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  1. Can you talk about it or are you under NDA? If you can talk about it in a limited fashion, what other features does the mod have? Also, I just noticed something. Not all the Titan SRBs have nodes at the base of them. While it makes sense for the side attached ones not to have a bottom node, I think the inline versions at least should have nodes. Would it be possible to get those for all of them?
  2. Crazy how much this poster (From 2023's FUBAR) resembles the poster from Free Guy. Talk about sealing from a source.
  3. Big bad bullying poor little creatives is bound to fascinate decent folk like us. The horror, the horror. Ready Player One was another movie about the little guy winning in a game against badness, though it wasn't really satire. FreeGuy on the other hand made me outraged and laugh at the same time as it is full of gags, a bit subtler than Spaceballs etc but lots of jokes, cameos and nods to well known games and movies. Though after all the talk of corpo suits it may surprise some to learn that this is Taika Waititi as Antwan. Too trendy, not all evil costumes are suits, something tells me Antwan loves his own reflection a little too much...
  4. Anyone's guess on this, really. I imagined that some discovery (perhaps finding all of the alien artifacts) would trigger something in the tech tree that wold enable finding the new star system in the map, and along with the other interstellar tech (we'd already have colonies by that point) would enable sending the first craft to the new star, which would in turn enable navigation within that system. There we'd find more artifacts and the search would continue. Given the Kraken-ness of the artifacts we have, it may be based on a story arc of how the kerbals' progenitors slew the Kraken and learned to fly between the stars - the final stage of the progression would be to find the "Old Kerbin", perhaps populated by Kerbal-like creatures who welcome us home... Maybe, just maybe one day the ex-devs will be able to open up - but I expect this is top of the "You don't talk abouts" on the NDAs.
  5. Floor 5468: The cat, now in a hat, with shiny shoes and spats. Is wondering what to do, with thing 1 and thing 2. Should they go for a walk, or maybe just talk, take in a show, or have food on the go. So many choices, say a chorus of voices. Let's ponder awhile, said the cat with a smile, for now I am free, to have milk with tea.
  6. Yep. In a related vein; I had a talk recently with someone who's generally intelligent & educated on most things. He mentioned that "animals don't really have intelligence; everything they do is based of instinct alone." uh... Back to the instant discussion, however; the common argument seems to center on gross morphological change. If they don't see the beak getting longer/pointier/harder in the lifetime of the bird, it clearly isn't part of the evolutionary process (outside of random change in its gametes). Epigenetics, it seems, is the new kid on the block. Epigenetic inheritance can be important for adaptation, especially in cases where the available genetic variation is limited. Firstly, epigenetic inheritance, like phenotypic plasticity, can enable survival in new environments before genetic adaptation evolves (Burggren 2016). Secondly, the rate of spontaneous gains and losses of individually methylated sites (i.e. the epimutation rate) is estimated to be substantially higher than the genetic mutation rate (Graaf et al. 2015), creating new heritable variation that can ultimately enable adaptation. Finally, for small populations with limited genetic variation, or asexual organisms, epigenetic variation can be a major source of heritable variation that can enable adaptation to new environments. Evolutionary consequences of epigenetic inheritance | Heredity (nature.com) (Rabbit holes, by the way! I've got real work to do, and instead am spending my time reading into evolutionary biology. Of course, it's not a complete side track. I've got to teach human evolution from the time before the Neanderthal/Denisovan split through the end of the recent Ice Age in just a couple of weeks. There - that justifies it!)
  7. It is just sad that Take Two cares so little about the community that they can't even be bothered to talk to us about what happened...but then turn around and make sure nobody else can either.
  8. No one has touched the code in any of the visible branches since the WARN went effective. Provided he can talk about it, he was the lead engineer until shortly after release... so probably most of the work ever done on KSP2 in its single year of life was laid out by him at least in concept. He might not be able to comment on workplace politics, or call Nate a scammer, or whatever... but he might be able to tell us some further details on why KSP2 was such a low aiming mess and why they made such crap technical decisions.
  9. ...yourfaceiscringe... But real talk, I should have done that. I just like the aesthetics of the classic F1.
  10. The article I read compared holocaust survivor children with related populations that managed to get out of Europe beforehand. It's googlable and has been expanded on, I think. The other component I did not write above is that the 'hard line' of random selection may have been an anti-religionist / reaction to religious criticism, rather than good science. There is some talk (in the article /related work) about the 'intent / plan / purpose' of the organism that offers fraught language for those leery of the 'intelligent design' folks... But I read it as 'the organism has some agency in its choice of environment or the resources it has available to exploit - and how well that serves the critter's purpose to survive and procreate may have some impact on the genes it passes to the next generation.
  11. Battletech/Mechwarrior is worth it. Unless you choose house Liao, then you're doing it wrong. LONG LIVE THE PRINCE! Real talk, you're not alone. I've just been accepted into my local model railroad club. This has led to my first additions to my collection in, like, 10 or so years. So you guys know why I haven't posted a lot recently. In any case, y'all always deliver.
  12. right now actively talking actively showing right now we got the legendary Foonix. suggestions are being made (kinda due to talking at the same time to foonix).. right now iirc he is doing Performance loading times for large single crafts (nothing public) WorldVis (Visual asset and mod development tool for KSP2 ) and other small talk, HDR, Planet color changing.. (nothing public)
  13. Hello. Why can't I talk in Welcome Aboard, I am new, and it would be weird if new people can't talk in the subforum made for that.
  14. If you have a file host that can host ~10GBs we can talk. I have a personal server I can initiate an FTP transfer from too. But there are some issues with the current site image image I am working through (mostly the fact that some pages get blanked when the server goes down as it often does, I am doing a second pass to re-retrieve those). If you check in with me say a week from now I should have something flawless, and would be happy to share if you can provide the means to receive it.
  15. https://www.reddit.com/r/Supergirl/comments/1e09g7h/reposted_supermansupergirls_comic_book_dynamic_i/#lightbox I thought it was really cool that DC comics of the 2005-2011 era sought to include a scifi theme to the Supergirl comics of the same era. Including real world science on occasion that effected the story in small or larger ways. The linked comic pictures portray Supergirl and Superman talking in space above Earth with the aid of headphone devices. Since there is no air in space to convey sound would such a device actually transmit any sound that a human wearing it in vacuum could actually hear? Or my headcanon can just assume Superman being the brilliant engineer he is when necessity calls for it made headphones that shoot out compressed gas into the ears as people wearing them talk in space vacuum. Perhaps THAT is how he can hear what Supergirl is saying? And let's disregard the times Superman heard stuff on Earth all the way from the moon without any hearing device lol... because we both know superhero powers can be all over the place in powerscaling from time to time.
  16. Less trying to come up with a strategy to reason with an untrustworthy company, less doomscenarios what they might do to the whole community if someone makes a call, more torches and pitchforks. Call your local newspaper for an article, call bigger networks, call your favourite youtuber to make an episode, ask jay2c to nail them to the cross like he did with asus etc, ask linus for an episode. public opinion is what t2 cares about. hit them where it hurts. Before gta6 hype starts. Less talk, more action!
  17. Very happy to talk about that on another thread. This is not about weapons, unless you make it so.
  18. Hi there! Given the uncertainty about the forum's future, I've made a Discord server to act as a spot where we can still talk about my stuff in the event that the forum goes down. I have backed up Intrepid and Voyage, still working on the rest. They aren't hosted anywhere at this moment but in the event that the forum goes down, information about those stories will be posted here:


    It is pretty barebones at the moment.

  19. They also haven't said something along the lines of "We're going to try to do X" and then months later be called out because X isn't there. I'll talk to you then as well.
  20. They haven't posted a roadmap and 4 years worth of trailers and feature episodes about how great the game is yet. Talk to you when they do.
  21. Is there talk in here somewhere about starting a new forum if this one gets shut down? I see talk above about backing this one up, but nothing about a new forum. I would be highly interested in having a conversation about starting up a new forum should it come to that. Moderators, cost, DBA work, front end scripting...all the pieces.
  22. Hey all! As many of you know, I'm the former KSP 1 CM (many of you knew me by the moniker of Damion Rayne back in the day.) As the first CM (next to my old talented friend CptSkunky) I still feel responsible for this community, this game, this wonderful franchise that gave me my start in the industry all those years ago. So, that being that... I just wanted to take a moment to discuss our options for Archival, if there really are any. (Which I think there are.) Firstly, I was the person who was directly responsible for choosing VBulletin5 Connect as the forum software solution and upgrade from the original forums. I was not, however, involved in the move to Invision Community which currently powers the forums as that happened well after my departure from the project. That being said, IC is in its 4.x.x versioning. This solution is a PHP/MySQL based forum solution, which means it's written in PHP and for database storage uses MySQL This is just some base level information I thought we should all know about. Now, in short, what's this mean for me? Well, I have no admin level experience with this forum software, nor do I know how its database backup options work. Not that we'd get the database backup regardless.... Now, that's all well and good but what we are actually looking at here? 206,000+ topics across 4.3 million total posts with user data for 226,873 unique users. As I said earlier getting ahold of a database backup is, as far as I know, pretty much impossible without access to the admin back end and direct access to the database itself. That, and the backups are no doubt quite large. So, that leaves us, as a community, with one option.. Pulling the sites data directly from the server while it's still operational using several tool options. Now at a concern of possibly talking about stuff the mod team wouldn't want me talking about, I've reached out to some people in private to let them know what these tools and options are. None of these things are illegal, as they're mostly used to pull down private viewing backups to your local machine. Now, if the mod team allows it, I'll go over the tools and options here later in the thread. Also, if anyone wants to, please feel free to mirror this to reddit, as we might be able to pull some talented peeps from that part of the community to help out. (I'm LadyRaineCloud over there as a note, I just don't post all that often.) Anyway, thoughts? Options? Anyone want to sit down and talk this out? Let me know!
  23. Remember folks, this thread is to talk about the future of the forums, not to rehash what has already happened, discussed ad nauseam in other threads.
  24. By "people" I assume you mean you are and can't talk for whatever reason? If so good luck
  25. While this sentiment might be true, it’s not helpful for the scope of this discussion and for the future of the forums. Let’s keep this type of talk to other threads please.
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