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Everything posted by Beetlecat

  1. "Sigma Binary" is the mood you're looking for. Just install/drop it in, and it does its thing.
  2. 1.4+ puts files in a different place, right? Is it the same location that crash folders are stored? In user data?
  3. I do that for myself (recompiling) quite a bit, but you're totally right- "taking over" a mod is a whole different ballgame. I'm assuming LGG just wants to give it an *actual* update/integration, rather than a quick & dirty recompile.
  4. That was also caused by a "bug" / duplicate part names, and the newer version cleared it up as well -- certainly a good idea to flush the caches, too.
  5. Well, there we go! Malah's legacy is now complete! . TY for the recompile!
  6. Clever! So the new meta-cheat will be to create a rover that stays invincible as long as it never exceeds 1 m/s...
  7. Can confirm! Turning off one (or two) of the ocean features fixes it. Something in scatter interacting weirdly with other geometries...
  8. Very few ever actually "officially" die... But they do lapse out of current, for sure. This works perfectly well in the earlier ksp that many of us still play on.
  9. That's sensible! And not overly complicated on a windows box. Good to know that works.
  10. Cheers on releasing these to the wild. Thanks again for your efforts on these "non-glamorous" mods/helpers.
  11. I hope this doesn't remove them altogether... I can't wait to see!
  12. Yay! Thanks for the update! There's also currently a significant drop on most of our systems mainly contributed by Kopernicus in 1.4.3. That's being worked on at the moment, but as ever, there's always going to be a trade-off of FPS vs. awesomeness.
  13. This used to happen all the time... I can't remember what the cause/fix was though.
  14. I'm trying to remember which one -- but there was a mod that did just that -- it unlocked different "versions" of a single cockpit (the regular Mk-1, I believe) as tech levels -- analog gauges at the start, and almost all MFDs at the high tech level. It did something clever by swapping out the part so you didn't have 3 of the same cockpit.
  15. This caught my attention-- can we set a different download/cache location than at the top of the game/ckan dir? Did I miss this??
  16. I think what Li0n was getting at is that if you have a craft with the "crew light component part" and dock it to anything, then that takes over everything it's docked to. light a virus.
  17. I haven't even gotten to the end of my first month. I ate through the game-start $25K pretty quickly!
  18. Yes -- Scrap Yard is present, but I didn't have any pre-built science parts yet. Still curious then why it wouldn't let me save my edits. The "solution," of course, is to not allow myself to get so behind in funds.
  19. I totally remember (and loved) Jebretary! Apart from the rather gadgety setup, it worked like a champ in the background and kept track of what it needed to. Craft History itself does it with the cascading (datestamped) copies of craft files stashed in a per-craft subdir. I agree it may not be the "best" way, but it works like it needs to, and provides me with plenty of rewinding opportunity. I still use Craft Import to drag-in craft from other saves or other locations entirely. It may be a grey area, but it's not without precedent:
  20. Quick Q -- When *editing a craft in KCT storage (or in construction queue) does KCT only check against current Funds for the *change* in cost to the craft, or the *total* new cost? I'm at a very early stage of a new career game, and down to my last couple thousand (using Monthly Budgets). I wanted to trick out a new car/rover with some science parts, and it balked at allowing the save since the listed cost was higher than my current balance. I cheated in a couple thousand (hey! it's *my* game...) just to be able to save my changes -- but when I got back out to the space center, the entire amount wasn't actually spent and I was able to un-cheat the $2000. I know this will only be an issue if you're close to being in the red, but now that I'm trying out Monthly Budgets, It'll be a common occurrence.
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