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[1.12.5] Bluedog Design Bureau - Stockalike Saturn, Apollo, and more! (v1.14.0 "металл" 30/Sep/2024)


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3 hours ago, CobaltWolf said:

@Invaderchaos confirmed that the low-profile port for some reason wants to dock 180 degrees. Sounds like I just need to rotate the dockingNode transform. It was probably "right" for the older Gemini parts since I think their dockingNode transform was ALSO messed up.


Forgive me quoting the OP, just to save time:


I wouldn't expect the Saturn V/Apollo/LM stack for a while. Unfortunately the looks can be deceiving, since when they're stacked you're only looking at the exterior stuff and not all the interior bits which are mostly untouched so far.

I'm a bit further than you thought in places, further behind than others.

Saturn V... yeah a lot of the exterior is done, but like I said that gives a false impression of how far it is. Lot of work left to get it in game. Basically all the endcaps for the parts, the S-II engine mount needs a lot of work... I've also got a mostly modeled Saturn 1.


Apollo CSM... mostly? modeled and I've started texturing the SM (which looks frustratingly like the old one now...). Off the top of my head, big things left would be modeling the service engine, remodeling the aft SM heatshield (that stupid weird plastic looking thing the SPS goes into), endcaps for the SM, interior of the decoupler, the parachutes, docking spotlight... Still no idea how I'm handling the SIM bay.


LM, mostly modeled, haven't even begun to start on the textures. I'm frankly afraid to since I keep feeling like the geometry is off, so any texturing I do will have to be tossed if I change it. I honestly am not even sure what's left to model. If I remember, both of the engines are incomplete, and I need to do the docking target. In general I think I'm mostly missing smaller mesh details, like the tracking lights that need to go on either side of the big beacon light on the "nose" there.

One thing I'm worried about is the docking cone and its colliders. The LM can be designed around it but I'm not sure how well it will work in other places. I was planning on using the DepthMask shader that's used on a couple other parts like the Gemini magnetometer, where they look sunk into the part they're attached to. The problem is I can't do that with colliders, so I don't know how deep I can make the cone...



Regarding the LM, I've started throwing together some derivatives. Note that I'm not in any rush to get to these. One of the big problems with the old LM model and textures, they were very much made to only be used in the original configuration. I'm trying to plan out derivatives earlier in the process to make sure I'm accounting for them. Here's the LM-Truck RCS with the start of an Early Lunar Shelter on top.



Take all the time you need. The older models though need a touch up or modifying are still good for pictures and fun to use in Career Mode. Plus these early renders look great and based on these pictures when the final version of them do come out whenever, it will be worth the wait. Don't rush take your time.

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3 hours ago, CobaltWolf said:

 I need to figure out an elegant way to provide a control core for the descent stage that won't interfere with additions like this.

Can that not be a B9PartSwitch add-in?

Model Switch:  LEM Decent stage / LEM-T Command module ?

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Science Part Documentation


First, this mod is amazing. So many beautiful parts. So many, it's almost overwhelming. Especially the science mods. I want to use them all. But I'd love to see some documentation for the specific circumstances each part requires. Is there such a thing? I've had a look at the unofficial wiki. Very cool. But missing lots of details around the science parts. 


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19 minutes ago, OrbitalManeuvers said:

sounds like you could use the SituationModuleInfo mod. When you right click on a science part in the part tray, it adds text about where the experiment can be run.

How have I never heard of this mod before? This will be so helpful.

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8 minutes ago, CardZLol said:

Would be interesting to see parts from "For All Mankind", like the Jamestown lunar base, the LSAM etc. Great mod!

If "For All Mankind" could stop itself from indulging in some of the worst of "Space:1999" nonsense, I would support this idea. As it stands, no.
Really digging the Waterfall exhaust on all the Apollo-Saturn engines.


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2 hours ago, Cochies said:

Has the author thought about the collaboration of mods that simulate the exhaust?

(Then there are 3 motivating pictures - only Waterfall, only RP and Waterfall and RP together)





theres already Realplume and Waterfall configs if thats what you mean but how did you get both of them working at the same time?

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Two random questions for y'all...  first, is there an option in the mod for a Rogallo glider for the Gemini capsules?  I thought at one time there was, but wasn't sure if that was standard or if it was from a different mod.

Second, and even more ridiculous... is there an adaptor plate available to make try making an INT-16 style first stage out of Titan boosters?  I was scouring the parts last night, didn't see anything that fit the bill, wasn't sure if I missed something or if I just have to wing it and surface attach stuff together.

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3 minutes ago, Ghostshark27 said:

Two random questions for y'all...  first, is there an option in the mod for a Rogallo glider for the Gemini capsules?  I thought at one time there was, but wasn't sure if that was standard or if it was from a different mod.

Second, and even more ridiculous... is there an adaptor plate available to make try making an INT-16 style first stage out of Titan boosters?  I was scouring the parts last night, didn't see anything that fit the bill, wasn't sure if I missed something or if I just have to wing it and surface attach stuff together.

good questions,

I don't know what Cobaltwolf's plans are RE new things but I have sent em some engineering drawings of the Saturn 120" cluster first stage for INT-16.   Had options to lay out 4, 5, 6 and 7 SRMs.   It would have to be an interstage more than an adapter plate however.

Re the Rogalo wing, OrdianryKerman already posted the one that sort of works.   Sadly (due to complicated nature + concerns with how it would rig/fly) the Gemini capsule wasn't actually built with the landing gear wells nor a proper Rogallo wing.   Then again the Rogallo wing as designed for Gemini WOULDN'T WORK.    FAT leading edges with no aft surface to speak of create crazy wake vorticies that suck all the lift out of the wing in many conditions.   Something the Rogallo Gemini capsule experienced several times.   IF they could have arranged a metal folding structure as the basis of the Rogallo wing it would have been different. Instead, they used an Inflatable tube structure.  This is Because of technology and aerodynamic understanding at the time...    Lets face facts:  The Bulk of the world still believed the SOUND BARRIER existed just a few short years before remember!




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Thanks for the responses!  The whole INT-16 thing was more of a whim than a necessity.  I'm doing a playthrough where I'm trying to make some of the more out there proposals for LV's, due to in world my space agency is second string to the main space agency and having to cobble together whatever they can find.  So while I'll eventually be mainlining saturn V's or I-C models, for now its Titan hardware or experimental stuff.


As for the Rogallo, I know ultimately it was a flawed design, but it would still be fun to toy around with it in game and potentially send a few Kerbals to the med center before they realize its not practical either. :D

Edited by Ghostshark27
Glaring typo...
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3 hours ago, Cochies said:

Has the author thought about the collaboration of mods that simulate the exhaust?

(Then there are 3 motivating pictures - only Waterfall, only RP and Waterfall and RP together)

A big part of the reason why we started doing Waterfall configs and indeed made it part of the default package is that they offer much better performance than particle plumes (both stock particles and realplume) thus bringing nice plumes to a wider user base.

using both together takes away this performance advantage and makes it worse than using either on its own. Additionally while that example looks nice in many other examples especially sea level plumes, you will likely need considerable additional work done to make sure the particles and the waterfall plumes expand and behave in harmony together. This is work I am definitely not interested in doing.

You are of course free to experiment with combining them for yourself but its not an option we will be looking to offer as an official compatibility option.

1 hour ago, TruthfulGnome said:

but how did you get both of them working at the same time?

all you need to do is remove the !Waterfall from the :NEEDS[...] in the realplume patches. 

However our official condition is if WF and RealPlume are installed together, WF for liquid engines and RealPlume for solids.

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