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Kerbfleet: A Jool Odyssey-CHAPTER 22 pg 2: Yet >another< narrative device!

Mister Dilsby

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3 hours ago, Sanic said:

I predicted clone shenanigans a while back on @Parkaboy's thread, but only now has it come to fruition. 

Well to be fair, you predict pretty much EVERY possibility when you're wearing that special metallic chapeau of yours, so it stands to reason you're right some of the time :) 

3 hours ago, Angel-125 said:

Funny you should mention that, I just fixed a bug in Pathfinder that was causing modules to vibrate, and kerbals to fall down when trying to carry habitat components...

Aha, so it was YOU! But seriously, I have indeed had problems in the past with Micarooni starting to wobble, or even suddenly accelerate out of orbit. Always fixed with F9, of course (it's an unwritten General Order that all ships quicksave before entering its physics boundary) and much more stable since 1.0.4. 

2 hours ago, Mad Rocket Scientist said:

These last couple of page might be the best ones yet.


Whew.  That's it.  Tell me if I messed up something.

Thanks, MRS, you're doing double duty here and it's appreciated (though i seem to have run short of replikes today!) Note that the orange "Everybody OUT!" balloon is meant to be Gus, and the one about the markers is of course Marker Guy. The other two are admin/mission control randos :) 

1 hour ago, Scotius said:

Cross-dimensional caper! :D As for Kenlie, actually i think this might be good for him. If Kappa!Jeb gets to explain Multiverse in detail, then Kenlie will have another explanation for his "visions" than: "You're off your ROCKER!"

Excellent point! Besides letting me play with @Parkaboy's excellent Jeb character, this is giving me all sorts of story possibilities for the future. Kenlie Kerman goes from tongue-tied bumbler to 'interdimensional kerb of mystery'? It could happen! unlessitsalladreamwhichIsaiditisntbutheymaybeitis

27 minutes ago, GregroxMun said:

I have been squealing like a pre-teen girl talking about Justin Beiber ever since I saw the orange writing of Jeb in Kerbfleet: A Jool Oddysey. And now I read the Plan Kappa side and it's given a badS explanation. An awesome crossover, I have to say.

High praise, thank you very much! All I can say is that it's going to get even awesomer in the Kappa thread :) 

20 minutes ago, GregroxMun said:

I wonder if Kerbfleet!Bill is no longer capable of editing the universe? Plan Kappa engineers don't seem to be able to edit save files. Perhaps this is a trait that would very much confuse planKappa!Kerbals.

I really have no idea how (or if!) my Bill is going to solve this problem over in the Kappaverse. Then again, I usually don't know how they're going to get out of the disasters I create for them even when it's me doing the writing!

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34 minutes ago, Kuzzter said:

Excellent point! Besides letting me play with @Parkaboy's excellent Jeb character, this is giving me all sorts of story possibilities for the future. Kenlie Kerman goes from tongue-tied bumbler to 'interdimensional kerb of mystery'? It could happen! unlessitsalladreamwhichIsaiditisntbutheymaybeitis


Now I'm second guessing telling the readers to 'Trust Kuzzter'.  :)

Happy Concerned Alarmed landings!

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45 minutes ago, Kuzzter said:

Thanks, MRS, you're doing double duty here and it's appreciated (though i seem to have run short of replikes today!) Note that the orange "Everybody OUT!" balloon is meant to be Gus, and the one about the markers is of course Marker Guy. The other two are admin/mission control randos :) 

Thanks, and I'll update it!


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11 minutes ago, Kuzzter said:

I just don't want everyone getting bent out of shape if this ends with Melbe waking up in bed next to Bob Newhart.

Ahhh, will Bob Newhart be wearing a Jedi master's robe???

Edited by Just Jim
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18 hours ago, Deddly said:

I like it how both @Kuzzter amd @Parkaboy's versions of Jebediah are not just insane but actually incredibly intelligent and skilled.

This is actually quite realistic.  Psychopaths are usually highly intelligent, better at rolling with punches, and better playing mainstream society's game, than "sane" people, but are stereotyped as "insane" because their abillities are usually shackled to some seriously deviant urges that no society can tolerate.  That is, of course, unless the psychopath is a member of the ruling elite, which is often the case given their other abilities,  And then they attract admiring (but braindead) members of the media who downplay their vices and extoll their virtues.

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49 minutes ago, Geschosskopf said:

This is actually quite realistic.  Psychopaths are usually highly intelligent, better at rolling with punches, and better playing mainstream society's game, than "sane" people, but are stereotyped as "insane" because their abillities are usually shackled to some seriously deviant urges that no society can tolerate.  That is, of course, unless the psychopath is a member of the ruling elite, which is often the case given their other abilities,  And then they attract admiring (but braindead) members of the media who downplay their vices and extoll their virtues.

yeah, agreed, and I've always thought the ultra-intelligent psycho's in movies and such are the scariest...  :confused:

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7 minutes ago, Just Jim said:

yeah, agreed, and I've always thought the ultra-intelligent psycho's in movies and such are the scariest...  :confused:

Hannibal Lector, Khan Noonien Singh, Bruce Wayne, Max Cady, Francis Dolarhyde, Gaear Grmsrud, Rooster Cogburn, Walter White.  Yeah, I agree :D

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10 hours ago, Just Jim said:

Ahhh, will Bob Newhart be wearing a Jedi master's robe???

I had to look that up, I don't watch Big Bang Theory. As a technical person with a touch of Asperger's myself, I just can't stand that show--it's like they're trying to put me on screen but they fail, fail, fail. I don't imagine a lot of actual medical examiners watch NCIS, either. 

10 hours ago, Geschosskopf said:

This is actually quite realistic.  Psychopaths are usually highly intelligent, better at rolling with punches, and better playing mainstream society's game, than "sane" people, but are stereotyped as "insane" because their abillities are usually shackled to some seriously deviant urges that no society can tolerate.  That is, of course, unless the psychopath is a member of the ruling elite, which is often the case given their other abilities,  And then they attract admiring (but braindead) members of the media who downplay their vices and extoll their virtues.

You're just a barrel of laughs as always. Are you available for childrens' parties? :) 

33 minutes ago, Deddly said:

Hmm, the corruption in the persistance file looks suspiciously similar to a certain anomily Valentina saw in training ;)

Hey, I'm not @Parkaboy--I have very limited graphical abilities. :D  Speaking of which, has anyone seen my Bill?

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10 minutes ago, Kuzzter said:

I had to look that up, I don't watch Big Bang Theory. As a technical person with a touch of Asperger's myself, I just can't stand that show--it's like they're trying to put me on screen but they fail, fail, fail. I don't imagine a lot of actual medical examiners watch NCIS, either. 

Ahhhhh, understood.  Still, it was nice to see Bob Newhart get a reoccurring part in such a huge show.
I think you might like this part, the last time he showed up in one of Sheldon's dreams he said, and I quote,
"Oh no, not again...."   and then tried to commit suicide with a lightsaber.  Classic Newhart! 

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57 minutes ago, Kuzzter said:

I had to look that up, I don't watch Big Bang Theory. As a technical person with a touch of Asperger's myself, I just can't stand that show--it's like they're trying to put me on screen but they fail, fail, fail. I don't imagine a lot of actual medical examiners watch NCIS, either.

That's fascinating.  My wife has worked with children who are on the autism spectrum.  I've been telling her for several years that I think I'm probably slightly autistic myself.  Have you been diagnosed professionally, or is that a self-diagnosis?

As far as Big Bang Theory goes, the writers don't even try to write an actual Asperger's person.  They just use it as a foil to have the character deliver cruel lines, with the Asperger's making it OK.

Happy Concerned Alarmed landings!

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11 minutes ago, Starhawk said:

As far as Big Bang Theory goes, the writers don't even try to write an actual Asperger's person.  They just use it as a foil to have the character deliver cruel lines, with the Asperger's making it OK.

Exactly my problem with it. As to the other question the complete answer is best expressed in a PM. :) On the thread, I'll just say that I think at this point I've 'grown out of it', and do not currently tend to exhibit behaviors one would associate with autism spectrum.  

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48 minutes ago, Kuzzter said:

I had to look that up, I don't watch Big Bang Theory. As a technical person with a touch of Asperger's myself, I just can't stand that show--it's like they're trying to put me on screen but they fail, fail, fail. I don't imagine a lot of actual medical examiners watch NCIS, either. 

Yeah, I don't watch any fictional/dramatized fire/EMS/cop show myself.  They're all so incredibly bogus.  I do, however, what things like "Nightwatch", "Cops", and "The First 48" where it's all real stuff.  I even know some of the folks who've been on those shows.

48 minutes ago, Kuzzter said:

You're just a barrel of laughs as always. Are you available for childrens' parties? :) 

Yes, actually.  I am often requested for such occasions and I enjoy going.  First, I get to show off my firetruck and let the kids blast the air horns and siren, which annoys the neighbors and makes some of the kids cry, although most think this is very cool.

Then I get all dressed up in my fireman suit while explaining that if they see me coming into their room at night, I'm there to rescue them so they shouldn't hide from me.  All this is fine until, as the last step, I put on my SCBA mask and start breathing canned air like I would if their house was on fire.  All the kids that were crowding around my ankles up to now all excited suddenly freak out, start crying, and run away screaming.  This was bad enough when we had yellow suits---I could tell the kids to think of me as a Powerranger.  But we recentlyt got black suits so now, not only do I sound like Darth Vader, I look like him, too.  It's hilarious.  Mask off, they love me.  Mask on, sheer panic.  It's like a switch.  I don and doff my mask several times while talking to them, trying to make them understand it's always me, but it doesn't work.  The crowd surges back and forth, alternating between shrieks and giggles.  Years ago, I found this depressing, but I've gotten now to where I find it amusing.

Then I aim the truck's water cannon up in the air and the kids run around in the water as it rains back down,  Thousands of gallons all falling in 1 place and the stamping of many small feet soon churns the grass into a large mud puddle.  The kids love this and go sliding and swimming in the mud, coming out wetter and dirtier than they've ever been in their lives.  Which means they trash the interiors of their parent's cars on the way home.

I love my job :D 

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14 minutes ago, Just Jim said:

My apologies.

NONE needed, none at all! I love who I am, and I don't even mind who I was, and it's perfectly OK to bring up. Just taking the deeeeeeeep meaning stuff off the thread so we can talk about firetrucks and blowing up all Parkaboy's expensive equipment. :D 

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13 minutes ago, Kuzzter said:

NONE needed, none at all! I love who I am, and I don't even mind who I was, and it's perfectly OK to bring up. Just taking the deeeeeeeep meaning stuff off the thread so we can talk about firetrucks and blowing up all Parkaboy's expensive equipment. :D 

OK, cool.

And speaking of blowing up stuff, I have to get going on my own game here, or I won't get anything posted today.... ttyl... :cool:

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... Asperger syndrome and autism are worldwide common syndromes of the male gender, if we know about it we can start "cure" ourselves. "Another male syndrome". We just think too much about lots of things, clearly we are slightly crazy sometimes. Sufficiant we know about it...
I consider myself temporary as somehow autistic, sure, nobody can realize that, and clearly, we are all trapped in our personal contiousness.
Life is not like a theatre, life is a theatre, people get realy crazy if they cannot handle this.
Matter of perspective and insight...

As i posted in parkaboys "mirrorstory"...

EPIC STORY :) The show must go on!

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On the subject of  pseudo-scientific shows, I can't really watch them after one case:

It was one of those forensic investigation shows (basically a clone of CSI) and the phrase that made me realize how it really is was: "I know that it can't be considered proof, but in the victim's blood we found metabolites of chloroform - carbon dioxide and hydrochloric acid."
If somebody doesn't really get it, there's plenty of CO2 solved in blood (mostly in form of hydrogencarbonate ion) and there's about 0,5% (per mass) chloride ions (which is the form hydrochloric acid will turn into in such conditions). Normally. That's why metabolites of chloroform can't make any distinguishable change and that's why it's completely undetectable after enough time has passed for it to metabolize.

Well, I'll rather watch sci-fi that openly admits having some laws of physics different, than something that pretends to be scientifically accurate, but is filled with such mistakes.


Speaking of which... with the spacetime distortion device shot down is the threat of further spreading anomalies finally neutralized (at least for now) or does it require getting Jeb and Bill back ASAP to avoid serious damage to Kerbfleet save as well?

Also, tin foil is outdated. I prefer my hat made of spacecraft multi-layer insulation.

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6 minutes ago, Alchemist said:

Speaking of which... with the spacetime distortion device shot down is the threat of further spreading anomalies finally neutralized (at least for now) or does it require getting Jeb and Bill back ASAP to avoid serious damage to Kerbfleet save as well?

Bill's not here right now to check the persistence, but I can certainly take a look. Hang on...


Yeah, that's not good. Hurry up, Bill!

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