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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. It is safe to say by now that if the modder wanted to use Kerbalstuff, it'd be on there. There's a link to the location that the modder prefers to upload their builds to in the first post.
  2. First off, I like both. I also like how MapResourceOverlay does it. I'm pretty easy going though so long as the info is readily available. I see no reason to not expect modders to have half a dozen different map types available within a few days of 1.0 dropping. Secondly, I'm intrigued by how these two globes, separated by years, developers, and design paradigms, are of almost exactly the same spot in space over Kerbin.
  3. I think the mod could at least just log the current memory to the log file every minute or so.
  4. In college in 1992-3. I was taking a bunch of programming classes and spent a lot of time in the computer lab (poor college kid, so no computer at home). The VAX systems had persistent internet which I dabbled in a little bit. Then I saved up some cash and bought my own computer (It was like $1200 for a mostly basic thing. Its equivalent today would probably cost $300) and found out (through a friend) about the Cleveland Freenet, which for me was a local call. That was when the Internet started becoming a more permanent thing in my life.
  5. One of the very few actors who has never been in something I didn't like. Even the Bilbo Baggins song. But especially the original Star Trek. Today is a sadder day now.
  6. A lot of very good points that I totally agree with, however I have a problem with both points in part 4. I think Mun and Minmus contracts should not have a rep requirement. I mean, they're obvious goals, attainable with VERY early tech, and are kind of the "intro mission" to the game. Once you've landed on Mun you know most of what you need to do to get elsewhere. Making that a goal from very early on is a good thing. Also, on harder difficulties the contract does NOT need to pay for the part. If you're playing on super grindy hard mode, you should be bringing those parts back for recovery. Preferably at 100%
  7. Do whatever he says. How do you conjugate this sentence?
  8. If your rocket is 10km up traveling 10 m/s, your gravity turn is the least of your worries. Likewise with 3km/s (though admittedly they're different problems). If you're concerned about efficiency* you should really design your rocket so it smoothly accelerates up to about 260m/s at 10km**, and continues to accelerate at about the same pace up to orbit. This will allow you to hug atmospheric efficiency at about 100% all the way up, and will make turning at 8-10km the best choice. *And if you're not concerned about efficiency, timing your gravity turn is pointless. Just burn straight up like they do in Star Wars **More specifically you want to be going 100m/s at 1km, 150m/s at 4km, 200m/s at 7km, and 260m/s at 10km
  9. I use the bug fix mod so they actually get pushed away from the rocket, and if that doesn't have enough oomph (99% of the time it does) I use sepratrons, usually thrust limited down to about 25 percent.
  10. Maxmaps specifically said that Science is one of the oldest systems in the game and will see a significant rework. I remember it because I happened to do the summary of that squadcast when OWK was too busy. Whether or not that means WE will think it's significant, no one can tell. But it's a good sign.
  11. I caught part of the show and it all looks *great*! Seriously you guys are doing a bang-up job. Sadly I missed a lot of it due to stupid real life and stuff, so would also like to watch it as a past broadcast. Your "Past Broadcasts" page is empty though.
  12. Then I may be misstating what I'm asking for, or agreeing with something I am misunderstanding. What I want is a system that does NOT, when you're in space and click "hold prograde," do the following: Slowly accelerate rotation toward prograde (which it doesn't even do but that's a different topic IMO), not using all the available torque. At the halfway point, keep accelerating toward prograde. At prograde, keep accelerating toward it, causing the ship to swing wildly past it, usually several times before slowly getting what I wanted in the first place and could have done myself in a single motion. And if it could NOT shimmy-shimmy-shake the ship apart when I ask it to hold prograde, that would be a bonus.
  13. Me too. This isn't something I expect in the game until we get closer to 1.0
  14. If "pro" is the opposite of "con" then what is the opposite of "progress"?
  15. Two points: 1) Female Kerbals will add a lot to the roleplay aspects of the game, which many enjoy. 2) Female Kerbals were not a secret feature. The only secret was when they'd be released. So, comparing this new secret feature to past secret features, the only one I can think of off the top of my head is destructible buildings which - frankly - was a dud. Well, except for the exploding part. That can't be a dud by definition. You can't compare it to the relatively better addition of female Kerbals. Which does not bode well for this potential new secret feature. (but I'm still hopeful it's something awesome like a full Kerbal civilization with cities and whatnot)
  16. It's from that classic song. Everybody, sing with me... "Peanut Wutter Belly. Peanut Wutter Belly. PeanutWutterBelly. PeanutWutterBelly. PeanutWutterBelly with a BASEBALL BAT." Okay now that I've got that song stuck in the head of every person over the age of 20, I'd like to - as I frequently do - wonder publicly how yet another indespensible and should-be-stock mod could hide from my eye for so long. Installing this one right. frickin'. now.
  17. This may be crazy but the system could use the angle to destination and current rotational speed and direction to determine approximately how much authority is needed.
  18. I am not 100% sure but I believe if everything you have in the game is in stable orbits that have 0% chance of intersecting another SOI EVER, then any level of time warp works. Ships on rails are in fact on rails. However at high time warp (and the Dr. Evil level of one meeelion time warp is quite high), no ship would survive any SOI change. At best (and most likely) it'd simply miss it. At worst (which means this is what will actually happen) you'll exit time warp to find your ship is ejecting from the system at several times the speed of light.
  19. Just heard the guys on Kerbalcast mention this after a listener recommended it to them. The specific thing they mentioned it can do (save a part you've gizmoed too far into its parent part) is something I've wanted since the first day I used 0.90. I'm surprised more people aren't singing your praises, and I'm downloading this now!
  20. I usually play 1.5-3 hours at a time. 90 minutes or so of raw recording gets me a 20-30 minute episode, but there's a lot of cruft that I don't even bother recording. When I'm not recording at all, it widely varies.
  21. I've done some voice acting for various productions over the years. Nothing professional, just friends making shows. The most famous of those is probably Space Casey, wherein I play Al, the ship's computer.
  22. YES. I was thinking about this just today. I'd love the Procedural Parts mod to have resize gizmos instead of the sliders in the right-click menu
  23. All airless bodies should be cratered. Duna needs something else though. I dont' know what, but procedural canyons would be pretty cool. Make it have crisscross patterns like we used to think Mars had. Fissures, almost.
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