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[1.3.1] Pood's OPM-VO (Outer Planets Mod - Visual Overhaul) [v0.3.5] [2017-09-23]


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As stated above by @nebuchadnezzar this mod is not compatible with SVE at this time as SVE is using an older version of EVE and as such the two mods do not display correctly with each other. I have spoken to Nhawks17 about this and will probably issue some pull requests to SVE's Git repo to get them up to the syntax used for the latest dev build of EVE so the two mods can coincide with each other.

On the topic of the bodies looking weird in the tracking station, this "bug" is reported over and over again with packs using Scatterer and I repeat...

For the Scatterer effect to apply, you have to have the active vessel loaded within the load range of the body specified within the Scatterer configs. At the Tracking Station, these visual effects do not apply.

I hope that clears a few things up.

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20 minutes ago, Poodmund said:

 I have spoken to Nhawks17 about this and will probably issue some pull requests to SVE's Git repo to get them up to the syntax used for the latest dev build of EVE so the two mods can coincide with each other.

So one day i can have all the nice things? I think i love you. Ps. I updated eve and got your stuff to work and I liked the old tekto better. lol you can't please everyone. 

Edited by Genolution
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On 8.5.2016 at 10:51 PM, Poodmund said:

Right update is out:


Due to some users having issues with compatibility, please find below a list of the dependencies and the current builds used to run OPM-VO.


I have been unexpectedly busy this weekend but I promised to get something out for testing a thoughts so here it is. Thatmo work is not included, Tekto has a horrid transition when going down through the atmo to the surface, but it looks great from orbit and when landed however, OPM-Tilt compatibility is not added back yet, volumetric clouds on Tekto are working placeholders at the moment... and some other stuff. But Giant Planet textures are updated and working well.

As always, thoughts and feedback are IMMENSELY appreciated.

As an aside, Sarnus now has a hexagonal, moving storm at its North Pole:

EDIT: It may sound above that I am a bit salty about the status of this release, true I would have preferred it to be a bit further along but I wanted to get something in all your hands to test out. Safe to say I'll be working on it over the coming weeks to bring it up to snuff.

Hi @Poodmund, great work you are doing there!

I installed it on KSP 1.1.2 and it appears to work as intended:

I have one thing that bothers me a bit, although that is due to... let's say "creative differences", I guess :wink:

I visited Tekto a while back with the OPMClouds mod (see the mod link below) and that version of Tekto was an impressive and intimidating beast of a planet in regards to its cloud configurations. You can see all of its glory in a video I made about it. I absolutely respect your interpretation of how Tekto should look like, but it feels almost tame compared to the "older" cloudy version with surface storms and whatnot. But you already mentioned that you still want to do work on Tekto, so I'm going to wait and see.

Anyhow, very happy with your work, please keep on modding :D


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11 hours ago, Genolution said:

So one day i can have all the nice things? I think i love you. Ps. I updated eve and got your stuff to work and I liked the old tekto better. lol you can't please everyone. 

It seems that everyone is liking different aspects and have varying opinions. I might be swayed to go with a happy medium somewhere between the two and see what the opinions are on that. 

10 hours ago, ShadowZone said:

Hi @Poodmund, great work you are doing there!

I installed it on KSP 1.1.2 and it appears to work as intended:

I have one thing that bothers me a bit, although that is due to... let's say "creative differences", I guess :wink:

I visited Tekto a while back with the OPMClouds mod (see the mod link below) and that version of Tekto was an impressive and intimidating beast of a planet in regards to its cloud configurations. You can see all of its glory in a video I made about it. I absolutely respect your interpretation of how Tekto should look like, but it feels almost tame compared to the "older" cloudy version with surface storms and whatnot. But you already mentioned that you still want to do work on Tekto, so I'm going to wait and see.

Anyhow, very happy with your work, please keep on modding :D

Eleusis La Arwall's cloud configs for OPM are the reason I am making this mod. I used it with AVP-EoO and when EVE updated to the new-EVE and they no longer worked I decided, "well, someone has to do it, might as well be me". So my stuff is heavily inspired by that mod. The main difference with how Tekto looked and worked in that mod was the "Planetary Glow" that used to be easy to accomplish and implement in the old-EVE and was heavily used for Tekto. It is no longer able to successfully implement in the new-EVE but the 'feature' has migrated (somewhat) to Scatterer. Scatterer's style of this technique is implemented heavily on my Tekto but the altitude range of the 'fuzzy atmo' is nowhere near as great. I think thats the major difference. 

I will definitely be going through and modifying it heavily still as there is a lot more work to be done. I can probably make it a bit darker and menacing on the surface and going through the low alt. clouds, however, its important to remember Tekto's pressure curve:


You would hardly see any visibly thick atmo effects i.e. cloud or mist above 20km... and I do like to try and keep things slightly akin to their physical properties where possible.

Anyway, thank you all for your feedback and confirmation that the mod, indeed, does work when everything is installed as intended. :D I hope you're enjoying what is there so far.

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Poodmund answers that a few posts up. Short answer is not right now. However Poodmund said he might fix SVE so that we can. Perhaps if He/She see's enought requests, support, begging it will get done sooner rather than later. 

@Poodmund Just add me to the list of beggars. :)

Edited by Genolution
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12 hours ago, Poodmund said:

Eleusis La Arwall's cloud configs for OPM are the reason I am making this mod. I used it with AVP-EoO and when EVE updated to the new-EVE and they no longer worked I decided, "well, someone has to do it, might as well be me". So my stuff is heavily inspired by that mod. The main difference with how Tekto looked and worked in that mod was the "Planetary Glow" that used to be easy to accomplish and implement in the old-EVE and was heavily used for Tekto. It is no longer able to successfully implement in the new-EVE but the 'feature' has migrated (somewhat) to Scatterer. Scatterer's style of this technique is implemented heavily on my Tekto but the altitude range of the 'fuzzy atmo' is nowhere near as great. I think thats the major difference. 

I did the exact same thing minus creating my own replacement since I don't know how EVE works anymore, so thank you for doing this!  I totally agree on the fuzzy atmo, and I'm glad that you are trying to achieve it despite the technical limitations.  

I haven't been able to run 1.1.2 recently so things might be different than I'm seeing, but in posted images of 0.2.0  Tekto looks very blue in this version.  I saw your video of the auroras and it looks much greener there, is that what you're planning or does it just look different in the screenshots? Honestly not sure which one looks better, just curious.

Speaking of auroras, I made some for Tekto when I made lightning .cfgs for Eleusis, but was reminded that Tekto is an analog to Titan, which doesn't have an aurora. 

Edited by Starbuckminsterfullerton
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On 5/10/2016 at 1:27 AM, Poodmund said:

As stated above by @nebuchadnezzar this mod is not compatible with SVE at this time as SVE is using an older version of EVE and as such the two mods do not display correctly with each other.

For the Scatterer effect to apply, you have to have the active vessel loaded within the load range of the body specified within the Scatterer configs. At the Tracking Station, these visual effects do not apply.

Probably a good idea to state that in the OP near the download button, it'll probably save you from having to mention it repeatedly. I'll usually read the last few pages of a mod before I install it, but I know that some people don't and if I hadn't looked then I'd probably end up thinking that something was broken after installing.

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11 hours ago, Starbuckminsterfullerton said:

I haven't been able to run 1.1.2 recently so things might be different than I'm seeing, but in posted images of 0.2.0  Tekto looks very blue in this version.  I saw your video of the auroras and it looks much greener there, is that what you're planning or does it just look different in the screenshots? Honestly not sure which one looks better, just curious.

Hmmm... I may well be down to the fact I was doing a lot of this late at night and I use f.lux (https://justgetflux.com/ - which I highly recommend for optical health) and I may have been colour compensating for the reddish shift in the hue of my monitor.

Next time I get some work done on it, I'll remember to turn f.lux off so I get a true colour representation. Thanks for the heads up.

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Just thought that I'd post in here to say that @Nhawks17 has merged my pull requests into SVE to get it up to running the build of EVE that this mod uses... therefore, you should now be able to run SVE and OPM-VO side by side without any issues; link to Stock Visual Enhancements.

If this is the case, and you find any compatibility issues between the two, please inform me so that I can take a look into it further. I am under no impression that users of this mod will probably be running SVE or KSPRC (when it is released) and so I have to make a concerted effort to ensure compatibility of this mod and theirs. :D 

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19 hours ago, Diddly Feelerino said:

I have another question - when will the glorious Neidon textures be available for use? Not only that, but the Urlum and Sarnus equivalents as well?

They look magnificent!

Sarnus, Urlum and Neidon are pretty much the only bits in the latest release that are in a *Done* state. 

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12 minutes ago, Poodmund said:

Sarnus, Urlum and Neidon are pretty much the only bits in the latest release that are in a *Done* state. 

Allow me to clarify - by that I meant the Neidon textures seen in your profile picture there. At present they appear to not be visible on the map. Will they be added?

For example, this is my current Neidon texture using your latest release;


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On 5/20/2016 at 8:42 PM, Diddly Feelerino said:

When exiting the lower atmosphere of Tekto I get this....


So, is this normal for the mod, or is this Scatterer having an effect? This is during an eclipse by Sarnus.

Yeah Tekto is not in a *stable* working state at the moment because Scatterer is doing some funky things causing some issues as shown in your post. Its mainly down to it being such a small body so its hard to always get good visuals without some weird bits happening. I'll be working on fixing it soon.

22 hours ago, Schaufel said:

= Error 404

Which version should be used? Alternative link?

rbray recently removed the distribution files in the Git repository so the link died, here's a link to the latest pre-release as of 22/05/16: https://github.com/rbray89/EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements/releases/tag/PRE-1.1-3

18 hours ago, Beetlecat said:

Utterly gorgeous stuff. I just hyperedited myself around to see the new sights. Astonishing! :D

I didn't see in the OP or notes--but are shadows by/on rings not implemented yet? 

Unfortunately not, blackrack has expressed that he wishes to add this into Scatterer at some point in the future though.

17 hours ago, DarkGod said:

I suppose this needs updating before working with OPM 2.0 ?

PS: and great stuff ! :)

This mod should still function properly with OPM 2.0. However, if you have any issues please let me know.

10 hours ago, spacehorse said:

Dear, only to say thank you so much for the nice mod! :-)

After 2 Years back to the game is amazinmg to see what is possibel. BIG THANKS!

Thank you very much.


Well OPM 2.0 has been released so I should probably look to getting a release candidate out soon. I'm am going on holiday mid-June so my aim is to get this done before then.

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