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  1. So, recently i've been planning missions to plock from OPM, the dwarf planets from MPE and the asteroids from JMP. I've cooked up the lander below to achieve my goals of landing on Havous, the second (or third if you consider Dres a dwarf planet) dwarf in the Kerbol system. Havous, in simple terms, is the KSP analog of Haumea, a dwarf planet that spins once every 3.9 hours and is thus, oblate. This lander is still being built, as there is no RCS. It is also unnamed. Feel free to suggest things and give your opinion. You are also free to give it a name. The custom name i think is the best will likely become it's proper name.
  2. I require a Duna lander since I am not very good at making rockets and I can't find a good Duna lander and rocket, and it would help very much if someone could refer me to one. Disclaimer: STOCK ONLY
  3. May you provide me with a lander to land on Echo (From the Precursors Planet Pack). It requires 3800m/s to go to orbit or land and all entries must come with a normal Clamp-O-Tron docking port (1.25m). Thanks for your help! The docking port I'm referring to: https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Clamp-O-Tron_Docking_Port
  4. InSight Lander (INSIGHT) The Interior Exploration using Seismic Investigations, Geodesy and Heat Transport (InSight) robotic lander by Klockheed Martian for Kerbal Space Program. By zer0Kerbal, originally by @Matheo G adopted with express permission and brought to you by KerbSimpleCo See more Help Wanted Localization Installation Directions 1 Dependencies Kerbal Space Program 2 Klockheed Martian Ltd (KM/L) Suggests GPO (Goo Pumps & Oils') Speed Pump (GPO) Kaboom (BOOM) On Demand Fuel Cells (ODFC) TweakScale (TWK) Other mods by Matheo G New Shepard (NSHPD) TESS Ariane 6 (S3L) InSight Lander (INSIGHT) Supports Either 3 Module Manager /L Module Manager Tags parts, config red box below is a link to forum post on how to get support Be Kind: Lithobrake, not jakebrake! Keep your Module Manager up to date Credits and Special Thanks @Matheo G for creating this glorious parts addon! see Attribution.md for more comprehensive list Legal Mumbo Jumbo (License provenance) DONATIONS Connect with me Track progress: issues here and projects here along with The Short List Release Schedule this isn't a mod. ;P↩︎ may work on other versions (YMMV)↩︎ Be Kind: Lithobrake, not jakebrake! Keep your Module Manager up to date!↩︎
  5. [This challenge can be completed in stock I believe. I've never tried, not good enough XD, also good if you are using an interstellar mod as well.] Here at Sloth Exploration Technologies, we believe that we could do with expanding our sphere of influence across the system. We have a large challenge, but nothing you shouldn't be able to handle! We want you to set up full colonies on every body in the Kerbol System, so we can expand beyond! Objectives: Fully Colonise Kerbin: Put 5 relay probes into Kerbin orbit. Build a space station in Kerbin Orbit. Build 3 EVA experiments on Kerbin's Surface Build and launch 3 ground bases for landing on the surface. Fully Colonise The Mun: Put 5 relay probes into Munar orbit. Build a space station in Munar Orbit. Build 3 EVA experiments on The Mun's Surface Build and launch 3 ground bases for landing on the surface. Fully Colonise Minnmus: Put 5 relay probes into Minnmus orbit. Build a space station in Minnmus Orbit. Build 3 EVA experiments on The Minnmus's Surface Build and launch 3 ground bases for landing on the surface. Fully Colonise The Sun: Put 5 relay probes into Solar orbit. Build a space station in Solar Orbit. Fully Colonise Moho: Put 5 relay probes into Moho orbit. Build a space station in Moho Orbit. Build 3 EVA experiments on Moho's Surface Build and launch 3 ground bases for landing on the surface. Fully Colonise Eve: Put 5 relay probes into Eve orbit. Build a space station in Eve Orbit. Build 3 EVA experiments on Eve's Surface Build and launch 3 ground bases for landing on the surface. Fully Colonise Gilly: Put 5 relay probes into Gilly orbit. Build a space station in Gilly Orbit. Build 3 EVA experiments on Gilly's Surface Build and launch 3 ground bases for landing on the surface. Fully Colonise Duna: Put 5 relay probes into Duna orbit. Build a space station in Duna Orbit. Build 3 EVA experiments on Duna's Surface Build and launch 3 ground bases for landing on the surface. Fully Colonise Ike: Put 5 relay probes into Ike orbit. Build a space station in Ike Orbit. Build 3 EVA experiments on Ike's Surface Build and launch 3 ground bases for landing on the surface. Fully Colonise Dres: Put 5 relay probes into Dres orbit. Build a space station in Dres Orbit. Build 3 EVA experiments on Dres's Surface Build and launch 3 ground bases for landing on the surface. Fully Colonise Jool: Put 5 relay probes into Jool orbit. Build 2 space stations in Jool Orbit. Fully Colonise Laythe: Put 5 relay probes into Laythe orbit. Build a space station in Laythe Orbit. Build 3 EVA experiments on Laythe's Surface Build and launch 3 ground bases for landing on the surface. Fully Colonise Vall: Put 5 relay probes into Vall orbit. Build a space station in Vall Orbit. Build 3 EVA experiments on Vall's Surface Build and launch 3 ground bases for landing on the surface. Fully Colonise Tylo: Put 5 relay probes into Tylo orbit. Build a space station in Tylo Orbit. Build 3 EVA experiments on Tylo's Surface Build and launch 3 ground bases for landing on the surface. Fully Colonise Bop: Put 5 relay probes into Bop orbit. Build a space station in Bop Orbit. Build 3 EVA experiments on Bop's Surface Build and launch 3 ground bases for landing on the surface. Fully Colonise Pol: Put 5 relay probes into Pol orbit. Build a space station in Pol Orbit. Build 3 EVA experiments on Pol's Surface Build and launch 3 ground bases for landing on the surface. Fully Colonise Eeloo: Put 5 relay probes into Eeloo orbit. Build a space station in Eeloo Orbit. Build 3 EVA experiments on Eeloo's Surface Build and launch 3 ground bases for landing on the surface.
  6. LanderTek (LTEK) by Axial Aerospace Modular lander parts... for landing. This is a modular pack of 1.25m, 1.875m, and 2.5m lander parts. More Parts, More Possibilities By zer0Kerbal, originally by @artwhaley adopted with express permission and brought to you by Axial Aerospace Preamble by @artwhaley See more Help Wanted Localization Installation Directions 1 Dependencies AxialAerospace Ltd (AA/L) Kerbal Space Program 2 Recommends by Axial Aerospace Ltd (AAL) Dreamer (DREAM) Simple Cargo Solutions (CARGO) WhimChaser (WHIM) Suggests Adjustable Mod Panel (KAMP) Biomatic (BIO) Docking Port Descriptions(DPD) Drop Tank Wrapper (DROP) Field Training Facility (FTF) Field Training Lab (FTL) GPO (Goo Pumps & Oils') Speed Pump (GPO) Inflatable PicoPort (IPP) Kaboom! (BOOM) Lithobrake Exploration Technologies (LET) On Demand Fuel Cells (ODFC) OScience Laboratories (OSL) Papa Kerballini's Pizza (PIZZA) Portable Science Container (PRC) Precise Maneuver (PM) Shielded PicoPort (SPP) SimpleConstruction! (SCON) SimpleLogistics! (SLOG) SimpleNotes! (NOTE) Solar Science (SOL) Stack Inline Lights - Patches (SILP) Stack Inline Lights (SIL) Tweakscale (twk) Kerbal Inventory System Kerbal Joint Reinforcement either Raster Prop Monitor MOARdV's Avionics System Supports On Demand Fuel Cells (ODFC) GPO (Goo Pumps & Oils') Speed Pump (GPO) either 3 Module Manager /L Module Manager either for fully functioning wheels. may invoke bouts of dizziness. Firespitter core Firespitter Tags career, config, crewed, parts, uncrewed, variants red box below is a link to forum post on how to get support Be Kind: Lithobrake, not jakebrake! Keep your Module Manager up to date Credits and Special Thanks @artwhaley for creating this glorious addon! see Attribution for more Legal Mumbo Jumbo (License provenance) How to support this and other great mods by zer0Kerbal Connect with me Track progress: issues here and projects here along with The Short List Release Schedule this isn't a mod. ;P↩︎ may work on other versions (YMMV)↩︎ Be Kind: Lithobrake, not jakebrake! Keep your Module Manager up to date!↩︎
  7. Hello, i just wanted some ideas for Duna lander, becuase i tried to make one, but all of my attempts were unsuccesfull. The final product is wobbly as hell and the landing struts are very unstable, engine efficienty is very poor. I want a lander that can fit and dock. Don't worry i have both DLC's because i'm attracted to this game! I got to the mun like 67 times and it's getting boring, so i wanna go to Duna, but my spacecraft is very unstable, wobbly and inefficient. You can give me any ideas you want, i am an ace at maneuvering and redenzvous. Thank you!
  8. I want to make an elevator on a vertically landed spaceship that can lower my kerbonauts and vehicles down to the surface safely, like the artist rendering below of future SpaceX Starship missions. Any ideas on how I can do this? From the mods I've searched, nothing comes close to building something that looks like this, and I'm not much of a modder myself :( Any ideas welcome!
  9. I got a little red dress in the mail the other day, and it made me hate 2020. I got all done up, put my red dress on, ordered take out from a nice place, and I built this ship. It's a shuttle/lander with a little over 6km/s dv. I built it a while ago, but I've been working on it off and on.... So here is: Little Red Ship P.S. To be brutally honest, I had a lot more fun building this thing than I've had on my last couple dates.
  10. this is the thread for submissions and entries of the cargo lander challenge link is here
  11. you have lander a lander on the mun and return it kerbin it has to deploy a big mobile base or 100 tones. it can be built in 1.10 and later has to be 100% stock dlcs can be used. it has to also be able recover the mobile base.
  12. Hello dear community! During my career games I have designed many crafts but few survived the game they were initially made. Today I present my LITHOPPER (the one which jumps on a big rock) in this video. It can be built with lvl6 technologies. You can find the craft in this shared drive. It will be posted later on in Kerbalx.
  13. Hello! Today, I've got a new toy. Everyone has made a basic orbiter with command module return capabilities, usually using the trusty ol' heat shield and parachutes, but I decided to try to build an orbiter that can land using a set of extendable wings, much like one of the proposals for the Gemini Program: Introducing the Mallard CSM-W: The Mallard CSM-W is a standard LKO crew module. The launch vehicle can place the orbiter into an equatorial LKO, and the orbiter has a few hundred m/s of on-orbit maneuvering fuel. The orbiter also comes with RCS thrusters, fuel, and a forward mounted port to allow for rendezvous and docking. The service bay behind the command module has two sets of wings with landing gear folded in at launch, which can be deployed prior to de-orbit and re-entry. Upon re-entry, an initial angle of attack of 90 deg will allow you to bleed off enough speed to keep temperatures low once you reach the lower atmosphere. Once you kill the majority of your speed, you'll need to look to land quickly since the lift-to-drag ratio is pretty poor. I've found it to be easiest to simply dive down to maintain airspeed, and then level off just before you reach the ground. Landing works best around 60 m/s, as it's decently slow but still above the stall speed. It can be landed on the KSC runway, or really anywhere else with sufficiently flat ground. Dumping the remainder of your maneuvering fuel before landing is also recommended. Action groups: AG1) Toggle lock on all robotics parts (locked by default at launch) AG2) Deploy wings and gear When deploying the wings, first use AG1 to unlock the robotics, then use AG2 to deploy. Once the wings are deployed, use AG1 again to re-lock the robotics parts. This is critical, as the wing parts are autostrutted to the command module, and will be unstable if not re-locked. Due to what I assume to be a bug, re-locking the robotics parts does not always work for all of them (usually the tiny hinges) so you'll have to check all 12 of them to be sure they are re-locked before re-entry. The game will display the "Cannot Lock Robotic part, Servo is moving" warning, even though none of them are still moving after being deployed. Not sure why this happens, but manually locking the rest of the parts does not take long. Here is a lovely gif of the wing deployment in action: https://i.imgur.com/257oimq.gifv Craft file: https://kerbalx.com/Jamie_Logan/Mallard-CSM-W Gallery: I hope you enjoyed it! Here is my last post:
  14. Hey! Recently, I've been messing around with using Ion engines powered by fuel cells. As it happens, the combined ISP of ion engines powered exclusively by fuel cells is a pretty respectable 1293 seconds. One large fuel cell can power two ion engines, so I built an all-purpose crew vehicle that uses 16 large fuel cells and 32 ion engines, allowing all 32 of them to be run at full throttle for as long as one's heart desires, and at any distance or occlusion to the Sun. It also comes with RCS thrusters and a forward mounted docking port. The command module has the standard decoupler, heatshield, and parachutes for return. When placed in LKO using its launch vehicle, it has 4,100+ m/s of delta-v (vac) and an initial Kerbin TWR of 0.25. When flying, keep in mind that the delta-v value that KSP will display on your staging diagram will be less than your true delta-v, because the game does not factor the consumption of lf/ox into the calculation. The ratio of rate of xenon to liquid fuel consumption is roughly 50.08, so the orbiter has 22,800 xenon to 450 lf (ratio of 50.66). This means that all three fuel levels stay roughly equal as a percentage of their initial value throughout the duration of the mission. Because the Ion + fuel cell combined specific impulse is 1293 s, you can estimate your remaining delta-v in m/s at any point using this formula: Delta-v = 9.81 * 1293 * ln ( m / 18.851 ) where "m" is your current mass in t. The launch vehicle comes with the standard launch escape system (LES), with action groups: ABORT: activate LES, separate command pod AG1: activate LES, separate LES (use prior to orbital insertion, or shortly after abort) AG2: toggle fuel cells AG3: deploy parachutes Craft file: https://kerbalx.com/Jamie_Logan/Ranger-FCI-13 Gallery: Hope you liked it! Check this out:
  15. Autonomous Lander for the Kerbin subsystem with a 3 Crew capacity and 3300m/s of delta V in vacuum. Can be set up in Career game with a Tech level 6 requirement only (for the Cheetah engine and the Mk1-3 Command Pod). Mods used : Restock, Tweakscale and Nebula Decals. Also variants can be set up to bring this lander to other celestial body: here Moho. A dedicated nuclear craft brought the lander at a 500km orbit. Note : the conical fuel tanks which collide with the main cylindrical one have been emptied to prevent an ugly part clipping.
  16. Hey everyone! This one's so wild, it'll make your head spin! Most of us have tried our hand at building an artificial gravity station, either by building a conventional orbital station with a working centrifuge, or even building an entire spinning 2001-style vessel. Both are wonderful, but what if your Kerbals are going to be spending months on end not in zero gee, but on the surface of a body with a surface gravity less than that of Kerbin, like Moho (g = 2.7 m/s^2)? We can still put a centrifuge to work, but this time it'll be there to provide the additional acceleration that we need in combination with Moho's surface graviy to obtain a 9.81 m/s^2 net acceleration on our Kerbals, ensuring the long term health of their little (presumably) green musculoskeletal systems. To this end, I've developed the Rototron XVI. An artificial gravity surface base with the capability of reaching Moho with a crew of 32 Kerbals. When deployed on the surface, the centrifuge can be run indefinitely due to the combined ISRU refinery and fuel cell array. The station is constructed in LKO via two separate launches; one for the centrifuge and crew cabins, and another for the main engines and landing support structure. The crew of 32 is launched separately, along with an additional fuel tank that will be used to provide the rest of the delta-v we'll need to make the interplanetary transfer to Moho. A region near Moho's south pole was chosen as our landing site due to the abundance of low-altitude flat land, as the axis of rotation of the centrifuge must be as close to parallel to the local gravity field as possible to sustain constant acceleration. From left to right: R-XVI Centrifuge, R-XVI Crew Module, and R-XVI Landing Support Structure, Here is a link to a gif of it under rotation, KSP forums wont let me post it here https://i.imgur.com/jEbFkj3.gifv The math on this is not terribly difficult. Typically, when constructing an artificial gravity station with the intention of simulating actual 1 gee acceleration, you work out the necessary rate of rotation via: angular velocity = sqrt ( 9.81 / r ) Where "r" is the perpendicular distance between the crew cabin and the axis of rotation. In our case, if we model the two crew cabins as point masses on the ends of massless rods under rotation in a uniform gravitational field, the acceleration experienced by the crew cabins can be evaluated merely as a function of the angle of splay of the crew cabins while under rotation (such as with a centrifugal governor). Thus, we need only calculate the angle of splay that will result from our desired total acceleration: Splay angle = arcsin( 2.7 / 9.81) = ~16 deg Knowing this, we simply vary the rpm on the main rotor while monitoring the angle display on one of the hinges until the splay angle settles in around 16 deg. Now, we see the launch, construction, landing, and operation: Again, here's another gif: https://i.imgur.com/MPMPMY2.gifv I hope you enjoyed this, I sure enjoyed building and flying it. I don't have plans to post the craft files yet, but I will if it seems like there's enough interest. If you like crazy big spacecraft, you'll also like my last post:
  17. YO! In this time of solitude, I bring to you: M.O.R.P.H.E.U.S. Moho Operational Research Permanent Habitation Experiment Utility Station The KSC has kindly asked Jeb and co. to put together a Moho research base, so this is what I'm told they came up with: To get the job done, we'll need some serious rocketry to get everything into orbit that we need: From left to right: The MORPHEUS Core, the MORPHEUS External Modules, the MORPHEUS Drive Stage, the Verdon S4, the Verdon Crew Habitation Module, and the Moho Lander. For more info on the Verdon S4 and the Verdon Crew Habitation Module, check out the main post: All MORPHEUS craft can be downloaded at: https://kerbalx.com/hangars/98426 All Verdon craft can be download at: https://kerbalx.com/hangars/97494
  18. Description Welcome to the next generation of the planetary lander, the Shiva series. Capable of 3,200+ Detla-V Comes with 7 Nerv engines and 4 spark engines. Able to carry medium and light loads for transport. (small and medium dock ports) Seats 4. Ability to extract ore and convert to fuel. 2 ways to land upright or glide down for touch down using air brakes and gear wheels. Take her to the stars today! KerbalX: https://kerbalx.com/InterstellarKev/Shiva-ISteam: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1946814803
  19. Halo Inspired Craft Capable of VTOL this is the MKI Variant with cluster of engines on rear. MK II Variant with Rapiers still in testing phaseCraft File: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1963572147Kerbal X: https://kerbalx.com/InterstellarKev/Aloy-Over-Horizon-I
  20. Next Chapter in Phaethon Dynamics vision for the Kerbal System Introducing Garuda’s Lance, this fully capable Cutter can seat 17 passengers, Low Gravity VTOL, Refillable self sufficient Craft. Stock with DLC content. ACTION GROUPS Activate Thud Engines Activate Reliant engines Activate Cub VTOL Engines Toggle Drill Position for Refueling Toggle Radiator and Solar Panels Toggle Wheel Landing Gear Toggle Legs Landing Gear Kerbal X - https://kerbalx.com/InterstellarKev/Garudas-LanceSteam - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1976592164
  21. So I've landed on Duna and I have a contract telling me to get some science from a Duna Sand Dune. I've found pictures and such on the web, but I'm still unable to find one. Is there a specific biome I have to be in (I'm in the Duna Midlands), or something like that? Here's a link for an image (I don't know how to properly insert images): https://imgur.com/SISCsHN SOLVED: I have found one. It was sorta glitched into a normal rock. It seems to look more like a rock with a dune texture. They stand out cuz they're slightly lighter than the rocks and surface of Duna (that's how I found mine).
  22. I am planning to rescue Jeb, Val, and Bill off of Eve with this lander: https://imgur.com/a/MSKREIv https://kerbalx.com/MunsterIII/Mona-Lisa-III-Lander I am testing it out, and it seems to work great until 1100 meters. Most of the parachutes are deployed by then and everything is going smoothly until the game freezes. The next thing that happens is the entire lander is fairly evenly distributed over an area of about 10 km. I have no clue what is happening. Any ideas? Lander description: Double layer asparagus pancake for ascent. Heat shield on top and bottom for stable descent. SRB on the bottom to deorbit (use cheats to get there). First stage deploys drogues, second deploys main chutes, third releases probe.
  23. Hi guys, I picked this game up on the last Steam 75% sale and it's really addicting. I'm having a blast. I started a career, and landed on the Mun for the first time yesterday, which was so cool. My first lander had all the science I had unlocked with it, and the full price to get it there was around 43k. This feels so expensive since my Mun orbiter for tourists is only 25k. How cheap can I get a science lander to the Mun to hit the biomes? Any thoughts on my design that I can improve? Thanks! Here are some images. https://imgur.com/a/uv6Ent0 I can get to orbit with boosters, and empty the lower stage tank to get Lower orbit, then burn for Mun intercept. If a poor launch, I might be a couple hundred Dv short. If I land without mistakes, I have 300-400dv of fuel left in lander, but if I have troubles, I can easily burn through that.
  24. I built a massive lander for the moon which was attacked by a kraken while landing. While landing, I deployed the bottom stage (14 Jumbo-64s and 7 mainsails) to eject the lander (2 X200-32s, mainsail, hitchiker, Mk1-3pod, and landing gear). What I expected was that the stage would disconnect and the lander would fire the mainsail and land some distance away. What happened was that the lander sank rapidly into the bottom stage, and when it was almost all the way in it registered that there was a collision. My kerbal in the hitchiker went splat and the two in the command pod got launched at half the speed of light out into the outer void. Is there a known solution to this bug? I really want to land on the Mun with this lander, but if I have to eject the bottom stage early, I won't have enough fuel on reentry.
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