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[1.12.5] Bluedog Design Bureau - Stockalike Saturn, Apollo, and more! (v1.14.0 "металл" 30/Sep/2024)


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3 hours ago, GoldForest said:

So while looking up pictures of Dyna-soar, I came across pictures of an interesting space station:


I really do hope we get docking parts for this, it would be great

By far some of my favourite things added to this mod great for everything on the surface, you don't have to be stuck to historical stuff with these either!

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30 minutes ago, TruthfulGnome said:

By far some of my favourite things added to this mod great for everything on the surface, you don't have to be stuck to historical stuff with these either!

Honestly can't wait to see some of those solar arrays erected next to an LM Shelter, with an LM Taxi in the background...

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54 minutes ago, CobaltWolf said:

Honestly can't wait to see some of those solar arrays erected next to an LM Shelter, with an LM Taxi in the background...

is it theoretically possible through a custom plugin to use power (from the solars or the RTGs) with ships/non-BG-surface elements?

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18 hours ago, TruthfulGnome said:

I really do hope we get docking parts for this, it would be great

By far some of my favourite things added to this mod great for everything on the surface, you don't have to be stuck to historical stuff with these either!

Where did that Lunar Roving Vehicle come from?  I at least don't recognize the lawn chairs on it.

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Decided to complete the set, I give to you, Saturn IB Long Boi and Saturn V Long Boi!


Saturn IB Long Boi has a measly 1.02 TWR... and that's with the H-1C '73s AND the H-2 300ks! It's so slow that it was able to cook off the Saturn IB launch mount!




Saturn V Long Boi doesn't fair too good either. 1.03 TWR at liftoff... with F-1Bs... at least the launch platform survived. 

Edited by GoldForest
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9 hours ago, GoldForest said:

Decided to complete the set, I give to you, Saturn IB Long Boi and Saturn V Long Boi!


Saturn IB Long Boi has a measly 1.02 TWR... and that's with the H-1C '73s AND the H-2 300ks! It's so slow that it was able to cook off the Saturn IB launch mount!




Saturn V Long Boi doesn't fair too good either. 1.03 TWR at liftoff... with F-1Bs... at least the launch platform survived. 

Longcat gives this Her blessing:

 Futhead on Twitter: "Me trying to keep up with all the puns in the FH  comments https://t.co/1rtZqgHQAl" / Twitter

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I swear this is one of the most epic mods for Kerbal Space Program, and I do mean epic in the sense that this mod has the largest amount of stockalike parts based on realistic models. I cannot wait to see version 2.0.0, I have a feeling you should really do parts for a stockalike version of IRAS, Since you all ready have the parts to build the launch vehicle for it now all I need is the parts to build the spacecraft. If anything I love mods with copious amounts of parts that aim to make Kerbal Space Program more a hint more realistic it is what makes Kerbal Space Program so addictingly fun. 

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Apollo 18 Part 1: What Could Have Been:

Note: This mission was performed before the ALSEP parts were uploaded to the dev branch, and before I developed my Apollo CTV Camera config. Unfortunately neither of those will make an appearance in this album.



The crater Aristarchus is one of the more unique features of the lunar nearside; when fully illuminated it is the brightest part of the Moon visible from Earth. Deeper than the Grand Canyon and with an albedo roughly double that of most lunar surfaces, it is sure to catch the eye of any earthbound observer, whether they use a small telescope or the naked eye alone. Of even greater interest to lunar geologists however, is the nearby sinuous rille known as Schroter's Valley. This meandering canyon begins northwest of Aristarchus at a 6km-wide crater colloquially known as the Cobra' Head and snakes first north and west before turning south until it reaches its terminus some 160 kilometers from where it began. With a maximum width of over ten kilometers, it is the largest sinuous rille on the Moon. The valley is believed to have volcanic origins, which alone is enough to attract the attention of an Apollo landing. What's more, the floor of the valley appears to be relatively young, having been resurfaced sometime in recent geologic history. A smaller, younger rille also snakes its way through the valley and can be seen with the aid of a good telescope. Overall, the mission of Apollo 18 has an incredible bounty to claim at this unique place where three geological formations, Aristarchus, Schroter, and smaller crater Herodotus, all lie within reach of their rover. Additionally, the '18 landing will be the first since Apollo 13 to land within range of the Oceanus Procellarum basin and the Copernicus impact blanket, providing geologists an opportunity to compare the more capable scientific exploration of an Apollo J-mission with the findings of previous landings on Apollos 12 and 13. 

Originally scheduled for a July 1973 liftoff, hardware issues cause the mission to be delayed a month, as the Saturn V is rolled back to the VAB to have the APUs on its third stage replaced. Finally, in August 1973, the mission begins...



After the launch of Apollo 17, Mobile Launcher 3 was temporarily removed from service for refits and repairs, having been used for three consecutive Saturn V launches in the last eighteen months. The most notable change was the improved lightning mast fitted to the LUT's crane, replacing the smaller latticework structure which had been installed previously. While ML-3 facilitates the final two lunar missions, ML-1 and ML-2 are undergoing modifications for the upcoming Skylab program, scheduled to launch in Q2 of 1974. ML-1 will receive the new lightning mast fitting as well as the so-called "Milkstool" to enable it to launch manned Saturn IB boosters, while ML-2 is having its swing arm positions modified for the launch of the Skylab station itself, as well as whatever large payloads may be required during the 1970s.



The mobile launcher is not the only piece of hardware to have received modifications for this mission. The Saturn V used by Apollo 18 (serial SA-514) is the first vehicle to receive the F-1A and J-2S engine upgrades. Originally constructed to the same standard as its predecessors, SA-514 was earmarked for retrofitting at the same time as Congress authorized an interim production run of up to five additional Saturn V vehicles. Although this would not save the cancelled Apollo 20 mission, it would allow NASA continued access to the super heavy launch capability that Saturn provides until the introduction of the Space Shuttle. These Gen 2 rockets are intended to be used for Apollo Applications Missions, such as Skylab successors and extensions, long-term lunar orbital missions, and potentially even classified DOD payloads. SA-513 has been retained for the Skylab 1 launch and will retain the original SA-500 configuration, while SA-514 and SA-515 will serve to flight test the new SA-500A standard before the second-generation Saturns arrive at the Cape. The extra powerful launch vehicle allows Apollo 18 to fly the heaviest spacecraft yet, with more experiments on both the CSM and LM and additional consumables and propellants onboard the Service Module to allow yet another record-breaking duration in lunar orbit. With only two Apollo flights to go, NASA is doing everything in its power to extract maximum value from their last moonshots.






The launch and TLI proceed normally, and some two hours after leaving LEO the Command Module Polaris separates from the Saturn third stage and retrieves the Lunar Module Seahawk from its berth.


The S-IVB, as usual, is then redirected to impact the lunar surface.



Upon arrival in lunar orbit, Apollo 18 begins its orbital observation schedule as it waits for the sun to rise above its landing site. Polaris retains the same radar-mapping SIM configuration as Apollo 17, save for the addition of a doppler radio antenna for an experiment to study lunar MasCons and their effect on the Moon's gravitational field. The doppler tracking experiment will be performed when the two spacecraft are separated, both before and after landing.


On the fifth day of the mission, Seahawk powers up and undocks for its descent to the Aristarchus plateau. Before PDI, however, the LM moves out to a distance of approximately 300 kilometers so Polaris can perform the doppler tracking experiment.




Despite photos both from Lunar Orbiter and the Apollo 15 mission which show the Aristarchus plateau to be some of the hilliest terrain on the nearside, Seahawk's crew has no trouble locating a small hill with a flat crest to set down on.


Shortly afterward Polaris passes overhead and photographs the landing site.




The mission's first moonwalk begins less than an hour after landing, as the crew eagerly descend Seahawk's ladder.



Once on the surface the crew sets about unpacking their LRV.


For some reason I can't understand, the rover's parts got screwed up somehow and the front half is about 180 degrees away from where it should be. Now, to open the front end, I have to close the joint for it, and vice-verse. Not a major effect on the rover's operation, but it makes the whole thing look crooked and weird.


I can still drive with it like this, however, and so the crew sets off on their scheduled rounds for today. Considering that they still need to deploy their ALSEP and raise the flag today, their survey will be relatively short. The crater Herodotus lies a few kilometers to the west, and the crew will drive to the rim and take measurements and samples in the vicinity.



The fact that I can even visit all three of these formations (Herodotus, Aristarchus, and Vallis Schroteri) is only due to KSRSS's reduced scale. A real Apollo landing would have been able to focus on only one of these, as on the real Moon they're too far apart for an LRV to reach. Had Apollo 18 actually flown here, it probably would have set down inside Shcroter's cobra head itself, rather than between all these features like I have.


Anyway, Herodotus is a very shallow, dark crater, standing in stark contrast to the bright and steep pit of Aristarchus, which the crew passed over during descent and will visit tomorrow. It was mainly assigned to the first EVA because of how relatively unremarkable it is, lacking both the curious luminosity of Aristarchus and the volcanic intrigue of Schroter.



The crew make a few stops on the drive back to Seahawk, mostly at small impact craters or at the base of small rises on the plains.







[All the images from this point are refusing to upload correctly. I'll try and copy them directly in like usual in case they decide to work later, but just in case I guess I'll post a link to them also. Nothing very remarkable about them, it's just the flag being raised at the landing site and the ALSEP being deployed, but I'll feel like this is unfinished if I don't get them in. Summary: Damn you imgur.]






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I found that there is a gap between MBCM 3.75m engine mount and M1 engine gimbal actuator, im using apollo saturn revamp version from Github. Also what what about Delta IV radial decoupler length variants? I checked, it has only one variant, if CBC with shortened fuel tank for regular engines used with LDC engine mount(3 engine variant, rotated 90 deg), lower parts of decoupler float in air. 

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@CobaltWolf I was wondering if you had plans to make a flat version of the Big G Saturn Service Equipment Module, I.E. without that conical crew tunnel. Reason I ask is because I would like to do something like this: lamlstat.gif (509×515) (astronautix.com) But kind of hard to with that crew tunnel. If you don't, might I request it be put on the docket?

Actually, looking closer at the, somewhat tiny, image I think those are not Big G service modules, but station parts based off an elongated Big G Saturn Service Module. 

Edited by GoldForest
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Man... is there like, a "diet" version of this mod? There's some really good unique stuff in here, like the deployable litter you can leave all over the surface, but there's also just so damn much crap it really clogs the parts list. I nearly had kittens when I, without even most of the tech tree unlocked, opened the VAB and saw like 891 capsules/command pieces listed, and most of them are these weirdo satellites and stuff. Or the excrementsloads of engines, like, I have enough engines without needing to sort through them.

Is there a cut down version of this mod that kind of narrows it down to the more unique/niche parts only?

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7 minutes ago, Frostiken said:

Man... is there like, a "diet" version of this mod? There's some really good unique stuff in here, like the deployable litter you can leave all over the surface, but there's also just so damn much crap it really clogs the parts list. I nearly had kittens when I, without even most of the tech tree unlocked, opened the VAB and saw like 891 capsules/command pieces listed, and most of them are these weirdo satellites and stuff. Or the excrementsloads of engines, like, I have enough engines without needing to sort through them.

Is there a cut down version of this mod that kind of narrows it down to the more unique/niche parts only?

Unfortunately there is no "cut down" version as you say, but you can delete various part-sets from the mod by deleting any folders except sharedAssets (I think) at BluedogDB/Parts

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