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Everything posted by RyanRising

  1. Is there any particular reason the shroud of the boattail version of the LV-909 extends beyond the edge of the 1.25m fuel tanks? It's not much, but the seam is much more pronounced than on the other 1.25m boattail variants. Images:
  2. I mean the guy above me is pretty much right, but yes, it is. The Twin-Boar has the F1-B integrated into the Pyrios booster so the team decided to give it to us separately.
  3. Well you’re not gonna revive it doing that. If you want the thread to be active, maybe post some screenshots or something? I hear mod authors like to see their mods being used.
  4. I know it was near impossible they’d have the same problem twice in a row, but I still let out a sigh of relief when I saw the battery drop away.
  5. I found out you can grab the sliders on the fuel display. Not really sure what it's for.
  6. Shoot, I just realised I'm quoted in the OP without providing actual data, just vaguely remembering stuff. Give me about an hour, I need to fix that. Setup details are in the spoiler: I started a new game in Sandbox Mode, loaded the Aeris 4A, and replaced its jets with aerospikes. I then launched it, and in the debug menu turned infinite propellant on. I then took these measurements, being careful not to induce aero effects while flying when recording FPS. The biggest flaw I can see is that I picked what seemed to be the mode of the FPS number, and didn't average them out or use a performance graph. Location - 1.10.1-1 FPS - Redux FPS Runway, default camera position - 148 - 147 Kerbin, flying east of the runway @ 5000m looking north - 99 - 95 Eve, 0,0 in the water, default camera pos. - 101 - 101 Eve, flying just under the opaque 7500m cloud layer east of 0,0, looking north - 87 - 93 Duna, 0,0, default camera pos. - 169 - 171 Duna, flying east @ 7500m, looking north - 152 - 152 Laythe, 0,0, default camera pos. - 102 - 100 (Timewarped to morning for light) Laythe, flying east of 0,0 @ 5000m, looking east - 89 - 92. Hopefully that's a little better, though not exactly a statistically sound analysis. Also, I'd like to note that I definitely noticed the new fading effects when doing this testing and comparing it to the original. That's some pretty good stuff.
  7. @linuxgurugamer If that really is the case, I would recommend correcting the front page for this thread. It really seems to suggest Lossless physics does something differently.
  8. GTX 1080, Ryzen 5 3600X @ 4.1Ghz, 32GB DDR4 @ 3.2Ghz. Game’s on a 1TB Samsung 860 EVO SSD. If I remember correctly it ran around 120fps on the runway, 75 FPS when I zoomed out to the cloud layer, 90fps on eve sea level, 60fps zoomed out to the opaque layer, 145 on Duna, 115 zoomed out, and 100 on Laythe sea level down to 80 near the bioluminescence. Didn’t change appreciably from old to new. There aren’t many volumetrics, but I’m sure joe could tell you exactly how many. again, sorry I couldn’t have the proper data for you, and I may be remembering wrong.
  9. I had charts for my performance testing that I filled in here, but I lost them when posting and didn't save them anywhere else. The gist of it is I couldn't find any significant performance difference on my system with Spectra configs (except when on the runway with an out-of-date scatterer?). I think Spectra already tried to optimise whatever you fixed out of the configuration, but thanks for the update nonetheless. Sorry I couldn't get you any meaningful data - or any at all, now. EDIT: Here's some numbers I found later.
  10. Making these decals function in the same way as the stock ones would both make them look worse and render this mod entirely pointless, right? I'm curious what advantage you think that would bring.
  11. Hey, that's a good question! I figured I should test that - the aero model changed in 1.0, so if it has been changed it would have been before that. Warning, images below. Conclusion: Closing intakes did indeed reduce drag as of 0.20.2 (which had the old aero model) and does not reduce drag in 1.10.1 (which has the new aero model.) I suspect that this change happened with the aero model changeover, but I would need 1.0 and 0.90 in order to confirm this.
  12. You should find an answer to your issue by looking two posts above yours.
  13. The short answer is “no, it’s dead.” The long answer is that pizzaoverhead has has other things to do than KSP modding, and so they haven’t had the time or desire to continue work on this. You won’t be able to help them because of that. However, the license (MIT) does permit redistribution of derivative works. If you have as much free time as you say, you could learn how this mod works and take up development in their absence. You can, but if you release it to the world, then you’d become a modder. People will incessantly pester you for updates, you’ll be more annoyed than excited to see new versions of KSP, you’ll get bug reports with ridiculously insufficient information, and plenty of other things I don’t know about because I’m not one. You’d have to sustain your enthusiasm for development based on only the knowledge people are enjoying it. And maybe that will be enough, and you’d end up with something genuinely satisfying to work on and fun to play with. Maybe it won’t, and you’ll just move on with your life, letting the mod fade into obscurity once again. Only time will tell. That’s the way to help if you want to, from what I can see. Or you could not bother. I dunno, I’m not your mom.
  14. CollisionFX used to have some sort of wheels kicking up dust, pizzaoverhead also made a mod for rover wheel sounds, and I think KopernicusExpansion did rover tracks. Man, I miss pizzaoverhead.
  15. I’d just like to add my two cents the pile of people hoping for this feature to be included. KSP is a game that lends itself well to having multiple ways of figuring out what’s going on, and while most people might not use it, it would be a huge boon to those who do. But this thread isn’t really just about adding extra windows or multi monitor support, is it? Sounds to me like it’s about how consistent the experience should be. Do the developers want everyone to play the exact same way and optimise for that, or do they want people to be able to customise how they play and take the hit of not being able to control the interaction as tightly? Of course the answer is a balance, but as for where that balance is we’ll have to see. I hope it leans to the broader side though.
  16. I’ve seen a few mentions of how the SSMEs couldn’t be relit in flight, but I don’t immediately see why that is. My understanding is they use a spark to ignite a blowtorch to ignite the rest of the fires that power the engine, without any special ignition resources (anything besides electricity, hydrogen, and oxygen.) So if you still have fuel, oxidiser, and electricity onboard, and you have an engine that’s designed to work again after the flight, why couldn’t it start up again during it?
  17. I don't think I've heard of it. Sarcasm aside, good luck with the search. It seems like there's a fair bit of talent hanging around this area of the forums, but whether or not they're from here I hope you find someone brilliant and treat them well.
  18. Thomas gave up being the primary maintainer, yeah. He had to come out and say it was ok to fork Kopernicus, but the long and short of it is it basically changed hands and Kopernicus Continued is now what's under active development. (By prestja and their band of merry men)
  19. I was snooping around in the configuration files (EVE_atmoMain), and I noticed the UVnoise settings are set to zero for not only every cloud layer which didn't have them before, which I suppose makes sense, but also for EveBands, which previously had nonzero values there. This would disable any animation shifting the clouds around a little, right? I don't see any mention of this in the changelog, so was that intentional? EDIT: Also the skybox textures are gone.
  20. Ooh, that equatorial ridge is coming dangerously close to interesting! I wonder what could cause such a thing - I doubt tectonic activity would form a ridge around the whole planet, and I don’t think Dres is the type to have a lively core. I’m inclined to think it was an external source, something like the Dresteroids, but more finely ground so that it can be accreted instead of just blowing chunks off of the planet. But a collection of dust and rocks around Dres in a single plane? I’m not saying it’s a ring, but if there were a ring around Dres this looks a lot like what I’d expect. Anyone have a spare tinfoil hat?
  21. There should be a button on your toolbar in the space centre view with a mustache on it, or something to that effect.
  22. I know, but crafts built using those stock flags don't have the decals conform like these ones do, and since their functionality is the same (though the conformal decal only uses the one part for flags), it would be nice to have the same non-floaty visuals, as well as the bonus of not having to have the mod installed to load ships with with those decals (even though they might look a bit odd if placed with the mod.)
  23. I really should have read the OP (as well as perhaps consult a psychologist about addiction problems instead of consulting a mod thread) huh? That being said, thanks for being so patient with me and helping. It's all split between RealPlume, EVE, scatterer, PlanetShine, Distant Object Enhancments, some sound effects mods, parts mods, and my own overbuilt spaceships and cluttered savegame. Considering only the last two actually are built into the game and the rest has to be retrofitted on by people who aren't allowed to have all the blueprints, sometimes I'm surprised the game runs at all.
  24. Alright, I know this is possibly the most predictable question I could ever ask, but are there plans to apply this shader to the 1.10 stock decals, or try to? I know these do more, but if those decals have to hang around being redundant at least they could look as nice as these while doing so?
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