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  1. I would like to suggest that the Starlab does not pause its survey. Ones its deployed and surveying the data, it should continue to do so, until the research is done in the surveyed region. It hinders the pace a bit, especially on planets like Duna where the Biomes changes every few seconds. Maybe i do something wrong, or this is a Bug, but if not, it would be nice to keep the games pace. A alternative would be, that the Starlab automates this procedure, stopping the survey when the region changes, and automatically starts surveying again. I would like to hear some opinions, suggestions or maybe even help, because there is a chance that i do something wrong.
  2. I propose an idea to remove loneliness.. wandering in space or on space planets, you can notice new types of objects an unknown spacecraft it looks like an ordinary device, but it is taken from the player's or official device library. It has the same needs as an ordinary one. You can contact the ship and request resources for money with which you can refuel or repair your ship. if you have a low reputation with the company that owns the ship, you will not be able to contact them, and also if there are no kerbals on board this ship, the ship will float in outer space and it can be stolen, they will usually be broken, but if the ship costs more than 8000 and is not broken, you will be fined reputation and money.if you dock, you can throw out the other kerbals. Do you remember what I said about the low relationship with the company that owns the ship? so, for fulfilling contracts, your reputation will increase as well as in the original version of the game, but only individually. ships can sometimes fly out of orbit and disappear after a while. When negotiating with other ships, it will also be possible to buy science and level-up with money. During negotiations, there will be a dialog window with the pilot of this ship in which you can start trading resources and request permits. Space kerbo pirates can rob your ship as well as you their ship, or they can steal spaceships from each other...but they appear with a negative reputation.
  3. What's this rambling about? Having Colonies locked behind Tier 4 seems like it isn't the right way KSP2 should be played. It would feel too step-by-step I feel. So, introducing it as early as Tier 3 will make the game progression smoother for the colonies, could even put it in Heavy Orbital Operations? And this would probably mean low tech colony parts... And why's that? Colonies are highly anticipated and would change so much to the way we play the game, launching rockets, storing resources, building complex nice looking outposts, this is what would change the gameplay in an interesting way. In KSP1, the way you build stations was nice, but with the addition of colonies, it could be made much easier and user-friendly. And would also make the features get shown to the player much more smoothly, by introducing the concept when it would start to become useful (Like in the quest to go to Jool, you'd build a Duna outpost to make a relay to this planet). An example perhaps. In Tier 3, I'd go on to make a small Duna orbital outpost to coordinate operations to go to Jool, perhaps even launching from there if I could, though this seems rather too advanced for T3... But then, as I progress through the tech tree, I'd have more complex and bigger colony parts to use and expand this Dunian outpost. Like how in the real world cities came from small traveller encampments from the late 1800s and turned into huge cities in the current day... Closing thoughts... I think that colony parts could aid greatly in the exploration of the Kerbol system after T3, as it would serve as homes for science and resources. They'd be the backbone of the Program by aiding crafts in their missions, and providing a command center on the area. Of course, vessels would need to launch a sort of Colony core of some kind... Hopefully the idea is clear, and I hope we would all be able to experience the benefits of colonies even in early game- Limited, but helpful, and expandable in the long run!-
  4. Mass Effect Drive Mod for KSP Last update 06/05/2024 This mod adds the Mass Effect Drive from the game series of the same name. The Mass Effect drive is able to warp it's vessel's mass by a percentage using Element Zero, a ressource that can only be found on the far reaches of Eeloo. Mass Effect drives need three things to function : Element Zero, Electric Charge and Flux Capacitors. -Element Zero is costly and difficult to obtain, but on isn't consumed by the drive. Element Zero serves as catalyst for the operation of the drive, determining the Electric Charge to Warped Mass ratio. To simplify, the more Element Zero, the better. When The Mass Effect Drive(s) is running, it'll generate 'Flux' that can only be Discharged around a planet's magnetic field. It must therefore be stored in high-capacity Capacitors. The Mass Effect Drives automatically Discharge the vessel's Flux Capacitors when in low-orbit of a planet, the length of this process is determined by how close you are to said planet, and the number of drives on your vessel. To prevent accidently tearing the fabric of spacetime, the drive will automatically shut itself off when the vessel is altered. The mod currently adds 4 parts : -Provisional Mass Effect Drive : Main part of the mod, found in Utility tab -Provisional Element Zero Tank : Stores Eezo, found in Fuel Tanks tab -S-5TOR Provisional Flux Charge Capacitor : Stores Flux Charge, found in Electrical tab. -Drill-O-Matic Junior Eezo Excavator : Drill that mines Eezo, found in Utility tab -Drill-O-Matic Eezo Excavator : Drill that mines Eezo, found in Utility tab Download Link Want to help ? This mod currently uses placeholder parts to implement it's functionality, due to me not being able to make anything remotely good in blender. if you know how to make parts and want to help, feel free to contact me on discord ! (lucaspec72 id 331059604072955904) if you found bugs, or have suggestions, you can report them here : https://github.com/Lucaspec72/Mass-Effect-Drive-Mod-KSP/issues KNOWN ISSUES : -DeltaV displays completely bug out when warping more mass than the vessel's dry mass. (mass reduction to counter mass of ressources technically makes the dry mass negative, bugging out the displays. Physics themselves seem unafected.) Possible fixes : Add onboard DeltaV display, or add more harmony patches to fix functions that bug out with negative mass. CHANGELOG : Alpha 3.5 hotfix : -Fixed a typo in the Mass Effect Drive Partmodule that mentionned static charge to Flux. -Fixed a crash when starting drive at 0% mass warping and no Eezo in the drives, which caused a division by 0 resulting in a NaN. -Fixed Provisional Eezo Tank being free. Alpha 3.4 hotfix : -Fixed Restock patch for Eezo Tank and Flux Capacitor. Alpha 3.3 hotfix : -Added a Eezo storage tank. Why i didn't think to add one until now is beyond me. Alpha 3.2 hotfix : -Flux now vents on unloaded vessels. Alpha 3.1 hotfix : -Optimised the Postfix Patch. -Made the code running onfixedupdate only run on loaded vessels to avoid possible bugs. Alpha 3 : -Changed Harmony Prefix patch to Postfix thanks to @UltraJohn. Alpha 2.2 hotfix : -Fixed a few typos Alpha 2.1 hotfix : -Added Restock Compability Alpha 2 : -Renamed Static Charge to Flux -Fixed issues with Flux Discharging not working -Changed Time.fixedDeltaTime to TimeWarp.fixedDeltaTime to fix timewarp not properly setting ressources -Made every fixedUpdate code of the vesselModule only run when Highlogic is set to LoadedSceneIsFlight to avoid error spam in console -Boosted the max multiplier for Flux venting to 100 Alpha 1.1 hotfix : -Fixed Error with drive cost that caused it to be negative when empty. -Gets placeholder models directly from the squad folder instead of having copies in the mod folder to be EULA compliant Alpha 1 : -First Release Licence : CC BY-NC-SA 3.0
  5. The caps lock control needs to smoothly increase control surface deflection up to at least 50% of full authority, or a setting on the parts to adjust the authority to the player’s choice. Right now the fine control is almost useless unless you are rolling the craft in the atmosphere.
  6. I think it's good to have a separate thread where we can discuss environment systems that alter gameplay and are not only visual. I'm thinking of: temperature deltas (freezing, melting, boiling etc.) atmospheric dynamics (wind, moisture, lightning) water dynamics (currents, waves, tsunamis, rivers, floods, waterfalls) terrain dynamics (varied surface friction, earthquakes, landslides, mud, quicksand, lava) collidable scatter (trees, rocks, planetary rings) particle aggregation - snow / sand / dust (how they impact solar panels, weight on buildings) global weather systems (types of storms, climate, seasons) space weather systems (electromagnetic storms, radiation pressure, radiation belts) life support parts wear and repair What do you want in the game, beyond just the cool visuals? What do you think would enhance gameplay?
  7. I'm on the first publicly release version of KSP 2, and my game will not let me load a save or enter a new campaign. The game worked relatively well for me for a while, then at some point recently, it will not let me load into a game. I can get to the title screen, try to load into a game, and the game will freeze on pumping sim once. After 15 minutes or so on this screen, my screen will change into this odd black and white screen, and the only user interaction that works is f12 to bring up or hide the aerodynamics overlays. Nothing else works (including esc.). I'm on windows 10, and my computer has an NVDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti (graphics card), an Intel Core i5-9400F CPU @ 2.90GHz (processor), and 8 GB of installed RAM. No mods, I haven't found any workarounds that worked for me (though some people had some very creative ones on discord that didn't do the trick for me, like changing OS language to British English and deleting the AppData folder for the game (serious). I have seen other people have this same issue, and for all of them the screen they reached was identical. I have attached an image of it to this post, although it looks slightly brighter than this in person. I believe this is related to the wider issue of people being stuck on pumping sim once, but I don't know for sure how.
  8. While playing this morning, I found multiple bugs and gameplay issues. Not sure where to report them; I don't see an option in the launcher, nor is there an actual Bugs channel on Discord. There is no way in the VAB to orient craft to know which side of the capsule is facing east. In KSP 1, the VAB was open on the eastern end of the building, and you could literally see out to the water. You can't do that in KSP 2, so it's difficult to know which way you are oriented. On the launchpad - and in the VAB, to the same extent - the old controls to orient the view do not work. On the launchpad, the left/right arrows used to spin the view, but in KSP2 they merely move the camera left and right while holding the mouse wheel spins the view. Unfortunately, neither of these allows you to stay centered on the craft itself, and I have found no way to recenter the craft; you cannot simply right-click on the craft and Aim Camera any longer. I have a craft with asparagus staging, but in the VAB there is no dV readout for Stage 0. You can see the fuel lines in the image (I can get a better image if necessary), but you can see in Stage 0 there is no dV readout. 4. When in orbit, I can right-click on Ap/Pe and see the values. However, as soon as you create or click on a maneuver node, those go away and you have no way to get them to stay up there. This isn't so much a problem if you don't create a maneuver as you can see the current values in the lower left. But when creating a maneuver, you need to see the values you are setting these to, and you simply cannot. 5. This is probably the worst thing I found this morning, and it makes the game nearly unplayable. After multiple attempts, I finally got a craft going in the right direction (east over the water). Got an Ap of 100km, and created a maneuver node to circularize the orbit (or, close, anyhow; Ap/Pe were off by about 10km). Clicked to hold the maneuver node in SAS, fired the engines when the time came...and the craft, instead of holding the node, spun uncontrollably on every axis. Relaunched and retried holding prograde, and the same thing happened. I don't mean that the craft wobbled as if it didn't have struts, but rather spun uncontrollably as if there was no SAS control at all. Now, it's entirely possible that something I did in the craft made this happen. But why would the craft not hold the node? That's it for now. I'm taking a break and will come back to this later today, hopefully after someone comes in and answers my questions.
  9. From what I gather from interviews (Nate and EJ_SA for example), mature KSP2 gameplay will have a lot of elements similar to Factorio / Satisfactory / Dyson Sphere Program. I have to say Factorio is one of my favorite games so I really appreciate that. I imagine that we will have to build our extraction / processing / transport vehicles and colonies and set up logistics networks using our creations. I have a hunch this delivery routes system will have its own management interface for automation. I think it's really cool because we'll be able to build "cheap" transports with basic materials we obtain and "expensive" exploration spaceships with more exotic elements. So basically we'll have to adapt to each planet and make the best designs we can (rovers, trucks, aeroplanes, helicopters, boats, rocket ferries etc.). There's a lot of reasons to design a new vehicle and constantly iterate. We'll always have something new to build or improve, even without contracts. But what I found a little bit stale about automation games is the lack of interesting end goals. I think it's a really good idea for KSP2 to have exploration as its main purpose. Discovering the planets inside a new star system and their secrets, entering the atmosphere and landing for the first time, doing scientific experiments, exploring interesting anomalies.. I think that this is a good motivation to "grow the factory". How do you feel about the construction and management simulation elements of the future KSP2? Any specific things you would want KSP2 to borrow from the other games I mentioned?
  10. I was recently having difficulties with converting hours to Kerbin days with the orbital period since the website resonant orbit calculator goes up to double digit hours compared to the 6 hour days. Is there a way to figure that out? Thanks in advance.
  11. At this point most of us have probably seen the Early Access trailer - including the part where @Nate Simpson showed off the new UI and talked about the tape indicator concept. Overall, it's great that Intercept is looking to real-world systems for design inspiration, but I feel like certain elements of their current UI are a bit lacking in terms of readability and usability (and in fact, could be improved by leaning even harder into modern real-world flight UIs). I thought this thread would be good to summarize some of the comments from the announcement thread and share my own thoughts, including the good parts of the new design! Readability of atmospheric indicator This one was brought up by @poopslayer78, who commented that "the rocket is very tall compared to each atmosphere layer indicator, which makes it ambiguous where layer you're in." You can see the current implementation below: The devs are already working to improve this, which is sweet. Previous concepts below for posterity: It would be nice as well if there was an indicator LED or symbol w/ text to say "You are in space now! No need to worry about drag!" like poopslayer mentioned in their comment, since the topmost box of this UI suggests that there is still some atmosphere with the pale blue dots. Alternatively, KSP1's atmosphere indicator did a great job of indicating that you were in space since the last region of the indicator had no colouring at all: Visualizing the relative depth of the different atmospheric layers as shown in a previous concept would be very cool, particularly if this could change for different celestial bodies. If not, then sticking with equal size boxes as shown is fine. Readability of navball This one was mentioned by @t_v, who pointed out that " the amount of lines and markers on the navball makes it hard to really distinguish specific pitch angles, and the text on the rest of the UI fades into the information surrounding it". I partly agree with this comment, because some views look quite readable for precision orientation (kind of like the KSP1 navball, see first image below), whereas others are definitely hard to read with a combination of dithering at the edges, pixelated numbers, and low contrast secondary numbers (see 2nd image): Nate said that this has already become more legible in a newer build, which is great. The markers shown in the image are different from the KSP1-style normal and radial indicators, but that is most likely because they switch to a KSP1 style in orbit mode. Obsolete criticism below for posterity: Overly "retro" aesthetic of the UI This is perhaps the most subjective opinion, but it's one that I share. @The Aziz said in a post "the pixely font and icons just don't work for a civilization that is about to hit interstellar space. Instead, we landed in the late 90's." I think the dithering and font choice for UI elements is a big part of this, since it causes what would otherwise be a very modern interface to look rather busy, hard to read, and outdated. A bit strange for a society operating advanced jets and (eventually) interstellar technology that is decades or centuries ahead of 2022 humanity. They highlighted these SpaceX UIs which look exactly as modern as you'd expect a flight control interface to be in the 2020s: You can see that SpaceX uses a smooth gradient shadow to indicate the 3D-ness of the navball, without any dithering or pixelation to be seen anywhere I actually don't think the SpaceX navball is a perfect fit for players who will be flying their crafts manually, so having more numbers like the current KSP2 concept and KSP1 is better than having fewer numbers and markings like the older concept below (and maybe like SpaceX too): Personally, I think that something like the real world HUD below would be ideal as a working UI that is in the same style as what we have seen in the past: Everything is easy to read at a glance, highly legible, and uses high-contrast text and colours (even in this photo, which reduced some of the contrast). It also uses the "tape indicators" that the current UI does, so good job devs on implementing them The main area where we could diverge is adding a smooth (non-dithered) gradient to the navball as shown in one of the team's earlier concepts, since we will make more dramatic attitude adjustments than most airliners Summary of likes and dislikes with the new UI Since we were kindly asked to share things we like as well as what we don't like (thank you Fernanda), here is a list of what I think the new UI does well compared to previous concepts: Great stuff The rolling tape indicators are a great way to show critical altitude, speed, and heading information at a glance, and having the indicators scroll based on rate of change will be super cool and engaging. The button outlines on the altitude and speed tapes make it more obvious that you can change between different modes, compared to the older concept I showed above. The mission time is super legible compared to a previous UI concept, and the button makes it obvious that you can switch between MET and UT. Having UI section "titles" like SAS.CONTROL and TIME.WARP = 1.0X will be useful for new and returning players alike The throttle indicator suggests to players that you can adjust your throttle smoothly (including by dragging the handle), which is great for people who may have thought that you can only adjust it in 5% increments or what-have-you. Putting a separate and legible rate of descent indicator right next to the navball is genius, and will probably help a lot of people to not slam into the ground (accidentally, anyway). Hopefully the warning and danger zones update based on local gravity and the strength of your landing gear. The numbers on the pop-out tape indicators are easier to read than the 8 segment style digits of the previous UI and the pixelated numbers of other parts of the current UI. The amount of interval markers on the navball makes it easier to burn at a specific angle and heading compared to a previous UI concept and kind of like the KSP1 navball. The navball will be movable to the centre of the screen to match KSP1's position (source: ShadowZone's October UI video). The radial/anti-radial and normal/anti-normal markers are replaced with North/South and up/down (?) markers when the navball is in surface mode, which is cool and useful (source). At a glance apoapsis and periapsis info is presented well. The map view shows spheres of influence for celestial bodies and more readable icons for when you get in them, which is awesome! (source1, source2) The staging diagram is on the same side of the screen in both the VAB and in flight. The GO button is solid green! And a summary of what was said in the sections above, with some additions: Areas for improvement The previous concept (shown under the aesthetic section) had a very tasteful and legible style of dithering, probably because dithering wasn't used for any elements that were intended to be read. If the team would like to stick with dithering instead of smooth shading, that is probably the way to go. Units should follow SI capitalization consistently to avoid confusion (ex. lowercase "m" for meters", "km" for kilometers, "Mm" for megameters (millions of meters), etc.) - thanks shimmy00! The text on the tapes themselves is a bit hard to read because of the pixelated font. The text in the UI section titles is hard to read because of the pixelated font combined with its small size (the size would be fine if it was used with a normal minimal-serif font). The atmospheric indicator doesn't show neither exactly where a craft is in the atmosphere (KSP1 style) nor the relative depth of the atmospheric layers (older KSP2 concept style) - precision improvements in development The atmospheric indicator implies that a craft is still experiencing partial drag even when it is at its darkest colour due to the chosen dithering. The hinting of where other orientation markers were in a previous UI was very cool (appropriately futuristic) and useful, and that is missing from the latest UI. The removal of normal/anti-normal and radial/anti-radial markers is a step back in terms of rocketry education and general legibility KSP1-style markers are still there in orbit mode! The current navball is hard to read wherever dithering and pixelated numbers interact with attitude lines and oblique view angles (ex. flying straight up from the surface) - more legible in a newer build Having pitch/attitude marks and labels only on the cardinal heading lines like KSP1 would make the overall navball more clear. Because of the dithering on the RCS and SAS buttons, it is not obvious that they are enabled if they are both on. Subjectively, everything pixelated and dithered in the current UI looks too outdated for the level of polish the rest of the game will have. The fuel and oxidiser gauges for engines could get out of hand for a lot of engines (think Soviet N1 level), but hopefully the engine group button lets us collapse all the individual fuel gages into one overall, representative gage. The stage number on the GO button is harder to read compared to a previous UI due to the choice of font and the green on black colour choice. Overall, I know that we're commenting on "pre-alpha" footage and that things could have already changed, but since we're approaching early access, I think its better to get this feedback out now so that we can ensure the best possible reviews at KSP2's EA launch . Thread updated with some of @ShadowZone 's info from his comprehensive summary video, which you should definitely check out!
  12. The #Artemis mission inspired our team to fly our own recreation in KSP2. We’d be lying if we said we made it to orbit on our first try. From all of us at #KSP2 to all of our friends NASA Artemis there is no shame is reverting to VAB artemis_hires_220902b.mp4
  13. Hello All! Lately I have been trying to land on the Mun but every time I get into Munar orbit I can’t change my trajectory and fly right to Mun escape and it seem impossible to alter my trajectory no matter which way I boost. Any tips or ideas are much appreciated. Thanks!
  14. In development, but fully featured. Headlines models the reputation aspect of the space race, and follows the careers of your crew members. Hire, fire crew members and let them do their best at the KSC when not flying. Pilots are ideal for public relations, fundraising, talent scouting, and help your program increase in reputation. If the public and government don't understand how great your program's achievements, then you end up celebrating in private as the press won't show. The highest your profile, the better the staff you can recruit. Scientists lead teams in the R&D complex, and high profile scientist may bring colleagues from abroad to draw the most out of science data. Engineers lead teams in the VAB to make assembly more efficient. Requires: Realistic Progression 1 KSP version: 1.10 (as per RP1), 1.8 should work ok, but untested. Video: Introduction to the UI Documentation: https://github.com/bongotastic/Headlines/wiki Package: Available on CKAN https://github.com/bongotastic/Headlines/releases License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/ Photo: ISRO satellite launch: Proud moment for India, 104 satellites placed in orbit Sample UI: Changelog v0.5 - Program Manager and better Media live events. v0.4 - Media Invite logic overhauled into media campaign + live event. v0.3.3 - Hiring cost subsidies to help build larger teams. v0.3.0 - Initial release.
  15. Who put "Kerbal Space Center" at Unnamed Road, Kerbin, Tanzania in Google Maps??
  16. Juggling 4 Mun missions at once got me to thinking... I personally would like an option in the settings that would allow your kerbil pilots to automatically perform a maneuver that you have already created or preset when the time reaches the T -0 point. Hear me out, I don't mean complete computer control per se. I'm thinking it would only occur if the option were set, you were not in control of the craft, you had appropriate controls in the craft and you had a pilot in the control seat. Results of the burn/maneuver could be based on the kerbil pilots skill level. Such as 2% margin of error for top level, 4% for the next, 8% next, 16%... and so on. I think it would add a dimension of play in pilot choice depending on mission, and could make for very interesting situations if the skill were too low. It would also help in the current situation I am in, where 3 crafts maneuver windows are within 1 minute of each other! Any thoughts? Or has this already been mentioned elsewhere?
  17. Hello! Just making this so we can have a collection of gameplay/screenshots for ease of access/an all in one. Get posting!
  18. I've tried to understand what seems to be a bug in 1.11.0 Suppose you want to leave Kerbin. You plot your maneuver mode, you warp just before starting burning, you burn -> behaves like expected. Now let's use a craft with a low TWR. We need to achieve our transfer with slowly raising your apoapsis and gain benefit of the Oberth effect for the final burn. You plot your maneuver node. Several orbits before the maneuver node time, you start incremental burns -> the maneuver marker in the navball moves and can bounces up & down along on the pro/retrograde plane. The remaining amount of deltav to be burned varies a lot (I had 850 -> almost 5000). Have you noticed this phenomenon?
  19. This is how not to make a planned rocket, almost missed fuel! https://discord.gg/EJmz3kE
  20. This is a video that I recorded Im playing ksp and going to Mun
  21. This is a video that I recorded im playing ksp and going to Dres
  22. I think kerbal space program 2 looks stunning. I like the idea of interstellar travel and colonization, but I am worried that we can't keep the freedom ksp 1 had. I would suggest some mandatory things to stay, like the nav ball and all the keyboard controls. Then I would suggest a Gameplay mechanic so we ca place Colonies ANYWHERE. First : launch a factory to the place you want to colonize maybe a beautiful hill or something like that. Second build construction rovers. Third plan your colony, like the way you build bases in subnautica. You can place without you materials but it will only be a hologram. Fourth collect resources, get them to the factory and the let it construct the colony. I would suggest that the modules are built instantly, leaving no room for any time delays that could add micro transactions. I only want to buy the base game and the maybe 2 or 3 dlc's but NO MICROTRANSACTIONS It would really hurt the game. But other than that I am SO EXCITED pls keep up you work!
  23. Hi all, I'm playing KSP EE on PS4, and I'm enjoying it most of the time. However, there is one issue with RCS that really bothers me. When I activate it and use L1+R1 (or L1+R2), instead of pushing the craft only "forward" (or "backward"), it also generates a radial thrust that makes the craft rotate. The craft stabilizes itself right away when I release the buttons, but I'm wasting a lot of monopropellant because of this. Does anyone experience this issue, too? Is it a bug or does it have to do with the craft configuration? Thanks for your help.
  24. Hey Guys, I recently started a game in Career Mode and starting out has been fairly easy but I've run into a contract that I cannot seem to complete. It's a contract where you have to ferry a tourist to their destinations and back. I keep thinking that I need to launch to a particular altitude but each attempt achieves nothing in the way of completion. I haven't unlocked multi crew pods yet so I've had to stack two pods to carry the pilot and tourist. Any ideas how to fulfill this contract? Thanks Wallace
  25. Hey Guys, It occurred to me as I was running the Go For Orbit tutorial that there isn't much about KSP that isn't entertaining and that includes the loading screen. When you think of game loading screens, the word "entertaining" doesn't often enter the picture but in this case, some of the terms are downright hilarious in my opinion. Granted, I've had to ponder some of the things being mentioned but overall, I've chuckled at most of it. Wallace
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