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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. Basically Making History's Mission Builder. But useful.
  2. IMMEDIATELY? As in, you hit space, it flips? Is the probe core upside down or sideways? If you try to hold prograde and your probe core is upside down you're going to be sad. Otherwise, the only thing I can think is it's got heavy engines (and lots of them) in back and a big draggy bubble out front, so it would naturally want to fly backwards. See the COM sphere way down on the bottom of the craft. That's bad. You can fix that by making it taller and having a top stage that doesn't get used until you're high up, or even in space. That fuel up top will help keep your COM forward. Also, don't have 2.7 TWR at launch. Go for like 1.6 or so. You're going to fast too low, and that plus a super light and draggy payload is a terrible combination.
  3. I totally mis-saw this image and thought you were making an off center, one SRB launcher. Nice job on the cool grand from Mun!
  4. Over 7 years of playing and this has never happened to me once. I've not even had a close call. Granted, I'm a stickler for ditching debris so that probably helps - or hurts depending on your goal
  5. I give most every show 2 full episodes, as the pilot may not be representative of the actual show. If it's really horrible of course I'll bail early, but this one had good points. Just not many of them.
  6. More like old planet. Looks like they just used KSP1's Eeloo texture back then. This is a tangible sign of progress. And yay for less than a month between updates!
  7. I watched them and agree with you. I did not watch the rest because not only was it not funny or interesting, the science was... well it wasn't science.
  8. He meant he needs to time warp for 300 million years in-game, which would take 26 years IRL at maximum warp. I will happily capitulate: WarpEverywhere does not support that.
  9. I like Kerbin because it's so pretty from orbit and easy to land on. I like Mun for the dramatic slopes and procedural craters. I like Minmus because you can fairly easily orbit below the mountaintops. For a while I like Gilly because it's just so fun to jump into orbit. I like Ike for the dramatic views of Duna from it's surface. Always land on a limb on Ike, so you can see Duna on the horizon. I like Dres for its asteroids. I landed one on Dres once and tried to drive it around. Didn't work all that well. I like Laythe because it's a reason to bring jet engines into space. I like Tylo for the challenge of it, coupled with it's ability to save - or cost - you so much dV in a Jool mission. I like Vall for Vallhenge. I wish there was some meaning to it. Or I was smart enough to figure it out. I like Bop for the Kraken lying on its surface. I rarely land anywhere else even though I don't have its location memorized. I think that's about it. You DID say I could pick as many as I want.
  10. Yes several others have and I don't mind at all. Just make sure you link to it here at least when you start so I can follow along, and when you finish so you can claim your prize. Disclaimer: There is no prize.
  11. I got hooked on Dead Cells even though it's pretty far outside my normal enjoyment. But it's so fun! I also tried the demo for - and then immediately bought for $4, Shapez.io which I've been describing to people as "Factorio lite" or "If you want to play Factorio but don't want to play Factorio." http://shapez.io
  12. Or GoG is doing user specific pricing based on prior purchase metrics... Though I wasn't logged in. I never buy from GoG anymore because I hate waiting for updates.
  13. Thanks! My original Kerpollo run (not a challenge back then just my idea for a fun playthrough) was back in 0.23.5 and I consider it the best teacher of the game I ever had.
  14. Because Ike is in a stationary orbit, but your contract is for a retrograde synchronous orbit. Synchronous means over the same spot at the same time each orbit, so retrograde orbits are valid. Stationary orbits are a subset of synchronous orbits and must be prograde with respect to the surface.
  15. Do you have maneuver nodes? If so, create one to bring your Pe down. Note you don't have to start anywhere in particular on your current orbit. If you burn retrograde your Pe will naturally be opposite where you burn. If that causes you to encounter Ike, drag the maneuver node around your orbit (I assume you can do that on consoles but I've never looked into it) so you come down somewhere else - somewhere where Ike is not. Get that Pe to touch the target orbit. Then do that burn, and make another maneuver node at your Pe to not only circularize, but fix your tilt. All in a single burn right at that point. Do THAT burn, and 10 seconds later you'll complete the contract. I do this sort of thing all the time, only I don't get into orbit first. I make sure my flyby trajectory encounters the target orbit and then just slam on the brakes there.
  16. I see the bundle you linked to as $12.69 after a 15% discount. That's $6.35 per game. Before the discount they were $7.50 per game or $14.99 for the bundle. KSP on the site is $9.99 after a 75% discount, $39.99 regularly. With the discount it costs about 50% more than each individual WoW game, and without the discount costs - just itself - well over twice as much as the undiscounted WoW bundle. That seems to confirm @mcwaffles2003 's assertion, not refute it.
  17. If you put your mouse up in the top middle of the screen a filter will drop down. You can turn on and off each vessel type. Included in "vessel type" is unknown objects, aka asteroids (and possibly soon to also include comets).
  18. The correct nomenclature is - ahem - MOAR BOOSTERS. More technically speaking, add more engines or swap those you have for larger ones. Note this will also probably require more fuel, which may lower your TWR. It's just how it works. You don't need 15 TWR to get anywhere. 1 is fine. More than, really. I frequently go interplanetary with less.
  19. As creative works, I don't know if you can ever say a game is "finished." Though the percentage bar has lowered in the past decade or two.
  20. You don't need to orbit Duna just get the satellite in the correct orbit and wait 10 seconds.
  21. I've never played on console, but I've also never had that setup fail to land safely on PC. I can't see what you could be doing wrong. Maybe a pic of your ship with as many gui things open before launch and when hitting the chute?
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