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Everything posted by Proot

  1. Using ATM mod, or the OpenGL flag, seems to solve the memory problems. Extras (could grow in the future): - New kerbal heads for texture replacer - Hot rockets! new textures and configs (with altitude-expandable rocket flames, thanks to the community) - Chatterer sounds - Flags - Music Planned: maybe, just maybe, new buttons and a new graphic aspect for the raster prop monitor. To use IMGUR galleries just upload your images and copy the last part of the direction in the gallery: http://imgur.com/[COLOR=#ff0000]xxxxx <---- that part of the direction[/COLOR] then in the forum message paste that part of the direction between the code [*imgur][COLOR=#ff0000]xxxxx[/COLOR][*/imgur] but without the *.
  2. Hope you like it. I wish to improve it even more with the new version of EVE. Known issues: Sometimes the sun particles from the Kittopia plug-in goes crazy in the highest warp speeds. PS makes impossible, for the moment, the auroras from space (still working on ground). Sometimes PS seems to take a bit to set the correct enlightenment.
  3. Hi, I've discovered that PS makes impossible the auroras with EVE if the vacuum light is set too low. Some idea about how avoid it?
  4. Ow right! Ok, many thanks! Excuse my ignorance.
  5. So... REALSOLARSYSTEM { Sun { //SunLight sunlightIntensity = 14 IVASunIntensity = 140 scaledSunlightIntensity = 70 } ... right? Edit: BTW, I'm assuming that is a esthetic option, or this is important for solar panels and so on?
  6. Then the light on vacuum scenes sould be modified on the "Sun" values and individually for each body?
  7. Hi Nathan! I was wondering... is possible increase the level of the sun brightness with the RSS plugin?
  8. I'm still struggling with the normal maps. I don't work with .mbm, so I don't know how to create really smooth and correct maps for some revamps. I usually use the nvida normal map filter, and it works with some textures, but create wrong shadows in others cases... I've tried the channels swapping, but I'm doing it wrong or is not working correctly...
  9. The honour is here!. I try to get a photorealistic effect, so in fact I wish I could control the brightness power versus darkness, to saturate a bit more the brightness in the light areas...
  10. Hi Valerian! I love your work here, I would like to redistribute your plugin with my mod, here http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/76972-0-23-5-KSPRC-Renaissance-Compilation-artworks-remake-V-0-1-515-UPDATED-29-4-14?p=1509283&viewfull=1#post1509283 I know that the license allows it, but I think it never hurts to ask permission. Usually, I like to treat the plugins as "dependencies" with the intention to give all recognition to the plugin creators (as I think it's deserve), but if I do it in that way soon our threads will be filled by questions about wrong installs... hope you don't mind if I try to save you from the tsunami, lol. Tell me if not. Cheers!
  11. Planet Shine http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/96497-0-24-2-0-25-PlanetShine-v0-2-2 is magic with the ingame light!
  12. The new sky box is 4k, but I feel this version a bit lighter than the actual. The revamped parts has been limited to improvements of the existing textures due to this mod http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/92764-Stock-Part-Revamp-%28Redone-Plane-Parts!-Engines!-and-more!%29-25! I consider it a fantastic work and the look of the tanks is truly similar to my achievements (but improved by the new models). Fortunately I still prefer the textures of my capsules. The core pack will be powered by RSS, EVE, TR, Kittopia, DOE and PS plugins.
  13. Let's listen a bit of Chopin, I think that the occasion deserve it. No photoshop here. Untouched in-game captures. It's coming...
  14. Hi! i'm trying to get a "photorealistic" effect in the mun landings, so here is my question: is possible to get the darkness of the vacuum on the surface of the moon?
  15. About the new lens flare... will be very problematic provide the modified asset in the pack? or is "allowed" for this intentions? Anybody truly informed about this?
  16. Great info, many thanks! Sorry people, I've been away on business this week. I'm working to release this as soon as possible.
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