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Everything posted by GoldForest

  1. How well do each of them fly separate and together? Is it like flying a double-decker bus?
  2. Alright, I'll queue you up. Sorry about that dude. I thought I posted the link in the OP. Doing it RIGHT now for yours.
  3. Awesome. I've seen a lot of concept art which has the shuttle launched by a larger (though suborbital) shuttle. Did you get the influence to do this from pics like that?
  4. You can do that or I'll send up the module when I get a chance.
  5. http://img12.deviantart.net/f258/i/2014/268/3/0/cfa_44_nosferatu_by_unsungblood-d80iy1y.png CFA-44 Nosferatu or http://pre03.deviantart.net/eba9/th/pre/f/2010/210/c/f/adfx_01_morgan_by_bagera3005.png ADFX-01 Morgan with Laser or http://s195.photobucket.com/user/cordeos/media/ADF-01_FALKEN_Multiple_Views_zps691d1ae8.jpg.html ADF-01 Falken Please! Edit: These would also be kool to see from you. http://www.pixlbit.com/media/news/1353.jpg Shinden II http://forum.flitetest.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=20253 X-01 Wyvern
  6. Where's spaceplaneaddict's SSTO? Wait, did I not update the OP with his download? @#$% it! Sorry dude... Here's the link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B588M8xKv0QKODBDVmhxZkt0bFk/view
  7. Solar Panels are doing find for now. Yes, those mods are necessary Okay Scientia, you are go for launch.
  8. Not that I know of. Delta but he said that's his next module. Are you using a different mods or making it out of the mods in the OP?
  9. I'm not sure if SpacePlane used MJ or if its still on. I would just have all mods in the OP, just to be safe.
  10. It comes with another mod, as I state in the OP. And as long as it won't break the save and deleted the station, you are free to use whatever mods you want client side, but the mods I listed are there because those are the parts I plan on using. Also, another argument, someone forgets to deleted a heavy lifter, and someone doesn't have that mod, the station will get deleted. It's better to be safe than sorry. Also, if you want to launch right now, you're going have to contact everyone in front of you and ask to cut in line. I alone will not use my power as OP to say, "Okay, go ahead."
  11. Just say you want to launch a module and I'll add you, also, all mods are linked in the OP. And Yes, Gravity Turn adds no parts, but it helps a lot in launching craft. Haven't tested it with shuttles or anything a symmetrical yet. Going to now.
  12. That is a really big module. Fuel, RCS, Mining refiners, and storage containers, are you turning the station into a mining operation or a interstellar refueler lol. @SpaceplaneAddict Can you give pics and the actual save file?
  13. @Raptor9 Could you make a download containing all your craft?
  14. I guess you could do that, if you could find someone willing to launch your module. It's not that hard to install mods though, in fact you could copy the whole game and put it in a different folder, had the 'vanilla' version, and a 'modded' version. Or move gamedatas around.
  15. There is a hab module on the station already, added during the Emergency launch. You can see it in the recent pics I posted.
  16. I wouldn't know how to do that. Something about docking ports and wheels I know. You have my permission to try and do that, if you want.
  17. The latest pics are of the adaptors I added. Waiting for Spaceplane to launch.
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