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"Plan Kappa" - A KSP graphic novel (Jeb is back in Chapter 53! Well, kinda.)


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31 minutes ago, Sanic said:

And how does lying to Bill help Glery?

Well, look at it from her point of view: she thinks no one else can do the job as well as she can, but if Bill or KSC hear about her health, they might order her to lay back and rest. Since she's the boss on Eve system right now, her own crew can't force her to stop working.

And @TopHeavy11, I guess that's the issue with flashforwards. But don't worry, Fabien's odissey is just beginning!

@Kuzzter I hope you don't mind me borrowing a few verses. I'm not nearly as good as you are with the songs, but at least for next chapter I'll try to do one myself. A christmas song!

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1 minute ago, Sanic said:

@TopHeavy11 Kuzzter has never done any sort of romance whatsoever. Only friendship :)

No, I see what @TopHeavy11 is saying and he's right--'from a certain point of view'. Romance really just means deeply emotional. A painting of one guy staring out at the sea can be romantic. In fact, that painting literally is Romantic. If people see the friendships between my characters as romantic, I take it as a compliment. :) But this isn't my thread. @Parkaboy really nailed these last few pages, we've got tension, drama, maybe a little looming doom for the guilty--I have no idea where he's going but I can't wait to get there! 

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6 minutes ago, Parkaboy said:

Well, look at it from her point of view: she thinks no one else can do the job as well as she can, but if Bill or KSC hear about her health, they might order her to lay back and rest. Since she's the boss on Eve system right now, her own crew can't force her to stop working.

She can at least say the microgravity is frustrating.

But I suspect Bill won't be around for much longer.

Or maybe I just OD'd on Futurama.

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3 hours ago, Parkaboy said:

Yet another chapter, with everything you need: romance, explosions, foreboding and a nearly forgotten unresolved plot thread!

Whoohoo. A Plan Kappa and a Kerbfleet update both on the same day, and it's not even Christmas.

Excelent update, I love the way your characters keep developing (or in this case unraveling).  

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8 minutes ago, Willbl3pic said:

Plan Yellow? Was it called so because of Fabien's speech bubbles?

That's why I called it, but in-story, the kerbals probably had some other reason, since a person's "voice" can't have a color, right?

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9 minutes ago, Sanic said:

I meant romance as in love, but thanks anyway for the correction.

Oh yes, I know you meant that--and you were of course correct. I was thinking maybe TopHeavy was referring to the other kind, which would be correct as well. I should have made that more clear, did not mean to dismiss your statement.  

Everyone's right! Kuzzter loves everyone! But not that way, because Kerbfleet! Whoo!

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The problem with that idea, @SpaceplaneAddict, is that both universes are already quite complicated and intriguing as they are. Kebfleet has its "opposite" world on the other side of the sun, and Plan Kappa has its future anomolies, but neither of them really have parallel universes. I'm not saying it can't be done, but if they do decide to do it, there is a risk that there will just be too much going on.

Only my opinion.

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15 minutes ago, SpaceplaneAddict said:

Though I really love it,


I'm still pushing for a crossover, @Parkaboy, @Kuzzter. ;)

Guys.  They're authors, not DJ's.  If they ever decided to collaborate on something I'm certain it would be great.

Until then I'm also certain that 'their own counsel will they keep on what should be written.'

As readers who receive the great honour of being able to view these brilliant works at no cost, I think it behooves us to show a little gratitude that they choose to entertain us at all.
Bugging them to include a topic we would like to see or a story idea that interests us seems very disrespectful to me.


Happy landings!

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