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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. Other than that pesky "orbiting a star" part. If Jupiter and Saturn didn't exist, and Ganymede and Titan were in their place, then Ganymede and Titan would be planets. Seems totally reasonable to me. A system like that probably exists somewhere in the Galaxy, and those worlds would be planets. Actually, IMO "moons that would be planets if they replaced their parent and all their parent's other moon's weren't there either" is an important enough distinction to warrant another new term. Moon-Planets? Planet-Moons? I suggest we refer to Ganymede and Titan as Ploons.
  2. If it's so hard to program a predictor (they've tried before. Believe it or not it used to be worse) then I'd be happy with the interface showing me a ghost of where my target soul will be when my ship is at the location of its orbit where my cursor is. Like how now it shows it during SOI encounters, only directly under my control.
  3. Did someone say that? Was his first name "Straw"? I do not see any reason to think the number of planets in our solar system (or "let's get Pluto!") had anything to do with the definition. Clearly there are plenty of planets outside our solar system, likely more than there are stars, and no one in the IAU has deigned to call them "not planets." If you want math, it means: or or For definitions see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clearing_the_neighbourhood (aside) I don't particularly care if Pluto is a planet, a world, or a flambily-doodle. What I do care about is that "But Pluto's so CUTE can't we make it a planet just because I feel things!" is not a good enough reason to put what the IAU has done in the trash.
  4. I'd buy most things because of this adage: "Why buy it for $7 when you can make it yourself for $92 in craft supplies?" That's a joke of course but it's very true for a lot of things. Pickling cucumbers are generally more expensive per pound than pickles, and the pickles come with the jar and you don't need a lid sealer taking up cupboard space. Also, many things I just don't WANT to make myself. Beer? Sure. If I had infinite time I'd only drink my own hand crafted beer. A car? No thanks I'll take a Tesla please.
  5. No it does lose science. I wish it didn't because it makes no sense but it does. It's similar to how you gain less reputation when you have a lot of reputation. Except Science is useful. Basically if you already have 0% of something and transmit 50% of it, you get credit for the 50%. If you already have 50% and transmit 50% you get something like 50% of 50%, or 25%. So if you transmit it all in one go, you get 100%. if you transmit it in 2 packets you get 75%. Those numbers aren't accurate. They're simplified to make the point. But the concept is there.
  6. So what people don't like is that Pluto was "demoted" whatever that means. I didn't realize it was in the military. So the problem is that "Planet" is a badge of honor. Again for some reason that I don't quite understand. We just need to think of a better name than "Dwarf Planet" then so it's not like Pluto's being demoted, but just getting reclassified so it is better described. You know, like the actual reason for this whole thing. How about Omega Worlds? That sounds pretty cool and they're the last worlds out there so it fits.
  7. Not going to get any argument from me, or many others, on this one. I don't think it should even exist. Those things should just be in the game.
  8. I love this concept. I had a throwaway line in a story I wrote once where one character said "Why don't we just use anti-grav?" and the other said "That just lowers weight. We need to lower momentum." I have no idea what it means but the guy saying it was very smart so I assume he knew what he was talking about.
  9. The technical term "planet" has a definition. You don't have to like it but as a technical term it must be precisely defined and used to be of any use to the people who use it. Call Pluto what you want. Call the Moon a planet if you want, or the Sun. It was good enough for ancient people it should be good enough for us.
  10. It's amusing how users don't think developers understand how infuriating bugs are.
  11. IIRC it was entirely due to "it looks better that way" from marketing and nobody with the knowledge to correct them noticing. Basically what happens in every movie and tv show ever, with lack of noticing instead of nobody actually caring.
  12. Because some purple can bang their head on a rock until it breaks. The rest of us didn't figure out everything without help. Sometimes you can figure it out. Sometimes you need to settle for understanding it after you're told how to proceed and then try it.
  13. Yes. It can. Space is hard. There's a reason we've not left LKO with people since the 70s. Space in KSP is not so bad as in real life, but it's still hard. Take solace in the fact that simply by going to Mun in the first place, you've traveled further from Kerbin than most players of the game. They all quit because it was too hard. But not you. Don't give up now! Anyway, generally the problem coming home from Mun in early career is that you dive too deep too fast. I find a periapsis around 40km with no slowing down first to be safe. If you can slow down, do it in space with a maneuver node that uses all your fuel and leaves your periapsis at 40km. If you still blow up I want to see a picture of your ship as it's re-entering, with all the flight info guis up.
  14. Having had a job where I saw the insides of people's houses, I'm not surprised. People are disgusting. Every time I have dishes filling the sink I just remember that at least I don't have to literally climb over stinky piles of garbage to reach my kitchen.
  15. Generally in the US the actual owner of a property has the right to entry to inspect the property itself (not its contents) or perform maintenance with 24 hour notice. At least, that's what all my leases have told me over the years.
  16. Yes. It's very particular. You must type the @ symbol. You must type the name after it (no copy/paste!). You cannot without clicking move the cursor away from typing the name (though you can move it within) after you start. If you ever DO leave that area by mouse clicking, you must delete the entire name and start over, though you can leave the @ symbol. And good luck getting any of that to work on a phone.
  17. My update predictions: There will be no more than 3 updates before Fall of 2021. One of those updates will be a delay announcement.
  18. Wat Ike's SOI extends a specific distance from Ike, about 1000km. It can and does not go any further no matter what we allow.
  19. That's pretty funny. However, you don't need to be directly over that site. IIRC the range is quite generous. Just put the satellite just outside Ike's SOI, following or leading Ike around the orbit. If that doesn't work - i.e. if the contract still thinks you're too far diverged from the surface point, then I'd feel no qualms about Alt-F12ing the contract complete. Though if that happens I'd also submit the save as a bug report.
  20. I suggest browsing this search. https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/search/&q=kopernicus
  21. Yes. Start with Kopernicus and then find any of the dozens if not hundreds of very well made planet packs. Note "Kopernicus Continued" only works in 1.9.1 to my knowledge, so you may need to downgrade.
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