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The Great Unofficial Module Manager Help Thread!
SkyFall2489 posted a topic in KSP1 Mods Discussions
IMPORTANT: PAGE UNDER CONSTRUCTION, NOT FINAL Before I begin: 0. I'm not really planning to finish this OP here. I got my information primarily from the official documentation here, this was primarily an attempt to provide examples and better explanations. It's actually been a year or two since I actually wrote an MM patch myself. 1. This is my own idea, it is in no way official, nor affiliated with any developer of ModuleManager. 2. I thought it would be helpful. 3. No one told me not to. 4. This is for you, @Ooglak Kerman. And all the others who wished to manage their modules, but could not. So, I figured that many KSP players who use a lot of mods may not exactly have the mods just the way the want. Or maybe a budding modder wants to learn some stuff about CFG files. Part 1: What is Module Manager? ModuleManager is a mod created by @ialdabaoth and currently maintained by @sarbian. A large portion of KSP's data are stored in text files with the .cfg extension. This includes resource definitions, part functionality, science flavor text and gains, and much, much, more. Sometimes, a mod may need to change this existing data as well as adding it's own. That is where Module Manager comes in to help. With ModuleManager, the text in CFG files can change what is actually loaded into the game from what is in the other files. For example, Snacks, a life-support mods, adds some life support supplies to all crewed pods using ModuleManager. THIS GUIDE WILL NOT TELL YOU HOW TO INSTALL MODULE MANAGER. Part 2: The Node Structure The CFG files are set up into a hierarchy of nodes. These nodes contain fields, where data is, and other nodes. Let's take a look at the definition of the Liquid Fuel resource. At the top, in caps, we see "RESOURCE_DEFINITION". This is the type of node. As it does not exist within another node, we call it a top-level node. Within it, are some other nodes and fields. First, is the "name" field. This is not what is displayed, it is an internal name. It is very important, however, for selecting that node for later editing. It also has some other functions for things like functionality. You may notice, that in the displayName and abbreviation fields, there is some #autoLOC_<numbers>. This uses the localization system, displaying a different value based on what language is selected for the game. This will be later discussed further. So, we have those fields, but we also have the "RESOURCE_DRAIN_DEFINITION" node, with its own fields inside. There could be other nodes inside that, and you can go on forever. Part 3: Selecting a Node for Editing At the top of the previous example, we saw the line "RESOURCE_DEFINITION". In front of that, we could have put a few thing, and behind it, we could have put a lot more things. If, at the front, we had an "@" character, we could select a RESOURCE_DEFINITION for editing. if we had a "+" character, it would make a copy and let us edit that. the "!" and "-" characters delete the selected node, but you still have to specify a little something. More detail on this later. Finally, the "%" character edits something if it already exists, and if not, creates it. At the back, we could have put some square brackets. Inside those brackets, we could select a name of the specific node to edit, as there are lots of nodes of the same type. The name is the same as the "name" field specified in the initial creation of the node. You can put the "*" character inside the name, and it will represent any number of any characters. So, "abc*" would select "abc1", "abc2", "abcde", but not "ab3". Additionally, the "?" character can be any one random character. If you want to select every part, you can put just the "*" character into the square brackets. After the square brackets, we can put a comma and then a number, or some other selectors. The numbers indicate which node to edit, if the node they are in have multiple with the same name. The selectors are: HAS, NEEDS, FOR, BEFORE, AFTER, FIRST, and FINAL. They will be discussed in more detail later. After each of these words, there is some stuff in square brackets, and then a colon between everything. Here's an example, from the Blueshift thread: Let's look at each line. First, it edits the parts with a specific set of nodes. Curly braces indicate that we are going a level in. Then, we edit a module node with the name "WBIWarpEngine". Again, curly braces. Finally, we edit the warpSpeedSkillMultiplier field to be 0.6. Remember to make sure that each opening curly brace is paired with a closed curly brace. This is one of the most common mistakes! Part 4: Selecting Fields Fields also need to have the selection character at the front, and can have the other selectors or numbers applied to them. Oh, and the number can be the star symbol to select all of them. If there is no number, the first one is used. These go before the new value, like this: @WhatEverThisIs, 3:NEEDS[xyz] = abc Part 5: Other Selectors There are a few things you can put after each selected node or field: 1. HAS HAS will only make the patch apply to parts with some condition. After the word goes a set of square brackets. Inside, you can put: <character><node/fieldType>[<name>]. The character can be @, # or !. If the character is @, then the patch will only run on parts with that node. If the character is !, then the patch will only run on parts without that node. The # character will be covered later, when we get to variables. The node type should be self-explanatory. is it a PART? MODULE? RESOURCE? The name is just the same as the name field when selecting a part. 2. FOR This one's simple, a mod name goes in the box. This lets Module Manager know that the patch is for that mod. 3. NEEDS For this selector, inside the box goes the name of a mod. The patch will only run if that mod is installed. The ! character can be used to make the patch only run if the mod is not installed, and the | character acts like a logical OR gate, so either of two mods can be installed and the patch will run. To determine whether a mod exists: A. if there is a patch, that runs at all, with the FOR selector carrying a name that is the same as what is in the NEEDS box B. Or, if there is a folder in GameData with the name you are looking for. 4-5. BEFORE and AFTER Mod names go in the box. These make the patch run before or after patches with FOR selectors of the mod name. Useful to avoid pouring the drink before getting out a cup, so to speak. 6-7. FIRST and FINAL Simply put, these just make the patches run before or after everything else. No square brackets needed. COMMUNITY UPDATING As it seems others have begun to add things to this, I will quote them here in the OP. Thanks, everyone!- 45 replies
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Module Manager is a pretty useful mod for practically managing mods, basically, in sarbian's words: "is mod that let you write patch file that edit other part at load time. With is you can edit squad (and other mod) part without overwriting their file." Now, again, this will mostly be for Windows. Step 1: Go to this link, and scroll down slowly to where it will say "Downloads:" And it should look like this. Link: Step 2: Find your KSP version, the latest version is pretty much 1.10, and I have that version. So I would go underneath it and click on either the zip, or dll. I do not know the differences between them but I just did zip. Step 3: When it downloads, open the location in your files. Find the zip or dll, and open it. Step 4: Now when you open it, you should see a README and a dll. Click the dll and get the GameData folder up. Now, drag the dll into the GameData folder. Step 5: Put the Module Manager dll into the GameData folder, make sure its not in any of the files inside the GameData folder. Step 6: You may now rerun KSP. If anything went wrong or didn't go as planned, please let me know so I can help you out with your problem.
Procedural Start This is a simple set of MM configs that make all the parts and sizes from Procedural Parts available from the start of game. Kinda cheaty, but fun! (If you use this, your secret is safe with me! ) Requires: Procedural Parts (obviously) Module Manager DOWNLOAD To Install: Once you install the required dependencies, just drop the ProceduralStart folder anywhere inside of your GameData folder. License: Open Domain
Using the KSP-RO Team's beautiful KerbalRenamer, I've created a three new cultures that contain Kerbalized last names! You'll need to select the CUSTOM profile to get these last names. Download here at Github! SpaceDock wasn't left out! Disclaimer: This mod does include SpaceLink. It's titled SpaceLink.dll. (Screenshots hopefully coming soon!)
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When I was using modules mentioned above, black areas appeared in the pods from the Stockalike Station Parts Expansion Redux module, which I tested on the ground and did not launch into orbit. So can anybody help me fix this? My KSP's version is 1.12.3. The screenshot of my "GameData" direction and odd error representation are shown in the picture. This platform can't upload images directly, so I uploaded them on other site, here is the link:
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- stockalike station parts expansion redux
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Hi, My goal with this patch is : - reduce antenna EC consumption on science transmission. Reduce the bandwith to make science transmission take longer. I came with multiple solutions, but it's weird since it never fully works : some antennas have half the patch applied (the ec bit), others the bandwith bits, others none... Here are examples of what I tested, none were better than the other. If some MM wizzards are around, some little help will greatly appreciated ! first attempt : @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitter]]:FINAL { @MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitter] { @PacketInterval /= 2 @packetSize /= 2 @packetResourceCost /= 2 } } second attempt : @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitte*]:HAS[#antennaType[RELAY]]]:FINAL { @MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitter] { @PacketInterval /= 2 @packetSize /= 2 @packetResourceCost /= 2 } } @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitte*]:HAS[#antennaType[DIRECT]]]:FINAL { @MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitter] { @PacketInterval /= 2 @packetSize /= 2 @packetResourceCost /= 2 } }
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Hey everyone, I'd like to come up with a kind off FINAL patch, so that all data transmitters consumme much less EC when transmiting science... I'm so used to Kerbalism/RP-1, and that just doesn't make sense to me that a small antenna requires that much ec... Anyway, that's my wish, but it's beyond my DIY abitlies with Module Manager, so I'm asking to the Kraken Goddess and the community ! Thanks for your help
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SIL Patches (SILP) Adds Stack Inline Lights (SIL) to additional parts all with full color and brightness setup and in any sizes! By zer0Kerbal and inspired by @alexustas brought to you by KerbSimpleCo (KSC) Adds Stack Inline Lights (SIL) to the additinal parts SimpleCargo by Axial Aerospace Most stock (round) docking ports PicoPorts Shield Pico Ports KerbodynePlus Making History Cabin notes by zer0Kerbal Please, leave your comments and suggestions. It is very important to me. You can tweak values by editing the part.cfg or using a ModuleManager patch. See more Help Wanted Localization Installation Directions 1 Use CurseForge/OverWolf Website/App Dependencies Kerbal Space Program 2 Stock Inline Lights (SIL) Either 3 Module Manager /L Module Manager Supports Most stock (round) docking ports Shielded PicoPort (SPP) Simple Cargo Solutions (CARGO) PicoPort KerbodynePlus [Making History][KSP:website] Expansion Bright Utilitarian Luminescent Beacon (BULB) Suggests Adjustable Mod Panel (KAMP) Biomatic (BIO) Docking Port Descriptions (DPD) Drop Tank Wrapper (DROP) Field Training Facility (FTF) Field Training Lab (FTL) GPO (Goo Pumps & Oils') Speed Pump (GPO) Inflatable PicoPort (IPP) Kaboom! (BOOM) Keridian Dynamics (KDVA) MoarKerbals (MOAR) On Demand Fuel Cells (ODFC) OScience Laboratories (OSL) Papa Kerballini's Pizza (PIZZA) Precise Maneuver (PM) Pteron (MSRV) SimpleConstruction! (SCON) SimpleLogistics! (SLOG) SimpleNotes! (NOTE) Solar Science (SOL) Stork Delivery System (SDS) Transparent Pods (PODS) TweakScale (twk) Tags config red box below is a link to forum post on how to get support Be Kind: Lithobrake, not jakebrake! Keep your Module Manager up to date Credits and Special Thanks Legal Mumbo Jumbo (License provenance) How to support this and other great mods by zer0Kerbal Connect with me Track progress: issues here and projects here along with The Short List this isn't a mod. ;P↩︎ may work on other versions (YMMV)↩︎ Be Kind: Lithobrake, not jakebrake! Keep your Module Manager up to date!↩︎
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This mod is a Module Manager config which add Tweakscale support to every modded part that doesn't have Tweakscale configs yet. Requires: Tweakscale and Module Manager: Downloads: : Supported Spacedock Github Suggestions and Feedback are appreciated. Enjoy!!! Changelog License: MIT Credit goes to :@Lisias too for giving me some inspiration and help!! This would not be possible without him!! Thanks a lot Lisias!! Note: All Tweak works fine with the new Breaking Ground DLC (Robotics).
How many Module Manager patches can you get?!?! Lets have a bit of a competition to see who can get the most MM patches while loading. So far I've got 1672 with more mods on the way. How many do you have?
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=========================== REMODELED TECH TREE v.0.1.6 =========================== This is a customized Tech Tree designed to remodel the Stock and Community Tech Tree for a more challenging Science game while logically grouping related items into similar Nodes. Some Node titles and the tree structure were changed to reflect areas I felt were deficient or used poorly. Forty-three Mods are currently supported. SpaceDock Link To install, place the GameData folder inside your Kerbal Space Program folder. If asked to overwrite files, do so. Note this Mod does NOT replace any files in other Mods. To uninstall, simply delete the 'zzzRemodeledTechTree' folder and your Tech Tree will revert to as it was before. This mod is only a Tech Tree and related icon files. It requires the correct version of Module Manager for your KSP version to function. It also requires Community Tech Tree as many of the icons used come from that Mod. This only supersedes CTT's tree structure and some names and descriptions. NOTE: Because CTT is a dependency, none of the MM code in this Mod checks for its presence as it is assumed. Failure to install CTT with this Mod will result in a massive number of errors. Grounded is no longer a dependency by way of introducing two new parts to the game if you don't have Grounded installed... a Prototype QBE (2x the size, 20x the weight, 20x the EC requirement, 50km range for the internal antenna, and no SAS) and Prototype Z-10 battery. (same size and weight as the Z-100 but 1/10th the power) Both are made obsolete once you research Physics & Chemistry. COMMUNITY TECH TREE AND MODULE MANAGER ARE BOTH REQUIREMENTS TO USE THIS MOD! Additionally, it requires the Mods to support it for their parts to be added. I have included definitions only for those Mods I use frequently. If you wish to adapt this Mod for use with your own preferred Mods, simply add your own Module Manager re-definition lines for the parts you wish to move around the Tech Tree. Since I did not change the internal ID designations of any existing CTT or Stock nodes, unsupported Mods will still populate within the tree, just in odd places that may not make any sense given what parts are already there. DLC NOTE: This Mod has NOT been balanced against either the Making History or Breaking Ground DLC and those parts, while still present in the tech tree, have not been moved to their corrected nodes. Unfortunately, short of me getting money from somewhere unexpected or someone providing me the internal CFGs of all the parts included in both packs, this will not be fixed any time soon. List of 43 currently supported Mods: (all working under KSP v.1.7.3) Aircraft Carrier Accessories v.1.5.1 AirplanePlus v.26.1 AlphaMensaes Modular Launch Pads v.2.0.4 AmpYear v. AviationLights v.4.0.8 BonVoyage v.0.5.3 Cormorant Aeronology v.1.5.1 Cormorant Aeronology - Mk3 Block II v.0.2 DeepFreeze v. Extraplanetary Launchpads v.6.6.1 FASA v.7.2.5 Feline Utility Rovers v.1.2.10 Firespitter v.7.13 Firespitter Extended Version 1 Grounded - Modular Vehicles v.5.0 HeatControl v.0.4.12 Heisenberg Airship Parts Pack v.2.16.1 Hooligan Labs Airships v.6.3.1 HullcamVDS Continued v.0.1.13 InfernalRobotics - Next v.3.0.2 IR Sequencer v.3.0.1_KSP_1.6 Its the little things v.2 KAS v.1.4 Kerbal Planetary Base Systems v.1.6.9 KIS v.1.22 KSP SDHI Strobeomatic v.1.0.1 Mandatory RCS Part Pack v.1.4_KSP1.7 MOARdVPlus v.1.0.0 Near Future Propulsion v.1.1.1 Near Future Solar v.1.0.4 OPT Spaceplane Parts (Lagacy) v.1.4.0 OPT Reconfig v.1.6.1 PEBKAC Industries Launch Escape System v. RasterPropMonitor v.0.30.6 RecycledParts-1.7.2 v.0.1.7 RN Skylab v.1.8.3 SCANsat v.18.13 SEP v.2.7.1 SmartParts v. Station Parts Expansion Redux v.1.2.1 SurfaceLights v.1.13 TacLifeSupport v.0.13.13 Note that dependencies for these Mods such as Community Resource Pack and others are not listed, nor are supported partless Mods like TweakScale or EVE. The issue regarding the Recycled Parts Mod has been fixed and is working correctly, so no action is required on this now. Likewise, BonVoyage is now fixed so the upgrades are moved to their correct nodes. Labs have also been re-balanced against one another to have a more realistic progression. (more advanced Labs yield more/less Science per point, use less power, operate faster, etc.) Mobile Processing Lab (Squad) - Unchanged. All other Labs are noted relative to the Stock lab. Manned Orbital Lab (FASA) - Heavier, Higher Science Cap, Faster Data Processing Rate (DPR), Higher EC/s usage GondoLab (Heisenberg Airship) - Lighter, Portable, Lower Data Storage and Science Cap, Faster DPR, Higher EC/s use, Only 2-to-1 Science conversion Big "G" Science Bay (FASA) - Lighter, Lower Data Storage and Science Cap, Faster DPR, Higher EC/s usage, Only 3-to-1 Science conversion SPT-7 "Iglet" (Cormorant Aeronology) - Lighter, Lower Data Storage and Science Cap, Faster DPR, Lower EC/s usage, Only 4-to-1 Science conversion SPB-HUGE-3 Science Bay (Recycled Parts / R&S CAPSULDYNE) - Heavier, Higher Data and Science Cap, Faster DPR, Higher EC/s, 6-to-1 Science conversion Lynx Mobile Lab (Feline Utility Rover) - Lighter, Lower Data Storage and Science Cap, Much lower EC/s usage, Only 4-to-1 Science conversion SPT-14 "Igloo" (Cormorant Aeronology) - Heavier, Faster DPR, Much lower EC/s usage 'Stail' Mobile Processing Lab (OPT Legacy) - Heavier, Higher Data and Science Cap, Much lower EC/s usage, 6-to-1 Science conversion PXL-2 'Fate' D-S Lab Module (Station Parts Expansion Redux) - Heavier, Higher Data & Science Cap, Lower EC/s usage, 3x DPR, 6-to-1 Science conversion Planetary Lab (Kerbal Planetary Base Systems) - 2x DPR, Much lower EC/s usage, 7-to-1 Science conversion Planetary Central Hub (Kerbal Planetary Base Systems) - Heavier, Lower Data & Science Cap, 2x DPR, Much lower EC/s usage, Only 4-to-1 Science conversion While the later labs may seem to be sort of OP, they are so far down the Tech Tree that by the time you get them you're going to NEED them as each Node starts to cost tens of thousands of Science each. (just getting the Fate lab requires at minimum 2,000 Science to unlock, not to mention the additional science needed to actually put it in orbit, which can be thousands of Science more) ====== EXTRAS ====== Within the RTT_MM_QOL_Mods.cfg file are several tweaks for some Mods that are put there for game balance purposes, but also some Quality of Life improvements to some parts. For an example of modification for game balance is the creation of 'soft dependencies' on some technologies that could otherwise be reached without following a logical path to get them. (such as removing the fuel from the K&K Nuclear Reactor and Centrifuge so you can't actually USE them without having researched the Nuclear Fuel Systems node, etc.) An example of one of the QOL modifications, if you have TAC Life Support installed, you'll note the addition of three new Containers and three new Hexcans to add Wastewater, Waste, and CO2 only containment for specialized uses. Also, if you also have TweakScale AND TACLS installed, this Mod hides the duplicate Containers and Hexcans for larger/smaller sizes, reducing build menu clutter. I also have implemented a new mechanic for handing entryCost to be equal to 3x part cost for all parts. (Extraplanetary Launchpads is excluded from this mechanic as it causes numerous errors. (known issue with this Mod) I have included a customized version of the Community Tech Tree PNG file that has been completed and corrected for this Mod to easily show the remodeled tree structure outside of the game. It uses the same style and branching as the CTT version. (as a bonus, I have included a completed copy of the CTT tree PNG due to the fact that the one on the CTT page is incomplete and outdated in some places) I have also included the XLS file that I created to quickly restructure the tree to my own tastes. You can open it in most any spreadsheet program (Excel, OpenOffice, etc.) and are free to use it to add additional Nodes, delete ones you don't like, alter the Science cost progression, or redefine Parent Nodes to your liking. It saved me quite a lot of work by putting everything on one page that I could search, edit, and modify in minutes rather than hours. NOTE: This file does NOT go in the KSP directory structure. Place it wherever you like for easy access or if you don't intend to use it, simply leave it in the ZIP file. To use the spreadsheet, simply make the changes to the tree as you like on the 'Custom Tree' tab. You can review Node positions (though not branching) using the 'New Tree' tab to see the relative positions of your nodes. Finally you can use the 'Tech Tree Output' tab to copy-paste a completely new tree into a CFG file. The 'Unmodified Table' tab shows the default tech tree using the same format as the 'Custom Tree' tab for reference and the 'Old Tree' tab shows the default Node positions. I have not yet incorporated a tab to quickly edit the parts that populate within each node. (WIP) ============ LOCALIZATION ============ This mod does not include localization support, and includes translations for English only. Since it erases the Stock and CTT titles and descriptions, existing Tech Tree Localization with those Mods are discarded. If anyone wants Localization support, provide me with translations for each tech node and I will try to add it at some point. ===== NOTES ===== I know it is not a 'best practice' to use FINAL directives in a distributed Mod, but since I need this tree structure to supersede tree modifications made by other Mods (i.e. OPT, Modular Launch Pads, Recycled Parts, etc.) and cannot predict what future Mods may include Tech Tree re-definitions, I have employed the FINAL directive to ensure that all Techtree node operations are run BEFORE this mod, then deleted, and finally replaced with the desired tree structure. The same applies to PART operations. (though I have included at least one FOR directive to properly index this Mod with Module Manager) I have no intentions of altering this behavior. If you don't like it, feel free to change it in your own copy, but note that I will NOT provide support for installs that do not use the FINAL directive as I cannot predict what interactions any given Mod may have on the tree structure and PART locations after this Mod has been initialized. Though Modular Launch Pads is not required for this Mod, the tree structure has been altered to include and fully incorporate the Tech Nodes of that Mod. Since it just used Stock icons, and I have subsequently replaced those with my own, no resources from that Mod are used or required. Lastly, for those wanting to make changes to this Mod to suit their own style, I have included EVERY part (to the best of my ability) in the listed Mods within the RTT_MM_Part_Configs.cfg file, even if I didn't move it to a new node. In this way, so long as you know the internal name of the part you want to move, you can just search for it and do a cut-paste to its new node. Soon (hopefully) I will have this all automated and you'll be able to use the XLS file to restructure your parts within the Tech Tree to your liking using the XLS file and simply copy-paste the new part definitions from the spreadsheet. (I know that using a spreadsheet for this purpose is unusual and it would be better to just write an actual program to create the CFG files for you, but I'm a wife and mother and don't have time to code out a full program... and an XLS spreadsheet works and was quicker to make, so... there it is!) ========================= LICENSING CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0 ========================= The contents of this pack are distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License ( You are free to share and adapt the materials only for non-commercial purposes and when providing appropriate attribution. Any derivatives must be distributed under the same license. All new Icons are of my own creations based loosely on other's works posted publicly online over the past thirty years. No claim of originality should be inferred, but they are not direct duplicates of any work. The 'Cutting-Edge Aeronautics' icon is from the OPT Reconfig produced by author JadeOfMaar and is used under the CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0 License. No claim of ownership or original design is implied nor should be inferred. Community Tech Tree produced by ChrisAdderley (aka Nertea) and is used under the CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0 License. --- As Mods go, I know this isn't much, but I put a lot of work into it and thought that maybe others in the Community might find it useful, even if just to tear it apart and see how it works. Thoughts and opinions welcome. (unless you just want to be mean, in which case Jeb would like to have a word with you outside...)
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The associated issue is located at Overview Strings must be now explicitly stated either by single or double quotation marks, otherwise, they will be treated as variables, which might cause errors. To create a new key, you must place '+' or '$' before the setter All other existing syntax will be preserved Functions - getVar(variable) get a variable, starting here - getVarRoot(variable) - get a variable by the name, starting from root or key correspondingly. The first parameter is optional and is used to track the number of calls. - Variables belonging to the local node are obtained by simply typing their name. - To get variables from ancestors, use ##$...$ instead. - regexp(pattern,string) - run regexp expression on a string - sin, cos, tan, log10, ln, log2, expE, exp10, mod, exp, sec, csc, sqrt, curt, root, log - math functions - getKey(...) : - 2 inputs: name, index - get a single **key** by **index** - 1 input: name - get all **keys** by name - 1 input: key - get key's value - no inputs - get all keys under all names - getKeyValue(...): Like getKey(...), but gets values, not the keys themselves. - setKey(...) : - 3 inputs: key name, index, value - set given key at the given index to the given value - 2 inputs: key, value: sets given a key to a given value - 2 inputs: keys, value: sets all given keys to a single value - 2 inputs: keys, values: sets keys to the corresponding values - 2 inputs: key name, values: sets keys under given name to the corresponding values - 2 inputs: key name, value: sets keys under given name to a single value - If you want to set multiple keys to a list, use setKeyDuplicate function - setKeyDuplicate(...): - 2 inputs: key name, value: sets keys under given name to a single value - 2 inputs: keys, value: sets all given keys to a single value - call(func, inputs): calls a function with given list of inputs - getKey(...) : - 2 inputs: name, index - get a single **key** by **index** - 1 input: name - get all **keys** by name - 1 input: key - get key's value - no inputs - get all keys under all names - getNodeValue(...): Like getNode(...), but gets values, not the nodes themselves. - setNode(...) : - 3 inputs: node name, index, value - set given node at the given index to the given value - 2 inputs: node, value: sets given a node to a given value - 2 inputs: nodes, value: sets all given nodes to a single value - 2 inputs: nodes, values: sets nodes to the corresponding values - 2 inputs: node name, values: sets nodes under given name to the corresponding values - 2 inputs: node name, value: sets nodes under given name to a single value - If you want to set multiple nodes to a list, use setKeyDuplicate function - setNodeDuplicate(...): - 2 inputs: node name, value: sets nodes under given name to a single value - 2 inputs: nodes, value: sets all given nodes to a single value Setter prefixes '$' as a modifier - creates a temporary variable '$$' as a modifier - creates a long-term variable, but it is removed after all scripts finish. Basic data types String, node, key, number, boolean, list, anonymous function Advanced data types Achieved through specialized functions. Operators - \+ adddition - \- substraction - \* multiplication - / division - ^ exponent - | OR - ! NOT - & AND - \ XOR - !| NOR - !& NAND - !\ XNOR - = equal - \> more - < less - <= !> not more - \>= !< not less - <> != not equal Grouping - () parentheses - <% ... %> code sections (they do not start a new node). - [[...]] - list Where? It will need a new file format - which distinguishes it from simpler patches. Suggestions for file extension: - mm - from '**m**odule **m**anager' - akp - from '**a**dvanced **k**erbal **p**atch' - kscript - from '**k**erbal **script**' - kpscript - from '**k**erbal **p**atch **script**' Why? - KSP API is too complex for beginners - Existing capabilities are insufficient for extremely advanced users How? Existing patches should not be called 'scripts' - they will be more advanced form of data. Constructs - Define function: FUNCTIONDEF[...] <%...%>. Place inputs within square brackets, and in double curly brackets place code. The FUNCTIONDEF is a reserved name in this programming language (but not in CFG files). The first input names the function, following ones are input variable names. - Define anonymous function: FUNCTIONANONYM[...] <%...%>. Place inputs within square brackets, and in double curly brackets place code. The FUNCTIONANONYM is a reserved name in this programming language (but not in CFG files). - for($x = 0; #$x# < 10; @x += 1) - a 'for' loop - foreach($x = 0;@NODE[y]) <%...%> or foreach($x = 0;#key) <%...%>and - runs an action for every node or key - if(cond) <%...%> elseif(cond2) <%...%>} else <%...%>} - conditional statement - fornode(node) <%...%> - run given code for a given node - try <%...%> catch($exc) <%...%> - if first block throws an error or exception, call second block '-' with text "qwertyuiop" - 3 = "qwertyu" 3 - "qwertyuiop" = "rtyuiop" 3 - "qwertyuiop" - 3 = "rtyu" Remove the last instance: "anobnoa" -< "no" = "anoba" Remove last instance "anobnoa" >- "no" = "abnoa" Remove first instance "anobnoa" - "no" = "aba" Remove all instances
Collection of exampels for module manager "Why do I have to perform some experiments multiple times at the same location to max out my sciencegain?" When I asked me this question the Xth time, I started looking arround for a solution, and I found it: module manager. This neat little "plugin" allows you to write custom patches to change the behaviour of parts and some mechanics of KSP. With the help of the official Handbook I figured out a way to achieve my goal: Now, even this is a verry simple patch, it took me quite a while and some help from the community to figure it all out. So I thought for people like me I just post a few things I've done so far and just hope some others do the same to help everyone who wants to learn how to make custom patches. Here is another thing I did: If you need some help finding ideas or a parts name here are 2 usefull links: A basic one Click Me! and a more detailed, advanced one Click Me! It would be nice to see some things other people have done since thats what I'm looking for. So if you have something please share it (doesn't have to be a rainbow like mine) So the "rainbowthing" might have been a bit too much. However: IF you like to post some patches (and I hope you do) please do it in the following format: Give the thing a title, make that title bold and and set the font size to 16, then make a spoiler and put the code inside the spoiler. Awsome Example:
- 69 replies
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- module manager
- exampels
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As the title suggests I tried installing Modular Kolonization Systems and Life Support by Umbra Space Industries yesterday, but for some reason some parts didn't show up in the VAB but they were there when I looked in the folder. So I tried uninstalling mods and reinstalling them to see which one was the culprit and apparently it was ReStock and Restock+. I don't know what causes this problem maybe a patch from Module Manager I don't know. If anyone has any input or any ideas so I can have all of these mods work together please let me know.
I want to write some Module Manager patch files for a 1.7.3 install that includes both Kopernicus, Bluedog Design Bureau, and Unkerballed Start. This install has well over 20k+ Module Manager patches applied - trying to read the individual config files for a part and individual part patches is proving to be a real headache. I'm wondering if there is a way to view / export what the part's config file looks like AFTER all of the MM patches have been applied. I want to be able to select a part, see what MODULES have been added / applied, then write my own config to do the final tweaking. Ideas?
- 3 replies
- config
- module manager
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Almost Free Launch Clamps (AFLC) Recently, I have heard a few people grumbling about how launch clamps add to your total mass and cost of your vessel in the VAB, sometimes resulting in not having enough funds, or being overweight. "Their mass ony equals 0.1, so how can it make you overwieght?" I've seent it! Dont question me. After discussing with many experts, colleagues and kerbals, we have come to the conclusion that launch clamps should be free and not count toward your total mass or launch costs. Some mass is required to avoid physics issues and game crashes, so a mass of 0.1 has been given to all launch clamps. Anyway, ALFC makes launch clamps free. Kinda. Its up to how you play really. If you play with "entry purchases required", you will only pay the entry fee. Guys old enough to go to the club should be used to this by now. Entry prices have been raised to balance out the "free" effect with this mod. If you don't play with "no entry purchases" It's free. ALWAYS. Pretty lame. Its not hard to imagine that the launch clamps are reusable, and should technically be a part of the launch pad. We shouldn't have to continuously pay for a new set each time we launch! Functionality: Launch clamps capable of transfering fuel to the vessel can do so on the launch pad. Right click on the clamp and select "Fuel On" to begin fueling your vessel. This can be considered cheaty, but I'll tell you anyway. Draining the tanks in the VAB results in huge launch cost savings and fueling up on the launch pad is free, but its immersive in the fact that you have to sit and wait for you tanks to fill up. This mod is compatible with: Stock launch clamps (duh) FASA Launch Clamps: HERE Bluedog Design Bureau SpaceY Lifter Pack Community Resource Pack If there are others that you want patched, you will have to let me know To install: Just drop the AFLC folder and ModuleManager.dll into your GameData folder DOWNLOAD Public Domain
- 36 replies
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- module manager
- fuel clamps
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Want to have MechJeb embedded in your ships? Don't like the MechJeb parts? Then I present to you MechJeb Embedded Universal, Now With Career mode support! It has two modes: "Career mode" if you want career mode support, you'll have to go to R&D to unlock modules. "It's Free!" if you want not to go to the R&D to unlock modules, they'll be enabled from the start. This version uses ModuleManager (included 4.0.2) to provide functionality. It does not change your files, it justs appends the MechJeb core at the time of execution. This does not add MechJeb functionality, it just adds the MechJeb module to the command modules. That means that you don't have to manually add MechJeb while building your ship, it will come embedded on the command module (not physically, but in the code). (You can get MechJeb here: I take no responsability for what you do to your game (Works on 0.23, all the way thru 1.7.2, you need to have the proper ModuleManager Plug in I included the latest one for convenience) This addon is licensed under the GPL v3, and includes Module Manager by sarbian, swamp_ig, and ialdabaoth, which is licensed CC-BY-SA, forum link here: Module Manager Version 4.0.2 I have no relation to the guys behind MechJeb nor Module Manager, I would like to say thanks to them, and guys, keep up the good job! Download : MechJeb Embedded Universal
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- module manager
- plugin
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Moderators: Sorry if this is in the wrong place! Please move it to the right subforum or merge it with the Module Manager thread if necessary. Anyway, I've been having this issue with the 2.5m monoprop tank since 1.4 arrived: I figure it's possible to fix it using a Module Manager patch, but I have no idea how to write MM patches. I feel like this small issue is a good way to learn how to write them, so how exactly would I do it? (By the way, in the image above, I believe the tank is using the new texture on the old model, if that helps.) Thanks in advance
TANKS, BUT NO TANKS Download: Spacedock No clutter! Clean out your parts list in the editor so you can find the parts you want! A Module Manager config to hide stock tanks when you have other options available. In flight craft should not be affected. Does not prevent textures from loading, so other parts that rely on the textures will not be affected. Removes 1.25m, 2.5m, 3.75m LF/O tanks and inline monopropellant tanks. Does not affect radial, spaceplane, or other "fancy" tanks. Dependency Module Manager (Not included) Recommended These mods add more versatile parts to replace the stock tanks. SSTU Procedural Parts Kerbal Stock Launcher Overhaul Future Plans Add support for mods such as Lack's SXT which add lots of great parts but also have fuel tanks that are not needed. Please suggest other mods to add. License: Unlicense
Using Module Manager to suppress some engine effects
MaxPeck posted a topic in KSP1 Mods Discussions
So I'm trying to use Module Manager to suppress smoke exhaust effects from engines in atmosphere, as well as surface jet blast. Both of those grind my system to a near halt while flying in atmosphere. Here's what I've cobbled together, but I'm not a code guru so I have no idea if the syntax is right. Can some of you guys check me here and/or offer ways to do this better? Basically I don't want big puffy clouds of smoke behind my jet/prop/rotor/fan engines in the atmosphere, and I absolutely don't want downwash kicking up dust from the surface - both of which are major performance killers for me. Here's what I've got: @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleEngines]] { -fx_smokeTrail_light -fx_smokeTrail_medium } @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleSurfaceFX]] { @maxDistance = 1 } Or how about this... @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleEnginesFX]] { @EFFECTS { @PREFAB_PARTICLE:HAS[#prefabName[fx_smokeTrail_light|fx_smokeTrail_medium]] { @emission,* = 0.0 0.0 } } } @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleEngines]] { -fx_smokeTrail_light -fx_smokeTrail_medium } @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleSurfaceFX]] { @maxDistance = 1 } Yes? No? Help me out, oh coding masters. Thanks!-
- exhaust effects
- configs
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This is an fairly simple issue, labs can only store 500 science, with high level scientists they will fill up the 500 in less than an month. To reduce number of interupts during long interplanetary missions I thought to increase the science storage to 2000, this would let the lab run longer. However I have no idea how to work with module manager, even if this should be an very simple script. Any guides or tips or samples?
- 8 replies
- module manager
- lab
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Sorry to be bombarding this forum with questions, but I've got another one. This one is pretty straightforward, but I can't for the life of me figure it out. How do you patch an MM value with an exponent? e.g. If I want to multiply a value, I write: @value *= (a number) But how do I do that for an exponential value? Basically, I'm still trying to write a config that scales all parts up by a factor of 2. So, rescaleFactor = 2, but that means values like mass, volume and resource amounts need to be scaled up by a factor of 3. I'm not sure how to tell Module Manager to do this. Would it work to write something like: @value = #value*#value*#value I really am very new to this!
- 7 replies
- exponent
- module manager
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Stock Part Fixes For a long time I wasn't happy with attributes of some parts that nearly prohibite us to use them. So I compiled some inconsitencies and created some Module Manager scripts to change the data. Here is the "Suggestion topic" This is not really a mod, but a script which will need Module Manager, which you can find here Download the mod (ZIP) This zip contains 3 files Consistency fixes : it'll fix many mass and few temperatures inconsitencies. It also add 50RCS to the inline docking port and extend the interaction range of Goo experiment and Lab Jr. Science changes : increase mass of many experiments, size Atmo scan and narowband to match goo canister size and mass. Only small experiments keeps their physicless atribute. ISRU are also more heavy. Delete this file if you don't like it Dubious changes : Basic fin has be buffed to a real fin and Airbrake is now more resistant. Those 2 modifications may change the game play, so delete this file if you don't like that. Feed back is very much appreciated. Further more, I would like to change some data on drag for some parts, but I don't know how to do it. Science rescale (atmo sensor and narrowband scanner) Inconsistency fixes details Science changes details Dubious changes details
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- fix
- module manager
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I'm trying to make a Juno engine's contrail look like that of a Kickback SRB. Here's what I've got so far - //This is a cosmetic patch. It does nothing but change how the game looks. In this case, it adds a ridiculous afterburner effect to the Juno jet engine. Hilarious. @PART[miniJet] { EFFECTS { running_thrust { PREFAB_PARTICLE { prefabName = fx_smokeTrail_veryLarge transformName = thrustTransform emission = 0.0 0.0 emission = 0.05 0.0 emission = 0.075 0.25 emission = 1.0 1.25 speed = 0.0 0.25 speed = 1.0 1.0 localOffset = 0, 0, 1 } MODEL_MULTI_PARTICLE { modelName = Squad/FX/SRB_Large transformName = thrustTransform emission = 0.0 0.0 emission = 0.05 0.0 emission = 0.075 0.25 emission = 1.0 1.25 speed = 0.0 0.5 speed = 1.0 1.2 } MODEL_PARTICLE { modelName = Squad/FX/SRB_LargeSparks transformName = thrustTransform emission = 0.0 0.0 emission = 0.05 0.0 emission = 0.075 0.25 emission = 1.0 1.25 speed = 0.0 0.5 speed = 1.0 1.2 } } } }
I would like to know how I should make a MM patch to make some Non RO parts tagged as RO. I tried with this method but It didn't work. The mod (at the moment , I'll do more RO patches in future for other mods) is NEBULA DECALS. Thank you for your help!