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[1.12.5] Bluedog Design Bureau - Stockalike Saturn, Apollo, and more! (v1.14.0 "металл" 30/Sep/2024)


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18 minutes ago, Pappystein said:

QUICK before anyone steps on it.    Someone find my JAW it just fell through the floor! :D




Thanks for considering all three docking-port sizes we may want to attach to this part.

Excluding some wacky out there concepts for the 4.25m Skylab (like the S-II derived Skylab for example)  I think you have hit Just about everything.  At an amazing detail level.

Are you planning on doing a new Venus Flyby module (or is someone else?)     I could see an "altered" Venus Flyby module being used for ETS instead of the Skylab identical parts.   



Yup VFB is planned, not sure what I will work on next though. VFB will depend on the SLA base model and textures. Theres also some EOSS stuff and the 25kw power module.

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3 hours ago, TaintedLion said:

The original concept was actually for an inflatable tunnel between the lab and the Mercury, meaning an EVA wouldn't be necessary.

Project Gemini - A Chronology. Part 1 (A)


and here is a "3D" view of what that aero cover would look like. The tube and other hardware would be stowed underneath it. 


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8 hours ago, septemberWaves said:

Getting the Ranger rough landing probe to the surface safely took several more quicksaves than I would've liked...

I gave up and added a couple sets of Agena ullage rockets because no matter how I aimed the thing, I was consistently 100 m/s short. Still took a couple of attempts...

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8 hours ago, septemberWaves said:

Getting the Ranger rough landing probe to the surface safely took several more quicksaves than I would've liked...

I learned to hate that probe. Its part info says 3800 m/s impact resistance but it frequently broke at 70 m/s. (I was playing with a rescaled system so maybe some glitch there was responsible)

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Hi [entire BDB team], thanks again for a great mod. I'm getting back into playing with BDB and KSRSS 2.5x planets.

Lunar Gemini is a lot of fun. Here's Valentina and her copilot with a Titan IIIM-inspired Lunar Gemini. More images in the spoiler block.







Edited by DeadJohn
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1 hour ago, DeadJohn said:

I learned to hate that probe. Its part info says 3800 m/s impact resistance but it frequently broke at 70 m/s. (I was playing with a rescaled system so maybe some glitch there was responsible)

No, it is a matter of when KSP does it's Physics pass.  If it happens RIGHT at impact it blows up no matter what.   It is one of the reasons my old Titan I "seismic probe" was not ever "finished"    I used it for a while but when the part it was based on was depreciated.   I decided not to make my own part.


In the case of the Titan I probe I had to use custom shrunk Airbrakes to have any chance of the probe surviving Orbital speed atmo interface (IE if I did a deorbit from space I had to slow the probe down to under 200m/s to get it to survive.  I think I had the tolerances set to 3900m/s


In publicly released parts you can see the same thing with the NRAP parts (for testing your rocket)



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Big screenshot tax incoming, to celebrate my new computer (that can actually run KSP faster than a PowerPoint slideshow) and my finally ironing most of the problems out of my new 1.12 career (by rejecting that version entirely and returning to 1.11):

BDB gives you all the parts you need to launch a Juno I with Explorer right at the start of a career game, but I think the grind to advance from sounding rockets to orbital boosters is actually kind of enjoyable. I also think the missiles that would later become the launch vehicles we all know don't get enough attention, so that's what I've been doing the last few days.



I only launched this little thing once, to get the initial "First Flight" contracts out of the way and get enough science to unlock the launch stands for Redstone, Jupiter, et al. I think it's a neat little take on a hypothetical Army-designed SRBM in the early 1950s.


I've already shown my DIY Viking here, but looking at this shot I realized it was so good I just had to include it. There really are benefits to having a proper GPU in your computer. By the way I'm also using Zorg's TUFX configs now, and I have absolutely no idea how I went this long without realizing I needed post-processing in-game.


Jupiter MRBM, nothing too exciting here, except that I've actually been using these to launch biological experiments (in the form of Mystery Goo pods), film return missions, and (make-believe) warhead tests. Also an interesting fact I learned when I was reading about the Jupiter earlier; it was designed and originally operated by the Army, but was forcibly transferred to the Air Force following a series of legislative restrictions on the Army possessing strategic assets. It also got its short, squat shape from the Navy, who originally participated in Jupiter hoping to adapt it as an SLBM. It didn't take long for them to realize that cryogenic propellants wouldn't work well on ships, and they pulled out of the project to design their own Polaris missile. Considering that the Air Force was against its very existence (MRBMs went against their doctrine), the Navy abandoned it, and it being virtually obsolete by the time it was deployed in Europe, the fact that Jupiter wasn't cancelled is actually pretty amazing.


Also an Atlas-B, without the central sustainer engine. It was able to place a dummy warhead off the Ivory Coast of Africa like this. Probably will adapt this design to kitbash SCORE later on.


Vanguard, again not much of note, other than this being a TV-3 style vehicle which in reality famously exploded on the pad. Also more aesthetic shots of Missile Row.


Juno II, the launch vehicle that every space museum seems to have an example of, despite how badly suited it was to the job. Also I'm learning how to adjust the field of view to get better screenshots, hence why the SLC-17 service structures are so visible in the background.


Thor-Able, pimped out with decals and vapor vents.


And Pioneer 1 firing its retro-motor at the Moon; not to enter orbit (because I think that was a stupidly idealistic mission goal for Pioneer in the first place), but just to slow it down so I have more time to collect data. It's missions like this one where Kerbalism can be a real pain if your mods don't have proper support for it, since the hard-drive space on probes like this is limited to 2MB while many experiments can be tens of times larger than that.

Anyway that's what I've been doing lately, ruining my dopamine receptors with gratuitous screenshots and eye-candy. Now the race is on to see if I can procrastinate long enough for the new Apollo/Saturn to be available by the time I get ready for manned lunar landings...



Edited by pTrevTrevs
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20 hours ago, Zorg said:

You can patch the "deploySpeed" value in ModuleSimpleAdjustableFairing but I dont know if a way to change the deploy behaviour in general.


Preview of the upcoming ETS European Research Module. I decided to take more inspiration directly from the IRL shuttle spacelab rather than try to follow the ETS artwork exactly. The handrails will be available in both gold and blue. Both endcaps can be switched between 0.625m, 0.9375m and 1.25m. The module itself will have a diameter of 3.125m. This together with the airlock module will complete the ETS Spacelab.

Textures still WIP.






Would you consider adding a metal surface variant to work well with HabTech or SSPXr parts?

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4 hours ago, pTrevTrevs said:

Big screenshot tax incoming, to celebrate my new computer (that can actually run KSP faster than a PowerPoint slideshow) and my finally ironing most of the problems out of my new 1.12 career (by rejecting that version entirely and returning to 1.11):

BDB gives you all the parts you need to launch a Juno I with Explorer right at the start of a career game, but I think the grind to advance from sounding rockets to orbital boosters is actually kind of enjoyable. I also think the missiles that would later become the launch vehicles we all know don't get enough attention, so that's what I've been doing the last few days.



Great screenshots.  2.5x KSRSS seems to be flavour of the month and BDB is like a match made in heaven.  I think I might follow suit and roll back to 1.11 though, too many problems getting it to work in 1.12 career.  I'm considering a more roleplay career next - perhaps restricting myself to USAF only launches...

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@Zorg Also, that's a rather niche request, and I undersand if it doesn't get fulfilled, but I'd like to see a version of RS30 without nozzle extension to replace RL10A's and other small cryos in landers and tightly clustered engine arrangements
The point is to get a truly advanced space engine (not just yet another RL10 evolution) for the whole spectrum of applications, while all other staged combustion options are WAY heavier (and thrustier) than needed

Edited by Alpha512
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5 hours ago, Alpha512 said:

Would you consider adding a metal surface variant to work well with HabTech or SSPXr parts?

No this wasnt made with variants in mind. It exists on a 2k texture sheet along with several other parts and a variant would not only need a new main texture it would need a new normal map as well. Thats work Im not willing to do especially considering the considerable roadmap of parts I have ahead of me.

1 hour ago, Alpha512 said:

@Zorg Also, that's a rather niche request, and I undersand if it doesn't get fulfilled, but I'd like to see a version of RS30 without nozzle extension to replace RL10A's and other small cryos in landers and tightly clustered engine arrangements
The point is to get a truly advanced space engine (not just yet another RL10 evolution) for the whole spectrum of applications, while all other staged combustion options are WAY heavier (and thrustier) than needed

Its an interesting idea. The IRL RS30 only had a fixed nozzle extension and then an option for a deployable version of the extension. I did the latter due to more flexibility. However I did not consider a version without an extension entirely. The textures dont really work for that as there is baked ambient occlusion  all over the nozzle and power head due to the extension mechanism and extension cooling pipes. A short version is therefore not possible unless I sacrifice the AO which Im not willing to do. 

(RL20 was possible since it was less problematic in that regard and it still neeeded a second UV area for the upper nozzle).

3 hours ago, Kerdel said:

anyone have clipping fairings like z-fighting with the Simple Adjustable Fairings installed? i think it's this mod or Bdb itself 

Do you have any screenshots of this clipping? There is some weirdness in the VAB but thats a transparency related issue that isnt present in flight. If there is any clipping in flight please post screenshots.

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8 hours ago, pTrevTrevs said:

It's missions like this one where Kerbalism can be a real pain if your mods don't have proper support for it, since the hard-drive space on probes like this is limited to 2MB while many experiments can be tens of times larger than that.

I have my own Kerbalism config that I've been playing with. I basically took a look at the supported stock parts done by the Kerbalism team,  looked at part mass, tech tier, and tried top come up with a rough analog for what it might represent. Then I SWAG'd it and gave each BD command part what looked to be a reasonable amount of storage space given the stock part values. It's by no means well balanced,  but it gets the job done as a rough first pass. I can't remember how long ago I did this so it may be missing a few of the newer probes.

Link to the spreadsheet where I collected the data: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1U2n69EpNO9iY7HHjsI_wsiSxg14V7FS8lFabzrnEt8A/copy

And here's the config:

		@dataCapacity = 16.25
		@sampleCapacity = 1
		@dataCapacity = 24.35
		@sampleCapacity = 0
		@dataCapacity = 32.53
		@sampleCapacity = 6
		@dataCapacity = 65.06
		@sampleCapacity = 12
		@dataCapacity = 24.35
		@sampleCapacity = 0
		@dataCapacity = 26.75
		@sampleCapacity = 14
		@dataCapacity = 7.95
		@sampleCapacity = 6
		@dataCapacity = 24.45
		@sampleCapacity = 3
		@dataCapacity = 24.45
		@sampleCapacity = 3
		@dataCapacity = 24.45
		@sampleCapacity = 3
		@dataCapacity = 0.5
		@sampleCapacity = 0
		@dataCapacity = 0.5
		@sampleCapacity = 1
		@dataCapacity = 24.45
		@sampleCapacity = 3
		@dataCapacity = 24.45
		@sampleCapacity = 3
		@dataCapacity = 16.25
		@sampleCapacity = 0
		@dataCapacity = 2.25
		@sampleCapacity = 0
		@dataCapacity = 256
		@sampleCapacity = 0
		@dataCapacity = 0.5
		@sampleCapacity = 0
		@dataCapacity = 0.5
		@sampleCapacity = 0
		@dataCapacity = 24.45
		@sampleCapacity = 0
		@dataCapacity = 5
		@sampleCapacity = 0
		@dataCapacity = 2.25
		@sampleCapacity = 0
		@dataCapacity = 2.25
		@sampleCapacity = 0
		@dataCapacity = 3
		@sampleCapacity = 0
		@dataCapacity = 3.75
		@sampleCapacity = 0
		@dataCapacity = 5
		@sampleCapacity = 0
		@dataCapacity = 10.5
		@sampleCapacity = 0
		@dataCapacity = 4.3
		@sampleCapacity = 0
		@dataCapacity = 16.25
		@sampleCapacity = 0
		@dataCapacity = 256
		@sampleCapacity = 0
		@dataCapacity = 512
		@sampleCapacity = 0
		@dataCapacity = 45
		@sampleCapacity = 0
		@dataCapacity = 45
		@sampleCapacity = 0
		@dataCapacity = 45
		@sampleCapacity = 0
		@dataCapacity = 45
		@sampleCapacity = 0
		@dataCapacity = 0.1
		@sampleCapacity = 0
		@dataCapacity = 6.7
		@sampleCapacity = 0
		@dataCapacity = 8.2
		@sampleCapacity = 0
		@dataCapacity = 16.25
		@sampleCapacity = 0
		@dataCapacity = 16.25
		@sampleCapacity = 0
		@dataCapacity = 6.25
		@sampleCapacity = 0
		@dataCapacity = 16.25
		@sampleCapacity = 0
		@dataCapacity = 6.78
		@sampleCapacity = 0
		@dataCapacity = 6.78
		@sampleCapacity = 0
		@dataCapacity = 1.75
		@sampleCapacity = 3
		@dataCapacity = 3.35
		@sampleCapacity = 0
		@dataCapacity = 1.75
		@sampleCapacity = 0
		@dataCapacity = 2
		@sampleCapacity = 0
		@dataCapacity = 2.25
		@sampleCapacity = 0
		@dataCapacity = 24.45
		@sampleCapacity = 0
		@dataCapacity = 2.25
		@sampleCapacity = 0
		@dataCapacity = 10.5
		@sampleCapacity = 0
		@dataCapacity = 50
		@sampleCapacity = 1



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15 minutes ago, Zorg said:

These are all stock type fairings. Simple Adjustable Fairings has no effect on these parts. I assume this is caused by some other mod interaction.

oh oke i didn't think of that my bad, did you also see the last picture with the fairing in the engine? is that on purpose for other parts?

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3 minutes ago, Kerdel said:

oh oke i didn't think of that my bad, did you also see the last picture with the fairing in the engine? is that on purpose for other parts?

I dont understand. Do you mean the attach node position?

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4 hours ago, Razgriz1 said:

I have my own Kerbalism config that I've been playing with. I basically took a look at the supported stock parts done by the Kerbalism team,  looked at part mass, tech tier, and tried top come up with a rough analog for what it might represent. Then I SWAG'd it and gave each BD command part what looked to be a reasonable amount of storage space given the stock part values. It's by no means well balanced,  but it gets the job done as a rough first pass. I can't remember how long ago I did this so it may be missing a few of the newer probes.

Link to the spreadsheet where I collected the data: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1U2n69EpNO9iY7HHjsI_wsiSxg14V7FS8lFabzrnEt8A/copy

And here's the config:

  Reveal hidden contents
		@dataCapacity = 16.25
		@sampleCapacity = 1
		@dataCapacity = 24.35
		@sampleCapacity = 0
		@dataCapacity = 32.53
		@sampleCapacity = 6
		@dataCapacity = 65.06
		@sampleCapacity = 12
		@dataCapacity = 24.35
		@sampleCapacity = 0
		@dataCapacity = 26.75
		@sampleCapacity = 14
		@dataCapacity = 7.95
		@sampleCapacity = 6
		@dataCapacity = 24.45
		@sampleCapacity = 3
		@dataCapacity = 24.45
		@sampleCapacity = 3
		@dataCapacity = 24.45
		@sampleCapacity = 3
		@dataCapacity = 0.5
		@sampleCapacity = 0
		@dataCapacity = 0.5
		@sampleCapacity = 1
		@dataCapacity = 24.45
		@sampleCapacity = 3
		@dataCapacity = 24.45
		@sampleCapacity = 3
		@dataCapacity = 16.25
		@sampleCapacity = 0
		@dataCapacity = 2.25
		@sampleCapacity = 0
		@dataCapacity = 256
		@sampleCapacity = 0
		@dataCapacity = 0.5
		@sampleCapacity = 0
		@dataCapacity = 0.5
		@sampleCapacity = 0
		@dataCapacity = 24.45
		@sampleCapacity = 0
		@dataCapacity = 5
		@sampleCapacity = 0
		@dataCapacity = 2.25
		@sampleCapacity = 0
		@dataCapacity = 2.25
		@sampleCapacity = 0
		@dataCapacity = 3
		@sampleCapacity = 0
		@dataCapacity = 3.75
		@sampleCapacity = 0
		@dataCapacity = 5
		@sampleCapacity = 0
		@dataCapacity = 10.5
		@sampleCapacity = 0
		@dataCapacity = 4.3
		@sampleCapacity = 0
		@dataCapacity = 16.25
		@sampleCapacity = 0
		@dataCapacity = 256
		@sampleCapacity = 0
		@dataCapacity = 512
		@sampleCapacity = 0
		@dataCapacity = 45
		@sampleCapacity = 0
		@dataCapacity = 45
		@sampleCapacity = 0
		@dataCapacity = 45
		@sampleCapacity = 0
		@dataCapacity = 45
		@sampleCapacity = 0
		@dataCapacity = 0.1
		@sampleCapacity = 0
		@dataCapacity = 6.7
		@sampleCapacity = 0
		@dataCapacity = 8.2
		@sampleCapacity = 0
		@dataCapacity = 16.25
		@sampleCapacity = 0
		@dataCapacity = 16.25
		@sampleCapacity = 0
		@dataCapacity = 6.25
		@sampleCapacity = 0
		@dataCapacity = 16.25
		@sampleCapacity = 0
		@dataCapacity = 6.78
		@sampleCapacity = 0
		@dataCapacity = 6.78
		@sampleCapacity = 0
		@dataCapacity = 1.75
		@sampleCapacity = 3
		@dataCapacity = 3.35
		@sampleCapacity = 0
		@dataCapacity = 1.75
		@sampleCapacity = 0
		@dataCapacity = 2
		@sampleCapacity = 0
		@dataCapacity = 2.25
		@sampleCapacity = 0
		@dataCapacity = 24.45
		@sampleCapacity = 0
		@dataCapacity = 2.25
		@sampleCapacity = 0
		@dataCapacity = 10.5
		@sampleCapacity = 0
		@dataCapacity = 50
		@sampleCapacity = 1



Neat! Can I just put this anywhere in my GameData folder or should it go in Kerbalism?

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20 hours ago, DeadJohn said:

I learned to hate that probe. Its part info says 3800 m/s impact resistance but it frequently broke at 70 m/s. (I was playing with a rescaled system so maybe some glitch there was responsible)

The real Ranger rough lander was designed to handle a landing of 67m/s (220ft/s) so if anything BDB is nailing the historical accuracy. That said the best luck I've had with the Ranger rough lander and other time-sensitive burns with solids is using BetterTimeWarpContinued  to run the burns in slow-mo. It's *a lot* easier to time a suicide burn when time is running at 1/10 of actual.

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All new ETS spacelab. The textures on the European Research Module still need a bit of tweaking but the basics are there now.








These are on github now but several known issues including broken window lights. Didnt get time to test the hatch on the airlock and the ladder colliders havent been done on either module.

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2 hours ago, pTrevTrevs said:

Neat! Can I just put this anywhere in my GameData folder or should it go in Kerbalism?

Module manager patches can go anywhere inside GameData, as long as they have .cfg extensions. I personally keep all of my patches in my own folder so that they aren't deleted when updating mods.

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