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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. Both. I've really not played since KSP2 was announced, except to check out new stuff or do a challenge here and there.
  2. Once you've transferred all fuel from one tank to another, you cannot transfer more as the destination is either full, or the source is empty. Also, in 1.10 there is a fuel transfer bug. I've not seen it but have heard of it. Try closing your right click menus and opening them again, or F5/F9 to save/reload and see if you can then transfer more fuel.
  3. Those are in settings.cfg in your install directory (where ksp_x64.exe is). Here is what they are set to in my config: ORBIT_WARP_DOWN_AT_SOI = True ... ORBIT_WARP_MAXRATE_MODE = PeAltitude ORBIT_WARP_PEMODE_SURFACE_MARGIN = 250 ORBIT_WARP_ALTMODE_LIMIT_MODIFIER = 1 I assume those are the defaults. I didn't change them.
  4. Me too, but every time I try to mod anything more complex than "change this default value to some other default value" my brain explodes. Also, every time I think of this amazing way to modify the science/money/tech system, 3 days later I realize how garbage it is. It's like when you wake up from a dream where you had a great idea, and by the time you're done showering you realize that the idea is not just impossible, but stupid even if it WAS possible.
  5. Autostruts don't recalculate, though, until staging. As SRBs tend to be the first thing staged, this is rarely an issue. However I agree with the suggestion. "Grandparent" is the better choice here and in many instances. I prefer to only autostrut the top fuel tank on the SRB to either the root or the heaviest part, depending on which one makes a more perpendicular connection to the SRB/fuel stack. Never had an issue with just that autostrut plus the grandparent autostrut on the SRB itself.
  6. I am almost positive that everything they showed was either a mockup or - if it was actually in a real version of the game it was footage of a test of something specific that happened to also look good. I'd be surprised if any of it was actual gameplay (rendered in the engine doesn't count) and would be doubly shocked if it was part of some actual play session.
  7. Based entirely on the TV show, The Flash should be able to beat Corona by running slightly faster than he's ever run before. Regarding Superman, his biggest weakness (forget Kryptonite that's boring and lame) is the crushing guilt whenever he can't single handedly fix everything like everybody expects him to. So you just piled that on him. I hope you feel good about yourself. (Edit just in case it's not obvious: That was tongue in cheek, as I expect this entire thread is)
  8. Well, it will complete the contract... Frankly, I use the existence of fuel in a station or base contract as a red flag to avoid said contract like the plague.
  9. This feels like calculus. And I haven't done calculus since I was forced to in college. The year started with a "1" So no thanks
  10. Not more than biting your lips or another piece of dry skin. Only if it's your hair.
  11. 100% or 0% depending on their plans. Which I expect we'd know if they wanted us to.
  12. You want to go EVA, right click the science Jr, take the science, and get back in your pod. Then the science Jr is useless and can be discarded. Which would require a redesign of the reentry craft. The problem is the Jr is light and big, so your craft is aerodynamically stable with the heavier pod in the front. Discarding the Jr fixes that problem.
  13. That's the main reason I usually listen through a Bluetooth headset. That and then also I don't have to talk to people.
  14. Google! Translate! Exactly. Who indeed.
  15. Let's say you're driving a car at 50mph, and are just passing a building that you want to visit. So you step out of your car and, because you also are going 50 mph you just fly past. That's what's happening here. You're leaving the Mun (which is flying around Kerbin) in the direction of Kerbin. However, you still have all that motion from the Mun so you are going that direction. You need to jump backwards from the car 50mph to stop your velocity, and THEN worry about heading toward the building. In orbital mechanics, you want to leave the Mun BACKWARDS, not DOWNWARDS. Luckily for your ship, Kerbin has gravity so once you do that, "walking toward the building" will happen automatically: You'll fall toward the planet.
  16. To quote Firefly, "A government is a body of people usually notably ungoverned." Governments act like they do because they can.
  17. I tell you if Rockbox was complied as a mobile app I'd install it in a heartbeat. I'd even toss 'em a few coins like they were Witchers.
  18. I bought a 5th Gen Rockbox - I mean iPod - and only ever booted up the iPod interface on it twice. Once on day 1 to make sure it worked before installing Rockbox, and once after installing Rockbox to show a friend you could install Rockbox and still boot to the iPod interface. I still have it somewhere and I'm sure it still works, but I've since moved on to an Android phone with all my music on it. But 15 years ago man it was groundbreaking. And by "it" I mean Rockbox.
  19. Uh... They released 1.0. Like, 5 days ago. If that's not enough how about SPIDERTRON.
  20. 1 year after KSP2 was announced, 1(+?) year(s?) until release, what am I most excited about? Factorio.
  21. I for sure wouldn't have pointed that out. Mostly because after 7.5 years of playing I never knew that was there. Mostly because I don't think I've ever clicked "version information" from the pause menu.
  22. You could find one such asteroid, then compare it in the persistent file to other asteroids to see if there's something in there that denotes such an asteroid as magical. There is no way I know of though to determine it beforehand.
  23. Again, I will respectfully disagree. Mod making and tech tree design are totally different skills. It's like expecting a writer to know how to code a word processor. Or a programmer to write a novel. Sure there are some who can do both but there are far more who can only do one. I wonder how many good tech trees we don't have because those who would create them couldn't or simply didn't want to figure out how. I know I for one gave up after an hour or so, simply because it wasn't worth my time.
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