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  1. "Amid the stars, we stand on the brink of endless futures. It is only by stepping forward that we collapse the uncertain into reality." - Unknown Kerbal. Embark on an extraordinary journey through space with the Sternenfront Planet Pack Mod for Kerbal Space Program. Explore a richly detailed new star systems. From the terraformed landscapes of Mars-like planets to the lush green expanses of exoplanets, every celestial body offers new challenges and discoveries. Uncover historical landmarks and artifacts scattered across the planets, remnants of ancient civilizations and epic battles that hint at the complex alternate history. Engage in unique missions and science experiments designed to immerse you in the lore of Sternenfront, guiding you through a narrative that spans centuries of antient innovation and conflict. Prepare for liftoff, and let the adventures of Sternenfront ignite your passion for exploration. This is a work in Progress mod that is based on a project on DeviantArt.
  2. I wanted to put this out into the community about the next major roadmap updates to see if anyone agrees. Obviously the team has a plan for what features should come when but they have also said they will be flexible based on what the community wants. Perhaps this can be a thread to show what the community wants first. I am extremely excited for the colonies update and can't wait to see KSP2 finally achieve features that will separate itself from it's predecessor. It is my understanding from interviews and KSP2 development posts that the colonies update really only brings building colonies into the game. The only real purpose they will bring to the game is looking cool and launching vessels from whatever planet/moon you want in the Kerbolar system. That is all fun and good, honestly I would probably have hours of fun with that anyways if development stays on track with the current roadmap; However, this would also mean that the colonies wouldn't get any "True" functionality until after the interstellar update. Once the colonies update comes we will likely see a large gap between that and the interstellar update sense there is such a large amount of new mechanics and development that will need to go into new solar systems and how to get there. There was a 10 month wait for the first big update of KSP2 "For Science!", I understand that was to fix a lot of bugs on launch so I don't expect Colonies to take as long but I wouldn't expect it in the next 3-4 months. If we estimated an average of 6 months between each update that would mean we could get colonies around June or July, then interstellar around December or January of 2025, and then go back to resource gathering by Jun or July of 2025. Having a whole year between being able to build colonies and being able to utilize colonies in the way that I believe the devs want them to be used seems out of place to me. While I and many others are extremely excited for interstellar, I think we would also appreciate the colonies and their functionality being completely fledged out before going into the next "BIG NEW THING" for KSP2. To me it does not make sense to add construction of colonies, have a gap and add interstellar, then go back and add functionality to colonies. Another point to make, sadly, is bug fixes. The colonies update will likely have some things to it that the community will have notes on what could be done better, of course these things can be addressed in smaller updates in between colonies and interstellar, but I think it would also be good to have the next big roadmap goal also be connected to colonies, making the focus of the development team "locked in" on getting these parts of the game perfect before moving on. If resource gathering is next on the list from colonies it would also allow them to add big "second thought"/"lesser priority" things to colonies seamlessly in addition to the exploration roadmap goal (similar to how For Science! added reentry heating). Lastly I would like to talk about integration of the resource gathering and transportation system from interplanetary to interstellar. Resource distribution on this large of a scale seems to me like a hard case to crack, I think there will be some errors in the first version that the becomes publicly available. I would personally rather have those struggles on interplanetary missions rather than interstellar ones in the first implementation of resource gathering. If we switched interstellar and exploration on the roadmap hopefully it would mean that the resource distribution systems can be perfected and easily ported to interstellar. I would rather have headache and be able to look at it as just a problem with the one feature of resource distribution rather than feel like its frustration with interstellar and resource distribution. Overall I love that the development team has been more open with communication and taking advice from their audience (Thank you for fixing wobbly rockets ). I do wonder what the rest of the community thinks about this, and if the developers would consider changing such a big decision. Anyways much love to the devs and the community, I'm sure that we will be happy with whatever way development goes but I think it is something to consider. P.S. this could also mean that you could push the second new star system addition to come in the multiplayer update which could be fun to have the first looks of new territory to be with friends. Just a thought!
  3. I wanted to put this out into the community about the next major roadmap updates to see if anyone agrees. Obviously the team has a plan for what features should come when but they have also said they will be flexible based on what the community wants. Perhaps this can be a thread to show what the community wants first. I am extremely excited for the colonies update and can't wait to see KSP2 finally achieve features that will separate itself from it's predecessor. It is my understanding from interviews and KSP2 development posts that the colonies update really only brings building colonies into the game. The only real purpose they will bring to the game is looking cool and launching vessels from whatever planet/moon you want in the Kerbolar system. That is all fun and good, honestly I would probably have hours of fun with that anyways if development stays on track with the current roadmap; However, this would also mean that the colonies wouldn't get any "True" functionality until after the interstellar update. Once the colonies update comes we will likely see a large gap between that and the interstellar update sense there is such a large amount of new mechanics and development that will need to go into new solar systems and how to get there. There was a 10 month wait for the first big update of KSP2 "For Science!", I understand that was to fix a lot of bugs on launch so I don't expect Colonies to take as long but I wouldn't expect it in the next 3-4 months. If we estimated an average of 6 months between each update that would mean we could get colonies around June or July, then interstellar around December or January of 2025, and then go back to resource gathering by Jun or July of 2025. Having a whole year between being able to build colonies and being able to utilize colonies in the way that I believe the devs want them to be used seems out of place to me. While I and many others are extremely excited for interstellar, I think we would also appreciate the colonies and their functionality being completely fledged out before going into the next "BIG NEW THING" for KSP2. To me it does not make sense to add construction of colonies, have a gap and add interstellar, then go back and add functionality to colonies. Another point to make, sadly, is bug fixes. The colonies update will likely have some things to it that the community will have notes on what could be done better, of course these things can be addressed in smaller updates in between colonies and interstellar, but I think it would also be good to have the next big roadmap goal also be connected to colonies, making the focus of the development team "locked in" on getting these parts of the game perfect before moving on. If resource gathering is next on the list from colonies it would also allow them to add big "second thought"/"lesser priority" things to colonies seamlessly in addition to the exploration roadmap goal (similar to how For Science! added reentry heating). Lastly I would like to talk about integration of the resource gathering and transportation system from interplanetary to interstellar. Resource distribution on this large of a scale seems to me like a hard case to crack, I think there will be some errors in the first version that the becomes publicly available. I would personally rather have those struggles on interplanetary missions rather than interstellar ones in the first implementation of resource gathering. If we switched interstellar and exploration on the roadmap hopefully it would mean that the resource distribution systems can be perfected and easily ported to interstellar. I would rather have headache and be able to look at it as just a problem with the one feature of resource distribution rather than feel like its frustration with interstellar and resource distribution. Overall I love that the development team has been more open with communication and taking advice from their audience (Thank you for fixing wobbly rockets ). I do wonder what the rest of the community thinks about this, and if the developers would consider changing such a big decision. Anyways much love to the devs and the community, I'm sure that we will be happy with whatever way development goes but I think it is something to consider. P.S. this could also mean that you could push the second new star system addition to come in the multiplayer update which could be fun to have the first looks of new territory to be with friends. Just a thought!
  4. After around a year of development, I feel that it is finally time to open a Dev thread! Boundless aims to be a mostly realistic, expansive, and detailed interstellar planet pack. This is my first (of hopefully many) planet packs that I'm going to be releasing, and I've learned a lot during the development of this pack. Development started wayyy back in February 2023, and has been steadily undergoing since. The home system includes 8 planets, ranging from the scorched Koron to the far-off ice giant Oura. The homeworld is the 3rd planet from the Asterai-Mikra binary, being more massive and larger than Kerbin, and hosting thin rings and 4 moons. A major point in this pack is focusing on all types of bodies, ranging from binaries to dwarf planets, which I find very little in other packs. There will be a total of 6 dwarf bodies in the home system, and some will even have moons. These will range from small asteroids to mun-sized icy bodies. The system in total will have 41 bodies. I will not be releasing any of the interstellar systems as of 0.1, only the main system. See below for details. A bit of clarification in regards to the soon-to-be 0.1 release: What will be in 0.1: - Most major bodies/moons in the Asterai (home) syste, - Full EVE/Scatterer support (no volumetrics atm) What will NOT be in 0.1 Parallax support (1.0/2.0) Volumetric support Interstellar destinations (I promise I wont do an intercept games with this, lol) Biome maps for all bodies Science Defs (In need of creative writers) Future plans 12+ total systems, 3 of which will be detailed to the level of the main system Homeswitch Full parallax 2.0 support Volumetric support Lore (?) Full list of bodies in 0.1 (And some plans for 0.2/0.11) Images (Spoilered in case you want to go in blind upon release!) p.s. We have a discord! https://discord.gg/pA5eFFhSyA
  5. Initially it worked fine and it only became a problem when switching between the planet and KSC a lot. then it started appearing by itself and i had to reboot the game. now it happens almost instantly making the game literally unplayable. I tried updating kopernicus but it did nothing. other problems ive seen are the star flashing through the ground and solar panels making power even when ocluded by the planet im orbiting. Ive never had this problem before and Cercani isnt really that far compared to Plock Also kerbal konstructs bases wont let launch thinks from bases there because it sees everything in the SOI as obstructing the runway including in orbit.
  6. It's been 32 years since the founding of the National Space Agency and kerbalkind's foray into space. A first fateful journey into interplanetary space, a momentous first step oh Jool's crown jewel, a self sufficient Mun base, a first spark of fusion opening the gates to the ice giants, a fearless descent into the clouds of Eve and a lonely outlook from the shadow of Plock, the Kerbol system has been thoroughly explored. Talks of colonizing Laythe and making kerbals truly multiplanetary are on the table but the Agency's goals of pushing the frontier ever further now align with another organization: Intervision. Data from the sprite program provides 2 candidates: Cercani, a 3.2Ly K5IV with 5 known planets, 2 in the habitable zone; and Nova Kirbani, a 4.3Ly G2V-K1V-M4Ve trinary with 4 known plants around the latter, 1 in the habbitable zone. The decision will be made for them by the reception of the PRP-2611 signal from the second planet of Cercani. The agency veterans that will be joining this mission are: Jebediah Kerman - Chief Pilot >Duna|Jool|Urlum Bob Kerman - Chief Scientist >Duna|Jool|Sarnus Bill Kerman - Chief Engineer of surface operations Valentina Kerman - Reserve Pilot and partner of Jeb Aiko Kerman(F) - Prodigy pilot >Sarnus|Urlum|Plock|Moho Piko Kerman(M) - Scientist under Aiko Miki Kerman(F) - Engineer >Jool|Sarnus Lupond Kerman(F) - Scientist >Jool Melming "Honeydew" Kerman(M) - Engineer on the Duna mission where he crashed the lander into Ike. Founder of the Mun base. Haifurt Kerman(M) - Pilot >Neidon Danfry Kerman(M) - Fearless scientist that returned from Eve. Also joined Haifurt to Neidon Elibur Kerman(F) - Scientist >Urlum Alming Kerman(F) - Scientist >Urlum Gracal Kerman(M) - Engineer >Urlum Zhandar Kerman(F) - Scientist joining from Intervision From Helion Base lifts the HMS Endeavour, powered by a J45 Fresnel drive, it lifts off under the power of its afterburners With a payload of 200tons and a top speed of 550km/s it will arrive at Cercani in around 6 years. Approaching Cercani, starting deceleration burn After achieving orbit, Valentina wakes from cryosleep to inspect the ship and plot an intersection with Disole, the Duna-like moon of the superkerbin Pequar. However she discovers an anomaly, the Endeavour had started its deceleration burn too early, causing it to arrive a year late. It relied on luminosity to measure its distance however the agency had somehow missed that Cercani was not main sequence, but a subgiant with luminosity compared to Kerbol and ancient beyond measure. Since the system was also much bigger as a result, Valentina will reenter cryosleep as it will take over a year to intercept Pequar Puquar and Disole Arrival While Disole is being scanned for resources, Aiko decides to take a makeshift spaceship and be the first to land on an interstellar body. C3 is a small asteroid inside Pequar's rings which is rich in exotics but lacks all volatiles. This mission will prove to be more than just bragging rights Skimming the atmosphere for argon. Until the base is established the only fuel sources available are argon and the polymers brought from the Mun Resource scanning reveals that Disole completely lacks exotic minerals, as well as being quire metal poor. C3 does however have a lot of exotics. The colony will have to import its exotics from offworld. Fortunately not many exotics are required, a single shipment can produce 10 times the specialized parts carried by Endeavour The habitat truck begins its descent. While most modules have landed withing loading range of each other, the goal of not landing at night requires a shallower less precise descent Crew arrives at Disole colony. Nearby is the cargo retrieval truck and far in the distance is the exotic minerals drop pod. The crew will spend a while building the bays of the processing plant until it works at full capacity. At that point it will start building apartments for the rest of the crew, half of which is still in cryosleep. A name for the colony has not yet been chosen. Disole has been chosen as the colonization target due to its low gravity, thick rich atmosphere and large available land. Specifically its atmosphere contains about 12% O₂ likely left over from past water being lost to space; which will allow lifting material back into orbit via spaceplane. It also contains trace amounts of methane which make fuel production much easier. It is by no means breathable and is poisonous in fact but its much more hospitable than Vessa with its dissapointingly anoxic, sulfurous atmosphere. The crew in orbit isnt sitting idle however. With plenty of leftover materials it starts to produce probes to scan the nearby planets. Troni is first due to its fast orbit. This is what the ancients imagined Moho to be, and its high proximity to Cercani might make it a good location for producing antimatter Landing wasnt planned but with plenty of sunlight, the engine proved capable, except for crash landing here. It was the last destination at least To be continued... ✶●●●●●●●●● ✶●●●●●
  7. Introducing Kerbal Star Systems 2 - Embark on a Galactic Journey! Greetings, fellow space enthusiasts! It's with immense excitement that we unveil the next chapter in our cosmic odyssey: Kerbal Star Systems 2! A universe of infinite possibilities awaits you as we venture into the interstellar realm. Remember the thrills and challenges that Kerbal Star Systems brought to your screens? We've been hard at work over the past several months, crafting a spectacular successor that combines the best of both KSS and GU. While this isn't a mere continuation of those beloved mods, it's the culmination of everything we've learned and experienced in those projects. Prepare to take flight once again, with Kerbal Star Systems 2 as your vessel. Stay tuned for more updates and prepare to explore the cosmos like never before. The universe beckons, and your destiny among the stars awaits Kerbal Star Systems 2 © 2024 by StarCrusher96 is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
  8. Hi ! I will post here significant log about this career, which has already started, not every flight tho, just the ones I find interesting to share ! The save is started already so for a while it will be getting up to date. The goal is to colonize every possible body, and establish permanent colinies as much as we can. Harvest everything. Every last piece of ore, the last picogram of space dust, the last bit of antimmater, even absorb the Sun, if we could. Incentive given on complex ISRU chains, on top of MKS (see below). And finally, to claim Kerbals superiority over the konwn Universe, and show the Kraken who is the boss. Also calm down maybe ? Additional career rules/ bits&bobs (see Gameplay mods used below too) : - science progression is heavely nerfed (custom patches), just to not be bored after Minmus. - no quickload on dumb mystakes, kraken emergency reload allowed - To add challenges, make the end game more interseting : I cannot launch "complicated" ressources from Kerbin (all Nuclear ressources except early tech, all charged particles, antimatter, maybe some epxensive gas as well, some manufactured MKS ressources maybe too). Meaning If have a KSPIE reactor I can launch it, but without fuel. To acquire theses ressources, I have to ISRU them (not from kerbin tho, too easy), and either use them in-situ, or ship them back to Kerbin where the amount recovered will be stored in the KSC warehouse (my notepad basically ^^), to be available for future launches. I believe this will open new interesting gameplay loops, and avoid the I-throw-funds-at-problems in regards to KSPIE, and also give each engine/situation a more unique feel, and a greater sense of achievement. - Custom Engines nerf : nerf all engines ISP at sea level by *0.6, thus forcing me to make at least a 2 stage rocket to reach orbit, contrary to stock where rocket SSTO is absurdly easy, and giving more value to near future stuff when unlocked. - Mods used (most noticeable ones) : - Current state of exploration / kerbal presence : - Chapters : See you in deep space !
  9. hi everyone i'm finally back after a near-fatal addiction to gregtech. So recently I've been working on a new save involving MKS and KSPIE. I will make a mission report-like updates here and when I finally stop procrastinating I will post these to my youtube channel. Without further ado... Because We Kan! Modlist: Chapters: 1. Going up and staying there 2a. Mun time 2b. Minmus Probed 3a. Minmus Mission in Style! Part 1 3b. Minmus Mission in Style! Part 2 4. Expand the Station! 5.To the Mun! Will Update!
  10. After having already played on it for over a year I have decided to start posting the results of my KSP career save here,on this career I have set myself the goal of colonizing every single body(except stars) using MKS and EPL as the two main colonization mods. In addition to those two mods I have a huge customized modpack including interstellar engines from Far Future Technologies, a modified version of Beyond Home that adds its system not as a replacement to the stock system but as an addition to it and many more. For other planet packs I also use OPM. Due to the large time already spent playing on the save I had to first go through the backlog of the many already completed missions and already started colonization efforts, so the first 38 chapters were me posting the earlier missions with whatever screenshots I have of them that i happened to take, if I have no screenshots of the original mission I showed the mission vehicle in VAB/SPH. Chapters: Chapter 1: Beginnings https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/&do=findComment&comment=4287263 Chapter 2: First interplanetary voyage https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/&do=findComment&comment=4287609 Chapter 3: Launch to Jool https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/&do=findComment&comment=4289999 Chapter 4: The First Colony https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/&do=findComment&comment=4291039 Chapter 5: Eve Station https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/&do=findComment&comment=4291379 Chapter 6: Minmus Expansion https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=4291628 Chapter 7: Minmus Trade Route https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=4291953 Chapter 8: Orbital Shipyard https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=4291998 Chapter 9: Eve Colony Shiphttps://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=4292303 Chapter 10: Jool Arrival https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=4292438 Chapter 11: Satellites & Mun preparations https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=4293995 Chapter 12: Duna Mission & Space Freighter https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=4295223 Chapter 13: Moho Mission & Colony Expansions https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=4295688 Chapter 14: Mun Construction https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=4318324 Chapter 15: Eve Expansion https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=4319907 Chapter 16: Gilly Colonization https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=4320205 Chapter 17: Mission Returns & Leveling Cruise https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=4320228 Chapter 18: Interplanetary Fusion Spaceship & Heavy Mining https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=4320909 Chapter 19: Duna Colonization https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=4321698 Chapter 20: Harbor Activity https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=4321716 Chapter 21: Eve Heavy Industry & Plock Mission https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=4322980 Chapter 22: Jool Colonization Fleet https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=4322991 Chapter 23: Sarnus Mission https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=4323343 Chapter 24: Gilly Station & Eve Karborundum Mining https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=4325354 Chapter 25: Jool Colony Fleet Arrivals https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=4325356 Chapter 26: Explodium Dragon https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=4327871 Chapter 27: Tekto Exploration & Mun Construction https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=4328950 Chapter 28: Duna Logistics https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=4328955 Chapter 29: Sarnus Exploration https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=4329992 Chapter 30: Pol Colonization Beginnings https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=4330003 Chapter 31: Laythe Colonization Part 1 https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=4330018 Chapter 32: Laythe Colonization Part 2 https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=4330148 Chapter 33: Duna Colonization https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=4330154 Chapter 34: Nuclear Transport & Jool Scooping https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=4330335 Chapter 35: Laythe City Expansion https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=4330349 Chapter 36: Bop Colonization https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=4330373 Chapter 37: Laythe Skyscrapers https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=4334600 Chapter 38: Dres Station & Neidon Mission https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=4334626 Chapter 39: ? [Coming Soon]
  11. When i hear about realistic interstellar travel, I think about solar sails. This addition could also utilize lasers as propulsion away from sunlight, and use sunlight to move it when in range of a star. And of course a near infinite energy source comes at the expense of a very large craft, and a slow retraction speed when you want to slow down or stop. The thrust would be controlled by how far the sails are extended, the smaller the area, the less thrust.
  12. I think what would make interstellar travel really cool, or what can be a great to set up for it, would be the inclusions of space telescopes in KSP2. Think about sending up a shuttle with something like the Hubble Space Telescope in the payload bay, and have that go on to discover star systems like Debdeb. Not just that, but also have the ability to service and upgrade it later down the line on orbit by conducting EVAs, like on STS-61 or STS-125. Obviously, that statement holds true for something like Hubble. If they player wants to do a mission like Kuiper or James Webb, that should also be an option. It can be a very cool way to conduct science experiments, and get points needed to upgrade the tech tree in KSP2. It can also give the player incentive to try a mission that they have not done before, and can be relatively easy-ish to pull off. I can imagine something like Hubble or the James Webb Space Telescope being instrumental for progression in a future patch when we get closer and closer to interstellar travel.
  13. [CLICK] VISUALS Eve-Redux: Performance-enhanced Evebuild Scatterer SINGULARITY INSTANTIATOR REQUIRED Kopernicus NIAKOUTILS dhttps://youtu.be/5ZM0PJB3dBM?si=tT7TjxV-6w-M84_m
  14. Besides talking about the core of KSP that will be available in the Early Access version of the game and also the Roadmap chapters that will slowly turn KSP2 into an improved version of KSP1 Interstellar (extended mod pack), we should really also talk about the other major branches the game has aquired over the years. So we have the following spin-off ideas: A: KSP2 (Interstellar, Near Future Tech) B: Realism (RO / RSS / RP) C: Warfare (BD Armory, multiplayer focused, FPS or RTS) D: Roleplay (a type of Kerbal RPG game, controlling a single character on missions, with IVA focus) E: Grand strategy / city builder (like a simulator game with focus on city building and resource / transport logistics overview) So basically Intercept could successfully create at least another 4 games in the Kerbal family tree, based on work done for KSP2. And I believe they would have great success for each particular niche. What do you guys think? Should it really only be left up to the modders or should these be actual spinoff games, nicely packaged, with their own identity? PS: There's also the trackmania / circuit racing / competitive flying focused idea but that I think can be done in regular KSP2. Nate during a podcast also talked about an "engine designer" extension to the game. PS2: I was thinking about D: Roleplay more along the lines of an RPG: controlling a kerbal avatar (third person), experiencing the game IVA/EVA and VR (first person), having diverse roles (actual pilot, scientist, engineer, medic, remote probe pilot, flight controller), interacting with other characters, having a campaign with missions, living in the Kerbal world, with a focus on lore.
  15. Jeb Crashed his personal SSTO into the KSC's Planned Interstellar Vehicle, Jeb managed to eject but now the KSC is taking this opportunity to build a more capable ship as opposed to sending kerbals in a cramped ship to another star. The KSC has some requirements for it. Banned Mechanics Kraken Drives KAL Overclocking Permitted Parts Mods KSPI-E Far Future Technologies Near Future Technologies Blueshift - Kerbal FTL (FTL Section ONLY) Kerbal Planetary Base Systems Extraplanetary Launchpads Tweakscale USI Life Support DeepFreeze B9 HX(Reconfig is ALLOWED) KARE Exploration Ship Requirements Must Carry a Reusable Lander capable of landing on all planets within the target system and returning to orbit Must be able to refuel itself(this capability can be installed on the lander) The Ship and the Lander cannot be the same craft, We can't have our fancy ISV get covered in scorch marks from reentry. Capable of returning to LKO at the end of the mission Main ship must carry Mobile Processing Lab Power Supply Habitat module Life Support Systems Cryopods(If Using Deepfreeze) Colonization Ship Requirements Must carry Either A self-sufficient colony The Equipment to Build a self-sufficient colony Must Carry a Reusable lander capable of repeated takeoffs and landings from the targeted planet Equipment to keep this Lander Fueled(Can Be Installed on the lander) Must be able to serve as an interplanetary freighter after the colony modules have been dropped off(You can use EL on your colony to build freight modules) Main ship must carry enough kerbals to colonize the system Ship must be capable of providing life support for the duration of the trip Must have a power supply General Requirements(Both Types) Must be able to go interstellar(GU Or Light Levels, Using Extrasolar, beyond home, or GEP, does not count) Capable of visiting all planets in the target system(No, you cant exclusively focus on a habitable planet, ISVs are expensive after all) You may carry multiple landers designed for different roles if your main lander is not capable of fufilling it(such as landing on a high G body which is basically airless) Play Fair, Dont Cheat, if your ISV is in one category, we will not compare it or say it is better than those in the other categories. STL Rules No Faster-Than-Light Drives, simple enough right? Otherwise do whatever you want so long as it doesnt break other rules FTL Rules Must Use Faster-Than-Light drives, Blueshift is allowed for this category Do whatever the love you want so long as it doesnt break other rules STL Submissions [Your Name Here] - [Your Ship Type Here] FTL Submissions [Your name here] - [Your Ship Type Here]
  16. I recently tried to go interstellar in stock and I was able to get my trajectory to outside the Kerbol system but is there a border which you can't cross as the craft is instantly destroyed? Has anyone else done this before? Thanks, -Andrew theAstronaut
  17. I dot expect them to take like 30 years right? Since the Kerbal universe is scaled down, I think they might take 10-20 years depending on speed and distance?
  18. i know about galaxys unbound but are there ane others?
  19. MEV Heavy Industries (MEV) Daedalus, Bussard and Epstein drives for Kerbal Space Program. Daedalus drive requires KSP Interstellar Extended By zer0Kerbal, originally by @Cyne adopted with express permission and brought to you by KerbSimpleCo Preamble by Cyne See more YouTube review by Kottabos Gaming Help Wanted Localization Installation Directions 1 Dependencies Kerbal Space Program 2 Suggests On Demand Fuel Cells (ODFC) GPO (Goo Pumps & Oils') Speed Pump (GPO) Supports Either 3 Module Manager /L Module Manager KSP Interstellar Extended (KSPIE) Interstellar Fuel Switch (Core) or Interstellar Fuel Switch TweakScale (TWK) Tags parts, config red box below is a link to forum post on how to get support Be Kind: Lithobrake, not jakebrake! Keep your Module Manager up to date Credits and Special Thanks @Cynefor creating this glorious parts addon! see Attribution.md for more comprehensive list Legal Mumbo Jumbo (License provenance) DONATIONS: How to support this and other great mods by zer0Kerbal Connect with me Release Schedule this isn't a mod. ;P↩︎ may work on other versions (YMMV)↩︎ Be Kind: Lithobrake, not jakebrake! Keep your Module Manager up to date!↩︎
  20. Project Starshot: Interstellar Frontiers-An epic adventure ft. Galaxies Unbound The title is pretty much self-explanatory. The objective of this is to launch huge interstellar ships to some star systems in Galaxies Unbound without my computer crashing. The current star systems which i plan to explore are (the Galaxies Unbound kerbalized equivalents of): Alpha Centauri, Epsilon Eridani, Luhman 16 and Tau Ceti (not necessarily in that order). I will try to do everything at least semi-realistically in sandbox mode, which means no fancy ftl warp drives or other technologies that are -too- advanced but with unlimited funds. Note: this is mostly done for cinematic purposes, so there will -some- .cfg file editing but stuff like isp or mass are still kept at a realistic scale. Here is my modlist: (thank you to all the modders who have all put so much work into making them). BTW i will be putting some references from random scifi works, you can post it in the chat if you spotted one. I will try to make weekly updates and posts for this mission report. Note: this is my first time making a mission report and if you have any suggestions fell free to post them here. Epic music to listen to while you read this: Immortal by Thomas Bergersen Final Frontier by Thomas Bergersen Victory by Two Steps From Hell Star Sky by Two Steps From Hell Part One: Nova Kerbani Alpha Centauri Nova Kerbani, is the Solar System Kerbol system's closest neighbouring star. Even at the dawn of the space age, kerbals have dreamed to be able to travel to and explore other stars. In the last few decades, Nova Kerbani has gained extensive public interest with the discovery of multiple exoplanets with at least one that is earth-sized and habitable by the Kerbal Astronomical Society and multiple mission designs were studied or drafted, including Kerbani Dreams' Project Kaedalus and the OPA's LDSS Nauvoo . But it is only within the last few years or so with the development of advanced fusion and antimatter technologies has such a mission to explore Nova Kerbani became possible. Thus, Project Starshot was born. Chapter One: Getting Ready 15/04/2075 First Launch of the Project Starshot Experimental VSSTO Shuttle (x-VSSTO) Mission: Starshot 1 The Project Starshot mission design called for an SSTO dropship that could be used to land on and take off from an exoplanet up to 110% of earth's gravity, with or without an atmosphere. The contractors at Space Kerbalization Technologies thus designed the Starshot VSSTO (official name to be designated, but nicknamed razorback by the kerbonauts) which was a heavily modified single stage MAV from the Ares Program with chemical rockets and a fusion aerospike bolted on it. Today's mission is the first launch of the Starshot VSSTO and it will conduct a simple mission of going to orbit and returning without killing any of the crew. (Here at Space Kerbalization Tech, the safety of our kerbonauts are our top priority, which is why our first flight of an unproven technology will be crewed) Crew: Pilot-Jeb Kerman On board repair guy Engineer-Bill Kerman "We are go for launch in T-minus 5, 4, 3, ignition sequence start, 2, 1. Liftoff, we have liftoff!" At the Kerbal Space Center, these familiar words were spoken once again. However, this time it signified the dawn of a new era, as this was the first flight of Project Starshot. The vehicle shot upwards at more that 8 g, airframe groaning under the immense stress. "Mission Control, Jeb here. You have successfully created a kerbal pancake maker." Soon, the high thrust chemical rockets cut off and the g-force dropped down to a 'gentle' 3g. The vehicle continued to accelerate upwards using it's fusion aerospike, punching through the cloud layer at supersonic speeds. After the desired apoapsis was reached, the main engine cut off and coasted. A few minuets later, the engine lit once again for thew circularization burn. "Kerbin, we have orbit" After a few maneuvers, the spacecraft rendezvoused with the Venturestar class Interstellar Vehicle Hermes (ISV 001), kerbalkind's first manned interstellar vehicle, still under construction at Tycho Station. And so Starshot 1's objectives were completed, and it was time for Jeb and Bill to return home. A few minuets later, the ship made a propulsive landing and touched down on the droneship Just Read The Instructions and Starshot 1 has been marked as a complete success. (sorry for the small images as imgur is banned in my country so i had to use something else but for some reason it just absolutely refused to make the pics bigger) Coming Soon-Chapter 2: Project Starshot and the ISV Hermes
  21. Greetings everyone! It's been quite a long time since I was last actively part of this community and game. For those that remember me, I was once one of the Community Managers alongside CaptSkunky way back in the day. A lot of things have changed in my life, including the fact I go by Ciara now (and can't seem to update my display name on the forums) but after a very long time away I'm back! Not only am I back, but I've been inspired by StarCrusher's Galaxies Unbound Project to attempt not only learning how to mod, but undertaking a massive planet mod pack. I'd like to share this journey with you including my workflow, concepts, and successes and failures. So, please come along for the ride and maybe in the next few months I'll have something I can be proud of contributing to the community along with all these amazing and talented authors. Workflow Concept Artist Controlled Procedural Content Generation The concept of Artist Controlled PCG is one that exists in multiple mainline space projects of note. The primary concept is that an artist will use a tool to procedrually generate a planet or terrain and then utalize the output of that tool as a "Canvas" to work off of using said Canvas as a foundation to contorl the following, Atmospheric Color Points of Interest Specific Terrain Features Scatter and Ground Clutter Control Color Palette Main Goals and Features * Utalize a Procedural Star System Generation System to use as a staging point to launch pad off from. * Utalize a Procedural and Fractal Based Terrain Generation Method to make truly unique planets generating 8bit greyscale height maps procedrually * Take Real world Orbital Data and Information Generated by the tools in order to create the proper scaled versions in a Kerbol Stock-a-like manner. Test Map - Low Quality / Low Reolution Step 1 - Procedurally Generated Height Map Step 2 - Lightness (HSL) Color Desaturation Step 3 - Color Inversion Step 4 - Color Correction Obvioulsy this height map wont work, it's just a test of the process that I'm going to attempt to see if I can quickly (a few days or so) generate a height map, normal map, and color map, and with the tools I have work on tweaking the outputs to create unique worlds that are procedurally generated but the final outcome is artist controlled. I'll be running some tests tonight and tommorrow and I hope to have test worlds in game to showcase then. See ya soon! -Ciara (Formerly DR) Quick Color Map Test (The Color isn't final but I wanted to see how it would look.) Tool Used: Wilbur + GIMP Procedures Used: Percentage Noise & 1st Pass Erosion Test (Yes I know the edges are way to sharp, just testing and learning tools.)
  22. In the recent KSP 2 video Interstellar Travel, one of the developers mentions how each star in the sky is simulated. The skybox in the pre-alpha footage looks absolutely stunning with hundreds of shimmering stars and nebula. This poses a few questions: Does the skybox change as you travel between star systems? If so, does the skybox slowly switch to another, or do the stars themselves actually move? Is it technically possible to fly to every star in the sky (even if there is no solar system associated with it? I hope the first two questions are true. It would be so cool to see constellations from the Kerbolar System morph into new ones as you travel to far-off worlds. Green background (Kerbolar System) Red/brown background (unknown system)
  23. Akin to SpaceEngine, KSP2 procedurally generating star systems? (If the comment made on KSP Episode 5: Interstellar Travel is true, this seems the most physically plausible) Thoughts?
  24. FAR OUT RED SKIES - Red Skies was going to be a standalone mod until the idea of FO came around, the name FO may not stay though. Red Skies takes place in the Luhman 16 system, BUT KERBALIZED. For a while now I have been working on a mod centered around a brown dwarf star which is a star just below the mass limit for hydrogen fusion, so its basically a really hot gas giant. I do have two other mod ideas in mind but wanted to get this one done with first as its been an idea for a longgggg time now. (fyi one of the two mod idea besides this, I have is already began working on) SYSTEM CHART (NOT TO SCALE) INSTALLATION GUIDE: for download simply insert the files within the GameData folder into Kerbal Space Program's GameData. PREREQUISITES: KOPERNICUS RELEASE IN idk yet DOWNLOAD LINK: none yet Follow the post to see when it comes out
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