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Everything posted by Wallygator

  1. Fair questions, but I suppose it's up to the first group of people who join up to establish any early questions/answers and the group's operating model. It might be good to clarify in the OP that this is not a rocket builder or role-play entity but rather a consortium of players who will work to common goals and perhaps use a shared methodology (I would guess)... what they work on is totally up to them.
  2. Good luck with this. I like your mission reporting style - to the point, no fluff. Looking forward to seeing more!
  3. What about the greens ones? They seem pretty good.
  4. Not boring at all. A quite cool mission and easy to read and enjoy report. Well done! Very well done indeed!!
  5. bought from ksp and steam years ago. downloaded 1.1 pre-release from steam today. So I voted yes. How does this address any questions?
  6. And now the kerbal universe can rest at peace... thank you Vanamonde!!!
  7. "Science sandbox" player here mostly. I prefer to manually unlock all the research nodes in a science game all at once at the very beginning. Then the progress of collecting in-game science points becomes a mechanism to chart my ongoing progress against self-imposed objectives/goals and exploration programs. I find using self-imposed objectives actually unlocks more enjoyment within the game - for me that is. Other people's experiences may differ.
  8. Irony FTW yup sure. Why not. In the meantime I'll enjoy this RO/RSS install...
  9. Not sure where this this should have started or where it is going... The OP is quite confusing. But my distant OSX play style memories (.21ish) consist of load, play 15 min., crash, reload, rinse repeat. It's a crappy memory. Makes me wonder why I'm still around. I guess I believed in the dream of what KSP could be. I hope 1.1 is the on ramp to that dream.
  10. squad started as a marketing company, not a game company.
  11. A great idea!!! But a small footnote: it's not in the "kerbal spirit", it's in the "Soviet spirit"! is is RO after all...
  12. ^^^ This I tend to be more "Launch and be Lazy" in Kerbin mode, but RSS, eh, not so much. It's tough enough getting a Mars Habitat and Transfer vehicle into LEO - I tend not to throw them out into deep space without a bit of forethought about a viable transfer window and. RSS caused me to discover the KAC transfer window alarm - after two years of regular play! Jeeze!
  13. I think that looks pretty good! Welcome!
  14. True that. ^^^ Can someone (the community?) define "hate" in the context of KSP forum discussions? Or at least let us discuss it and come to a reasonable definition. I think it would be helpful. Disagreeing with a post in a civil manner should not be classified as "hate". Immediatly slapping a "hate lable" on any post that is unpalatable to some, seems over the top. For example: I personslly don't subscribe to military mods being acknowledged by squad. I can post my opinion, in as inflective a manner as I choose. This is not hateful. It just clearly communicates my displeasure. It is my option to shout out my opinion as loud as I choose Opinions are not (and should never be structured as) necessarily always hateful. My perspective is that this forum is essentially un-hateful. The vast majority of folks are kind, empathetic, and helpful. there should be no need for a positive forum movement. IT ALREADY EXISTS. PS: OK, I reserve the right to declare myself delusional. Still, I believe the community is highly positive... And it will likely stay that way for a long time.
  15. Sadly, in the real world, when anyone voices an opinion which is opposite of another, said other creates hyperbolic language focused on intimating that the opponents position is just "hate". This polarises the messages, distracts from the topic, and focuses on the opponents behaviour (As being hateful) rather than the topic. This is occurring in politics all the time. Unfortunately, bits of this have filtered into the community at various times. However, throwing out straw man statements like "Why so much hate!?!" only fuel the behaviour. Typing "Hate" is admittedly easier than typing "I sense we are not in agreement, perhaps we can discuss our differences, understand each other more clearly, and together draw conclusions that may improve our mutual points of view or even address an underlying issue." In advance of anyone replying in a negative manner to this response, I say to you.. "WHY U HATE ON ME?!?!?" ;-) (Cracked myself up on that one)
  16. Looks like a HH can on the bottom with an accessible hatch. So as mentioned above, retract the gear, get in, extend gear, have snack.
  17. 1) RO 2) RSS 3) Oh Crap, I'm already going to go past 10 based on this... (Also: 64bitOSX here on 1.0.5 running RSS 8K textures with no issues... More than 4Mb is possible in advance of 1.1... minor bugs, nothing significant)
  18. The context of the conversation as it has evolved is about a mod- not a squad dev request.
  19. Unpaid interns... like the ones in "The Life Aquatic"
  20. Ah... but wait! If like most countries it is an 8 hour work day for a 24 hour day... then the Kerbals would be working 2 hours out of 6. So the hourly rate would be half of the daily wage. ;-)
  21. Surely one could rescue them regardless, after which they are then placed in the astronaut complex as candidates (retaining any experience gained) unless you hire them immediately at the moment of recovery. It would also be good to allow paying money up front to set a kerbals experience level. Just like pre-mission training investment. Who would ever send an untrained astronaut into space!?! also delinking a kerbals experience from his training level completely. Like having a set of gold stars that drive skills and a set of blue stars that record experience/fame. if killed the commensurate loss in reputation is based on the kerbals fame. And the funds spent to train the kerbal are obviously lost. Just thoughts.
  22. There are only 6 hours in a kerbal day.
  23. Eve frightens me. I just want to say good luck, we are all counting on you.
  24. Take look at some real life human space flight history and try to replicate it or take it farther. Everyone has imagination, but many of us lack the necessary motivation. I speak from experience on this.
  25. One of the best ksp vids I've seen in a very long time. Well done sir!
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