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Planet Texturing Guide Repository This thread will aim to deliver a range of guides and tutorials to cater for those who wish to create planetary textures using a variety of methods, software and mod plugins. Please feel free to contribute any material you think would be suitable to list within this archive and I will endeavor to keep it up to date. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Celestial Body Creation Theory World Generation - by Tyge Sjöstrand Atmosphere Calculators - by OhioBob ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Map Making Making Maps Using Photoshop (... and a little Wilbur) - by Jeremy Elford: Turning your hand drawn sketch into a detailed alpha map A Basic Alpha Map Aged, Parchment with a creation method for mountain ranges, trees and trails. One of many options to colour your map 4 ways to give your map a relief using height maps - using Wilbur for one of them. The Genesis of Israh: A Tutorial (Amazing tutorial using Photoshop, Wilbur & Fractal Terrains) - hosted on Wayback Machine Eriond: A Tutorial for GIMP & Wilbur - by Arsheesh Creating Mountains and Other Terrains in Photoshop - by Pasis Realistic Mountains with Photoshop and Wilbur - by Miguel Bartelsman Mountain Techniques using Wilbur and GIMP - by Torq Simply Making Mountains in GIMP & Wilbur - by Ludgarthewarwolf Making Mountains for the Artistically Challenged - by Unknown Painting Heightmaps for Satellite Style Maps - by Theleast Quick Guide for Bumpmaps in Photoshop (Combining Colour and Normals for presentations) - by Pasis Saderan (Creating Land/Ocean maps in Photoshop) - by Tear Realistic Coastlines in Photoshop/GIMP - by Old Guy Gaming Terrain in Photoshop, Layer by Layer- by Daniel Huffman Procedural Planet Textures using Adobe After Effects - by Poodmund How to Make Prodedural Gas Giant Textures using Gaseous Giganticus on Windows 10 - by Poodmund How To Make Gas Giant Textures for Kerbal Space Program Mods - by GregroxMun Gas Giant Texturing Tutorial - by Galileo How to Horizontally Wrap/Create Horizontally Tile-able Textures - by Poodmund Removing Polar Pinching/Distortion from your Planet Map textures - by Poodmund ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Software Tutorials Wilbur: Filling basins and incise flow to make eroded terrain Wilbur: Using the tessellation tool Wilbur: Rivers Wilbur: Going from a sea mask to a terrain Wilbur: Rivers and lakes Wilbur: Islands Wilbur: Islands Part 2 - by Poodmund Wilbur: How to generate realistic(ish) terrain below Sea Level - by Poodmund Wilbur: How to simulate 'better' erosion - by Poodmund Fractal Terrains Tutorials - by Old Guy Gaming ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ KSP Plugin Tutorials Setting Up EVE Cube Maps - by Poodmund Axially Tilted EVE Textures (Cyclones/Auroras) - by Poodmund PQS Mod:VoronoiCraters Guide - by OhioBob ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Software Links NASA's GISS: G.Projector - Global Map Projector Wilbur - Free, extremely powerful noise based terrain generation Fractal Terrains - Noise based terrain generation and colouring, based on Wilbur, License required Libnoise Designer - Procedural Noise Generation tool using Libnoise library. Executable file located in \Bin\LibnoiseDesigner.exe GIMP - Free image manipulation software - Free image manipulation software ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please contribute to the above and I will list it in an appropriate section if suitable.
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I made a series of illustrated tutorials for orbital rendezvous & docking. There are 4 techniques. For a link to all the images in a single imgur album, click here. Hohmann Transfer Rendezvous: Orbit Phasing Rendezvous (easy radial-burn version): Orbit Phasing Rendezvous (more efficient prograde-burn version): Parallel Orbit Rendezvous: Changes: v7 - Adjusted phrasing in one chart and updated drawing of spacecraft in all 4 charts. v6 - Fixed a typo in the Hohmann transfer's step 6. v5 - Added 2 techniques (for a total of 4). v4 - Spelling error corrected. v3 - Refined instructions for final approach, docking indicators now also includes Navball Docking Alignment Indicator, more notes on how to be efficient. v2 - Split into 2 versions: efficient & easy. v1 - Original version.
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Kopernicus Planetary Config Guides ---------------------------------------------------------------- The goal of this thread, is to provide a better understanding of Kopernicus planets. Other tutorials are allowed to be linked/posted here. So you want to make planets? To start, let's make one of the simplest planets: a gas giant. Make sure you have a config. It should be like (name here).cfg Make sure you have a folder with the mod name, inside are 3 more folders, Configs; this is where you will store the, well, configs for the planets. The configs need to end with a .cfg Then a folder called Cache. Then a folder called Textures, with a folder inside called PluginData. For texturing, please reference the Planetary Texturing Guide Repository. Now start with this. @Kopernicus { Body { } } Then we need to add two things, a file path and the internal name. Like so. @Kopernicus { Body { name = GasPlanet2 cacheFile = Example/Cache/GasPlanet2.bin } } GasPlanet2 is not a necessary name, it is just an example. The cacheFile is the planet in the map view or far away. This is also known as the scaled version. It also tells Kopernicus where to put the model. Then, in the body node, under the cacheFile thing, add this. Template { name = Jool } The Template node gives a stock planet to base your planet off of. In this case, we use only Jool as it is the only gas giant. Any way, now in the body node, below the Template node, add this. Properties { displayName = Tutora^N //Name of body in-game. description = Tutora is the second gas giant in the solar system. //Description of the body ingame. radius = 5000000 //Radius of body, in meters. geeASL = 0.75 //G force when the altitude meter hits 0. rotates = true //Does the body rotate? rotationPeriod = 46800 //Rotation period, in seconds. Delete this if tidallyLocked is set to True, or rotates is false. tidallyLocked = False //If the body is tidally locked to its parent. This means that it takes as long to rotate as it does to make a full orbit around its parent. timewarpAltitudeLimits = (numbers) // Determines at which altitude above sea level certain timewarp altitudes become available. 0 30000 30000 60000 100000 300000 600000 800000 means that 1x timewarp is available at 0 meters, 5x timewarp at 30000 meters all the way up to the max timewarp starting at 800000 meters. Keep 1x timewarp always at 0. isHomeWorld = false //Determines if this is the body that houses KSC, so for stability's sake it's recommended to keep this at false for any bodies you add. ScienceValues { landedDataValue = (number) //Science multiplier for "landed" science. splashedDataValue = (number) //Science multiplier for "splashed down" science. flyingLowDataValue = (number) //Science multiplier for "flying low" science. flyingHighDataValue = (number) //Science multiplier for "flying high" science. inSpaceLowDataValue = (number) //Science multiplier for "in space low" science. inSpaceHighDataValue = (number) //Science multiplier for "in space high" science. recoveryValue = (number) //The recovery value for this body. Multiplies the funds you get back and science. flyingAltitudeThreshold = (number) //The altitude when "flying low" becomes "flying high." spaceAltitudeThershold = (number) //The altitude when "in space low" becomes "in space high." } } The config in full should look like this. Okay, now that’s done. But we haven’t specified a orbit! So, like with the Properties node, under Properties, add a orbit node like this one: Orbit { referenceBody = Sun //Body the planet/moon is orbiting. semiMajorAxis = 123792956456 //The average altitude that a body orbits, meters. Kerbin's is 13,599,840,256 meters. eccentricity = 0.062 //Deviation of a orbit from a circle. 0 is a perfect circle, but ONLY USE LESS THAN 1 inclination = 1.125 //Tilt of the orbit. longitudeOfAscendingNode = 54 //Look at Wikipedia, for this and all below, except color. argumentOfPeriapsis = 3 meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 3.01 epoch = 0 //KEEP AS 0 color = (numbers in RGBA) //Color of orbit in tracking station. } Yay! Now you have an orbit set. But, we have no texture set. Like, you know how planets in KSP look in the tracking station? You need a ScaledVersion node. (remember that?) ScaledVersion { type = Atmospheric //Three types; Atmospheric, Vacuum, and Star. fadeStart = 0 fadeEnd = 0 Material { color = 1,1,1,1 specColor = 0,0,0,0 shininess = 0 rimPower = 1 rimBlend = 1 Gradient //Important! { 0.0 = 0.3, 0.6, 1, 1 0.1 = 0.3, 0.3, 0.1, 1 0.2 = 0.3,0.15,0,1 0.4 = 0,0,0,1 1.0 = 0,0,0,0 } } OnDemand //Important! { texture = Example/Textures/PluginData/ //Actual texture ingame. normals = Example/Textures/PluginData/ //Provides "shape" of planet. } } —————— Some other tutorials include:
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First up, here's how to gravity turn in under 60 seconds! Later this will I'll upload the full video. Hope it helps!
Hi, This video tutorial will cover how to do a manual ascent to rendez-vous, in IVA (from the cockpit) ! : ) This part can be quite tricky, and almost as hard as an IVA landing, when done right ! This part assumes you already know all the bits & bobs covered in the previous tutorials, which you can find below : Feedback and questions always welcome ! Cheers
Hi ! Today, we continue this tutorial serie for a Moon landing, fully manual from the start of the powered descent to touchdown, all from the cockpit (IVA). This is one of the trickiest part of IVA flying, but one of the most rewarding for sure ! Link to the previous/next parts of those retro-IVA tutorials : Cheers
Continuation of the previous episode, which was about rendez-vous, this ones covers old manual docking, instruments only ! Which involves the usage of that bloody X-pointer instrument... Looks overwhelming at first, but in the end allows for very precise and smooth dockings to be made, and is also so damn rewarding and fun ! Link to the previous/following parts of those retro-IVA tutorials : Questions/feedback welcome Cheers
Hi ! This is the continuation of the first part of the tutorial serie (spoiler below) about flying retro styled IVA spacecrafts, this one will focus on the DSKY usage, as well as a rendez-vous guide, instruments only ! Previous/following tutorial parts : Feel free to ask any questions or provide feedback : ) Cheers
- rendez-vous
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A Brand New Series… Part Tutorial, Part Let’s Play, it is A Very Basic Space Program
Hi, Here's a extensive tutorial on the usage of the FDAI, found on most of the retro-style modded KSP IVAs. That great instrument flew on Gemini, Apollo, the Space Shutlle, and is still used today ! Following tutorials of this serie : Feel free to ask questions or provide any type of feedback : ) Cheers
Hi, For IVA enjoyers out there, I made this tutorial which covers a full flight only IVA launch, rendez-vous & docking to space station, then landing back at KSC runway, with a SSTO. IVA is in a retro style, so no much fancy displays, only manual piloting ! I hope you find it useful ! Also feedback and questions appreciated Notes : * Always match your inclination first with your target before doing the Hohmann transfer burn, I didn't tought about it since I knew the station was in a equatorial orbit, but still, the small deviation from my initial orbit trajectory was enough to make the rendez-vous phase trickier, as you'll see. * 21:14 : velocity relative to the targeted docking port but only in the X and Y axis. * 22:45 : I didn't mention it, but on this IVA, the screen display actually shows X, Y axis distance and vel in precise numbers, which is very practical, as well as the X, Y, Z rotation angle. it's a numerical aid to the instrument to the right, which is more visual.
First off you need to make the rocket itself and make sure that it can launch by pressing the engineers report button located near the launch button that says "LAUNCH". After making sure the Thrust To Weight ratio is more than 1.0. You are ready for step 2. Step 2: Once your done with your vehicle and made sure that the Thrust To Weight ratio is more than 1.0. You need to press the big green launch button that says "LAUNCH". Here's where it is: Once you have pressed the launch button that says "LAUNCH". You may continue to the final step. Step 3: Once you are on the launch pad all you need to do now is to either press the same launch button that says "LAUNCH". Or you can press the space bar located at the bottom of your keyboard as another method to launch. If the space bar doesn't work, well then you've probably changed you're settings! And now your done! You have learned on how to launch a vehicle! Now enjoy your journey to space and beyond!
(I'll teach you how to make that) Introduction This is a step by step guide to creating, exporting, and editing a skybox to make it ready for KSP. I made my first skybox mod the other day and several people wanted me to make a tutorial on how to make skyboxes in Space Engine. I haven't found any other tutorials on the subject so I guess I'm making one. Step 1: Download Space Engine Go here to download the latest version of Space Engine. Space Engine is a free game that simulates the universe. It includes real and procedurally generated stars, nebulae, and galaxies. Step 2: Finding a location in Space Engine You can either fly around (w, a, s, d, to move, q and e to rotate, scroll wheel to change speed, left mouse to pan) or use the search button to search for a specific star, nebula, or galaxy that exists in real life. For this tutorial I will be making a skybox of the Crab Nebula, but you can choose your own location. To go to the location, hit "Go to". Step 3: Positioning Once you've found a location, you will want to position yourself in the place you would like your skybox. I recommend aligning yourself with the galactic plane so it is flat across the center of the screen. You can move inside a nebula as well. Here is what my screen looked like from within the crab nebula: Step 4: Settings There are a lot of different settings in Space Engine. To access settings, press escape -> settings -> graphics. The settings we will be focusing on are overbright and desaturate dim stars. You can play around with other settings, but these 2 settings mainly control how many stars are visible in your skybox. Lower levels of overbright = less visible stars and higher levels of overbright = more visible stars. If you want LOTS of stars in your skybox, 50-60 is a good number for this setting. I also frequently change the overbright setting to get the desired effect. The next setting is desaturate dim stars. Higher values of this setting make all but the brightest stars white and colorless. Lower values of this setting make the dimmest stars have slight color. It's a subtle difference, but personally I prefer to leave this in the lowest setting possible. That way when we edit the image later we get a more colorful skybox. Here are my settings: You can always change these to you liking. Step 5: Exporting Once you have your desired settings, we will export our skybox. Press escape -> editor -> export skybox. In the resolution box, you will put 4096 if you want a 4k skybox, but you can put whatever resolution you want. You should to save it as a .png. Leave the alpha box unchecked. Here is what my export screen looked like: When your ready to export, hit export. This may take a few minutes. Next, navigate to your Space Engine folder. By default (on windows), it is C:\SpaceEngine\export You should have something that looks somewhat like this: You can open up the pictures and see if you're happy with them. If you want to make changes, just go back into space engine, change what you want to, and re-export. WARNING: every new export will override the old files. If you want to keep your exported images, move them to a new folder before exporting again. Step 6: Preparing for KSP To actually change the skybox in KSP, you will need to install the latest version of Texture Replacer Replaced. You can't just put these pictures into KSP yet. First you need to change the names so Texture Replacer can read them. Rename the files as follows: Rename sky_neg_x to GalaxyTex_NegativeX Rename sky_neg_y to GalaxyTex_NegativeY Rename sky_neg_z to GalaxyTex_NegativeZ Rename sky_pos_x to GalaxyTex_PositiveX Rename sky_pos_y to GalaxyTex_PositiveY Rename sky_pos_z to GalaxyTex_PositiveZ Now you should have something that looks like this: Now let's test it. In your KSP folder, navigate to Gamedata -> TextureReplacerReplaced -> default Copy your files into the default folder and boot up KSP! In theory, you now have a beautiful skybox: However, Space Engine isn't perfect and it looks like some of the sides of our skybox are in the wrong place! This happens sometimes when you export from Space Engine. It only seems to happen sometimes, but it isn't hard to fix! In this case, I renamed: GalaxyTex_NegativeY to GalaxyTex_PositiveY and then GalaxyTex_PositiveY to GalaxyTex_NegativeY You may need to move 1 of them out of the folder temporarily because windows doesn't accept 2 files with the same name in the same folder. Then you need to rotate the GalaxyTex_PositiveY. To do this, right click on the picture, click edit with photos, crop and rotate, click rotate twice, done, save. There is some trial and error to get the right rotation with this one. Just rotate, boot up ksp, and try again. Sometimes there will also be seams in your skybox where you can clearly see the edge between 2 sides. The fix for this is re-exporting the skybox from Space Engine. Now let's boot up KSP again! In theory all the sides of you skybox are lined up with no seams. If there are no problems with your skybox so far, you can move onto the next step. Step 7: Photo Editing Now here is where you make your skybox more interesting. You can play around with photo settings to get the desired effect and make your skybox pop! You can use Photoshop or even the default Windows photos app! I will show how to do it in the Windows photos app because I don't have much experience with Photoshop. You will right click the photo and click edit with photos. Then click adjust. There are little arrows next to light and color. Click those to bring down more options. Now here is where you just play around with photo settings. There's no particular guide for this part, just experiment and create something amazing! I do recommend dragging the color slider all the way to the right for a more colorful skybox though. These can make your skybox truly unique. Make sure to use the same adjustments for each photo though, otherwise it will look quite strange. Always keep a copy of the original photos in case you mess up with the adjustments. Step 8: Screenshots and Sharing! Take some screenshots of you complete skybox! If you're feeling up to it, you can release it as a mod on Spacedock, Curse, and The Forums. Make sure to read the add-on posting rules first. Here is the finished product of this tutorial: This skybox will be available for download HERE with my other skyboxes. Thank you for reading! I hope you learned something. I look forward to seeing what you can make! Be sure to post your creations down below! If you have any questions, feel free to ask me in the comments.
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There is the Wing, Stabilizer, and Control Surface subgroups inside of the Aerodynamics group. They are all extremely similar visually (if not completely the same) and their settings in parts manager match as well. It's incredibly difficult to be able to tell what the difference is between parts in each group. To my knowledge there is nothing in the UI that explains it either. It'd be nice if the game did a better job at explaining why you'd use one group over the other, and what the key differences are between the 3. Would make for a decent tutorial video as well.
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CKAN now fully supports KSP 2!
cvusmo posted a topic in KSP2 Technical Support (PC, modded installs)
CKAN now fully supports KSP 2. Here's how to install CKAN as well as install your game instance of KSP 2. This is the best way to install mods. -
This is a guide in which I will add about every tip and trick, I find while playing the game! #1 Fairings Say you have a fairing, and you finish it, and it pops up with a message saying "warning: cannot accept current changes. Fairing is colliding with invalid assembly part." So you try and try and try! To get the fairing right, but one of the two keeps happening; 1. You can't do anything without the fairing saying the message or 2. You can get a fairing, but it is not to your liking Well, I have a easy fix for you! 1. Click on any place, then place it back or If you don't want to replace a part on the craft 2. Click on any part on the part picker and recycle it #2 Unable To Timewarp Ever find yourself not being able to timewarp, because you're in "too low of a orbit" So you look it up right? You find that you have to send another craft on the ground, then timewarp? So much work, all you actually have to do, is go to the ksc! then into the tracking station (make sure you go into the tracking station after the ksc. And boom! You can actually use timewarp normally again. #3 How do you delete saves This one is simple, yet I found myself having a hard time with this. All you have to do is: Go to the main menu, then campaigns and finally at the bottom, there is a "delete game" button. Not to be mistaken for the "delete campaign" button. #4 Laggy Debris Ksp 2 makes debris very laggy, and usually well cost you a frame or two for every debris you left in deep space! So for now, I would delete all your debris randomly floating around. This saves a lot of fps, especially if you have more then 10. It saved me a couple, I know that much. #5 Camera getting off centred I have no clue why, but many struggle with this. So what happens, is when you hold down the scroll wheel, and click/drag right click, you offset the camera. The simplest fix is to press the "home" key on your keyboard. I think this confuses people, because in ksp 1, you double click the scroll wheel. Have no idea why they changed it, but hope this helps if you have this problem! #6 Throttle stuck throttling up Has it ever happened to you, you, e.g. press “shift + tab” to open your friends list on steam, this makes your throttle ,throttle up. No clue why, but there is a easy fix. Simply press the “shift” key once. This fixes it, hope this helps, took me awhile to figure out. #7 Struts twisting through the craft This one has been bothering me for a bit, but I finally found a simple fix. For example, you find yourself placing symmetrical structs, but for some reason, they cross through your craft. The fix is to move the camera to the opposite side of the craft, and place them there. #8 Things you shouldn’t ever do! 1. Don’t press “Ctrl + Z” or the undo button, this will break your struts, etc. 2. Don’t “Ctrl + C / Ctrl + V” large crafts (say about 200+ parts) This will actually break the game, idk how to explain it. 3. Refrain from loading a save where your spacecraft is in a landed state. Sometimes you will fall through the surface, I find if this ever happens, you should keep loading back that save until it stops falling through the surface. Keep away from doing this as much as you can. I will add more later!
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i think having some kind of tool tip when you hover over a UI element that displays the shortcuts related to its use could be very helpful, i have working in Maya for a while now and one of the few things that i really lie is that functionality. (i have left a example in image below) One thing that i remember from being a new player in KSP 1 was slowly finding out all the short cuts, i believe having something like this could be a non intrusive way of teaching newer players all the shortcuts and make the UI more navigable. something like this but with our the text discription
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So, as I've not seen any master thread related to KSP2 tutorials... Now there's one. -- I just noticed something weird in the "How Do Rockets Work?" tutorial (screenshot from YT, thanks @Space Scumbag for the footage :) ): Is that Kerbin's south hemisphere? Because it really looks like Kerbin's southern hemisphere. This feels so weird...
I guess MechJeb is called P.a.i.g.e ... probably it's the same AI that handles the simulation / tutorials. Later edit: It's just the tutorial helper AI.
Hello, recently I got a new PC so I decided to go get some better visual mods. This exact video really caught my attention. Though, no matter what I do I can't seem to figure out how it looks so good and what mods he uses. I even followed the mod tutorial he did but it looked different than the video. Does anyone know what mods i could use or what he does/uses to make his game look so good? Thanks!
One of the biggest goals that devs set for KSP2 is accessibility. I agree, learning curve in original KSP game was pretty steep, and without YT or this forum it would be even steeper. One thing I am afraid that it's curve will remain steep compared to KSP is mod creation. KSP is a landscape of art made by many people, and before version 1.12.3 it was everchanging, so naturally certain code, and artstyle inside game were evolving. The result of that state of things were many attempts to make tutorial series about mod creation, that were soon doomed by obsoletion. KSP 2 will also come through that same evolution mechanism that original game did via Early Access, but this time game is made by people having much deeper understanding in fields they work in. After Early Access, we may suspect that most changes to the game will be based on the code created and tested earlier, so base of the game will be less susceptible to change. This will also apply to the style of the game, since this time it is more uniform and planned. Therefore, I suggest creation of the modding tutorial by devs. I fully realise, this is quite heavy request, both in time and effort, but in my opinion it can really help in setting the bar for other modding communities. Here are the topics I believe that are worth mentioning -modelling -texturing and animation -rigging -unity import -troubleshooting While i fully understand chances to put this idea to life are bleak, and community probably could handle creation of tutorials by themselves, I belive there are other things that KSP2 authors to do to aid in creation of mods, not only for newbie, but also for advanced modders. Here is listed what I mean by that: - better access to code in general (e.g. ablility to not only access Kerbals suit textures, but also their rigs, mesh and so on. It will make creating animations, suit, helmet and accessory much easier. I think it could in this way, in which community wouldn’t infringe any licensing of the game.) -creation of set of standards of 3d models, texturing and animations, to create art. More uniform (texture resolution and density, color pallettes, polygon counts, possibly lod levels for parts, file in universal 3d mesh format that contains shapes of profiles used by parts, size of fillets/bevels to keep them consistent, other data that could aid in texturing such as levels of specular map for different materials.). Good job in this spirit was done in the Restock wiki on GitHub, but I believe it could be expanded. I don’t believe all mods should ‘stockalike’, variation in art is sometimes necessary to make it stand out, but standards could help beginning mod creators to create better stuff. -toolbox for modders – it kind of overlaps with last point, but could be expanded. Please join the discussion, or add other ideas below. Thanks in advance.
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