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Yes, you heard that right! A story mode! Unlike previous planet mods, this doesn't limit itself to background lore that you might find in science descriptions, this is a full blown story with new gameplay mechanics to back it up. DOWNLOAD & source (Github) (Current version 1.0.2, Requires Kopernicus) Also on CKAN! Check the Webpage for a map of the planetary system! If you like this mod, you can also donate (Totally not a surprise in that link)! THE PLANETS All the new planets orbit the star of Cercani, an orange dwarf at the not-very far distance of 3.2 Tm away from Kerbin. It has 5 planets orbiting it, ranging from the deadly heat of Troni to the icy landscapes of Secunda But how do the planets loo... The whole Cercani system, with all the 5/6 planets and 8/9 moons In this mod, you will be able to explore all these bodies at your heart's content, but not only that, they hold a secret... Want to know more about the planets? Check this animated system map! THE STORY MODE The thing that makes this mod so special is the fact it has a full blown story mode! What's the story about? The only thing I will tell you is to look at the trailer. The rest, you will have to discover it yourself, we don't want any spoilers floating around after all. It does have ingame music though... The important thing you have to know is to look carefuly at the map view of the planets, one might have a marker to the start of it all... CONTRIBUTORS Though I've done most of the content for this mod, I've used help from some friends! - @Beale: Texturing help with a very specific model (spoilers?) - @DibzNr: Science Experiment Descriptions OTHER DETAILS VISUAL MODS These planets have comptability for Scatterer, EVE (Non Volumetric) & Parallax (Terrain Only). If you have them installed, you will be able to see the planets in far more beauty than before. TODO LIST - Parallax Scatterers comptability - Finish all science experiment descriptions BUNDLED MODS This mod bundles another 2 mods, those being VertexMitchellNetravaliHeightMap and CTTP CHANGELOG Other Worlds has been a mod that's been in development for many years now. This changelog has every single change that has happened to its reboot version, that started in 2017. KNOWN BUGS - Sometimes, walking kerbals might clip into the ground and die. This could be either the custom PQS mod being used or a bug relating to Kopernicus itself. Quicksaving is recommended - Main menu buttons are offsetted from the text. Unknown if this is due to the planet configuration files or Kopernicus, once again. - ScanSAT can be used to skip parts of the story. If you use this mode, please, disable anomaly detection. LICENSE This mod is licensed under two licenses, one specific for each part of the mod: - The C# code of the mod is licensed under MIT - Dialogue and everything else (This includes textures, models, music, etc.) falls under ARR
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Well I'm cooped up in quarantine, and I've been playing KSP in my down time. I've decided to do something rather more ambitious than usual, since I've got time to see it through. I'm building a space station to ship off to Jool, and it's called CLOUD ONE. It'll have landers of all sorts, miniature probes, "droids", and housing for 80 Kerbals on top of a huge NTR-propelled booster stage. I may as well write silly stuff about its travels to share with you all. Here's some pictures as I was beginning assembly of the hab section yesterday.
We Who Witnessed A KSP Novel Written by Lo var Lachland The Lord Kraken tooketh the Kerbal and putteth on Kerbin to worketh it and care for it. And the Lord Kraken Commanded the Kerbal, "You art free to roam Kerbin, but if 't be true thee enter the Garden of Nat'peh, may the Kraken forsooth strike thee down, for thou has't disobeyed the Lord thy Kraken. But the Kerbal didst enter the Garden of Nat'peh, and lo, that Kerbal wast cursed by the Lord the Kraken, and banished to the surface world to serveth the rest of his life in loneliness and fear of the mighty Lord his Kraken, for the Kraken rules all. Coequal after that Kerbal hadst been warned of the trembling power of the Lord his Kraken, the Kerbal didst not obey and wast therefore still ill-fitted to the Kraken. From that day on, the Kerbal wast looked on with distain by the other creatures and the Kerbal wast hath used as an example of obedience to the Lord thy Kraken. Table Of Contents: Prologue Chapter I - Discovery Chapter II - Awakening Chapter III - Arrival Chapter IV - Thoughts Chapter V - Rift Chapter VI - Juliet Chapter VII - One Week Later Chapter VIII - Aftermath Chapter IX - USS James E. Williams Chapter X - UKSS Edlu Chapter XI - Lucy Chapter XII - Creature Chapter XIII - New Beginnings
An old project of mine, redone in future me style. The old thread if anyone needs it. It had been 12 years since the 5th Kerbin War ended and 14 years since the last space program ended. Kerbals have always had a habit of worldwide conflicts, having fought 5 in the last 100 years. However, the Fourth Kerbin War had been the worst of them all. In the end, the Kermarian Federation won, but at what cost? Retired director of the old Space Program John Kerman brings the old kerbonauts and scientists back together, but with the economy in ruins and decades of work destroyed, will they be able to succeed in bringing Kerbalkind to space for good? "Complete" Timeline taken from the old thread(mostly) Chapter 1: Into Space "I've always believed that Kerbalkind was meant to be in space." John Kerman chuckled as the rickety car drove onto the "launch pad". The new KSC was a old abandoned airbase once used to test missiles and experimental aircraft. Standing on the launch pad was a small stubby rocket, created out of the fusion of an aircraft fuselage and a missile. "This probe's a mere fraction of what the Roundarians used, y'know? They once put a space station in orbit in a single launch!" The Orbit-All-Ready was remotely controlled by the equipment in the cabin behind the driver's seat. Hopefully the rocket wouldn't do anything weird. "Nathanael, are all systems ready?" John asked. "I can't tell, these systems are prehistoric. Only thing I can tell is that the rocket hasn't fallen over yet." Nathanael complained. "Whatever, you only live once. Herbrett, start the launch sequence." John began counting down loudly. "Uh, starting engines, everything looks like it's holding up..." "Launch clamps released! That sure does fly like a rocket! Just like the good ol' days..." "Releasing manual control. Starting gravity turn..." "Staging in a few seconds..." "John, the probe's flipping!" John pushed Herbrett aside and hit the button reading "Disengage Launch Sequence". "It's a shame we didn't put reaction wheels on this thing, but I think we got this under control." "One final push..." Just like that, the new KSP had placed their first satellite into orbit. Now the only way they could go was up.
I had an idea for a saga today, but I wanted it to not just be me. So here it is. KAR WARS. Your job here is to make a good series of posts building off of each other’s posts. I want it to be like a Si Fi adventure based on the Star Wars and Star Trek that we all know and love. I do not have time to play ksp today so I will end you with this. I will just back to you later with the OG post, or you could create the first post. But remember, you need room for the next post to build on your post. And yes you must include photos from ksp
As we wait for the game to become more stable, I wanted to bring up the topic of story. While the main focus of this game should be creativity and a realistic space simulator it’s always important to have a reason to explore beyond just landing on new planets. I feel it is one of the main things the previous game lacked. I know the devs have ideas and probably a few things already in the works in regards to story with a few of those being already hinted at in videos and models found in the files. However, It’s important for the story to not simply be just Easter eggs, but actually be something interesting that ties the world together and drives the player to explore other planets and star systems. The closest thing that comes to mind is The Outer Wilds which is a masterpiece with this concept. (If you haven’t played it, play it now) I will not spoil it here. If the devs could capture at least 10% of what The Outer Wilds does with its way of story telling and driving the player to explore planets for the sake of exploration and uncovering a mystery, it would make this game much more engaging and may also entice a wider audience. It would help planets not feel like barren lifeless spheres but like they have some mystery to them, something to uncover and some reason to be there. It could even tie into mining and resource gathering like “the player must drill down beneath the monument to learn of the xyz to and understand the next step” Adding the story into other science tools such as signal systems, telescopes, terrain and thermal mapping systems etc as well would be expected and an exciting experience. Imagine getting a strange signal from a distant planet or star system you need to triangulate. Now you have to setup sensors on different planets to get a fix. What if mapping the planet with SCANsat revealed something undetectable to the naked eye? Need to build a rover to get there Find a strange mark on the planet? Turns out material analysis shows that the dirt is not native to this planet. Wonder where it could be from. Things like that, but have them tie together into a deeper mystery, not a simple Easter egg. Thoughts?
One day after i viewed a video about soviet astronauts dock their space craft onto a space station which is spinning , i came up with an ODD idea: Dock a spinning spacecraft. RULES: 1 Ban mods ,cheating and glitches! 2 Post your picture about your dock. 3 rating points rules: 4; WINNING One have the most points wins! The First to Fifth will be posted on Praise list!!!
After the failure of the original Sentinel Design Bureau, all funding was cut and the agency put on life support. Luckily, however, it was revived by the latest administration in the great nation of United East Kerbonia! Now it stands to expand kerbalkind through the planets and moons of the Kerbol system, but first, it has to start all over. This is a rescaled 2x career using a whole slew of mods and custom visuals based off of Spectra. my goal is to somewhat reaalistically explore the kerbolar system and colonize it, and maybe go interstellar. Link To The Original Table of Contents ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Chapter 1 | Starting Somewhere Chapter 2 | Strange Rockets ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Chapter 1 | Starting Somewhere When the Sentinel Design Bureau was revived, a new rocket had to be made to make up for lost tech. Building off of the blueprints that were discovered being used as Bill Kerman's coffee napkins. The result was a brand-new family of sounding rockets. Behold, the aptly-named GoUp 1! With a BANG, the GoUp 1-1 lifts off into the air. Unfortunately, the stability on the first stage was . . . questionable at best And the second stage ignited upside-down But, in the end, science was gained . . . And a new rocket was developed, the GoUp 2! A mighty rocket, with only 1 stage but way more Delta-v It made it higher than ever, but unfortunately, the antennae and batteries were forgotten, leading to no science gain, a terrible misfortune Luckily, in the GoUp 2-2 mission, this was remedied, and science was gained And that end the the first three missions in kerbalkind's rise to the stars.
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It had been 12 years since the 7th Kerbin War ended. 14 years since the space program ended. Kerbals have always had a habit of worldwide conflicts, having fought 5 in the last 50 years. But this war was different, it was worse. Massive armadas of ships were deployed only for a handful to return. In the end, the Kefrican Federation won, but at what cost? Retired director of the old Space Program John Kerman brings the old kerbonauts and scientists back together, but with the economy in ruins and almost a decade of work destroyed, will they be able to succeed in bringing Kerbalkind to space? This is a story/mission report with a lot of Forgotten Space Program Influence, but is kinda based on my old, dead version 1.11 career. Modlist: Enjoy the story! Chapters: A new beginning 01-A great start 02-Old parts, new mission 03-Like peas in a pod 04-KOOSE on deck! 05-Boring stuff number 1 06-The Anomaly 07-Project Rediscovery The Elcano (note, this is done in another unmodded save to make the entry stock) 08-The Roadtrip 09-The Elcano Begins 10-Bumps and a "tiny scratch" 11-Over the Rim Back at the KSC :12-Intercept Back at the KSC :13-The Plan Back at the KSC :14-Flight of the Dynamic Back at the KSC:15-Doppelganger Back at the KSC:16-Old props and old kerbonauts 17-Back to the Elcano 18-Cliffs and Craters
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The Dawn We Left At A KSP War Story (By: @Mukita12) For the last five years, tension between the Republic of Hartfordia and the United Striabar State arose to a near highest level after Hartfordian government accused the Striabar government for inhumane acts against people with Hartfordienne background, even going so far as kidnapping Hartfordia's own citizen. It was only a matter of time before war broke up between the two of them and finally on December 16th, 2021, The Hartfordian military launched a surprise lighting warfare attack on the Striabarian Government. Will the Invasion succeeded? Will the personnels from all three branches of FANRH destroy the threat in southern region of Kerbin? From the world of MWRP Geopolitical Server, Mukita12 will bring you war story filled with Action, Sacrifice, Glory, and Honor. Chapter Prologue The Rumbling Thunder Chapter One Here Comes the Cavalry Chapter Two Delay More chapter to come Author's Note: Greetings Kerbonaut, this is Mukita12 here. After reading @DarkOwl57's World War K, Battle of Kerbin and other of his war series. I'm inspired to write this kind of story as well, and the fact that i'm currently having war in the Nation RP that i'm in (which is where the maps from the above comes from) also inspired me to write a story. I will try to make this as semi-realistic as possible whilst also making it casual and Kerbal Friendly. My estimation would be that i probably post a chapter once every two or three weeks. If you guys want a semi spoiler, there will be 2 major character in the story. An Infantry grunt who is a member of the mechanized force and a tank commander, who's part of the armoured spearhead
I kinda got bored so i will make this series, expect infrequnt updates The premise here is that Gaelkind colonized every single world that orbits Ciro, but has since broke into smaller warring faction. The story centers one one of them called Gaelia Remata, one of the warring faction that is determend to reunite the system again. Before i spoil litearly the entirity of the plot let start the Prologe. Ofc thanks to @Galileo for making the Galileo Planet Pack so this series is able to exist in the first place. Chapter 0 - Prologue Chapter 1 - Part 1 - First Victory Prologue The República Gaelia is a mighty republic. It spans accros the entirity of the Galilean system. It has made turned every single world prosperous. But those are long bygone days, The República Gaelia has since collapsed under its imense weight into many warring factions. Among the mightest is the Otho-Gauss-Nero Federation, the largest of the warring facitons. But everyone underestimates our determination of uniting the entirty of the Galilean system again one victory at a time.
Well, it finally happened. After three years of reading people's fanfic on this site, I finally got around to making my own. I hope you enjoy it. So, here goes! Chapter 1:
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Each user who posts to this will continue the story, adding 5 words in one post. The rules are: Follow the Forum Rules. Only add 5 words to continue the story at a time, no more and no less. Wait until someone else posts to post again. The 5 words must continue the story, meaning they need to make some sense. Alright. Go! The story starts with: Once Upon A Time In...
Chapter 1 - Doomed Chapter 2 - Time's a tickin' Chapter 3 - Around the fleet Chapter 4 - Moment of drama Chapter 5 - The Green in the black Chapter 6 - Spanner in the works Chapter 7 - One down Chapter 8 - Two to go Chapter 9 - Thumbs Up Chapter 10 - Val's down Chapter 11 - Static Chapter 12 - Snappy Dresser Chapter 13 - Field Trip Chapter 14 - The Box Chapter 15 - Siren Song Chapter 16 - The Hatch Chapter 17 - Guess Who's Coming to Dinner Chapter 1 – Doomed The results were in, there could be no doubt. The mystics had read their tea leaves and run for the hills. The scientists had studied the data, run simulations and run for the hills. The talking heads had listened to the mystics and the scientists, then grabbed their microphones... and run for the hills. Emergency statement: Regarding recent discovery and the way forward. The discovery made just a few days ago has been a shock to everyone on Kerbin. Comet Tiddles (named after the late Dr Tiddles Kerman) is on a collision course with our world and the results will be devastating. In just 42 days our encounter with Tiddles will result in a firestorm of destruction, the likes of which we have never seen. The surface of Kerbin will be rendered a lifeless ball of rock, leaving us but one option if we wish to preserve something of our species. We must make a new life on another world and that world is Laythe. This will not be a new beginning for us all, only a select few. But those selected will carry with them the seeds of our species’ future and our hopes. Dr Stranlow Kerman: Chairman - Kerbal Institute for Astronautics (KIA) Year 976 Day 329. Laythe Orientation and Survival Techniques (LOST) - Mission summary The Team The LOST team will be composed of three member of each of the following disciplines · Pilots – As much as we'd prefer not to send any of these thrill seeking jokers, we had to give the team at least some chance of finding its way to Laythe. · Scientists – The original plan was to send three members of KSC management (they were insisting due to the whole apocalypse thing) instead of a scientific team. We resolved that issue using a tasty looking cake, a storage closet and duct tape. · Engineers – These will be responsible for mining minerals from the surface of Laythe and processing them into materials for the colonists. We had hoped to send more scientists instead (specifically the senior members of the KIA), but the engineers wouldn’t give us details on the techniques they use to get the converter units so productive, so we’re stuck with sending them. The vehicles Four vehicles will carry the members of the LOST team to Laythe, three of them controlled directly by a pilot, while one will follow autonomously. This last vehicle really complicated the mission, but we didn’t want the scientists and engineers complaining about the pilots having an extra player for games night. · The lifter – A vehicle capable of flying from the surface of Laythe to orbit and back again. We don’t know what use this will have to a team of colonists, scraching out a new life on the surface, but the pilots insisted we give them “a ride” worthy of their skills. · The Plant – The mining and processing plant will supply the needs of the colonists. Engineers are pretty territorial, so the pilot and scientist members of the team have been warned to keep their hands off it. · The Lab – A fully equipped research laboratory on wheels, that will allow the scientists to gather samples from their new home and find out if there are any surprises to reveal. However we suspect it’s just a pretty standard hunk of rock, with some gas wrapped round it. The scientist members of the team want it to go on record that it is not “a school bus”. · The Hab – A module providing accommodation for the colonists, as well as a common area for the three parts of the team to interact. Corners of equipment have been covered with cushioning materials and all surfaces easy clean, in case of disagreements on the colony becoming a little heated. In addition to these four vehicles, attached to the lifter on its journey to Laythe, will be two rover vehicles. The pilots have “called dibs” on these, as these are “real rides” and not “a school bus”. The Schedule With just 42 days until all of us on Kerbin must answer to the Kraken, there will be no time to lose preparing the four vehicles for departure to Laythe. Careful design, testing and manufacture; concepts which the KIA has adhered to strictly in it 162 missions (9 fully successful); will need to be replaced. The new order of the day will be grabbing what we have from stores, slapping it together and hoping it works. Launch of all four vehicles from the KSC will be in 19 days, with departure from Kerbin orbit to Laythe 1 day later. With the use of the new F-12 series Complex Harmonic Endothermic Atomic Transductive engines, journey time to Laythe will be only 21 days. This will allow the colonists a few hours to enjoy life on the surface of their new home, before their old one bites the big one. Should the accuracy of the predicted time of our impending doom be off just a smidge (orbital mechanics is hard after all), additional supplies and possibly colonists may be dispatched to the LOST team. Good luck and may the Kraken be with you. Jerman Kerman: Mission Director
Hello, everyone. My name is ffx. This is a sandbox mission report. The current plot long story short is that the ksc just gets sucked by a wormhole to the RSS universe and some thing is trying to destory the ksc This is also my first story time @jimmymcgoochiefor inspiring me to create this Also text in () are creators comment Chapter 1: Warped Episode 0/Backstory: Scroll down lol Episode 1: Warped: Episode 2: Rising Tensions Chapter 2: Chaos and War Episode 3 Episode 4
Been working on this one for a while, ever since I got the inspiration from the classic FTL Drive mod. So without further ado, I present: Network Effect Prologue - The Loophole Wernher von Kerman cruised up to the gates of the Kerbal Space Corporation’s launch center in his rickety sedan. The automated security scanner flickered over his car, matched up his access codes, and allowed him through without a word. He let out a barely audible sigh as he swerved into the closest parking spot. His hand hovered over the door handle. Pulling it would mean yet another day of pointless corporate “science,” researching trite ways to squeeze a few more percent of payload efficiency out of the tired old sat-lifter designs that KSC vehemently refused to overhaul. Endless tweaking of the same few dozen engine models, hoping against hope that this change or that might marginally improve their specific impulse or thrust. It wasn’t supposed to be this way… once, he and his team had been at the forefront of the United Kerbal State’s space race effort, racing along the bleeding edge of research and development. It was he who brought the nation’s extraplanetary ambitions from exploding trashcans with one open end to satellites, stations, and kerbed landings on the Mun. Back then, their expansion out into the untamed worlds of the System had felt like a guarantee, as certain as the sun rising in the morning. Then came the falling public interest, the budget cuts, the privatizations… the stars receded, becoming as cold and distant as they had always been. The UKSR, their rival in the space race, had grown brittle and shattered. The Kerbal Space Center became the Kerbal Space Corporation, seemingly destined to do nothing more exciting than launch commercial satellites into LKO. Any grander voyages were decades off, even with the strides bigger companies like Space-K were making. Why bother? He could retire now, live comfortably for his few remaining years. Never have to touch a lab table again. But no. He couldn’t. There was always that little voice in the back of his head, reminding him of the ever-present chance that he could accomplish something meaningful with his time. Wernher shook his head, popped open the door, and headed towards the R&D facility. # # # The first indication that something was amiss hit him immediately after he opened the door. The normally sedate atmosphere of the facility was practically buzzing with energy. Underpaid, overcaffeinated interns were zipping through the halls, visible only as green blurs if you didn’t focus on them. Voices poured out of the PA, with dozens of kerbals competing for dominance of the lone channel. Wernher adjusted his glasses and dived into the roiling tide, scanning left and right for familiar faces. The first few labs he entered - usually the busiest ones, dedicated to propulsion research - were abandoned, with only a few scattered experiments to suggest that the occupants had left in a hurry. At an intersection, he took a left down the skywalk into the engineering department, only to narrowly avoid colliding with Bill Kerman as he emerged from a conference room. “Wernher, where have you been?!” he exclaimed before Wernher had even regained his balance. “We’ve been trying to raise you all morning, but everything bounced!” Wernher groaned. He had muted his hand terminal in a fit of early morning fog. “Sorry, Bill… technical issues.” “Never mind that, man, we gotta get you to the high-energy labs!” Bill grabbed Wernher by the shoulders and steered them both in the opposite direction. “The high-energy labs? What could possibly be going on there? They’ve been getting by on pocket change for the past decade!” “Look, that didn’t matter! They’ve stumbled across something, something big. I can’t tell you more out in the open like this, but this is game-changing historical stuff.” “How game changing?” ventured Wernher. Bill stopped and looked him dead in the eye. “You know that interplanetary future you keep pining for?” Wernher blinked. “Which lab?” # # # Wernher stepped into high-energy lab number two, directly behind Bill, and locked the door behind him. The lights were dimmed, and a small crowd was gathered around windows looking into a vacuum chamber. Inside, a jumble of electronics and some other technological bits he didn’t recognize sat on a test bench. Off to the side, one of the brains in charge - Meisner - was sitting at a control panel. It was covered in blinking readouts, graphs, and status reports, all competing for visual dominance. Wernher’s eyes ached just from glancing at it. He looked away and elbowed his way into a prime viewing spot. “So, what exactly am I looking for?” He whispered to Bill. “Trust me, it’ll be obvious. Oh, they’re starting!” Meisner switched on his headset and began to speak to no one in particular. “Beginning test number… four, on my mark.” The contraption on the test bed flared to life, dozens of scattered LED lights blinking on in unison. Two bands of hastily-shaped scrap metal embedded in the middle began to spin up in opposite directions, generating the occasional burst of sparks that arced strangely through the airless chamber. Wernher looked around and noted that the lights, already dim, had gone out completely. Some incoherent screaming from an adjacent lab suggested the effect wasn’t limited to their immediate surroundings. The… thing in the vacuum chamber was clearly drawing massive amounts of power. “Mark,” intoned Meisner. “Beginning sequence.” The spinning bands accelerated, their rust and pockmarks becoming barely-visible streaks. Sparks flew in a continuous stream, and Wernher heard the harsh pop of fuses blowing somewhere nearby. He leaned in close. What exactly was this thing supposed to d- He was cut short by a blinding flash of light, forcing him to involuntarily shield his eyes. Had it exploded? No, he was very much unhurt, and there had been no “big kaboom,” as the kerbonauts from the glory days would have called it. He blinked away the spots in his vision, looked back into the chamber, and blinked again. The mystery machine had cleanly vanished, leaving nary a scorch mark or stray bolt - the only mark it left was a semi-spherical divot that had been magically carved into the bench. “Bill, what the hell did I just see?” hissed Wernher. “It’s kind of a long story,” replied Bill. “Just give me the cliff notes version, then.” “Well… from what I can tell, Meisner’s team was working with their miniature particle guns, and accidentally discovered something. He calls it a ‘loophole in the universe.’ With the right mechanism, you can exploit it to remove mass from one location in space and instantly re-insert it at another, regardless of distance.” Wernher let out a meep and resisted the urge to fidget with his glasses. “So what you’re telling me is that they’ve invented faster-than-light travel… using fifteen year old equipment and a budget smaller than the average kerbal’s childhood allowance.” “That’s exactly what I’m saying. Although there’s still a few kinks they have to iron out… something about catastrophic molecular decomposition and unpredictable end states. Definitely not ready for store shelves, but give them a few days.” “Mein gott,” said Wernher. “Are you dense, Bill? Lock the doors, put the local net into restricted mode. No kerbals or data will enter or leave this building until I say otherwise!” “Woah, woah, Wernher, what are you doing? This may be a big deal, but we don’t need to lock down over it!” “Just do it! This is the biggest revolution in transportation since our ancestors turned their roots into legs. The last thing we need right now is this news getting out, followed immediately by half of the country beating down our gate!” Bill jumped, startled by the sudden outburst. “Y-yep, I’ll go take care of it right away. What are you going to do?” “I’ve got some important calls to make,” he yelled back, already headed for the hallway. “The President, for starters. Followed by some old friends of ours.” “The P-p-president?” he stuttered, but Wernher was already gone. Bill gulped and hurried off to the server room. None of them realized it yet, but the fate of Kerbin and its inhabitants had been forever changed. The System was open now, the vast distance between the planets reduced to a mere statistic in this post-relativity world. And it was going to be the biggest, bloodiest gold-fueled colonial rush anyone had ever seen. # # # And that's the prologue! I'm almost done with the first chapter as well. In the meantime, constructive criticism is much appreciated - this'll be my first real shot at a proper long-form story.
Chapter 1: Joining the Party Chapter 2: Band on the Road Chapter 3: A Hot Gig Chapter 4: A New Riff Chapter 5: Raising the Curtain Chapter 6: Reforming the band Chapter 7: Final Performance MISSION BACKGROUND: YEAR. 1999. LOCATION: THE MOON, TYKO CRATER. A BLACK, RECTANGULAR OBJECT FOUND BY ACCIDENT WHEN RESCUING A KERBONAUT AND RECOVERING A SINGLE PIECE OF THEIR SPACECRAFT. COMPOSITION… UNKNOWN ORIGIN…. UNKNOWN GIVEN NAME… TYKO MONOLITH SIGNAL SENT FROM MONOLITH TOWARDS JOOL. REASON… UNKNOWN YEAR: 2001. LOCATION: VICINITY OF JOOL. SPACECRAFT: K.S.S. DISKOVERY AS SPACECRAFT APPROACHED JOOL’S TWO INNER MOONS… LAYTHE AND VALL… ARL – 202L COMPUTER MALFUNCTIONED. CREW: CO-PILOT BOB KERMAN KILLED BY ARL-202L WHILE OUTSIDE THE SPACECRAFT. COMMANDER JEB KERMAN DISCONNECTED LOGIC CIRCUITS OF ARL-202L. ARL-202L UNIT TAKING A TIME OUT. FINAL MISSION STATUS COMMANDER JEB KERMAN ENCOUNTERED OBJECT BETWEEN JOOL AND VALL. THE OBJECT IDENTICAL TO MONOLITH FOUND ON MUN… EXCEPT IN SIZE. MONOLITH NEAR JOOL IS BIG… LIKE REALLY BIG… YOU WOULDN’T BELIEVE HOW BIG IT IS…… AND DARK… AND SPOOKY. COMMANDER JEB KERMAN LEFT DISKOVERY TO INVESTIGATE. LAST TRANSMISSION FROM COMMANDER KERMAN: “BY THE KRAKEN, IT’S FULL OF SNACKS.” REASON FOR MALFUNCTION OF ARL-202L… UNKNOWN. MEANING OF LAST JEB KERMAN TRANSMISSION… UNKNOWN. LOCATION OF JEB KERMAN… UNKNOWN (PRESUMED DEAD). COMPOSITION OF SECOND MONOLITH… UNKNOWN POSITON OF SECOND MONOLITH… LA GRANGE POINT BETWEEN JOOL AND VALL POSITION OF K.S.S. DISKOVERY… ORBIT OF VALL. CONDITION OF U.S.S. DISKOVERY… UNKNOWN. END MISSION REPORT FILED BY; HEYWOOD KERMAN… DIRECTOR, KERBAL SPACE PROGRAM. 2001. NOTE TO SELF: KNOW MORE THINGS!!! Chapter 1: Joining the Party "By the Kraken, it's full of snacks" "By the Kraken, it's full of snacks" "By the Kra…” The ringtone on Doctor Heywood Kerman’s phone cut short as he tapped its screen, taking a call from KSC security. “Yeee’llo… how can you help me” answered the head of the Kerbal Space Program cheerily. “Uh huh… ok… a strange guy hanging around the tracking station” said Heywood, repeating the message from center security “so why tell me instead of sending one of your minions to check it out… oh you have… and this stranger asked for me. Ok then, I’ll head over there now”. On most days Heywood would have considered posting the minion from security to a less desirable position for pestering him with this kind of nonsense, like parts retrieval in the arctic. But he was intrigued to know what this stranger had to say, plus it gave him the opportunity to try out his new executive transport pod. Heywood had taken delivery of his new conveyance a few days earlier and he’d only had a couple of opportunities to take it for a spin. As well as saving him time travelling around the center, it also allowed him to glide effortlessly past those less fortunate, less deserving than himself, who had to hoof it around on foot… what a wonderful feeling. On his arrival at the tracking station Doctor Kerman stepped out of the ETP and strode over to the KSC security guard that was waiting there for him. “So how’s the golf cart” asked the security guard. “It’s not a golf cart, it’s an executive trans…” “…port pod” completed the guard. “My boss said to remember to say that… sure looks like a golf cart though, even has some clubs in the back”. Ok… no matter how beautiful the morning was, this guy was getting the arctic posting. “So where is this stranger” queried Heywood. “He’s hiding on the other side of the dish” replied the guard “said he wanted to look like he just snuck up on you when he starts talking”. Ah…. A fellow gamesman mused Heywood, possibly someone worthy of my great intellect; let the games begin. With that thought in mind, Heywood climbed the stairs of one of the mighty dishes that allowed the KSP to both track the position and communicate with its vehicles around the Kerbol system. It was one of the greatest achievements of the KSP, although its communication function had recently started to play up, losing contact with the more far flung of the program’s craft, necessitating the launch of many vehicles, with dishes bolted to them, to act as relays. Having ascended high enough to clearly have the upper hand (well two of them to be precise) over his unseen opponent, Heywood sat down to get his breath back. A moment later a kerbal in a dark suit stepped out from the other side of the dish and walked around its massive base before stopping at the foot of the stairs. “Heeloo… Doctor Heyvood Kirrman?” enquired the stranger. “Kerman… yes, I am he” replied the Doctor “so who might you be?” “Errrr… Might be?… ah, am Dimitri Kerman, chairman of the Kirrbil Institute of Space Science” rolled the ex-stranger. Hmmm… Heywood thought, KISS, the organisation responsible for the only other national space program on Kerbin. He’d heard of these guys and what he’d heard wasn’t good, at least that’s what they all said on those bastions of truth, NiceBook and Kwitter. “I vish to speak vith you about your problem” stated the kerbal now known as Dimitri, “de problem of your kosonauts dat disappeared”. “Kosonauts… oh you mean kerbonauts” corrected Heywood. “Nyet… kosonauts” counter corrected the chairman of KISS “dat you shoot into space”. What with the comically strong accent and the moustache twirling of this guy, Heywood didn’t trust him one bit. Ok, he didn’t actually have a moustache, but if he did, then he would be twirling it, Heywood was sure of that. “Which disappeared kerbo… er… kosonauts do you mean?” Heywood asked, as they lost those guys all the time. “Kosonauts dat vent to Jool after you dig up mirnolith on Mun” specified the chairman. “How do you know about the monolith” questioned Heywood, then realising that its existence was a huge secret “… er, which monolith… I mean, I didn’t say monolith”. Damm, he’s good thought the KSP director, we only rediscovered a couple of months ago, what we sent those guys to Jool for. The existence of the monolith and the implication that it proved the existence of something other than kerbal life in the universe, had been deemed such a huge secret that memory wipings had been ordered regarding its existence, for all but for a select group who would direct the Diskovery mission. But due to a clerical error, they had also had their memory wiped. It was only when people started asking why there was a large black slab being used as a lunch table in the break room, propped up at one end by a box of files marked “Classified - Top Secret” and a stack of disks at the other, labelled “Diskovery crew mission briefing video – only to be viewed once at Jool” that things fell into place once more. “So the mirnolith dat you say does not exist, vat did you discover about it?” asked Dimitri “all ve know is dat it’s black”. Hmmm…. looks like the game is up thought Heywood, seems like he knows everything. “Nothing, it’s impenetrable” answered the Doctor “we tried everything, on it; flaming rocket fuel, whacking it with a hammer, even threw some super hot chilli sauce on it, nothing worked”. This talk of chilli reminded him that it was at least an hour since his last meal, so he’d better wrap up this conversation quickly so that he could go get himself his 3rd breakfast. “Why don’t you try just saying what’s on your mind” said Heywood, with same curt tone that he reserved for interns that brought him the wrong lunch order. “Well, ve know dat you are building de Diskovery 3 to return to Jool” (the Diskovery 2 had to be scrapped when it was discovered it had been built with all the fuel lines connected the wrong way round) but we are ready to go next month in the Keonov” replied Dimitri. “I thought it was going to be called the “Jool Exploration Ballute Experimental Deceleration Interplanetary Access with Heat shield” asked Heywood. “Da… but we thought Keonov sounded much cooler” replied Dimitri “So you’ll get to Jool first, what of it” said the increasingly hungry and impatient Heywood. “Vell, ve heard dat computer on Diskovery vent a little… la la la” the chairman said, pointing a finger at his head and spinning it in little circles. “If our crew vent onto Diskovery it might do something crazy to dem or Keonov”. “But it was deactivated by Jeb Kerman before he left the ship” said Heywood. “Vell, to be safe ve thinking dat some of yoorr peoples would go on Diskovery first, you know… just to be safe” said Dimitri, wiggling his fingers in front of him as he did so. If he’d been closer to his previous meal and if it wasn’t chicken Tuesday at the KSC (he did so love his chicken) Heywood might have asked “safe for whom?” but instead decided to leave that question for now, after all it wouldn’t be him going on the mission. “Hmmm… I’ll take it up with the politicians, but I might get some problems with taking you up on your offer, you know… with you people being evil and everything. No offense” stated Heywood. “Errr…. none taken” replied Dimitri and then muttered something under his breath, before slinking off towards the perimeter fence. The follow morning saw Doctor Heywood sitting on a bench next to the Secretary of Space Affairs, Victor Kerman, his immediate boss (urghh… how he hated that word) outside the President’s official residence. “Is this some kind of joke” asked Victor. “You want me to go in there” he said jabbing a thumb over his shoulder “and ask him if it’s ok to for some of our fine brave kerbonauts to jump on a KISS ship for a two year trip to Jool”. “Er… yup” replied Heywood. “The same KISS that gave your people that crate of extra strong vodka last New Year and then while you were all passed out, snuck in and stole the entire stock of nuclear engines” Victor queried. “Well they…” Heywood started. “and the same KISS that dug an 80km tunnel under the border, so they could drain one of our subkerbinean liquid fuel lakes” continued the Secretary. “But…” Heywood blurted “Not forgetting the wooonderful gift they gave the president on his re-election” said the Secretary “You remember; the box of rocks, with the message “even these are smarter than you”. “So… you think he won’t be too keen on the idea then?” asked Heywood. Victor Kerman gave Heywood a look that others would have taken as a simple “no… not in the lifetime of this universe” but instead he took it as “This just needs a little bit of the Heywood magic to seal the deal”. “Well we could tell the President that once we get our people on the Diskovery that we won’t tell KISS anything about what we find on board, we could even lie… tell them a bunch of crazy nonsense that no-one understands.” Heywood could sense that for some reason Victor wasn’t quite buying the idea. “Oh… and we could steal stuff from their ship” he offered as a sweetener. Victor tilted his head to one side, contemplating this last idea. They had been on the receiving end of many KISS acts of pilfering over the years; perhaps this would be an opportunity to finally take something from them. “Tell you what, I’ll go in there and speak to the President and you go on the mission” suggested Victor. “Err… what” Heywood blurted, not expecting this turn of events. “Me… go to Jool. Not a chance, do you know how far away that is, do you know how dangerous it’ll be, do you know I have kids” all the while thinking “do you know what they will do to my office while I’m away”. “If I’m going to go in there with your hair brained scheme, then the least you can do is go on the mission to make sure that we get something nice from that ship of theirs” insisted Victor. Heywood had to admit that he did like the “idea” of going to Jool, if not the reality of it. Oh well, at least if he went, he might discover something that he’d get to put his name on. A few days later on a dusty road at the edge of the KSC, Heywood was jogging; engaged in a grilling physical and mental regime to prepare himself for the mission to Jool, accompanied by his son Christopher. “Something beginning with R” shouted the excited child. “Errr… Space Center” replied Heywood “No silly, that don’t begin with R” corrected Christopher. Hmmm… this would be tougher than he’d thought “Railings” Heywood responded “I don’t see railings” replied the child. “Well, they’re planned to be installed next month and they begin with R so I win” stated Heywood with even more pride than usual in his voice, having used four dimensional thinking to take the game. “No you don’t win, they not here… try again” admonished the child. “Ok, ok… er… so… daddy is going on a long trip and I’ll have to sleep most of the way” said Heywood, changing the subject. “Are you gonna die” asked Heywood’s son. “What! No, why’d you say that” said the shocked Heywood. “Well, you go’in on a long journey and it’s with those naaasty KISS people and the people you sent last time all died… and… and… the Kraken, he lives in Jool doesn’t he” listed the child, slightly too excitedly for Heywood’s liking. He had a point though, considered Heywood, there is a whiff of danger about this mission and there hadn’t been a Kraken related incident for quite a while, we’re about due one by now. “Don’t worry… daddy will be back in a couple of years, to tuck you in with a bed time story” said Heywood. “Two years” said the child “I be too old for bed time stories by then. Maybe you take me parachute jump’in” Parachute jumping! The kid was much too like the pilots at the KSC for Heywood’s liking, showing no interest in the exciting world of project management, but two years was a long time, he might have grown out of it by then. Yeah… two years. Next in Chapter 2: On the Road to Jool Heywood meets his other compatriots from the KSC aboard the KISS ship the Keonov as they make their way to Jool. For the complete 2001: A Space Absurdity go here.
I'm planning to do a "mission report" where I use the whirligig world planet pack to do a story. I will have pictures after a few chapters. great mod.
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After deciding to get rid of my last 3 mission report threads I then decided to make a new one! Why do I do this to myself? But this time using Kerbalism! Why do I do this to myself? Kerbal Aerospace Rules: No reverting Quicksaves and quickloads are allowed Full difficulty Kerbalism Career mode Normal mode settings Mod list: Flag: Goals: Not change the mod list (a big problem of mine that leads to major bugs) Land on every planet and moon. Have bases on every planet and moon. Try not to kill the Kerbals. Try not to abandon this thread.
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Welcome to the Kold War Preservation Thread! Unfortunately, in the Grand Forums migration of 2015, the original Kold War post was lost, so the previous thread is now unable to be used for updates. Hence, I've made a brand-new thread, with tags, no less, for all future updates of the story. For the time being, I'm just going to put the link to the external Kold War site and ebook links here, rather than each of the episodes' text, as there is a lot of content and I'm quite short on time. READING ONLINE: Kold War Story Site KSP Forum Links: OFFLINE READING (i.e. ebook readers, etc.): Download: [PDF] Download: [EPUB] Download: [MOBI] STAYING UPDATED: To keep up to date on the story, I recommend 'following' either this thread or my profile, as I'll post on my profile when a new chapter is updated. In addition, I generally post a draft version of the next chapter to the Google Site before it's updated here. Hence, if you want sneak previews of the next chapter, I suggest subscribing to that site as well. STORY OUTLINE: This provides an overview of what's happened so far, useful for keeping up-to-date on the story while waiting on updates. Note that it is a work in process, and there may be some differences from the main story. In case of differences, the timeline takes precedence. WARNING: If you are a new reader, looking at this is not recommended, as it does contain spoilers for the entire story so far. I suggest you read the story first, then look at the timeline if you are confused as to things are progressing. Optional Download: [PDF] UPDATES/CHANGELOG:
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Chapter 1: Slipping the Surly Bonds Chapter 2: Ordained Destiny Chapter 3: Distant Voyager Chapter4: Voyages End Chapter 1: Slipping the Surly Bonds Since the dawn of kerbal kind, on the shores of a peninsular a few hundred kilometers from the KSC, kerbals had stared up at the night sky and wondered about those sparkles of light and the great river that ran through them. Kerbals had evolved from their primitive, even violent beginnings, to become a race of space-farers that had visited the closest of those points of light in the sky and dreamed of journeying even further out into the cosmos. Dr Heywood Kerman took a moment to think of all the talented people at the KSC, who created the wonderful means of transportation that now carried him through the upper reaches of Kerbin’s atmosphere, on a mission so important and so secret, that he was its sole passenger. On the other hand, to hell with them… those guys were jerks, constantly whining about things like “safety” and “laws of physics”. He was the great Dr Heywood Kerman and he had no time for such minor matters. The spacecraft approached the great mass of the recently completed Odysseus, the largest space station in Kerbin orbit, spinning about its center like an enormous Catherin wheel. Heywood’s craft was spinning too, although not at the same speed, the disparity of which almost had him lose his lunch, something no good kerbal wants to do; it is the 6th most important meal of the day after all. Finally the rotation of the two was in sync allowing the spaceplane's pilot to guide it towards the docking bay at the center of the Odysseus. Something requiring a steady hand and keen observation of the instruments and not a mouthy management type shouting that they “wanna have a go” while jabbing at random buttons with their big pudgy fingers. During the remainder of the approach to the station, Heywood sat back relaxed in his seat, idly thinking about what it would be like there. Would there be Martians, what is a Martian… for that matter what’s a Mars. Wow, that sedative the pilot jabbed him with was really good… maybe he wouldn't fire him after all. After a short stay on the Odysseus, although not as short as planned due to the “button jabbing leads to hypo stabbing “incident, Heywood departed for the Mun on an Aries shuttle. On the way, Heywood decided to make use of the new “waste facilities” on the Aries, a major first for the team of crack engineers at KSC that had made it possible. Prior to this the instructions for the crew of a vehicle on any mission was to “hold it ‘til ya get there”. Not so bad on a short trip to the Mun, but the six week flight to Duna base was a bit more of a challenge. Still, astronauts were a tough bunch, plus the savings made by not installing these on the other craft left enough in the budget for that really nice desk in Heywood’s office. Skimming across the Munar surface, Kerbin rose over the horizon. Heywood raised his hand, obscuring the planet with his thumb then pressed it against the window. “Squish… hahahaha”. Maybe a little of that sedative was still in his system. As the shuttle proceeded along its shallow arc towards the Mun surface, Heywood’s destination, Klavius Base came into view. It had taken many years of hard work by the KSP and taken the lives of many kerbals to create, so many, many kerbals and often in such amusing ways. The best of these were on a blooper video that he showed every year at the Christmas party titled “Kerbin’s dumbest astronauts”. Strangely most people had left the party by the time the video ended. Ah well, no accounting for taste I suppose. Finally the great bulk of the shuttle descended the last few metres to the landing pad. Heywood found himself musing, if the engines ran out of fuel now, or the pilot accidentally hit the staging button, then this trip could end with the usual hilarious results. That would make a great addition to my clips collection… maybe… errr... perhaps not. It was time for him to snap out of that train of thought and focus on the reason for his journey. A mysterious object had been uncovered near the Mun’s South Pole, that posed so many questions, but gave no answers. Next in Chapter 2: Ordained Destiny Dr Heywood Kerman travels to investigate the object buried beneath the surface of that distant part of the Mun. What will he discover, will his pilot have to resort to emergency medical measures again and will he take a packed lunch.
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Chapter 1 That's No Asteroid It was a sunny morning at the Kerbal Space Center. The birds were chirping and skies were clear. Just a normal morning. Mission Control is full of activity because there is a interplanetary mothership in LKO and it's about to depart for Duna. This seems like a normal mission. But it's about to be cut short. The Tracking Station is currently tracking the mothership but something massive was detected entering Kerbin's SOI. There hasn't been an interplanetary mission in 2 years. What is it? The object appears to be perfectly radio silent and appears to be an asteroid. But much more larger than even the largest asteroid ever detected. And it's orbit appear to be changing. The object later entered HKO using an unknown form of propulsion. It later performed several Hohmann Transfers and settled into the same orbit as the mothership. Mission Control started to get worried. Meanwhile, the news sent a shockwave throughout the planet. We were not alone this entire time. The object in question was discovered to be Gilly. It was no asteroid all along. Who could have guessed? It has moved from Eve orbit to Kerbin orbit using a form of propulsion that is yet to be invented. In the KSC, scientists propose that Gilly was an alien interstellar probe disguised as an asteroid that arrived here around 4 billion years ago. The same time as the solar system formed. The interplanetary mission was later postponed and the Kerbin Space Agency begin planning for a mission to the now relocated Gilly. A mission to Gilly has never been this easy. 2 months after Gilly arrived the Kerbal X rocket was ready for liftoff and the crew was ready. Now it's time for the preperation. The Kerbal X was delivered onto the KSC's Launchpad by rocket crawler. The crew later entered it through the Launch Tower. Final checks are made and the mission is ready for liftoff. "10, 9, 8, 7, 6, Ignition started, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, and liftoff! We have liftoff!" The spectator crowd cheered as the crew venture to orbit to discover the ancient secrets of Gilly and eventually discover we were not alone. The crew capsule entered LKO and eventually the crew begin plotting for a rendezvous with Gilly. Some delta-v required. After some time the crew module successfully rendezvoused with Gilly and entered orbit around it. The craft decelerated from orbit into a collision course with the surface. Using it's thruster, it softly landed on the surface. A crew member looked outside through the window and saw the beautiful blue marble Kerbin, hanging in the sky, shining brighter than the full Mun. The crew went outside for EVA, and saw the desolate landscape. There's barely any gravity here so the crew used their jetpacks. In a deep valley, they saw sharp spikes poking out of the ground made out of some unknown material of biological origin and it's glowing white. "What on kerbin is that?" "Is it the aliens? Maybe we should have listened to the conspiracy folks." "These aliens don't look like the black aliens they imagined. Instead it's whatever that thing is." "Can you guys shut up for a moment? We're professionals here. Let's sample it for kerbin's sake." Eventually they did. They decided to put it into a spare, empty mystery goo container. They described the biological material as "Similar to mystery goo but it's glowing white, possibly bioluminescence." They named it the "Gilly Goo" i suppose that they have no other options other than that. After they sampled the spikes. They lifted off into orbit once again. Then performed another burn to escape Gilly's minuscule SOI. They returned once again to Kerbin orbit. Lastly they perfomed a final burn to deorbit the spacecraft and reentry. As the fires of reentry burned the ablator and the G forces buckled the capsule. They have returned to Kerbin's safety. They splashed down into the ocean. They turned the sample to the R&D. We got our first look at alien life. Although it was risky considering possible contamination to the enviroment or by us. We call a moist speck called Kerbin our home. We once remained ignorant of the vast universe that lies above the skies. If we don't go above the sky, then the sky shall come to us. (Chapter 2 is in WIP.)
I made a tale of epic proportions. I call it: ---The pirates of the Quarantine--- ok... I just kind a wanted to see if I could make a real "Air ship" and thought it would be nice to turn it into a small story-like thing. nothing special haha.
Note:This is basically like novel except it's more a tv and also it only shows the sport. the sport i'm using is Formula Endurance Cup from KP So yeah. Drive to Survive a Racing Series Content Season 1 (2091) Circuits Owlian Grand Prix Hermish Grand Prix Pecina Grand Prix Kalban Grand Prix Owlian Grand Prix Teams and Driver: Rasolt Formula Motorsport: Car 1: - Henri Ninel-Kerman (Belanirislav) - Élie Ebner-Kerman (Owlian) Car 2: - Kevin Stephenson-Kerman (NKS) - Norman A. Walter-Kerman (Hermish) Flankland Motorsport Team Car 1: - John Doe (Wovian) - Maxine Stevens (NKS) Car 2: - Aria Kerman (NKS) - Newgun Kerman (Grestin) IMVK Motorsport Car 1: - Arstoy Nezyeshi-Kerman (Belanirislav) - David Mancharter-Kerman (Hermish) Car 2: - Bell Kerman (Owlian) - Melfrid Kerman (Grestin) Cemir Racing Car 1: - Luddan Kerman (Grestin) - Nedrick Kerman (Grestin) Car 2: - Elias Wood Kerman (Owlian) - Joseph Henshire-Kerman (Hermish) Krotz Formula Motorsport Team Car 1: - Elizabeth Kornell-Kerman (Hermish) - Albertson Edminston Kerman (Owlian) Car 2: - Fayila Azbyonas-Kerman (Belanirislav) - Yuri Barsukov-Kerman (Belanirislav) Chapter: 1. Season Start Note: I SWEAR I WILL FINISH THIS ONE UNLIKE MY OLD ONE
Hello, I have decided to make a story. It will be a multiple part story, and its name is Jebediah. The story follows Jebediah Kerman as he embarks on the biggest quest he will ever take part in. Also featured are Valentina, Bill and Bob. Hope you lot are hyped, it's gonna be a pretty good story! PROLOGUE When Wernher Von Kerman published his groundbreaking works on rocket design and orbital mechanics, did he know that he was going to become one of the worlds biggest celebrities? No. He didn't. Did he know that his findings would create the worlds first space agency, KSA? No. He didn't. He had ideas for rockets to be used to give people a new glance at the universe. To, how would one put it? Branch out. In terms of turning Kerbalkind into a space faring civilization. As technology advanced, so did space achievements. the Kerbin Space Race brought many accomplishments; first satellite into orbit, first man in orbit, first space station, even the first landings on the Mun and later, Minmus, Duna and Eve. After that, the public relations boom ended. No one really cared about the space programs around the world. International budgets were lowered and space travel became mostly limited to LKO/KEO travel. The Year is Year 62, and heres where we start. Chapter One: The Last Crew It was another boring launch. Of course, there was a turnout to watch the launch, but it wasn't big. Big turnouts had died off years back. Kerbmerikan Space Station crewed launch 32 was on the launchpad, preparing for takeoff. It could be the very last mission to KSS, as it was far from modern and the alotted budget for the KSA was shrinking every year. MC FLIGHT: "Launch in T minus 5 minutes. You lot good for launch?" KSS 32: "Valentina here, roger." KSS 32: "Bob here, roger." KSS 32: "Bill here, good to go!" MC FLIGHT: "Good to hear you lot are good for launch." MC FLIGHT: "Launching in T minus 4 minutes." MC FLIGHT: "ETHOS, CRONUS, ODIN, ADCO, CATO." MC ETHOS: "Go." MC CRONUS: "Go." MC ODIN: "Go." MC ADCO: "Go." MC CATO: "Go." MC FLIGHT: "Excellent." MC FLIGHT: "T minus 3 minutes." KSS Bill: "Why was Jeb scratched from the mission again?" KSS Val: "He had an important board meeting, since hes on the board. I think its about the heavy budget cuts last week. Half my friends have been fired." KSS Bob: "Sounds about right. Anyway, the KSS awaits!" KSS Val: "Might be the last mission there, this one. I heard rumours that they're re-entering KSS soon." MC FLIGHT: "T minus 2 minutes." MC FLIGHT: "T minus 1 minute." MC: "10, 9, 8, 7, ignition sequence start! 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, ENGINE IGNITION!" MC: "LIFTOFF! WE HAVE A LIFTOFF!" KSS 32: "We are alright here, G Force is doing us good!" * * * Jebediah: "You can't do this to us! Where do we go if we are fired?" Wernher Von Kerman: "We have no choice, Jeb. They aren't giving us enough money. I BEGGED. " Linus: "I agree with Jeb. Do we just give up on the dream? We need to do something." Wernher: "I'm sorry. My decision is final." The room burst into outrage, people lunging at Wernher. He managed to get out, where he made a swift exit to his office in Administration. Jebediah left the room, feeling worthless. Then, he had an idea... Chapter Two: Jebediah's Plan "Alrighty boys, docking sequence initiate!" Valentina, being a young but talented pilot, was mission commander for KSS Expedition 32. She hit a switch above her, illuminating a docking port about 75 metres away. Her displays lit up with {[Automated Docking: Engaged]}. "Things are looking good!" Said Bill, the mission's engineer. As their LKOCS (Low Kerbin Orbit Crewed Spacecraft) drew closer to the space station, mission control were watching carefully from the KSS' hull cameras to ensure the docking was successful. "Dock in 50 metres. 40. 30. 20. 15. 10. 5,4,3,2,1. Dock complete!" exclaimed a very happy Gene Kerman, having the first good news in days. He had attended the board meeting discussing the recent budget cuts, which would make any Kerbonaut (or retired one) pretty sad. * * * Jebediah Kerman was not an ordinary Kerbal. He had traits that not many kerbals have in high amounts. He was a very smart, imaginative person. The previous day, he'd found out the budget cuts had the chance of dismissing multiple Kerbals, demolishing areas of the Kerbal Space Center and well, pretty much withdrawing Kerbmerika's presence in space. This had given him a very, very crazy idea. So crazy that if he was ever found out he would most certainly be arrested for high treason. His plan was, well, to start a war! "What could go wrong?" He mumbled. His plan would be subtle at first. He would have a trained spy infiltrate the Kussian Federations rocket manufacture plant. He'd have the spy drill a very small hole in one of their craft set to launch within the month. If all went well, it wouldn't be detected until it was too late; when the hole had sucked the majority of the atmosphere out of their space station Величественный орел. The federation would immediately launch an investigation, being lured by a metaphorical breadcrumb trail which would lead straight to the Kerbmerikan armed forces... Chapter Three: Infiltration "Jebediah, Jebediah, old friend! How are you?" Jebediah had set up a meeting with his old friend, Phildorf Kerman. They'd been friends since they were kids, growing up in the same town, near Baikerbanur Space Center. They'd watch the early unmanned rockets of Kerbalkind, engines crackling as they ascended into space with awe. Of course, only one would end up in the astronaut corps; Jebediah. Phildorf was a secret agent. He'd do any job flawlessly, so long as one had the money. "So, what want from me, eh? You didn't call me for reunion! Tell me!" Phildorf questioned. * * * "Infiltrate Krussian Space Agency... Very difficult. But I can do." Phildorf gave a warm hug and a handshake to Jebediah, and he was off. How would he do this? Ah. Fake ID. He'd imitate being a native Krussian, which wouldn't be too hard, considering his thick Krussian accent. He caught a flight to Krussia. The next day, he successfully entered the Krussian Space Agency, as a rocket technician. He casually went into the capsule of the Krussian P-1 Crew Transport, got out his drill, and drilled a miniscule hole, which he then glued shut. A seemingly good seal, but once it entered space, it would become brittle and shatter. If all went to plan, it would cause cracking of the hull, causing an explosive decompression. If they were lucky, they might survive. say they were close to the station when it occured, they could either use their EVA jetpacks to get to safety, or the seal might break at the final moment of docking, causing a huge chain reaction, which could blow the station up as well... Phildorf made a swift exit after covering up his trail and laying a false one. Mission complete. Chapter Four: Devastation It was a sweltering day. Of course summer days are, when you're in a desert. The Krussian Space Agency was launching its P-1 rocket from their space center, Desert Spaceport. Jebediah Kerman was watching the launch, of course from a live broadcast at the Kerbmerikan Space Agency. As the numbers counted down, the low grumble rose to a deafening crackle and roar, as the giant rocket rose. Emblazoned with Космическое агентство (Krussian Space Agency), the P-1 rocket was their pride and joy. It had not experienced a major problem since Year 54. The rocket was now about 1250 m high, when something terrible happened. Something that would shape the history of Kerbals as a species. The rocket suddenly became a fireball, or was it? It seemingly hovered there, a flaming, red ball. It looked like a star, only tiny! Mission control was going crazy. Both. Thats how peculiar this was. Kerbmerikan and Krussian watched closely. Suddenly, a monitor in the Krussian Mission Control Room flashed with some text. {[WARNING: NUCLEAR RADIATION LEVELS: EXTREMELY HIGH]} {[PLASMA LEVELS: CATASTROPHIC]} It exploded. All measurements were acting erratic. There seemed to be a tear. What could cause this phenomenon? Jebediah was utterly shocked. Did Phildorf do this? Was it supposed to do this? What science could this... thing hold? The tear seemed to fall down to the ground. Little did the kerbals know that someone, an intelligent species 7 billion light years away, had commenced a nuclear experiment, which so happened to coincidentally occur when the explosion happened. It caused a rift in spacetime, a wormhole...
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