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[1.12.5] Bluedog Design Bureau - Stockalike Saturn, Apollo, and more! (v1.14.0 "металл" 30/Sep/2024)


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11 hours ago, JustDark said:

Some images I'm seeing have a longer version of the EOSS docking adapter, could the mod get a switch for that?


EDIT: Also maybe a toggle to remove the side struts and/or tanks?

Sorry, no to both of those. Thats in effect making a completely new part from scratch. Not possible with the existing assets and do keep in mind we wont be able to cater to every possible configuration of every AAP proposal. 

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5 minutes ago, Galileo chiu said:

How much opium did you smoke to think of this?

None, I don't do drugs. I do think I've contracted Kerbal Syndrome though. Symptoms include, but not limited to: An innate irrational drive to create ludicrous rockets, wanting to add boosters to anything and everything, adding K to everything and killing off hundreds of green little men and women in the name of science.

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2 minutes ago, Rutabaga22 said:

Is there a way to make all parts LFO, or is that not going to happen?

Every fuel tank as an LFO option. As for converting hydrolox engines to LFO, no  that's not going to happen.

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2 minutes ago, Rutabaga22 said:

Yeah, I meant engines. Do you know a way to make stock fuel tanks hydrolox.

Cryotanks should already do that iirc. In the right click menu you should be able to switch to other fuel types. Hydrolox should be one, and I think Methalox is too. 

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1 hour ago, Rutabaga22 said:

Is there a way to make all parts LFO, or is that not going to happen?

Your question has already been answered but no one explained why.   The simple answer is Hydrolox is both Lighter and more efficient, if the BDB Team were to convert the Hydrolox stages to LFO, the rocket those tanks and engines were designed for would be too heavy to fly following the rules of Stock (part mass and engine thrust both about 25% of real.)


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The recent discussion of probes reminds me that BDB could use 1 or more probes with higher pressure tolerance. I don't think any BDB probe can survive a KSRSS Venus landing with pressure limits enabled.

The PNR10X "Caelus" and the Venus flyby subsat (I forget the name) seem like good candidates because they already have great heat tolerance. Caelus is the closest thing we have to Pioneer 13.

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16 hours ago, JustDark said:

Some images I'm seeing have a longer version of the EOSS docking adapter, could the mod get a switch for that?


EDIT: Also maybe a toggle to remove the side struts and/or tanks?

That's the historical airlock and MDA. It just looks different.

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4 hours ago, GoldForest said:

None, I don't do drugs. I do think I've contracted Kerbal Syndrome though. Symptoms include, but not limited to: An innate irrational drive to create ludicrous rockets, wanting to add boosters to anything and everything, adding K to everything and killing off hundreds of green little men and women in the name of science.

You'll get used to it, I been a victim of Karbal Syndrome since 2014 and I am fine.

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5 hours ago, DeadJohn said:

I don't think any BDB probe can survive a KSRSS Venus landing with pressure limits enabled.

Just wanted to mention that I believe this is true for every part mod I've ever tried. Venera from ProbesPlus can't survive it, either. 

For my install, I patched the necessary Vorona parts with: maxPressure = 12000

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13 hours ago, Zorg said:

I've not done the emissives yet, will probably do the full flow NERVA first and then do the emissives and get them both in game together.





I'm as much MOAR  Nuclear Engines as any Kerbal is MOAR BOOSTERS!  Thank you in advance.

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I'm having issues with Conformal Decals on BDB "skin insulation" fairings for Skylab labs and Centaur tanks. I get log spam, but the more significant issue is that the decal on the skin reappears after it should be blown off with the skin.

I think it's technically a Conformal Decals issue so I posted details there (link below), but I wonder what BDB users do when they want decals on Centaur's white insulation but not the underlying gray metal tank.


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After a couple unmanned test of Mila including a unmanned mission to Neptune and back that took 6 years(Without the aide of Jupiter) and a manned Flyby of Mars we are ready to do a full mission to Saturn and some of it's Moons. We are not landing on Titan, still need to develop a proper lander for it but we will go to Enceladeus and Mimas, maybe others.

The Lander Etna has rendevoused with Mila and will dock. I went with the Gemini lander because the Apollo and Altair landers would be OP for Enceladeaus and Mimas.



Now we launch a modified AARV loaded with Lander Fuel and RCS fuel.


I would've used a Saturn I variant but for some reason Saturn Is do not like me launching them even when it's just a CSM.



Edited by Pudgemountain
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On July 2nd, 1988,  Bluedog Design Bureau tested its Saturn-Shuttle Launch System for the third time. Details regarding the experimentation have not yet been released. During a press-conference held in April of 1988, CobaltWolf, Vice Director of BDB  described the intention of these tests, Stating that the program, if granted sufficient funding from the United States Government, will offer  Shuttle to all current and future Saturn and Shuttle needs, and save billions of  Funds on Shuttle and Saturn.

3 hours ago, Zorg said:

Full flow NERVA, same Kiwi B reactor as the hot bleed cycle small NERVA but different cycle. This was the baseline design for the reusable nuclear shuttle





On July 2nd, 1988,  Bluedog Design Bureau tested its Saturn-Shuttle Launch System for the third time. Details regarding the experimentation have not yet been released. During a press-conference held in April of 1988, CobaltWolf, Vice Director of BDB  described the intention of these tests, Stating that the program, if granted sufficient funding from the United States Government, will offer  Shuttle to all current and future Saturn and Shuttle needs, and save billions of  Funds on Shuttle and Saturn.

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