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[1.12.5] Bluedog Design Bureau - Stockalike Saturn, Apollo, and more! (v1.14.0 "металл" 30/Sep/2024)


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6 hours ago, The Dressian Exploder said:

How 'Lego-able' is the X-15 going to be? Will the airframe be a single monolithic part or will we have, for example, a separate cockpit for kitbashes and such?

Not very legoable, I'm afraid. The parts will be split up but that's mostly to ensure there isn't too much going on with any one part. The problem I quickly ran into with the X-15 is that the cross section changes along the entire length of the craft, so it wasn't something I could make compatible with other bulkhead profiles. However I hope that I'm able to add enough variation that it's still fun to mess around with!

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9 hours ago, GoldForest said:

@CobaltWolf Any chance of a metallic white version and/or a "shuttle" like version? Tiles and blankets. 

Edit: Also, found this on Astronautix... 

wnavx15v.jpg (500×242) (astronautix.com)

I'm doing a white version (what do you mean metallic?) and I'd like to do one in the style of the "modern" Apollo CM but I really don't want to be the one to make it. :P

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20 minutes ago, CobaltWolf said:

I'm doing a white version (what do you mean metallic?) and I'd like to do one in the style of the "modern" Apollo CM but I really don't want to be the one to make it. :P

White painted metal. And actually, could we get a, dare I say, naked X-15? (A non-painted silver version)

I'm guessing you're leaving the honors of the "Modern" version to Invader? 

36 minutes ago, Blufor878 said:

"Sweats profusely"

Oh, that's not that bad. You want to see worse? 


There's also drawings of a X-15 with shorten S-I  stage and a X-15 with full size Saturn IB, but I can't access the document for those images. 

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On 3/31/2024 at 2:50 AM, Shadow Wolf TJC said:

I'm curious as to how much RAM your PC has. Mine has around 16GB RAM, and I'd consider that to be on the low end for a demanding game as even baseline KSP. (If you're curious and/or don't know better, know that exceeding your RAM capacity would usually cause your system to have to use data storage to make up for its shortcomings, which may very well result in a slower, laggier gameplay experience.)

I'm also curious as to how big (in MB or GB) your GameData folder on your KSP installation is. Personally, I'd be uncomfortable at having a GameData folder that's at least 20GB large (and have once had a GameData folder that was at least 45GB large before I had to do some massive mod pruning).

Oh, and for the record, the Bluedog Design Bureau (or BDB) is, by far, the largest parts pack available on CKAN, at a massive 2GB in size (whereas many other parts packs rarely exceed 100MB in size). If, like me, you're only here for newer gameplay experiences (such as provided by, say, TAC Life Support, Konstruction, advanced engines that would blow even Ion Drives out of the water in terms of isp, or even just new science experiments), then you may want to cut out this mod (or at least the parts that you wouldn't care much for, such as all those spacecraft replicas).

my gamedata is about 10GB large, and i have like 32GB of RAM.

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1 hour ago, hellothere___ said:

i do have another issue. I cant remove or add crew to the cockpit. the checkmark and x buttons dont work. when i try to drag the crews names, they go back into the avaliable kerbals. what do i do?

Seems like it might be due to some other mod, as it’s unlikely to be something BDB would be affecting. Would need a full ksp.log to look into it either way.

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19 hours ago, CobaltWolf said:

Not very legoable, I'm afraid. The parts will be split up but that's mostly to ensure there isn't too much going on with any one part.

Just out of curiosity, how will the parts be split? This is personally how I would've done it, but then again I don't really know how large the parts are or if something like this even works at all


Bearing in mind this isn't really an actual suggestion, how are you splitting them up?

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