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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. Most people use Dropbox I think, and yes there are a lot of smart people on this forum, so if the problem is in the save they may be able to find it. Including me, but I'm a bit busy so may not have time.
  2. And well done at at that. I like your compact, efficient designs. If I had to choose, I'd say either Duna or Eeloo, as Moho is quite a dV hog. You'll have plenty of science by the time this is all done at the rate you're going. Both Eve and Jool will likely be done either with all nodes unlocked, or all nodes you actually want to be unlocked, unlocked.
  3. 99.9% of humanity doesn't understand the difference between a galaxy and a solar system. The reporter, proofreaders, and editor were merely all in that large group.
  4. If you post your save someone could at least confirm if it's that game or you're install, or maybe see what the problem is in the game. Similarly you could start a new save to see if the problem carries over to it. If you have Steam, try verifying files. And for the dumb idea I should have thought of first, did you accidentally destroy your tracking station?
  5. Yikes I didn't even think about it. I feel I needed to begrudgingly allow it lest I start a list of stock things that are allowed or not. So yeah, bring it along if you can carry it. I hear it's rather heavy for a stock science module. Your config is fine, that was just a joke about it being ridiculously large. I'd hate someone to put off doing the challenge until 1.10.1 because of it. To all: I'll verify entries when I can, but it's a holiday weekend and I'm on a (stay/va)cation starting tomorrow, so I'm not 100% sure when I'll get to them. I'll try to answer questions ASAP.
  6. Depends on what you consider the benefit of steam. For me, the benefit is just having the game updated when I sit down. All I need to do is copy it. Granted that's not MUCH better than downloading it and installing it manually but hey, it is a LITTLE better. The other benefit is this funny image.
  7. It's much easier to be willing to die for your cause if your spouse and kids aren't sitting around a table waiting for you to come home for dinner. Also how do you end every episode with a random sexual encounter?
  8. True, though the average KSP2 worthy pc will probably be a bit better.
  9. Nope it totally counts. I'll endeavor to keep them reined in, if I indeed give this challenge a try. Amusingly it will come down to how much I'll have to get from Kerbin whether I bother or not. I'll happily hop all over Mun and Minmus but fly to the Desert? Pfft no way.
  10. I can understand that. Just remember, it was all bits in a computer anyway. The only *real* affect it had on the world was your enjoyment creating it. And you still have that.
  11. One thought/question. I often toss my transfer stage on the way to Mun/Minmus, causing it to get thrown from Kerbin's SOI. In the vast majority of my careers it's how I first achieve "you successfully left Kerbin's SOI". Would this sort of thing be permitted, or should I make sure these spent stages properly crash into Mun/Minmus/Kerbin?
  12. I have a config that is not working in 1.10 that did work in 1.8. I never tried it in 1.9 as I never played in 1.9. @EXPERIMENT_DEFINITION[*]:HAS[#id[crewReport]]:FINAL { @baseValue = 8 @scienceCap = 8 @biomeMask = 23 } @EXPERIMENT_DEFINITION[*]:HAS[#id[evaReport]]:FINAL { @baseValue = 5 @scienceCap = 5 @biomeMask = 7 } When I load this in a 1.8 game on ModuleManager 4.1.3 and run a crew report in an alt-f12 cheated orbit I get a crew report that is over a biome. When I run an EVA report it is "in space." This is the desired result of this mod. When I load this in a 1.10 game on ModuleManager 4.1.3 and run a crew report in an alt-f12 cheated orbit I get the normal, "in space" crew report. EVA reports are biome specific. This is Stock behavior and what I'm trying to change. Here is my KSP log and Player.log from the 1.10 game. Please let me know if you need anything else. [defunct site links removed by moderator] Entire contents of Gamedata (except Squad directory which is stock):
  13. My theory about that is that there are 50 states (and 10 provinces), each with their own wrinkles in both driving laws and common driving courtesies. And after you spend 50 years getting used to those and are therefore dead set in your ways, you move to Florida and refuse to adapt to ANYTHING NEW EVER.
  14. That's so true, and one of the biggest problems with complicated sandbox games - of which KSP is a prime example. If your plane doesn't work, a new player could have any combination of: Misunderstanding about aerodynamics and physics Misunderstanding about how the game is different from realistic aerodynamics and physics. Simply a bad idea for a plane. Poor piloting skills. Poor control interface. Game bug Mod bug Mod interaction bug. ...and I'm probably forgetting a few. A seasoned player can actually rule out a lot of those problems, at least on a first pass. A new player not only has to consider every problem, they have to consider that it may be more than one of those problems. And the player is even new enough to not even know what all of the problems are. But that's why we're here Well, in the case of planes that's why YOU ALL are here.
  15. 3 reasons 3. Fuel is very cheap and we don't need to keep in super tight budgets.
  16. End of an era indeed! I've actually been following it so only had the last couple to read. I'm sorry to say you missed out on a critical step way back at launch from Kerbin and... no just kidding YOU WIN! Great job! It was a great read. Welcome to the winner's circle!
  17. SOON. (really though if they had any idea they'd have said more than just "soon")
  18. Kerbal eyes look to be the same size. It's like it's not even in the same genre anymore.
  19. Also it needs to be said, REP ALMOST MEANS NOTHING. Refusing ONE contract is a tiny little drop in a bucket. Refusing 10 contracts is a normal sized drop in a bucket. And the bucket refills faster the less full it is, so feel free to remove those microscopic drops on a whim.
  20. I would be very surprised if there was any situation where burning lower and then raising your Pe to the target orbit was better. I strongly suspect that it is always better to enter with a Pe at the target orbit, and then do the circularize in one single burn. I've been surprised before and expect to be surprised again, so I invite anybody to show proof that I am wrong. Caveat: This is of course assuming you don't need to modify your orbital tilt. Things can get a bit complicated for that.
  21. Of course. The previous maintainer asked for someone to do it.
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