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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. Fractal: your last BASIC_NTR_PROPELLANT (for Methane) is missing a name line. MM Patch for MFS, for anyone who is using both (Fractal's work, converted to ModuleManager format). Put this in your ModularFuelTanks/RealFuels folder; it will be stock as of 3.4 but I don't have that quite ready yet. Let me know if anything doesn't work right, I think I have it correct. https://www.dropbox.com/s/u10orkb0peh8dbo/KSPI_MFS.cfg
  2. Starwaster: this is confirmed to be KJR, and was why I didn't have the top warp level be 10 million in RSS; that was a very easy way to trigger the bug. EDIT: Ferram, per talking with asmi, the vessel is apparently moved by forces to the velocity for the frame of reference. That's why there's such a jump going to pad in RSS vs stock, and why Gs spike during loading.
  3. BrickedKeyboard: Thanks for the offer! I have the code mostly written though, just have to debug (I was getting some NREs). Should be done this weekend. And yes, I was planning to use a config file to specify both TL unlocks and fuel unlocks. Dragon01: Why not just click "add tank" by RP-1, then? Exact same behavior. I see the need for triprop though. But honestly, when will you be hitting a fuel tank that _won't_ hold all the resources?
  4. Yep, know and use. Same with RLA-Stockalikes, although those are mostly small-rocket-stage engines, not probe engines. We're still in desperate need though--think how many regular-sized engines we have, compared to the 8 or so between AIES and RLA.
  5. Nice! Whatever you do, do please release the small-nozzles themselves. We're desperately short of probe engines (probe anything, really). Personally I like the four-small, especially if radially attached as separate engine. Much more control authority gimballing, too, if they ever fix the no-gimballed-roll bug. I can't do IVAs (well, I could, it's just not really how I should be budgeting my time now, I think...) but I'm happy to give it the config of a real CST-100.
  6. It should be exactly as it is in ECLSS: ~0.8kg/day, which is what, you will note, consumption * density * 86400 evaluates to using ECLSS's figures. Food adds another 2.5kg/day and water another 1-3 (plus reusable water for hygiene).
  7. Yes, I included custom.cfg in the actual DRE archive, which has now been fixed. However, if you installed DRE v4, you need to delete that file (unless you're playing RSS, for which the reentry shader velocities are fine).
  8. Yup, I see what I did. Sorry! When I fixed the custom.cfg for FlowerChild, I included mine in the archive rather than reverting it to stock values. Oops. Here's the fix: go to KSP/GameData/DeadlyReentry and delete custom.cfg I have fixed the DRECv4 zip, too.
  9. That's planned. Well, per my request to Sarbian the latest testing version of MM will let you clone nodes. So you can clone parts with MM patches. I'm pretty sure we can't release part.cfgs for non-derivative licensed parts, but MM patches (that require the original assets, includng CFG) we may be able to. That said, run out of real engines!? http://www.b14643.de/Spacerockets_2/Diverse/U.S._Rocket_engines/engines.htm http://www.b14643.de/Spacerockets_1/Diverse/Russian_Rocket_engines/engines.htm http://www.b14643.de/Spacerockets_1/Diverse/European_Rocket_engines/engines.htm http://www.b14643.de/Spacerockets_1/Diverse/Asian_Rocket_engines/engines.htm Or trawl through the listing here: http://www.astronautix.com/engines/index.htm I highly doubt we will run out. Deadpeople37: I'll ask asmi.
  10. Also of interest: the Aggregat series. http://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/comments/1rjynt/nazi_germanys_space_program_recreated_using_real/
  11. Sounds like you want pure asparagus with either 48-7S clusters or LV-T30 clusters; I haven't quite crunched the numbers. It's just whether you get more from the mass ratio increase of 48-7S, or the Isp increase of LV-T30. Certainly it should be a single 48-7S on the core stage.
  12. Nice Energia! Regarding my craft on the last page: as it happens, it required parts from DRE v4 and RO v2, both of which have now been released. Sorry.
  13. A different SRB-related request. Could you release just the nosecones from the Globe Thor and Globe V? That way any SRB or LB can have those neat asymmetric nose cones.
  14. It's a Castor 30, like it says in the very title of the thread...
  15. You can rescale parts by changing rescaleFactor in the part cfg. If the part cfg uses MODEL node(s), it gets a bit more complex (bug): you set rescaleFactor as normal then in the model node use scale = 1/rescaleFactor, 1/rescaleFactor, 1/rescaleFactor See how we do it in the RO part cfgs in Stock Resizes.
  16. I don't think you have to worry about the separate situations unless you want to--you can just use either a coroutine or a KSPAddon class that gets tripped when the part module is destroyed, and is sent the vessel ID.
  17. inorite? Spreadsheet: Please replace engine NewName with desired real engine name. You can also play with stats, though since Google Drive doesn't support carriage returns in formulae, the export is broken. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AvHneDAy4k99dHhBS01udUZMbnRBUkpmd1FnWjFtN1E&usp=sharing Nice idea with the bases! It will only work on stages that are sufficiently wide, but...very nice! Tiberion's latest Tiberdyne shuttle pack has an actual SSME clone, though a bit generic. The grid rather than ring is very distinctive. Alt suggestions for S2?
  18. AbeS: ah, gotcha. Re: engines, why don't we set up a google docs spreadsheet that lists all the engines, and what people suggest they look like? Also speaking of Merlin 1D, zzz released one; I didn't even know it.
  19. jrandom: Yes. That is the ONLY time you should change shockwaveExponent, and you should first try 1.17. (Also get the heat shield patches from Realism Overhaul--grab only DRE_ShieldsFix.cfg from the RO archive). If you still burn up, try 1.12. The way it works is that shockwave temperature is by default set to (velocity_magnitude - 275) Exponent is an exponent to that, and multiplier is a multiplier. Since LEO oribtal velocity is like ~7.7kps, and LKO is 2.2, you need to scale up; but since Mach 1 doesn't change, a strict multiplier probably won't help. Hence the exponent. 1.17 will give you 7.3, which is close, and 11.7 from Mun (which is a bit high). 1.12 will give you only 4.5kps from LKO.
  20. This...this! Hurrah! I've been meaning to try something like this for, oh, ~4 months at least. So glad you've done it! You might want to base rocket time on the costing code I did for Mission Controller; it tries to approximate how advanced/valuable/etc a part is, and that should more or less correspond to how fiddly it is to make and install. You'll have to decrease the fuel cost, though, obviously.
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