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1.1 New Feature: Cutaway Interiors!


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1 hour ago, Malah said:

An useless feature which will just adds bug, why adds this and remove the communication/telemetries feature ...

That's pretty hard to judge without knowing how much work is involved in each. If this is a Unity 5 feature and the amount of code involved to get this to work was about five lines for a button handler, then you have your answer. I don't know how much work was involved in each, but perhaps you do!

My bet though, is that this didn't cost a lot of effort to code, and that Squad wanted to add some additional “sparkles” to have something “to show.” Because as much as everyone has their mouth full of “I wish they focus on just fixing the bugs,” you can be sure that “the community” as a whole will complain whenafter such a long time, the only things implemented in this upgrade are just the Unity 5 upgrade (with perceived but yet unproven stability of the Windows 64 bit client) and some bug fixes. If you don't believe me, compare the Windows calculator in XP and in Vista/8/10.

So, as Squad, you want something to show for. And this is one of those somethings.

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29 minutes ago, Kerbart said:
30 minutes ago, Kerbart said:

That's pretty hard to judge without knowing how much work is involved in each. If this is a Unity 5 feature and the amount of code involved to get this to work was about five lines for a button handler, then you have your answer. I don't know how much work was involved in each, but perhaps you do!

My bet though, is that this didn't cost a lot of effort to code, and that Squad wanted to add some additional “sparkles” to have something “to show.” Because as much as everyone has their mouth full of “I wish they focus on just fixing the bugs,” you can be sure that “the community” as a whole will complain whenafter such a long time, the only things implemented in this upgrade are just the Unity 5 upgrade (with perceived but yet unproven stability of the Windows 64 bit client) and some bug fixes. If you don't believe me, compare the Windows calculator in XP and in Vista/8/10.

So, as Squad, you want something to show for. And this is one of those somethings.

That's pretty hard to judge without knowing how much work is involved in each. If this is a Unity 5 feature and the amount of code involved to get this to work was about five lines for a button handler, then you have your answer. I don't know how much work was involved in each, but perhaps you do!

My bet though, is that this didn't cost a lot of effort to code, and that Squad wanted to add some additional “sparkles” to have something “to show.” Because as much as everyone has their mouth full of “I wish they focus on just fixing the bugs,” you can be sure that “the community” as a whole will complain whenafter such a long time, the only things implemented in this upgrade are just the Unity 5 upgrade (with perceived but yet unproven stability of the Windows 64 bit client) and some bug fixes. If you don't believe me, compare the Windows calculator in XP and in Vista/8/10.

So, as Squad, you want something to show for. And this is one of those somethings.

don't know, i have windows 7 :P,

on my side i will far more prefer “I wish they focus on just fixing the bugs” , and if the 1.1 is bugfree, release the rest of the content soon(tm) !

if not what will happen? retire the new features until they are debuged (too late we could have tested it)? take a longer time on beta?

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10 minutes ago, Skalou said:

don't know, i have windows 7 :P,

on my side i will far more prefer “I wish they focus on just fixing the bugs” ,

The story is that the Windows calculator got a major upgrade. Accuracy was doubled (or even beyond that), it could handle much larger numbers, a couple of long standing calculation bugs (every calculator has them) were fixed etc. Basically the entire calculator was overhauled, except the interface. Same thing for Notepad. As simple as it is, the newer versions can handle much larger files than the old version.

And yet, the standard complaint about them is Microsoft hasn't done anything with them since Windows XP. Ironically that complaint goes hand in hand with the only improvements are optical, they don't change anything underneath the hood. Welcome to the fun world of software development. :)

So yes, you would rather see bug fixes and nothing else. But that doesn't cut it for “the average user,” which is who you have to take into account when you're running a business and you want to keep it running.

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Been reading this today and I agree with those who say that without navigable IVAs it is fluff, without merit. With it would be a nice feature. Now, If this causes lag I think I will have an aneurism though. The absolute LAST thing this game needs is a minor feature that causes lag.. It would be a serious mistake by Squad to lose performance for a pointless feature.

Some have said it would be the end of clipping, I disagree. If this feature even has navigable IVAs I most likely will use it once then not bother ever again. I would in fact ask some modders to work on a way to REMOVE this feature for the sake of performance.

 See-through windows and canopies would be awesome I just think the whole idea of seeing inside like that is pointless.

Edited by Majorjim
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1 hour ago, AlanP said:

I would find this useful, to see where my kerbal is on my station. That way I don't have to guess where they are.

Why would you not know where they are? You put them there. Just saying.

This will 100% be toggle-able. See-through windows have not been confirmed. Personally I would prefer that over the look inside the thing you know what looks like inside.. Again, if this causes extra lag then it is a massive waste of time.

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30 minutes ago, Majorjim said:

Why would you not know where they are? You put them there. Just saying.

You have a far better memory than I. You can remember where you put all your Kerbals in a ground station you've not visited in (real-life) months? I usually can't remember where people are on the LAUNCH PAD.

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Poor squad. This community is sometimes a bit like a fickle lover. Love and indifference in equal measure.

Squad introduces new feature which they have invested at least some time on, only to have it rejected by the community, or questions about why they didn't implement something else instead. It has ever been thus.  

I love it, I think it looks cool. Here are a dozen roses.

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Just now, 5thHorseman said:

You have a far better memory than I. You can remember where you put all your Kerbals in a ground station you've not visited in (real-life) months? I usually can't remember where people are on the LAUNCH PAD.

He he. I see your point. :D

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1 minute ago, Tourist said:

Poor squad. This community is sometimes a bit like a fickle lover. Love and indifference in equal measure.

Squad introduces new feature which they have invested at least some time on, only to have it rejected by the community, or questions about why they didn't implement something else instead. It has ever been thus.  

It's almost like everyone here is an individual with their own opinions and tastes given a forum to express said opinions and tastes.

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Just now, Tourist said:

Poor squad. This community is sometimes a bit like a fickle lover. Love and indifference in equal measure.

Squad introduces new feature which they have invested at least some time on, only to have it rejected by the community, or questions about why they didn't implement something else instead. It has ever been thus.  

I love it, I think it looks cool. Here a dozen roses.

It is better for everyone, squad included to have a balance of opinion. And nope, squad spent very little effort on this, it was developed by a modder.

Edited by Majorjim
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16 minutes ago, regex said:

It's almost like everyone here is an individual with their own opinions and tastes given a forum to express said opinions and tastes.

Oh, by no means am I suggesting that people should not speak their mind, or accept unquestionably Squads decision's. What would be the fun in that? 

I'm merely sympathizing. By now they must approach the announcement of any new feature with a degree of trepidation, followed by deflation.      


15 minutes ago, Majorjim said:

It is better for everyone squad included to have a balance of opinion. And nope, squad spent very little effort on this, it was developed by a modder.

True, but the still had to work it into the code, and decide it was a thing that they thought people would like in the first place. At the very least there would have been some investment, emotionally, in the decision in the hope it would make people happy. 

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Yes it looks quite cool, but not a big deal for me from what I've seen so far, though I may change my mind once I've played with it and seen how it works and exactly what it does.

On the face of it, it seems a bit like the destructible buildings introduction.  In itself it didn't do much, and was a bit pointless when it was first included, but it was the first step to upgradeable facilities etc. which is now a key part of the career system.  So maybe, like that, this is the first step in a series of related features that need, or would benefit from, that type of function.

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I think people will use this more than they think. I think for anyone with a complex program doing a lot of transfers it will be great to see where everyone is at a glance, just like you can bring up bars to see where fuel is at a glance. There's also just the immersion factor, seeing vessels as real spaces rather than just shells. Saying these have no function is like saying IVA's have no function. 

Edited by Pthigrivi
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This serves no practical purpose? 

True. Just like the crew portraits in the lower right, it's there to create and emphasize the feeling that there's actually somebody flying around in your ships. :D

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On 3/10/2016 at 4:13 AM, 731destroyer said:

I think this is one of the most useless feature coming in 1.1

May be, but the eye wants something as well. And if it is entertaining, it can be very usefull.

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1 hour ago, Pthigrivi said:

I think people will use this more than they think. I think for anyone with a complex program doing a lot of transfers it will be great to see where everyone is at a glance, just like you can bring up bars to see where fuel is at a glance. There's also just the immersion factor, seeing vessels as real spaces rather than just shells. Saying these have no function is like saying IVA's have no function. 

right now, IVA has no function at all beyond seeing what the kerbals are seeing. You cannot roam your vessel in IVA. Right now, this cutaway "feature" is 100% USELESS. 100% WASTE OF DEVELOPMENT TIME. This is a feature that, frankly has no worth what so bloody ever. It just shows that, in all honesty, their developmental priorities are SKEWED in the absolute WORST direction possible. I say this, because right now, we have other things that need attention, fixing bugs, fixing other issues. not implementing the most pointless feature ever. NOW, with that said, IF this is some hint at being able to move around in IVA come 1.1 then, I will publicly retract my dissonant statement, but, until such a thing is 100% swear on a bible in court under oath proven, then, i am utterly dismayed at the fact they have wasted time on frivolity over actual needed work. Torches are to my right, pitchforks to my left.

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