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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. Yep, here's the place. Here's the background: Explorer I and Vanguard 23in X-Ray cores are (hopefully) balanced by cost: they're way, way more expensive than the Sputnik PS-1 core. There's no particular reason Sputnik PS-1 couldn't be in the start node, though, if people really want it in a different tech node. I wouldn't move forward Explorer I or the Vanguard probe, since they're not as high tech as the avionics in that node. As to the solar panels, what's expensive (and unlock later) are independent cells. Tiny built-into-the-probe cells that can just keep a radio transmitter alive aren't that high tech, so I don't see a problem with that...
  2. The bug does spring from changing ElectricCharge to a STAGE_PRIORITY_FLOW resource. Removing the file that makes that change, should remove the bug. At any rate, AFAIK that bug is fixed in 1.0.5. And RP-0 is nearing readiness.
  3. The OP of this thread does include the instructions. It includes a link to the place to download the textures; once there, the page instructs you to pick a resolution (say, 2048). So download that zip (2048.zip). Inside that zip will be a readme file that explains exactly how to install the textures. You should not be downloading any repositories directly, or sources, just release zips.
  4. We are waiting on Deadly Reentry being updated for 1.0.5. TACLS also needs a quick fix release, that should be coming out shortly, and Ven's Stock Revamp is about to see an official 1.9 build as I understand it. RP-0 requires all of the above, so...
  5. It's possible, but I didn't have time to write anything like that. Someone writing a class that inherited from ModuleDockingNode might be able to add it, or just as a separate module.
  6. CKAN most definitely can handle many different configurations. And welcome back, hope you're feeling better!
  7. Then you are not performing a gravity turn. And, stable or not, if you actually keep aligned with your velocity vector you'll be fine. If your unstable rocket is making you 'flip out' then you're deviating too much.
  8. 1 should have been fixed by the KSC Switcher 1.0.5 update. At any rate that's an issue with that mod, not RP-0 per se. 2. Yes, the CBK patches are not updated for 1.0.5 yet. Will do ASAP, thanks. 3. I'll look at the world first stuff.
  9. @5thHorseman Hey, he didn't spend years at Turkey Medical School to be called Mr.!
  10. Not sure offhand, but you can try just clearing the secondary fade list. You can also look at how Kopernicus creates the mod, to know how it's set up.
  11. @Crzyrndm has been fairly active, so maybe send a PR as well? The new bits sound neat. r
  12. Do you also update child count? Hmm, what else...ah, there may be a PQSMod_CelestialBodyTransform callback still present, you'll have to update that PQSMod too so it no longer thinks there are secondary fades.
  13. It won't work directly. You'll have to convert the format it expects into the format KSP wants. (KSP handles parents differently, the node title is different, and...there may be some other stuff). But it should still help some.
  14. Yep, Unity logging is *exceptionally* slow, so if something is spamming log, FPS will slow to a crawl. It's not a performance issue, it's a bug issue.
  15. If you can reproduce it that would be great. Please try to do so stock, however, or at least without those first two mods, as IIRC FreeEVA messes with the camera slightly, and HullCamera obviously does.
  16. And it's a way to close a cargo bay--the Dynawing would have needed an (empty) short tank or an (empty) Mk3->2.5m adapter if that mount didn't exist.
  17. @rbray89@blackrack I'll look at it when I have time. I would think however that you could just destroy the child sphere. If not, maybe look into how Kopernicus works, and just remove the child sphere from the system prefab before PSystemSetup instantiates it?
  18. Taerobee has the A-4 parts. FASA and Saab's Historical Pack have early through 70s US parts. Raidernick's various rocket mods have Soviet parts. Really, just look into Realism Overhaul, and the mods we suggest--some are 'generic' partmods, like KW Rocketry, but some are real-part partmods.
  19. If formfactor is kept the same, a pressure vessel (which all tanks are) will have a constant mass:volume ratio. While the FL-T200 is not the same formfactor as the FL-T800, KSP makes the simplifying assumption that that ratio is kept even then. Square-cube law is for non-pressure-vessel containers, folks.
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