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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. Huh. Weird. All I can think is use the Windows file search tool to look for one of the quicksaves you're missing in the file system but can still see in-game. They've got to be somewhere!
  2. I don't see how this could work well. Squad is in most cases the WORST people to talk to about mods, for some of the reasons already posted in this thread. Better would be to somehow wrangle 10-20 modders themselves in for a group AMA but that would be even harder. Most people use the term "herding cats" to describe getting disparate people to agree on something. When I have to herd cats* I use the term "herding modders." *Okay I'll admit I don't herd cats all that often.
  3. I was going to jokingly reply "This is dumb and you're dumb for posting it" but was worried that you or a future visitor to this thread wouldn't see it was a joke I like this. I personally can get a bit... tersely critical of others (including Squad) but really and truly I think this is a great idea.
  4. I doubt this is easy or even possible but I have been told my modders that I should suggest things and let them decide how possible they are I'd love, in the contracts window, when I click "X", to instead of just denying the contract get a little popup window. Or ideally have 2 "X"es, one to cancel the contract and one to set up a cancel filter. The filter would have a menu with all possibilities for that contract. For example, you have a contract up to put a satellite in an equatorial orbit around Mun. You click the "cancel and filter" button and you get a menu: Auto-Deny All: Mun contracts. Satellite contracts. Equatorial Satellite contracts. Mun Satellite contracts. Mun Equatorial Satellite contracts.
  5. Also with a plane that contract is doable, though you gotta be near the top height and lowest speed. It's "only" about 3 times terminal velocity (so helloooooo re-entry effects)
  6. Yup, it's all about the wings. All you need is that one tech node with all the starter plane stuff. Except landing gear, of course. Just toss a bunch of parachutes on your plane and take off vertically.
  7. I agree with RainDreamer, but just having the information in any reasonable way would be fine for me. I don't want to have to go through the Mumbo Jumbo of going to map view, hitting backspace possibly, and then clicking the icon. I'd rather just know by looking at the Kerbal who is already on the screen.
  8. I don't know why but I always think this 3d printed stuff looks like it's worth about 1/100th what you pay, or less.
  9. From nothing emerges really interesting stuff kewvbpj
  10. Add to my personal list pinpoint landing (within 20 meters) on a world with an atmosphere, with parachutes and engine assist.
  11. I lvoe the suggestion, but shift would indeed make your station go WAM BAM as you throttled up. I would prefer alt - which is what the fuel tank transfers use.
  12. It was early last week too. New person doing the job, new time table. I expect they'll be out around 5pm Eastern every week.
  13. 2nd place: In the little IVA windows it does it too. Again, I'm happy to ignore there as well.
  14. I prefer changing all "oo"s (and some "o"s) to "u"s myself.
  15. Nope that's all I've seen so far. I know 255 is blank but I think it may count as a space.
  16. So soon only engineers will be able to take parts? They're already the only crew you need. Thankfully Ship Manifest will allow me to change everybody to an Engineer.
  17. It's simply a matter of finding the sweet spot. Burning straight up and turning in space is worse than turning 10 degrees 50km, which is worse than turning 20 degrees at 40km, which is worse than 30 degrees at 30km, which is worse than 40 degrees at 20km, which is worse than 45 degrees at 10km, which is better than 50 degrees at 5km, which is... wait that was better? Aha we've found a sweet spot. Others have more specific reasons, but that's the thinking involved. We don't do it because of drag or gravity or blah blah blah. We do it because we reach orbit with the most fuel.
  18. Stock: I go when my Apoapsis is at 12km, which for most rockets is somewhere between 9000 and 10,000km altitude. But that turn is not the 45 degree puke-inducing turn they teach you on the YouTubes. I don't see 45 until my apoapsis is at 20km. FAR: If my TWR is about 1.5-1.8, I turn at anywhere from 60-80m/s. I don't think I've ever paid attention to the height but it's pretty quick. If my TWR is about 1.3-1.4 (most common for me) I turn at 70-80m/s. If my TWR is lower than 1.3, I add moar boosters I answered "5-10km" because the question obviously intended to ask about stock.
  19. But your yellow cummerbund hangs dangerously gaunt, even so. mewebclvg
  20. I tried that rejector mod linked to on the first page and I like it. I suggest it to anybody. I filtered out the words "Kerbin" and "Mun" and all part tests.
  21. I found a slight problem with the method of renaming crew. Though it does make him look really happy to be on Minmus!
  22. Pull the lever and then tell everybody you froze and didn't know what to do. Or if there is some log of when the lever is pulled, pull it, and then say you did so before noticing the train and then froze. Pulling it back would have made things worse so nobody can blame you for not acting, and the family of the person who died will blame whoever caused the thing in the first place. i.e., when in doubt, do the right thing and then lie to keep the lawyers away.
  23. That's outta my league, someone with more modding knowledge will have to take over from here
  24. The VAB workers work 9-5, daylight hours. So whenever you're in the VAB you're actually doing what occurred on the day(s) before the current time.
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