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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. You're right. Like how they talked about dV numbers in the last devnote after posting it on... I don't even remember where now. Oh wait they didn't talk about it in the devnote. Anyway, I assume this is what you guessed, though that's not a "new" dimension. It's the current number of dimensions minus 1. If I came out to my car and saw it only had 3 tires I wouldn't say "Oh wow a new tire!"
  2. Will post a little something on the subreddit tomorrow about a cool partnership we got. Taking some stuff to a different dimension. Will post a little something on the subreddit tomorrow about a cool partnership we got. little something on the subreddit tomorrow on the subreddit tomorrow subreddit
  3. Probably, but it can get clunky. Try this: Take the "broken" ones off and toss them away. Use "r" to change your symmetry to radial (MM instead of that weird plus symbol next to the cost of your vessel) Hold Alt and click one of the good ones, this will create a copy. Hover that copy over where you want it to go, but DON'T PLACE IT. Check the little MM symbol to make sure it didn't change back for some reason. If it did, hit R again. Place the part, and it should look correct. This MAY not work. Sometimes the game just won't let you change from radial (the plus) to mirror (MM) symmetry. If that's the case, you're kind of boned but usually re-placing the wings with mirror symmetry (similar to how I did it above) will work.
  4. Very cool mod, I'll play with it soon and offer feedback if I can think of any. One question though: What is the correct version? The changelog says 1.0.4 but KerbalStuff has 1.0.4b. Is that the correct version or is there a "c" or later letter?
  5. All of the above. I've not done an interplanetary gravity assist (Similar to the crazy stuff NASA does, like using Eve to get a gravity assist with Eve to get a gravity assist with Duna to get to Jool or stuff like that) but I never aerobrake at Jool anymore now that I know I can use Laythe or Tylo to slow me down more reliably and with a higher periapsis. And outside testing that Voice Activated Ship mod to see if I liked it (Cool idea, but in the end not for me) I have never installed MechJeb.
  6. I don't think I've ever sent a PM on this forum that wasn't a reply to someone else PMing me
  7. Have you never tried to get a specific contract type in the game? "I want to build a Mun base. Oh, no contracts for it. Decline, Yes. Decline, Yes. Decline, Yes... ad nauseum. Then rejecting those contracts should incur some sort of penalty. It currently does not. And if it DOES incur a penalty then Squad needs to seriously rework what contracts are offered. Being dinged for rejecting "Test stability enhancers landed on Eve" would be BAD. If this proposal was put into the game I'd be very glad. All it would do in the current setup is remove drudgery. That is a good thing.
  8. Why do you feel that sandbox isn't the "real" game? Most people I know who play in sandbox do so because they consider it "real" KSP where they don't have to muck about with all the stuff they don't like, and do what they DO like. Have you tried Science mode? It may be a nice middle ground for you where you have limited progression but never have to "do yet another contract" to make the money to build what you want.
  9. I don't enjoy watching rich housewives complain about how hard their lives are, or people singing so judges can tell them how much they suck, but those are very popular shows. People enjoy all kinds of things, and many people (obviously) enjoy watching others play video games. That said, watching Maxmaps make tons of basic mistakes makes me cringe. It's like tuning into Major League Baseball and instead getting a little league game. Watching him suffer from the decoupler bug (where it doesn't eject outward but instead downward, usually breaking your engines or fuel tanks on the center stage) was both hilarious AND frustrating. If I had a Twitch account I'd have said that it was a bug. With a fix. From a modder. And watching the default setting for sepratrons destroy his fuel tanks like they have so many of mine made me want to scream "HEY THERE'S ONE FOR THE ENGINEER REPORT." I filled in for OWK on one Squadcast summary and know the work it takes. So yes, thank you very much for doing these!
  10. Use -force-d3d11-no-singlethreaded instead. It doesn't help as much with the memory (but it does save some, and doesn't hurt framerates for me like -force-opengl does) but it doesn't suffer all the graphical glitches -force-d3d11 has.
  11. I'll be posting a slightly edited version of the live feed. I don't know if it'll be very entertaining without being in the chat. After cutting out the dead air at the start and end, and a call from my girlfriend that interrupted me DURING RE-ENTRY (I swear she was watching and chose that time to call ), it's just a few seconds shy of 2 hours. I may also post a severely edited, 5ish minute version but that'll take a lot of work and I have to prioritize the actual episodes And thanks for pointing out EL, I have no idea how I passed over that one in my list. It's there now.
  12. Well, it's been TEASED as such but you could interpret it that the engineers at KSC have found a way to add it to all command modules.
  13. What drives me nuts is we have these two totally-useless stats that mean nothing, that you can easily change in the file, and then they add something very similar in professions that you can NOT change in the file. Or in any way other than a kludgey name change. I agree though, "Stupidity" should be "Smarts" or "Intelligence" or something like that. It's natural in games for higher = better.
  14. Why is it cheating to take a satellite into orbit with a capsule? Did NASA cheat by taking Hubble up in the Space Shuttle? I think it's not just important but VITAL that there be a probe core with NO benefit except for ability to control. Hopefully it'll be both the lightest and cheapest core available once they balance all the parts. It's not supposed to be easy. Perhaps not even possible. You're supposed to learn that the probe has major downfalls and research better ones or find a workaround. And in my experience, while I can't launch one to orbit once I've gotten it there I CAN get a Stayputnik into any target orbit without SAS.
  15. I see how that works, and am shocked that a) it does work and I haven't thought to do it I'm going to play around with this next time I play and see how it works, though I tend to just make sure my ship has enough engines to not have to do 2 burns.
  16. True dat. It was like a room full of people watching me flail at the game. Which sounds horrific but was actually really cool. Sadly I reloaded the quicksaves to take some better screenshots (It's so hard to remember to take them when I'm screaming through the atmosphere at 2km/s and trying to keep the "glider" upright) and they're totally busted. The orbit is still there but the ship is locked in place. You can timewarp forever and never get anywhere. I even tried to use Hyperedit to change the orbit and while it accepted the button click, the orbit remained as it was and the ship still didn't move. So no more of that one. But I WILL be streaming more in the future. Probably FTL (which will likely not have the framerate issues KSP had being a much less framerate-intensive game) first.
  17. I don't know about the sound thing, though I've had similar issues. Sometimes I think Linux developers all have 48 inch monitors or 20/.00001 vision. Though the only real problem I have is in browsers. All the good browsers (Read: Firefox and Chromium) allow you to scroll-wheel up/down with ctrl to change the font, and then they remember what you had it on for each site. I use that gratuitously. First, you'll want to learn the terminal. Second, "unzip" is really all you need. Get the mod's zip into your gamedata folder, get there in your terminal. Third, "unzip [modname]." You can shortcut that by just typing the first few letters and hitting tab. I learned a TON of stuff from a great "beginner to linux" podcast entitled Linux Reality. Even almost a decade later, I suggest you listen to the first few episodes and if they help, download them all.
  18. I clicked "Help" and it checked the checkbox next to the word "help." That wasn't much help Although I see it now that I have more than 5 minutes to look (I went right from a 2-hour live stream to a 5-hour late-night Ingress session. Oh the harried life I lead). WHen you click "Help" a help section opens up well out of sight. I did not notice that first time the only indication of this, that the scrollbar on the right changed size. I fiddled a little bit and to be frank, it's not intuitive enough. I created a Mun instance and it went on top of Kerbin. I could not drag it away until I dragged Kerbin away first. Now that I know the help section is there, I think I could refer to it on every step but after 3 or 4 steps I wouldn't want to any more. I instead tried to just figure out how to get my ship's path to just say it left Kerbin and orbited Mun, and after a few minutes gave up. It has a few nice kernels. I like the drag/drop interface part, but all the stuff under that is just confusing. I don't know what would be better. :-/
  19. I was under the impression that it was buggy and unfinished. ...so it would make a PERFECT addition to stock! (Note: I don't actually know that much about IR, I just wanted to make that joke)
  20. So that's why my ears are warm I only had about 1 mintue to check it out tonight, between my 2-hour live stream and going out for a late night with friends, but I couldn't see how to add a ship, planet, or otherwise. I was able to drag the arrow around which was cool. I use adblock and javascript blocking, but I had it all set to allow everything so I'm not sure if it's me, my setup, or the site but something was up.
  21. Had a great time doing this, though there were some technical difficulties both in my setup (my girlfriend says "hi") and in the construction of Astro-Glider 2. Hopefully I'll be able to get the video from YouTube and make a shorter compilation video. Minus the phone call
  22. I will be doing a live stream on Youtube in about 20 minutes, aka at 9:00pm Eastern tonight! This is my first live stream ever, so I expect I'll have endless issues. Come and watch me flail about. Tonight I hope to catch an asteroid (unlike Maxmaps I think I'll actually make it!), slap wings on it like my old Astro-Glider, and then for the coup-de-grace add JET ENGINES to fly it around Kerbin and - if my 1-1000000 long shot pays off - land it on the runway at the KSC. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hA70cQulGpw
  23. Duna. They're roughly as easy to get to their SOIs, but landing on Eve is a prison sentence unless you work REALLY hard. For days. Or months. Gilly (Eve's moon) is super easy to land on and take off from (it's so small I actually thrust down toward it to speed up the landing) but it's so small and eccentric it can be difficult for a new player to intersect. Duna, on the other hand, needs nothing more than a few parachutes (more is better. The atmosphere's pretty thin, and don't be shy firing the rockets to slow down at the end to make sure you're going slow enough) to land on and a ship not much bigger than what you took to Mun and back the first time you did it. Ike is the opposite of Gilly. It's HUGE and the problem is generally figuring out how to NOT interact with it. It's very similar to Mun so landing on it - once you get there - should be a nice familiar thing to boost your confidence during this new endeavour. Duna, I suggest people do FIRST. Eve, I suggest they tackle LAST.
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