with all the mods I was using back then).
  11. Wow! I didn't think my ship was the cheapest possible ever, but NEVER expected to be undercut by almost half! Well done! I tried 3 Hammers inline, but never though to mount them radially. If I recall, it was too heavy for the bottom Hammer by itself.
  12. Just the other day I found a cool way to field-test a transfer ship without all that pesky waiting around for transfer windows. I mean, sure I'll do it when I play for real, but during testing I ain't time warping to no transfer window. Do your ejection burn so your Sun orbit goes to the planet you are transferring to, and then time warp out of Kerbin's SOI. Then in Hyperedit's Graphical Orbit mode, change the Argument of Periapsis until you get an encounter with the planet. As ever, Hyperedit continues to be an amazing tool. That - incidentally - is not cheating.
  13. Done! And of course even though I had no troubles both times I tried it without recording, I had really weird UI problems DURING recording. But I still nailed it.
  14. Where's the Tylo love? I like your ideas for Dres and Moho. Can't wait to try your version of the [inner] planets.
  15. That's not cheating. That's assuming that the actual engineers and construction workers realized what you wanted and put it on that way before even launching.
  16. I see that. I was trying to make it not require more click options but it'd be nice to be able to work on a maneuver node and see the results without futzing around with your mouse. Like an "orbital waypoint" (that is just where you'd be at a certain time) that would remain (and move appropriately) while you fiddle with the maneuver node. It could essentially BE a maneuver node just without all the maneuver node stuff. Actually 90% (or more) of what I want would be solved by making the encounter markers that are already in the game do 2 things: Actually show up. All the time. Every time. If any bit of your trajectory is in the same SOI as your target, there should be markers. Period. Actually show you the closest encounter. I'd accept it showing where the target is when you are closest to its orbit, even if that's not the actual closest encounter to the object itself. Just so long as it doesn't show you where the target would be when you are at some random point in your orbit for no good reason whatsoever.
  17. I just tried it (and tried also removing the solar panel) and Bob got into a 150x150 orbit with 3.62 units of fuel left The ship sans solar panel was $3,665. It actually took a bit more EVA fuel than I thought it would. It was 11 "dozens" of meters per second to bring the orbit up but obviously he had plenty of fuel for that. Still no video, maybe in a few hours.
  18. Yeah you can land on Minmus and get back to your orbiting ship if you're careful
  19. I didn't try, but am positive I can. That amount of dV is likely in the "dozens" range, and EVA packs have something like 600. Maybe when I get home this morning I'll record it.
  20. I don't cheat but I do use Hyperedit, a light launch autopilot named GravityTurn, and sometimes fiddle around in the Alt-F12 menu.
  21. I can't answer any of this except what is hopefully the most important question: How to reroll. First and foremost. BACK UP YOUR SAVE. Then open it (persistent.sfs) and look for ResourceScenario You'll see something like this: SCENARIO { name = ResourceScenario scene = 7, 8, 5, 6 RESOURCE_SETTINGS { GameSeed = 1148806290 MaxDeltaTime = 21600 BIOME_LOCK_DATA { PlanetId = 13 BiomeName = Midlands } BIOME_LOCK_DATA { PlanetId = 3 BiomeName = Midlands } ...and on and on for a while You want to modify this line: GameSeed = # That "#" symbol up there, put in an actual number. I don't know what to use but try a few. If you find one you like, save it and you can put it into other games. You shouldn't need to re-scan the planets you've already scanned.
  22. This has already been reported and I believe a fix is already in place for the next update. It's also not "broken," you can still do missions and orbit things. I'm doing a Grand Tour and while it's annoying to deal with, it's not game-breaking.
  23. When you get an encounter with another world, the game shows a little dot on that planet's orbit showing it'll be "there" at the time the encounter occurs. So the code to do this is already present. I personally would like that dot to be a permanent thing, and when you're hovering over your ship's projected orbit (any time you could click to create a maneuver node or warp) that dot would show where the planet would be when your ship was at your mouse location. That way, you could move your mouse along your orbit and see how the target world is going to move at the same time.
  24. I've seen this posted several times, and had it happen to me as well. Hitting F5 to quicksave followed by F9 to quickload always fixes that instance of it.
  25. Maybe I'm jaded and old but I'm in a similar boat. Same goes for Google.
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