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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. Just go back to the ksp 1.9 folder you left behind as a backup when you copied everything to your ksp 1.10 folder. Or take this as a suggestion for when ksp 1.11 comes out
  2. I feel essentially the exact opposite. I can't imagine a mod doing it well (I mean, look at all the great tech tree editors we have right now) and hope for a baked-in solution. Preferably coupled with well-documented text file configs.
  3. EDIT: Wow so I actually took a screen shot a few months ago and those numbers haven't changed. here it is. (I'd be surprised if my non-Steam numbers were in the multiple thousands)
  4. He's not using truss parts. He's using a purely visual option in fairings to build fake trusses inside the fairings. It's in their right-click menu, I think after you enable "advanced tweakables" in options.
  5. Your post implies this was easy in 1.1. Back then, the limit was about 2km, making this much, much harder. I personally solved this by deciding to not care, but there is also a mod that automatically recovers things that look like they should be recoverable. It comes in 2 flavors, if you use FMRS: ...and if you don't:
  6. M I believe turns on mirror mode. The parts aren't truly mirrored, but their placement is and for most uses that's enough.
  7. This is far closer to any Orwellian fantasies I can assure you. It has more to do with being surprised that first the dinosaur didn't fall nor distract, then that the sunglasses didn't fall nor make the dinosaur fall. As to sunglasses vs prescription, sunglasses are far cheaper and that particular pair was unused.
  8. I have a stuffed T-Rex on top of my TV, have for about a dozen years. It's had sunglasses on it for about 11 of them. No reason for either.
  9. No we're not on a CSI TV show. But it's obviously a Kerbal screaming, not exactly a secret surprise image.
  10. Forget getting resources from elsewhere. I'd use those engines to boil water and solve all of our power problems for free!
  11. I have no pictures, but my first playing of KSP was in the 0.16 (0.18?) demo, and in that demo - without quicksave because I didn't know it existed - I did a full land-and-return Mun mission. I told myself that if the game could hold my interest through that, it was worth buying. I learned about Quicksave on my final attempt, when I was in orbit of Mun. I quicksaved there and then landed and returned to Kerbin with no problems. After who knows how many full attempts that needed restarting from the launch pad. Sadly I have no pictures from it, or from my early "real" game runs. The oldest picture I do have is this one from Imgur (in a spoiler because it's big) All I know about the date of this picture is that Imugr says it was from "7 years ago" (snipped: rant about not using actual dates) I was obviously past "beginner dummy" phase and well into "advanced dummy" phase there. That is a ship designed to send 5 rovers to Mun. each can land and drive around. Presumably. They were able to land, for sure. Drive? Not so much. Also, back then there was no real reason to land a rover on Mun other than to do it. Surely, there was no reason to land *5* of them.
  12. The number of experiments has nothing to do with what's wrong with science. The fact that you can just show up somewhere with all of them and "get science" is.
  13. I seriously doubt they'd put your speedometer in the window such that it hides how close you are to the car in front of you. Vertical real estate is the single biggest problem with computers (IMO). There's a reason most good software has dropped the concept of a title bar (on Firefox it's the tab bar, in Steam it's the menus, for example) and the status bar. It's why I personally put my Windows Taskbar along the left side of my screen and not the bottom. Every pixel counts. ESPECIALLY in the very center of the screen. KSP1 manages this critical space horribly, with a navball with a huge bezel on the bottom, and an altimeter with about a dozen other things I don't care about (including a huge bezel) at the top. The FIRST thing I do in KSP when I start a new install - if for some reason I can't use a config from a previous one - is to move the navball over. The second thing I'd do if the game let me would be to move the altimeter as well.
  14. You can't. That's what Locked Mode is for. Outside of Locked Mode, the camera and navball have no correlation at all and trying to force one is only a route to disaster.
  15. Yeah like how the Dust Bowl made everybody move out of the American farmland to Antarctica. Sorry personal pet peeve about the movie. Not one thing they did to get people to a space station orbiting Saturn couldn't have been done cheaper, easier, and on a massively larger scale by just staying on Earth.
  16. They've said that editing planets would be easier. I don't know about "drop-down-menu" easier but who knows.
  17. Where did you get this file? Did you buy it from Squad, or Steam, or somewhere else?
  18. You mean KSP supports NASA, ESA, and SpaceX to a certain degree. I have yet to see KSP being used in actual space programs to fly actual space ships
  19. Possibilities: You can mine monoprop there, for the Puff engine. Thar be (magic) dragons. It consists entirely of Poly-Urethene Foam
  20. No work or money plus good press. Someone knocks on your door and offers to mow your lawn for free. "Yeah but what's in it for me?" As to my prediction on what 1.11 will bring us? A bunch of complaints on the forum about its contents is all I am 100% sure of. But it seems pretty likely that a few more worlds and a few more parts will get revamps. Bugs will get fixed but not all of them, possibly not even most of them. I doubt we'll see something as big as 1.10's comets but hey if I want to pie-in-the-sky, a stock method to better predict, plan, and maybe even execute interplanetary transfers would be a boon.
  21. Huh. That's something I've always "known" but I have no idea where I "learned" it. It is entirely possible I made it up so I'll just say it's part of my headcanon.
  22. For me, Kerbals are unique in the Universe in that they evolved without any concept of war. Fighting is as alien to them as it is inherent to us. They almost lack even the ability to deceive and argue, but they are able to disagree. They are also quite hardy and heal quickly, so evolved a cavalier attitude to danger. "The Whoopsies" is the #1 cause of death on Kerbin, and has been throughout their entire recorded history. When they invented gunpowder, their first thought was that it makes things go up, so how high up can we shoot someone? When they found that they couldn't shoot someone up high enough to see anything new before killing them, Kerbals invented parachutes and shock plates. When they found that gunpowder just wasn't efficient enough to do much better even with the safeguards, they invented Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, and the Scientific Method. It took them a long time to figure out why some Kerbals died even though the craft rose slowly enough to not crush them, and parachuted down safely. It wasn't until they invented writing - and thought to bring a pad and pencil along - that Kerbals discovered that the air thins out as you rise. Then they invented air tanks. It wasn't long after that they invented space suits. Like Humans, they had figured out long before that their world was round and orbited their sun. While they had invented math late in the game in regards to rocketry, that was more due to their inventing rocketry quickly, and less due to inventing math late. To roughly compare with Humans, the first Kerbal reached space at about the time in their development that we in our development were burning down Rome. An entire industry evolved around space flight, and multiple mega-corporations spawned to create parts for ships. They competed - fairly and on merit - for the new Kerbal Space Program's attention. The Kerbals built a Space Center in a convenient spot on their equator, bought the licensing rights to a pod that could probably withstand the vacuum of space, a parachute to bring it down again, a booster with solid fuel in it (but there were rumors that a liquid version was in the works, which would make throttling and restarting engines possible) and a container to hold this green stuff they found that might react oddly in different situations. They hired a few hundred Kerbals to run the operation and 4 of those were chosen to be the pilots, engineer, and scientist for the first few missions - until they could find more to either replace them (rest in peace) or augment the ranks. Then, they hired you to run it all.
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