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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. Every icon makes it more complex. I can't think of* a situation where you couldn't signify defueling ship A by instead showing you refueled ship B. * Doesn't mean there isn't one. I can be dense sometimes.
  2. I personally go for the most cost-effective approach, at least when money is important in early career. I don't see how an effective argument could be made that paying more money to save a few m/s of dV is better. Then later when I've got millions, it's mainsails all the way
  3. I just posted a video on Youtube where I crashed with my station, but that was on approach so it probably doesn't count. It was a pretty fast approach, however. Link goes to right before the crash.
  4. Sweet! Can't wait to try this! - - - Updated - - - How about require alt-click, or something similar?
  5. I'd be okay with that. Not my first choice, but sure. "They're getting Chris Tucker to play Lando in the Disney Star Wars movies," on the other hand...
  6. I plant it, and then immediately remove it with the Kerbal. I've planted so many flags named "asdf" you'd be surprised, though none of them are standing. Their grand total time in existence has been maybe 10 seconds.
  7. I knew that. I was anti-Kerbalizing it. Yeah that's the ticket. You learn something new every day
  8. Just use the 48-7S for most everything, and the LV-N for everything else. ...until the balance comes, of course, and then (hopefully) we'll actually have choices for which engines to use where.
  9. What he said Karbonite (or more accurately Regolith) has background processing. Actually what happens is, when the ship comes into focus it instantly does all the drilling and processing it WOULD have done during all the time it was out of focus. Note this also works for Extraplanetary Launchpads if you use it with Regolith instead of Kethane. And because RoverDude is doing resources for the stock game, I expect the same from that as well.
  10. Short answer: No. Longer answer: Kinda. It doesn't matter what side of Eve you fly by it on, if you don't slow down you'll fly right by. It could be spinning like a top or not spinning at all. It does not matter to your space ship. However, you CAN at Jool (And to a lesser degree Kerbin and Duna) use the moons to slow yourself down. It's a bit tricky but essentially - for Jool - you want to come in a little too wide so you go around the back of Jool and then pass by Laythe or Tylo* on THEIR outside as well, so they slingshot you toward Jool. This new trajectory will very likely give you a completed orbit (and if you plan it all with maneuver nodes, you can keep tweaking until it DOES) and from there you can do whatever you want to do. *Vall may work too but I've never tried it. Laythe is closer so it has more effect. Tylo's bigger so it has more effect. Vall is smaller than Tylo but further than Laythe.
  11. I agree with you (and I think basic.syntax does as well) that not having dV info was a bad idea, but I'd still like to know why he changed his mind. What took him from "It'll ruin the magic!" to "Let's do this." Was it simply cowtowing to the demands? Did he try the Jool 5 mission and realize how unfun it is when you try to power your ships with magic? I am genuinely both thankful AND curious.
  12. Did you buy the rights to use the part? Can you see the stake in the list of available parts (It's in Utility)? Right click on it and see if there's a bright green button on the bottom of its info page. Click that and you'll be able to put the stake in the container. If that's not it, I have no clue. But it happened to me and gave me pause.
  13. I've had luck in all 3 of the big craters on the equator. The one on the left (Looking from Kerbin with North up) has the Armstrong Memorial on it and yes, it's still pretty flat around there. The one on the right (again from Kerbin's perspective) has a nice flat area just south of the arch on the north wall, and the farside crater had my first Kethane base ever and was very flat on the side closest to Kerbin.
  14. It's a well known bug, actually. Don't go through SOI changes faster than 50 times. Preferably 5x, 10x, or no time warp. I personally set up KAC alarms for all SOI changes so I'm going at normal time for every single one.
  15. Thanks for the suggestion. I didn't even know MM HAD a cache. However, it did not work. The dangers of not running CKAN, I suppose. I updated it and it works now! Yaaay! Thanks tons, I super appreciate the help. Now to actually plan my EPL base.
  16. I like the idea of having a core group to pick from at the start. Personally I'd like 6 options, 3 male and 3 female, one of each gender/profession combination. And you can pick from 0 to 5 of them to start in career (assuming you have a 5-Kerbal cap to start) or from 0 to 6 of them in sandbox. Then we'd have - you know - choices. To play the game the way we wanted to. Also while we're at it, I'd like to be able to orange suit my own Kerbals, maybe after they've reached rank 5.
  17. I voted "no," because I want Squad to put their time and efforts into KSP, not general space news. But we won't see much about it here anyway so...
  18. I just loaded it in an otherwise stock game. I loaded Karbonite, EPL, and the EPL/Karbonite conversion pack ONLY... ...and it worked. I then deleted all of the relevant directories from my main instance of KSP, copied those folders in place, and... ...it still didn't work. So, something else is causing the problem. You'll be happy to know it's not you If you could look, I'd appreciate it but it just may be that I need to load my mods in groups until I find what's causing the issue. Here's the log from the most recent attempt. I'm going to bed as well (Odd I share sleeping hours with someone half a world away ) so no rush needed! [defunct site link removed by moderator]
  19. Same with 5.1.0 and all ELP parts. One thing I notice, when I click "load" something appears on the launchpad very quickly and then vanishes. I thought maybe being on the launchpad myself was causing it to not load and then get put in the queue, so I turned my little base into a car and drove it off the launch pad. The thing still appears on the launchpad and disappears quickly, but still nothing else happens.
  20. I was under the impression that "Pad-0" is the stake that is (kind of) landed out in the grass 40 meters away, while the orbital dock is "Pre-launch" because it was just put on the launchpad. I'm updating now to 5.1 and will test again I did click "Load" and the screen goes away when I do. But all that does is make that gui window go away. The "Select Craft" button remains. I've not seen it work yet, but my gut is telling me that it (or somewhere on that window) should say that it's building something.
  21. I'm sorry, but this argument has been brought up before. Therefore you cannot bring it up again. Please come up with a fresh argument that nobody has ever come up with before.
  22. I've been an Nvidia user since AMD didn't support Linux very well about a decade ago. I don't use Linux primarily anymore but still use Nvidia. And as I may be switching back to Linux soon, I don't have to worry about whether or not AMD has caught up. I have an older 670 in my laptop (that is also older), and it runs KSP (and most any other game) just fine.
  23. I did a little testing now that I know what parts are what and I found that if I put the "workshop" that looks like the 4-man hab module on there, I now get the build window. I also put your space dock on the top just to be sure. However it still won't build anything. I see "Pad-0" and "Pad-1" in the drop down, 0 says "landed" and 1 says "prelaunch" so I assume 0 is the stake and 1 is the orbital construction dock. I click "Select Craft" and can pick something, but "Select Craft" stays as is and there is no indication that it's trying to build or even queued to build in the future. Here's a pic that shows everything: EDIT: To be 100% sure I removed the MKS part. I made a "ship" with a probe core, large rocket part tank (full), solar panels, and a workshop with the same 2 engineers that were in the above pic for a productivity of 0.43
  24. Haha I'm so new at this I didn't even know that wasn't a stock ELP part. Question: Assuming it works, how do I open the window? Should it be a right-click menu option on the workstation or should that button on thetaskbar work, or something else?
  25. Okay I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong, hopefully it's something simple I forgot or don't know (it usually is). I've literally not built anything with ELP since May of last year so I'm a bit rusty and there's a lot new. I have a base. it's simple but I think it has everything. In particular it's got a workshop with 2 engineers in it, and productivity is 6.7 according to right click. I have a survey stake in the ground 40 meters away and it's an Origin stake. ...and I have no idea how to build something there. Right clicking the stake while it's the active vessel does nothing. Right clicking the base brings up a big menu but "build" is not an option. Clicking the ELP button in the taskbar does not bring up a build menu (though the tooltip implies it will). What am I doing wrong? EDIT NOTE: I'm using the previous build because I've got bad internet right now and can't download it. I'll be doing that later today.
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