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[1.12.5] Bluedog Design Bureau - Stockalike Saturn, Apollo, and more! (v1.14.0 "металл" 30/Sep/2024)


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3 minutes ago, OrbitalManeuvers said:

@Zorg thank you for the help! Here's my updated findings, which conflict both with my earlier tests and with your suggestions, so let's see where to next...

OK, using either cameraTransformA or UVTransform, I get hit by this:

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 public void Start()
            _cameraGameObject = base.gameObject.GetChild(cameraTransformName);

            if (_cameraGameObject == null)
                Debug.LogFormat("[{0}] Camera game object is missing.", DEBUG_LOG_PREFIX);

- using CameraMain, there's no debug spam, and I get images created, but the images are not showing where the camera was pointing, which doesn't surprise me if there's transform confusion.

So my config and my results:

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    name = ModuleNeptuneCamera
    cameraTransformName = CameraMain
    cameraType = FULL_COLOUR
    cameraFieldOfView = 60
    cameraHorizontalResolution = 832
    cameraVerticalResolution = 700
    cameraHasErrors = False
    cameraHasNoise = False

With this camera orientation:


I get this image:


In case it's hard to tell, the camera direction is directly upwards through the camera mast - again, not surprising.


Im not sure why it had a problem with cameraTransformA, will need to do a little digging. Perhaps its having trouble finding them if they are buried deeper in the hierarchy or something went wrong with my export. 

I would suggest looking at some of the other parts if you're interested in the meantime (like Lunar Orbiter or ranger). Those parts should all use "cameraTransform"

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53 minutes ago, Zorg said:

Im not sure why it had a problem with cameraTransformA, will need to do a little digging. Perhaps its having trouble finding them if they are buried deeper in the hierarchy or something went wrong with my export. 

I would suggest looking at some of the other parts if you're interested in the meantime (like Lunar Orbiter or ranger). Those parts should all use "cameraTransform"

OK yeah, Lunar Orbiter was a snap and worked first time. As long as civil war doesn't break out today, I'll work on a couple more of these tonight and see if I can come up with values that make sense. 


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24 minutes ago, OrbitalManeuvers said:

More NeptuneCamera q's when someone has a sec ...

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Not sure I have this in the right mode, it's in OBJECT right now, not PART ... no idea of the differences.

Am I seeing this correctly that the Nimbus_CameraTorus transform is pointing upwards? And is this the right place to be looking for the transform names?



Its possible Cobalt forgot to add a camera transform to that. Will check on it.

Edited by Zorg
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41 minutes ago, Zorg said:

Its possible Cobalt forgot to add a camera transform to that. Will check on it.

Man, I hate to be a pain. If this is just more work for you guys or bad timing then I don't have to pursue this by any means. Zero offense taken if you wanna put this off until later or whatever.

Otherwise ... here's a spreadsheet I started, figuring the hardest part would be the Neptune params, but as you can see I'm not past the first column yet of cameraTransform names. I'm literally guessing when there isn't something specifically named "cameraTransform" so that's why all the blanks and "?" cells.  Surely in some cases there actually is a cameraTransform that I just can't see, as that tool tends to draw text over other text like 95% of the time and I can't figure out any zoom or declutter or anything. Honestly all the rows should probably have a ? on them except Lunar Orbiter.


Is there a way for me to confidently determine the correct transform name? Or does this require more Unity info than I have access to?



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14 minutes ago, OrbitalManeuvers said:

Man, I hate to be a pain. If this is just more work for you guys or bad timing then I don't have to pursue this by any means. Zero offense taken if you wanna put this off until later or whatever.

Otherwise ... here's a spreadsheet I started, figuring the hardest part would be the Neptune params, but as you can see I'm not past the first column yet of cameraTransform names. I'm literally guessing when there isn't something specifically named "cameraTransform" so that's why all the blanks and "?" cells.  Surely in some cases there actually is a cameraTransform that I just can't see, as that tool tends to draw text over other text like 95% of the time and I can't figure out any zoom or declutter or anything. Honestly all the rows should probably have a ? on them except Lunar Orbiter.


Is there a way for me to confidently determine the correct transform name? Or does this require more Unity info than I have access to?



No I appreciate it, I would love to have full neptune configs in time for the next update. I can take a look at the models some time tomorrow and provide the transform names for you tomorrow probably. Several of the unkown ones (like the old generic science cameras) almost certainly dont have dedicated camera transforms.

Edited by Zorg
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22 minutes ago, OrbitalManeuvers said:

Man, I hate to be a pain. If this is just more work for you guys or bad timing then I don't have to pursue this by any means. Zero offense taken if you wanna put this off until later or whatever.

Otherwise ... here's a spreadsheet I started, figuring the hardest part would be the Neptune params, but as you can see I'm not past the first column yet of cameraTransform names. I'm literally guessing when there isn't something specifically named "cameraTransform" so that's why all the blanks and "?" cells.  Surely in some cases there actually is a cameraTransform that I just can't see, as that tool tends to draw text over other text like 95% of the time and I can't figure out any zoom or declutter or anything. Honestly all the rows should probably have a ? on them except Lunar Orbiter.


Is there a way for me to confidently determine the correct transform name? Or does this require more Unity info than I have access to?

10 minutes ago, Zorg said:

No I appreciate it, I would love to have full neptune configs in time for the next update. I can take a look at the models some time tomorrow and provide the transform names for you tomorrow probably. Several of the unkown ones (like the old generic science cameras) almost certainly dont have dedicated camera transforms.

Yeah, if you find any more that need them let me know. @OrbitalManeuvers don't worry about being a pain - it's literally just opening the Unity scene, dropping a transform, and clicking a button to re-export it. If you log it on Github then it'll just be something I take care of when I feel like closing issues. Any I add are always named "cameraTransform".

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1 minute ago, Zorg said:

No I appreciate it, I would love to have full neptune configs in time for the next update. I can take a look at the models some time tomorrow and provide the transform names for you tomorrow probably. Several of the unkown ones (like the old generic science cameras) almost certainly dont have transforms.

ok cool -- that spreadsheet should be editable by anyone just in case, or whatever is easier for you whenever you get to it.

in the meantime i'll start coming up with suggestions for the other params. I expect cameraType to be just a matter of investigation, and one of these four: color, b&w, IR, UV.  But things like FOV and quality is where I'm gonna struggle. A bridge to cross later. I also need to get TantaresSP installed again and see how it's implemented there.

If anyone else is using Neptune elsewhere and wants to chime in with ideas, PLEASE DO. 

3 minutes ago, CobaltWolf said:

 If you log it on Github then it'll just be something I take care of when I feel like closing issues. Any I add are always named "cameraTransform".

ok fantastic, thank you.

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I have a question but first, I want to say WOW to this mod. Probably my favorite. 

Now, sorry if this was answered, but I didnt see it. Has anyone been able to add a rover to the Kane/Saturn V fairing? Want to do it the most realistic way possible. 

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5 hours ago, dangros said:

I have a question but first, I want to say WOW to this mod. Probably my favorite. 

Now, sorry if this was answered, but I didnt see it. Has anyone been able to add a rover to the Kane/Saturn V fairing? Want to do it the most realistic way possible. 

Got Kerbal Attachment System? The most realistic approach would involve using the LEM descent stage’s built-in container slots to bring the parts needed to assemble a rover on the surface. This is also the most frustrating approach! :D

Otherwise I wouldn’t say there’s quite enough room to bring an externally attached rover in the Saturn’s adapter fairing. Perhaps others have succeeded here?

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8 hours ago, dangros said:

Now, sorry if this was answered, but I didnt see it. Has anyone been able to add a rover to the Kane/Saturn V fairing? Want to do it the most realistic way possible.

You need KIS, KAS and Packrat rover from USI Exploration pack.

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The Peacekeeper family got a little left out from all the fairing fun. With these 3 I think every rocket except for Saturn now has at least some dedicated fairings. Saturn of course will come with the revamp.

Left to right Athena II, Minotaur IV, Peacekeeper





The warheads have been denuclearised to convert them into a simple fairing! Honest!









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Discoverer 2 (Thor-Agena A, VAFB)

KSRSS 2.5x + VE High





VAFB is strange in this mod - like they built an artificial peninsula out of Point Arguello and put SLC-6 here.




Thor places Agena-A to 150km apogee.



Since Discoverer 2 was an RV test flight, there was no camera onboard.


After coast to apogee, Agena fires its ullage motors, followed by main engine.


Couple of orbits later, the Agena maneuvers to face retrograde and releases the RV roughly above the North Pole...


...which then proceeds to spin-stabilise and fire its retro motor, aiming for reentry above Pacific.








The RV ended up somewhere North of Solomon Islands. Better than the real one, I guess  (which according to rumors landed in USSR)

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1 hour ago, biohazard15 said:

Discoverer 2 (Thor-Agena A, VAFB)


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KSRSS 2.5x + VE High





VAFB is strange in this mod - like they built an artificial peninsula out of Point Arguello and put SLC-6 here.




Thor places Agena-A to 150km apogee.



Since Discoverer 2 was an RV test flight, there was no camera onboard.


After coast to apogee, Agena fires its ullage motors, followed by main engine.


Couple of orbits later, the Agena maneuvers to face retrograde and releases the RV roughly above the North Pole...


...which then proceeds to spin-stabilise and fire its retro motor, aiming for reentry above Pacific.








The RV ended up somewhere North of Solomon Islands. Better than the real one, I guess  (which according to rumors landed in USSR)



Is this RSS or JNSQ?

If it IS RSS than how did you get it working there?

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