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[1.12.5] Bluedog Design Bureau - Stockalike Saturn, Apollo, and more! (v1.14.0 "металл" 30/Sep/2024)


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  On 1/17/2021 at 8:15 AM, Laird said:

Don't know if it has been reported already (didn't see a specific report):

The Kane-11-FBL Docking Floodlight & Kane-11-LIB EVA Floodlight stooped working for me with the latest update. They neither emit light nor do the animations work for me currently.

(Game and mod up to date)


It looks like Squad in their infinite wisdom changed the how ModuleLight works in KSP 1.11 but didn't provide backwards compatibility nor implement it as a new module. They just changed how the existing module works straight up. Not tested all the lights yet but you can expect some if not all of them to not be functional in 1.11 until we update BDB for compatibility. 

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Alouette 2 & Explorer 31 (Thor-Agena B, VAFB)

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  On 1/17/2021 at 5:29 PM, computercat04 said:

Does BDB support WaterfallFX?


Not really (yet). There is an experimental branch on github with configs in a very early stage. Too early for users to try it imo but if you wanted to you could grab the Waterfall AND Realplume compatibility folder and bring it into your main github master install.

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  On 1/17/2021 at 7:12 PM, Zorg said:

Not really (yet). There is an experimental branch on github with configs in a very early stage. Too early for users to try it imo but if you wanted to you could grab the Waterfall AND Realplume compatibility folder and bring it into your main github master install.


I think I've already said this, but: I hope that Waterfall support does not mean the end of RealPlume support. Personally, I don't like Waterfall at all, and I'd like to get RealPlume configs for all the new stuff.

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  On 1/17/2021 at 7:57 AM, KeaKaka said:

Damn I love reading these walls of text.


If it is something you like I am glad to provide.   If you have an alternative suggestion for how I should post I will gladly look into any constructive suggestions.    This is part of my way of giving back to the community if you will.      Sadly it is hard to justify injecting pictures into the document as the wall of text becomes too big to be a READABLE post.   And while pictures may = a thousand words.   Pictures can only SHOW history, they can't tell you what was actually going on....

My next post of the like will be at-least a couple days away as there is a lot of editing (the document is already split into 6 posts!)  

I am indeed covering all the standard sized Titans.   HOPEFULLY the post will clear up a LOT of confusion that exists on the Titan Family.    It will also point out some "standard" parts that are still missing from Titan in BDB.   Some we can kit-bash, or has easy substitutions, others, not so much.     I may later cover LDC but there is much less "engineering" documentation on LDC and more "marketing" documentation which is risking quoting a lot of incorrect data.


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The Mighty Titan.   The Rocket family that put the US on the path to the moon… but was really the best launch vehicle for large objects in space.  Until It wasn’t.


This will be a series of articles covering the entire Titan family, flown and in cases we have good data, un-flown variants.   Now as the Titan family is partially shadowed in secrecy due to it’s work as a Nuclear missile and as a launch platform for NRO satellites, sometimes I will have to use conjecture to describe certain rockets.   This conjecture is based in interconnected facts even if the conjecture itself is a guess.   I am not the first person who has summarized the Titan family and I won’t be the last.   One of my sources is the SpaceLaunchReport.com website by Ed Kyle.   While I do not rely on his research and summation, It is a good starting place for people interested in Titan, Atlas, Thor/Delta Launch vehicles.

But first here is a link to the previous post in this series:


The Titan Missile; Genesis from a backup to the long arm of SAC

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Edited by Pappystein
Major Revision on staging as well as links: Spoilered most of the wall o Text
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  On 1/18/2021 at 11:52 PM, CDSlice said:

@Pappystein have you thought about setting up a blog or something? These articles you’ve been posting are really good and it would be a shame for them to get lost in the BDB dev thread.


Thanks for the positive vote! :D   I have, but these articles are meant for a KSP audience and not a strictly historical audience.   You can sometimes see this "clash" between "for a game" and "For a historical perspective" in Scott Manley's older YouTube videos.   While Scott does an amazing job trying to keep them separate.... It is something I wish to avoid.

YES there is a lot of history gathered in these posts, but they would need to be completely re-written with better fact citing as well if I were to post separate from KSP.   I freely admit I write these from memory.   I HAVE read hundreds potentially several thousands actually of NASA curated documents, many documents curated by the NMUSAF, and the Smithsonian in its various forms, as well as hundreds of books on these subjects, and lets not forget websites!   I have limited access to most of these sources all the time.   It kind of easy to pull up the pertinent NTRS documents because I do my best to download and save my own copy of every article I find interesting or informative.     But I can not access ALL of those at once.... simply because I would not have enough room to work!    Another way to think about it is if I had all my sources in front of me I wouldn't be able to see my 38" ultra-wide monitor that is 18 inches above the level of my keyboard!

What I might do is copy them out of BDB and make my own thread on KSP for them...   It is a thought.      Most of my larger articles are written in a document editor, so I have copies saved.       In the end though, since the end goal is to give back to BDB, they will always be posted HERE first :D...    well until someone on the BDB team tells me to stop (or a Forum Moderator does the same!)   



A funny fact I thought I should mention.   I sometimes find hard data in the strangest places.    For my LR79 article I actually got more data on the LR79 history from a book on potential Battleship conversions than any other book including a book I have on Delta.     That is Battleships as in Naval Dreadnoughts, not test articles for space flight!    I consider my ability to find, and capture these kind of data points a key for how I build my articles.     I doubt any serious "rocket historian" would go looking for data on a rocket... in a book about upgrading World War II built battleships!     I did :D.  



Edited by Pappystein
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  On 1/18/2021 at 11:31 PM, Pappystein said:

Third and finally.  There really is no GCU available to fit on Titan in stock or BDB at the time it's parts unlock.   A Bespoke Titan GCU that Part switches between the 0.625-1.5m conic or a cylindrical 1.5m version, (intermediate nodes for the top would be welcome as well!)  would be a welcome and amazing addition to the Titan I.  Opening doors on it to allow for 1.11 "in space upgrades" would be interesting and useful as well.


Juno II GCU.  Unlocked at basic rocketry and can be toggled between 1.25 and 0.9375. As a nice bonus, it has built-in RCS, which makes it ideal for MandatoryRCS users.

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@Pappystein Titan I only lit the 2nd stage verniers prior to stage separation, the gas generator was run off of a separate set of pumps to facilitate this (this was removed on later LR-91s as they had exhaust holes in the interstage to support full hotstaging.  AFAIK they ended up with separation motors too in the end though.

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  On 1/19/2021 at 6:03 PM, blowfish said:

@Pappystein Titan I only lit the 2nd stage verniers prior to stage separation, the gas generator was run off of a separate set of pumps to facilitate this (this was removed on later LR-91s as they had exhaust holes in the interstage to support full hotstaging.  AFAIK they ended up with separation motors too in the end though.


Thanks Blowfish,   I sort of knew I had forgotten something but couldn't figure out what it was.        I only edited that section 7 days in a row!   doh!    However I do have a problem and I feel I know why I "forgot" that segment.    Every document I have on Titan I and the launch failures talk about how the failure was due to impact or what is loosely described as the Coanda effect without calling it such.   In every case the document talks about the main bell igniting at separation "fire in the hole" style.    And 2 of my documents actually say "fire in the hole."    This still leads me to believe the LR91 was fully burning at stage separation.   Now most of my documents predate IOC of the Titan I so it is fully possible Aerojet/Martin/USAF changed how the LR91 was staged.  I just don't have any document that says specifically the main bell wasn't ignited until AFTER separation (but would gladly appreciate it if you can post one that says so.)   Also the 4 Verniers were used to A) position the payload at the correct angle after 2nd stage MECO,  as well as to insure clean separation of the payload from the 2nd stage (the verniers could generate enough torque to break the restraining bolts when the torque is combined with the mass of the expected payload (the MK-IV RV)


Titan II I have a lot more... shall we say consistent information on.   There are for example 4x "Thrust Canceling" motors on the top of the first stage that are ignited when second stage engine starts up.    There are 3 +1 on top of the 2nd stage.    They used the 3+1 because they would fire 3 at warhead separation, creating a torque or yaw motion to the 2nd stage.  Then the 4th would cancel the rotation caused by only 3 motors initially firing.  This was to turn the 2nd stage broadside to the flight path to "conceal" the much smaller warhead, insure a clean seperation between the warhead and the 2nd stage, as well as to force the 2nd stage to slow down faster in atmosphere (so it would break up and not be in the way of other warheads.     Really an interesting maneuver that is VERY HARD to do in KSP using just BDB and Smart Parts..       READ that as impossible FWIW.   I think I got had that maneuver work once in an automated fashion.   I attempted said maneuver at-least 100 times it seemed like!


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Thor-Burner aka Thor-Altair + DMSP-2

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I looks at ETS rendering and I noticed some thing, service module of Apollo block V and AARDV block II is slightly longer than block III and IV and carry more fuel that's explained why I felt both are lack of dV. Is the apollo revamp wishlist still open?

Also I don't know if it is possible or not for SAF saturn-apollo adapter fairing for sake of extended fairing or ETS artemis fairing. Or it still be a separate parts or prebuild fairing as it is in current version


Edited by derega16
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I think this is a bug, an Atlas V in the 401 configuration cannot provide enough thrust for it to leave the pad, it only has a TWR of 0.83.

I'm using KSP 1.11.0 and JNSQ.

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  On 1/19/2021 at 10:47 PM, Pappystein said:

but would gladly appreciate it if you can post one that says so



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I've generally found Heroic Relics to be a reliable source

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  On 1/20/2021 at 2:34 AM, KeaKaka said:

I think this is a bug, an Atlas V in the 401 configuration cannot provide enough thrust for it to leave the pad, it only has a TWR of 0.83.

I'm using KSP 1.11.0 and JNSQ.


KSP 1.11 has a mass bug.    There are many posts about this.   Items that should mass below a certain number (I am unsure what off the top of my head) instead act (not be measured but JUST ACT) like they have a mass several times more.  I think the number is .25 or 250kg

Known issues and not a BDB bug....  Rather a KSP bug.  Suggest rolling back to 1.10.1 until 1.11.1 comes out.


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